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Copyright © 2021 Shane Patrick Drury

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Academic year: 2023

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I am grateful that you allowed me to stay with you when I came to Southern for each of my doctoral seminars. Finally, I am grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who loved me and gave his life for me.


Second, the premarital curriculum that Bay Life currently uses teaches unbiblical ideas about the condition of the human heart that needs to be corrected. The effectiveness of this project was determined by three goals.5 The first goal was to develop a six-week premarital curriculum using biblical counseling principles.

Marriage As The Plan Of God

Is God's ultimate purpose for marriage the emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy that a man and woman share together in marriage. It was not good and a fundamental shortcoming that limited Adam from fulfilling God's ultimate purpose for him in this way; Therefore, God created a helper for Adam to help him image and gloriously display the triune nature of God.

The Pattern For Marriage

Marriage is God's plan created with the ultimate purpose of glorifying Him through husbands and wives after the pattern of Christ and His bride. Likewise, sin and selfishness prevent husbands and wives from glorifying God in their marriage. God's plan, pattern, and purpose for marriage can be thwarted by the prevention of sin and selfish desires in the hearts of husbands and wives.

In the beginning, God laid out a plan for the complementary roles of husbands and wives in marriage. How husbands and wives can practically apply God's plan, pattern, and purpose for roles in marriage. The last thing that can prevent husbands and wives from leaving their parents and becoming one is the sin and selfishness of their parents.

God created sex with many purposes that husbands and wives must practically seek to fulfill. The pattern of sex in marriage that God set forth for husbands and wives to follow is the relationship between Christ and His bride. A fifth and final issue that can prevent married couples from fulfilling God's purposes for sex in marriage is other underlying issues between husbands and wives.

The Preventer and Power and Parent Relationships for the Glory of God Parent Relationships for the Glory of God

In the same way, I explained that as our understanding of Christ's love for us grows, it will have more control over our lives, freeing us more and more from sinful desires and forcing us to love God and our spouse for God's sake. honor to love I then used the Cross Chart5 to demonstrate how our understanding and awe of Christ's love for us can continually increase as our understanding of our sinfulness and God's holiness continues to increase.6 This results in the cross and the power of the gospel becoming greater. become in our hearts that empower us to live for God rather than ourselves. I then moved on to parental relationships in marriage and tried to apply the plan, pattern, purpose, prevention and power framework to this topic.

From here I moved on to God's ultimate purpose for parental relationships in marriage, which is to glorify themselves when husband and wife leave their parents and enter into a new one-carnal union that exhibits the glorious covenantal love of Christ and His Bride. We then discussed how husband and wife should practically apply this plan, pattern, and purpose to parental relationships in marriage. When these things happen, God's plan, pattern, and purpose for parental relationships will be hindered.

I concluded this lesson by discussing the power available to men and women to overcome this sin and selfishness which is the power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit.

Gender Roles in Marriage for the Glory of God the Glory of God

The spouse must physically provide by taking primary responsibility for providing for their physical needs. After talking about the husband's role, I moved on to how the wife should practically apply her marital role in everyday life. She does this by being her husband's fit helper, submitting to him as the church must submit to Christ (Ephesians 5:22-24).

As her husband's suitable helper, the wife must also use her gifts to help her husband make decisions and make their home a place of encouragement as she helps her husband carry out God's purposes for their marriage. When husbands and wives allow selfish desires to rule their hearts and use their roles in marriage to serve themselves in these ways, God's plan and pattern for gender roles in marriage will not be followed and will prevent God's ultimate purpose for gender roles become I concluded this lesson by discussing how the gospel and the Holy Spirit give us the strength to overcome sin and selfishness so that we can fulfill these roles to God's glory.

But as we continue to grow in our knowledge of God's holiness and our sin, the cross becomes greater for us and empowers us to fulfill our roles in marriage to God's glory.

Sex in Marriage for the Glory of God of God

After that, we discussed how husbands and wives practically apply this plan, pattern, and goals for sex in marriage every day. This includes following God and each other's heart instead of sex alone, both husband and wife initiate sex often, almost always agreeing to sex when your spouse initiates it, having fun and enjoying the process, and making time for have sex often. We then moved on to what prevents a man and a woman from having sex in a marriage that glorifies God.

This can manifest in sex in many different ways, such as the false belief that sex is impure or dirty, guilt over past sexual sin, selfish use of sex, misunderstanding a spouse's sexual desires, and other underlying issues such as conflicts over finances or parenting . . When husbands and wives allow sin to rule their hearts in these ways, selfishness will rule their bodies and their sex lives, preventing them from fulfilling God's plan, pattern and. I drew the three-tree sanctification model11 based on Luke 6:43-45 to show that continued faith and repentance in the gospel of Jesus Christ, along with the reading of the scriptures and the power of the Holy Spirit, can change the desires and beliefs of our hearts, which can change our decisions and actions.12 Related to sex in marriage, this includes believing that sex is good and clean rather than dirty or impure, believing that past sexual sin is forgiven and for which there is now no condemnation.

When a husband and wife are empowered by the gospel and the Holy Spirit in this way, sex in marriage will follow God's plan and pattern and fulfill his purposes for sex.

Communication in Marriage for the Glory of God for the Glory of God

When Christ is most desired and is the ruler of our hearts, he will also rule our mouth and our words. The good roots in our hearts, which desire Christ above all else, will bear good fruit, words that will point our husbands to Christ. I then shared some practical principles for communication in marriage, including making time each day to share each other's worries and concerns, showing genuine concern for each other's thoughts (Rom 12:9), listening quickly and speaking slowly (Jam 1:9). 19), and not complain but instead express gratitude (Eph 5:4).

I explained that when we have a word problem, we really have a deeper heart problem because our words merely reveal what we desire in our hearts (Luke 6:45). When selfish desires begin to rule our hearts, sin will also rule in our mouths, and our purpose in communicating will move from seeking to glorify God to seeking to obtain what we selfishly desire. I then said that the power to overcome this sin and selfishness is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

The path to redeeming communication is inside out and begins with the heart.13 I once again drew the three-tree model of sanctification and discussed how a resulting gospel fear proceeded.

Finances in Marriage for the Glory of God Glory of God

Marriage for the Glory of God” was designed to prepare young couples and singles at Bay Life Church for marriage. Marriage for the Glory of God." The class introduced these young singles and couples to the plan, pattern, purpose, power, and prevention of biblical marriage. 55 percent of participants agreed or strongly agreed that they had a strong biblical understanding of God's plan for marriage.

Fifty-five percent also agreed or strongly agreed that they knew God's pattern for marriage. Eleven percent of the participants agreed or strongly agreed that they knew how a marriage could fulfill God's ultimate purpose of glorifying him in marriage. The title of the lesson was "Marriage in the Glory of God" and its main purpose was to equip the participants to glorify God with their future marriages.

The project's first strength was the primary focus on God's glory.

Table 1. Pre- and post-project marital assessment results sample
Table 1. Pre- and post-project marital assessment results sample

Would Do Differently


The survey you are about to participate in is designed to establish your current understanding of biblical marriage. This research is being conducted by Shane Drury with the aim of collecting data for a government department project. In this survey, you answer questions before the project and answer the same questions at the end of the project.

All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and your name will never be published or your name identified with your answers. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any time. By completing this survey, you are giving your informed consent to the use of your answers in this research.

General Questions

As a woman, I understand how to fulfill my role in marriage (If you are a man, do not answer). I know where I can find passages of Scripture about how married couples can have sex that glorifies God.


Results of statutory assessment before and after the project. Question Pre-project MA Change after the project.

Table A3. Pre- and post-project marital assessment results  Question  Pre-project MA  Post-Project MA  Change
Table A3. Pre- and post-project marital assessment results Question Pre-project MA Post-Project MA Change



Marriage in the Life and Theology of John Gill, Samuel Stennett, and Andrew Fuller." PhD diss., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015. This project was designed to develop and implement a premarital counseling curriculum using biblical counseling principles at Bay Life Church in Brandon, Florida. The process involves assessing the knowledge of biblical marriage in newly married couples, engaged couples and young singles and implementing a premarital curriculum using biblical counseling principles.


Table 1. Pre- and post-project marital assessment results sample
Table A1. T-test: Paired two sample for means
Table A3. Pre- and post-project marital assessment results  Question  Pre-project MA  Post-Project MA  Change
Figure A1. The cross chart 1


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