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Copyright © 2017 Daniel James Kitinoja

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Academic year: 2023

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Talk Sheet Assessment Tool” (appendix 1) which reviewed various aspects of the “Talk Sheets”, such as biblical accuracy and ease of use. The survey was administered for the first time at the beginning of the discipleship training and equipping seminar. The pre-project survey was conducted at the beginning of the home discipleship and equipment training seminar.

These expectations are justified for Paul because the members of the household are "in the Lord" (Ephesians 6:1, 4). The example of the “Talk Sheet” (Appendix 4) was also stapled to the “Talk Sheet Assessment Tool” (Appendix 1) and then given to the expert panelists prior to worship on the morning of the seminar. After the surveys were collected, the Home Discipleship Training and Equipping Seminar manuscript was read.

Participants were asked to keep their copy of the sample “Talk Sheet” for future reference. At the seminar, it was explained how to use the "conversation sheets". They also discussed the biblical command of parents to teach their children. The "Home Discipleship Seminar Survey" (Appendix 2) was administered following the completion of the Home Discipleship Equipping and Training Seminar.

The goal of the first week's "Talk Sheet" was to help both parents and students grow in their understanding of This marked a significant improvement over the first week's "Talk Sheet". The final step in week two was to send an email to the parents who attended the Home Discipleship Training and Equipment Seminar. The "Talk Sheets" all met with approval from the panel of experts, who rated every aspect of the "Talk Sheet" as "exemplary (4)".

The practice of having an additional editor proofread the "Talk Page" continued for the duration of the project. All the aspects received the approval of the expert panel who rated each aspect of the "Discussion sheet" either "adequate (3)" or "exemplary (4)". The "Chat Page" all met the approval of the expert panel who rated every aspect of the "Chat Page" as "exemplary (4)".

The survey was initially administered at the beginning of the training and discipleship workshop before the implementation phase of the project.

Table 1. Response rankings for part 1  Response rankings for survey questions:
Table 1. Response rankings for part 1 Response rankings for survey questions:

Test Results and Interpretation

This tool assesses various aspects of the "Talk Sheets", such as biblical and theological accuracy. The first strength of the ministry project was that it can be reproduced in other ministry contexts. The second strength of the project was that the initiatives fit well within the normal schedule of activities of the First Baptist Church of Ellington.

First, it simply involves continuing and further developing the initiatives undertaken in this ministry project to equip families to disciple their children. A fourth strength of the project was that the weekly completion of the 'Discussion Sheet Assessment Tool' (appendix 1) provided ongoing and updated feedback on this. Talk sheet.” This feedback from the panel of experts made it possible to make the necessary adjustments to the "Discussion Sheets" throughout the duration of the ten-week project.

The first change I would make is directly related to the major weakness of the project. So, in case of absence, one or more of the substitutes could complete the "Talk Sheet Assessments Tool" (Appendix 1) in their place. The other thing I would do differently would be to interview some of the parents who participated in the study.

As an extension of the great commission, Christian parents are called to make disciples of their children (Ephesians 6:4). More than one parent used the "Talk Sheet" for each week of the ten-week project implementation period. This pastoral concern for the needs of parents and students was maintained throughout the project.

Specifically, parents' perceptions of their children's receptivity to their discipleship efforts need to be studied. This assessment tool has been created to measure the usefulness of the weekly Talk Sheet. The home discipleship seminar helped me understand the church's role in disciplining my children.

Parental Perceptions Survey

The research in which you will participate is designed to equip parents. In this survey, you will provide feedback on your attitudes, perspective, and practices regarding discipling your children. Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and at no time will your name be reported or your name identified with your responses.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any time. By completing this survey, you are giving your informed consent to the use of your answers in this research. Instructions: Please circle the value that best corresponds to your opinion for each evaluation point.

In order for the survey to provide the necessary information and to ensure anonymity, please identify yourself by indicating your date of birth and gender. When my child spontaneously asks a biblical or theological question, I really wish that my child would have asked a minister or other church leader instead of me. I want to do whatever it takes for my child to succeed in certain sports or school activities - even if that means some weeks my family is too busy to eat any meals together.

Parents, and especially fathers, have a responsibility to personally engage in a discipleship process with each of their children.

Parental Practices Survey

How many times has my family attended any family devotional or worship time in our home in the past two months. 8 For if these qualities are yours and increase, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. This can be a challenge because we have learned to think, speak, act and do things as people who are not in God's family.

These activities are called spiritual disciplines, and they are tools that God uses to transform us so that we live as we are in God's family. Their success as a player and the contributions they make to their new team will be largely determined by their ability to learn the new team's way of doing things. In this passage, what seems to be God's goal in saving us according to this verse 10.

You might say, "I think verse 10 says that God's purpose in saving us was for us to do good works." You might say something like this: "I think these two verses say that God's desire for Christians is for them to be fruitful and do good works." On Your Walk: Both the parent and student should give their perspective on the following questions.

2 "Honor your father and mother", which is the first commandment with a promise, 3 "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth". 4 Fathers, do not anger your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ask your student to help you be faithful to the Lord by actively participating in the discussion. That the future generation may praise the Lord." Family Ministry Journal 1 (Autumn/Winter.

Bring them up in the discipline and instructions of the Lord.” The Journal of Family Ministry 1 (Fall/Winter.


Table 1. Response rankings for part 1  Response rankings for survey questions:
Table 2. Response rankings for part 2  Rankings for Survey Questions 9-14:


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