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Copyright © 2020 Eric Howard Webster


Academic year: 2023

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This project was primarily the result of God's refinement in my heart and life. I am grateful to our Lord for the path he has led me on and for opening my eyes to the plight of the lost and to the joy of his grace and salvation.

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All authority in Heaven and Earth has been given to me." The whole universe is embraced in the authority delegated to him. Blomberg says, “The first of these tasks is a once-for-all, decisive initiation into the Christian community. No one was excluded, only added, as reaching "the nations" would require expanding far beyond Israel and the scope of the Jews.

For the old to truly "pass away and be made new," the reverse must be true. Fee tries to explain Paul's confusing use of "time". The Christian is already living in the "end times" or "last times". The Christian witness must not promote ideas or opinions such as "Gospel truth".1 Failure to evaluate the understanding of faith can lead to such false teachings.

One such title is "The Vicar of Christ." The Pope (under the Catechism of the Catholic Church), is the voice of Christ.

Synopsis: Introduction

The video format emerged as a viable option to provide the most content in an assessable and sustainable manner. The video library will aim to contain at least six hours to provide a comparable amount of content to a standard weekly Bible study. The video topics chosen for the initial library provide foundational information, such as the Bible, the gospel, and the church.

Videos were written, shot and edited over eight months, with an emphasis on maintaining an average running time of less than fifteen minutes. The result was a library of twenty-three videos uploaded to YouTube with a running time of just under six hours.

Synopsis: The Bible

Synopsis: Translations

Synopsis: How Do I Answer That?

Synopsis: Spiritual Triage

Synopsis: Translators

Synopsis: Gnostic Gospels

Synopsis: Canon

Synopsis: Copycat Religions

The video explains the common characteristics allegedly shared between Horus, Dionysus, Attis, Mithra, Osiris, Krishna and Jesus Christ. Next, the lesson focuses on the failure of false gods to share Christ's supposed attribute. Also, the false gods in question exhibit a misinterpretation (or exaggeration) that led to the comparison with Jesus.

The video concludes with a look at prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ and challenges readers to research other gods in mythology and compare them to the person of Jesus.

Synopsis: The Apocrypha

Synopsis: Mistakes in the Bible

Synopsis: Lost Books

Synopsis: Manuscripts

Synopsis: Denominations

In conclusion, the video takes each of the faiths mentioned and evaluates their beliefs and practices.

Synopsis: Worldview

Synopsis: Resurrection

Synopsis: The Only Way to Heaven

Synopsis: Age of the Earth Debate

Synopsis: Catholicism A

Synopsis: Catholicism B

Synopsis: The Gospel

Synopsis: Salvation Topics

Synopsis: Request for Participation

This site provided an automated project without the time constraints of traditional Bible studies. First, the purpose of the project will be evaluated by comparing the proposed design with the final results. Third, the strengths and weaknesses of the project will be reviewed along with a suggestion of changes if I were to run the project again, along with plans for further expansion of 315Faith.

One idea was the essential need for knowledge and understanding of God's Word. 315Faith developed a gospel-centered apologetics instructional service available to TBC that fulfills the proposed goal of the project. The first goal was to assess the current level of apologetic knowledge and evangelical competence of the TBC membership.

The results of the paired samples t-test revealed an average increase of 0.03 points on the post-test. An increase in participant knowledge, as shown through the t-test analysis of the entry and exit surveys, was statistically insignificant. Without the creation of the curriculum, the production of the video library would have suffered a greater degree of difficulty in completion.

The next strength of the project worth noting was the multifaceted approach to presentation. Another change to facilitate a smoother user experience was the addition of the 315Faith website. A group of invested participants, with understood expectations, would have been a better measure of the project's performance.

Would Do Differently


Second, the Scripture and reading/video resources from the previous week help reinforce the lesson topic. This passage, chosen for relevance to the information covered in the lesson, serves as an introduction to the teaching. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem as well as in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

This collection is not exhaustive, but it is safe to say that most of the students have already or will soon encounter these topics and discussions. This "Apologetic Purpose" section should provide a quick layman's "reason". for why this topic is important, why there is an argument or disagreement with Christianity, and how the Bible addresses it. They will refuse to listen or consider Christ because the Bible seems so fictional to them.

Some people will never hear the bible described as authentic, much less hear the evidence in favor of the scriptures. When Christians know and can defend the authenticity of the Bible, we can remove this stumbling block from unbelievers. When the lesson calls for more advanced vocabulary, define terms and explain them clearly.

The world outside the church does not speak Christian (slang and expression commonly used by Christians). This part of the discussion should focus on how knowing this week's lesson can help remove the stumbling blocks so that people can see Jesus clearly. This book is an easy read with plenty of answers to the typical questions a believer often hears about the Bible.


Christ paid for the sin of the world by being the perfect sacrifice that provided salvation for all who repent and confess Jesus as Lord. We will try to answer the question: "Why do you believe what you believe?" Then we will look at how we can use this knowledge to help others come to know Christ. As we proclaim this truth, we must also protect the integrity of the gospel from false teachings while correcting misconceptions.

Since believers are called to always be ready to defend our faith, the purpose of these lessons is to introduce these issues and ideas. Learn what Christianity is and how this faith differs from other beliefs and faiths around the world. We must serve others and share the good news of the gospel with all who will listen.

The classmate claims they don't know what to believe, but when it comes to the church and the Bible, she says, "I can't bring myself to believe in something that science has proven false, you know?" do you respond to her. If not, how would you show that her science has not proven Christianity to be a false belief? Ironically, it is Christianity that promotes "loving your neighbor." The world naturally rebels against this idea.

Many miss the Grace of Salvation and God's fellowship because of misunderstandings or false teachings about the Bible, Christianity or God himself. How can you take what they learned today and minister to others for the gospel. Since the first lesson has been within this write-up, the following provides a synopsis of the remaining forty-three lessons.

Synopsis: Overview of the Church

Synopsis: Denominations

Synopsis: The Trinity

Synopsis: God the Father

Synopsis: The Holy Spirit

Synopsis: Jesus Christ

Synopsis: The Good News

Synopsis: The Crucifixion

Synopsis: The Resurrection

Synopsis: Old Testament – Part One

Synopsis: Old Testament – Part Two

Synopsis: New Testament – Part One

Synopsis: New Testament – Part Two

Synopsis: Holy Canon of Scripture

Synopsis: End Times – Week One

Synopsis: End Times – Week Two

The lesson concludes with a view of the eternal state after the millennial reign, the new heavens and the new earth.

Synopsis: Sanctity of Life

Synopsis: Excluded Books from the Bible

Synopsis: Creation & Age of the Earth

The lesson begins with a review of the first eleven chapters of Genesis to establish the concept of creation. Additionally, the study and debate on the age of the earth with discussions and explanations of new and old ideas of the earth.

Synopsis: Creation & Intelligent Design

Synopsis: Creation & Evolution

Synopsis: “Living Out Faith in Culture

Synopsis: Worldviews, Religions, & Philosophy

Synopsis: Judaism

Synopsis: Islam – Week One

Synopsis: Islam – Week Two

Synopsis: Catholicism – Week One

Synopsis: Catholicism – Week Two

Synopsis: A Slave to Nothing

Synopsis: Atheist / Agnostic

Synopsis: Absolute Truth

Synopsis: Sexuality in the Bible

Synopsis: Cultural Movement in Sexuality

This point looks at those who have strayed from the path of God's design and reinforces that God offers forgiveness and new beginnings through repentance and grace.

Synopsis: Rough Side of the Bible

Synopsis: Cults

In closing, the lesson discusses how so many people who want to discover life and fulfillment outside of God are drawn to these worldviews.

Synopsis: The Occult

Synopsis: Is Christianity a Copycat Religion

Synopsis: The Problem of Evil

Synopsis: Our Commission



Test Question 1: Why are Christians so sure that the only true God is the God of the Bible? With so many translations over the years, how can Christianity claim to understand the original message of the Bible. Five of the sixteen responses used spoken words or talking points presented in the 315Faith material.

As with some of the previous questions in the review, a few people responded with scripture. Structured Question 5: Having undergone so many translations over the years, how can Christianity claim to understand the original message of the Bible. So if I were to talk to someone about it, I would make it very personal and talk about how I believe in the God of the Bible and the things He has done for me in my life.

Also, what are your favorite parts of the Bible from what you have read. And, you know, then, for me it's a thing that I've been through and you learn about this topic or that topic or you learn about a lot of the Bible and the manuscripts and you know these things, but how do you have those conversations. I will ask them, "How much of the Bible have you read?" You know, because you can kind of say it.

Good deal... In the Old Testament we live in a time where we, it's called, we live in the Age of Grace, because we have Jesus, we live on the other side of the cross. Wow, you are one of the few people who answers such questions. OK, here's one; Why are Christians so sure that there is only one God and that it is the God of the Bible?

How can you be so sure it is the God of the Bible and not one of these other religions or that there is still a creator we have never heard of. That's one of the great things about Christianity, you have that faith in your heart.

Table A4. Average responses to survey question 4: The early Church   impeded the translation of Scripture into common languages
Table A4. Average responses to survey question 4: The early Church impeded the translation of Scripture into common languages


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Table A4. Average responses to survey question 4: The early Church   impeded the translation of Scripture into common languages
Table A5. Average responses to survey question 5: Churches can   have differences and still share in worship
Table A13. Average responses to survey question 13: It is difficult to  distinguish Christianity from other beliefs


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You feel great that you are at the center of God’s will; you know his wind is at your back; you know his angel is running before you; you finally know what you are made for, and you