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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh






Dina Anggraini *)

**) Lili Perpisa dan **) Elmiati Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara disiplin siswa dan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelas XII.IPS di SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah korelasional. Populasi yang diteliti adalah siswa kelas XII. IPS dengan teknik pengambilan simple random sampling dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 126 siswa yang ada dikelas XII. IPS SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Kab. Padang Pariaman. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi, kemudian di analisis dengan mengggunakan rumus Product Moment Correlation.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) nilai hubungan disiplin siswa dan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa IPS sebesar = 0,436 dengan tingkat hubungan sedang, (2) nilai hubungan dari r – hitung = 4 dengan level signifikan (α) = 0,05. Hasil dari r – tabel = 1,6730 dengan level signifikan (α) = 0,05 dan degree of freedom ( df = n -2 ). Ini berarti r – hitung lebih tinggi dari pada r – tabel ( 4 > 1,6730 ), maka hipotesis pada penelitian ini diterima, (3) nilai hubungan disiplin siswa dengan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 16 : t – hitung = 4,057 > t – table 1,6730, maka hipotesis pada penelitian ini diterima, (4) hasil deskriptif analisis menunjukkan bahwa disiplin siswa kelas XII. IPS berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 73 %, dan hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelas XII. IPS berada pada kategori cukup dengan persentase 75%. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Disiplin siswa mempengaruhi hasil belajar bahasa Inggris siswa.

Kata kunci: Discipline, English Learning Outcome

*) Penulis

**) Pembimbing


Discipline is not only important for teachers but also for students. It is needed by students in teaching and learning process, especially in English subject. The students who have discipline, they will obey the rules because they are not far from the rules in learning English. Then, the students who have discipline will have a quality time for learning and they will be a good person.

They have motivation in studying. They can get the good score. They do not distrub their friends in teaching and learning English process.

Next, discipline is done by individual to achieve goals in education. This definition is supported by Ontario ( 2006:8). It means

that the goals help individual to develops self-control and has a sense of responsibility. According to Darmawan ( 2010: 88), self control is an ability to take an action based on its own initiative without depends onothers. Nonetheless, self-control has a sense responsibility. The students who have self-control, they are able to avoids action or negative behavior. Thus, they who have discipline will not break the rule in education, and a way to achieve goals in education like producing the student’s achievement, the school which has quality, and the others.

In addition, The researcher provides some characteristics of discipline to know students what are they have discipline. It is


2 explained by some experts. They are : Firstly, Eng (2011:10) mentions that the students who have discipline, they should be always be obedience with rule and law, and accomplish the culture values. Secondly, Suwanto (2010:48) has same opinion with Eng about students discipline. He adds that students discipline are always on time, making an assigment, and obeying the rules well. Thirdly, Ontorio (2006:42) argues that aspects of discipline are learning how to behave , solve the problem, deal with frustation and co – operate with others.

Based on the explanation above, there are some aspects of discipline such as obedience, responsibility, on time, accomplish the culture values, solve the problem, deal with frustation, and co-operate with others.

Learning outcome is the score which is gotten by the students toward a certain subject. In this research, the subject means English subject. It is students’ final score from evalution during learning English. It has measurement which is decided by the school and the teachers. It is called the standard set minimum completeness (KKM).

Furthermore, learning outcome is as student’s achieving in teaching and learning process. It is supported by Bach et al (2007:

81) defines that learning outcome is specific measurable achievements. It means that, it describes successfulness of the teacher to do the duty, and the result from participation of students in teaching and learning process.

Then , to know it, the teachers have standar set minimum to measure students’

achievement. The standar set minimum from every teachers are different because they have criterion from every subject. The students who are able to achieve it, so they are success in learning process.

In fact, during the researcher has done practice teaching at XI.3 class of major social (IPS) SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam in 2013/2014 Academic Years, the researcher found many phenomenons. The first, there was a student came late to the class when the teaching and learning process in English subject during at 10 or 15 minutes and more times. It often happen at the first time of class and after having a rest. Then, many students went out when changing the time of the lesson. Sometimes, there was a student absent without permission. The last, many students did not do homework. When teaching and learning process, some students

did not pay attention or they were busy doing their own activities.

Besides the phenomenon above, there is a problem with the students’ English learning outcome at XI.3 class of second grade social studies (IPS) in SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam. Many students have gotten low of learning outcome in learning English. It is indicated by the learning achievement that has not reached the standard set minimum completeness (KKM) of English subject is 75. The students have reached the standard set minimum are 28 % from 32 students.Based on the phenomenons and problem above, the researcher interests to do the research.

Based on the problem above, the researcher formulates the problem into: “ Is there any correlation between students’

discipline and students’ English learning outcome at XII.IPS SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam?”.


The design of the research was correlation research. Based on the phenomenon in the background of the research, the researcher described the correlation between students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome. The researcher did the research at February,

2015 in SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. The population of the research was the twelve grade students of Social major (IPS) at SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam. It was distributed in four classes which was divided into 4 social major (IPS) classes. There were XII. IPS 1, XII. IPS 2, XII. IPS 3, and XII. IPS 4. The total number of population could be seen on the table below :

Table : The number of XII. IPS at SMAN 1 V Koto Kp. Dalam No Class Number of


1 XII. IPS. 1 31 2 XII. IPS. 2 35 3 XII. IPS. 3 29 4 XII. IPS. 4 31

Total 4 126

(Adapted from : SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam)


3 The researcher took the total sample was 57 students from population with the clasification for XII. IPS 1 : 14 students, XII. IPS 2 : 16 students, XII. IPS 3 : 13 students. And XII. IPS 4 : 14 students. In this research, the researcher used two kinds of the instruments. There were questionnaire and English score. The questionnaire was used to collect the data about students’

discipline. English score in semester used to collect the data about students’

English learning outcome.

Data analysis has done after the researcher collected the data which was going to get from the questionnaire and documentation. According to Arikunto (2010:278), there are three steps in analyzing the data such as preparation, tabulation, and implementation the data based on the approach of research.The researcher analyzed the correlation between students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome by product moment correlation and SPSS for windows version (Margono, 2010:207).


The researcher found several findings.

The first, students’ discipline. The researcher found there was no students who were very low discipline, the students‘ low discipline were 2 students, the students ‘ middle discipline were 37 students, and the students‘ high discipline are 18 students.

Fiqure 1 : Pieplot of Students’ Discipline The second, students’ English Learning Outcome. the students’ low English score were 28 students, the students’

moderate English score were 28 students, and the students who were high English score were 1 student .

Fiqure 2 : Pieplot of Students’ English Learning Outcome

The last, the researchher found that

It means that the correlation between students’ discipline and students’

English learning outcome was moderate correlation. Then, the contribution of students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome was 19,01 % and 80,99 % was determined by other variables. Next, the researcher found that t- calculated ( 4) was higher than t – table (1,6730) in the degrees of freedom (df) n – 2 where the level of significance (α) was 0,05. The range score of students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome shown that there was positive correlation between students’

discipline and students’ English learning outcome because the graphic is in (+) position in right side.Additionally, the correlation between students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome by using SPSS for windows version 16. It could be seen from the table :

2 37 18

Students' Discipline

very low low middle

28 28


Students' English Learning Outcome

low moderate high



Table : The Correlation Between Students’ Discipline and Students’ English Learning Outcome



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 55.728 4.732 11.778 .000

Xi .260 .064 .480 4.057 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Yi

Based on the table, it could be concluded that there was significance correlation between students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome because significance score of test (.000) < the level of significance (α) was 0,05. It is supported by Ghozali (2011 : 98), Ha is accepted if significance < α, and Ho is rejected if significance > α. Then, the value of t- calculate (4,057) was higher than t-table (1,6730). Thus, the hypothesis of this research, there was positive and significant correlation between students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome at XII.

IPS SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Kabupaten Padang Pariaman in 2014/2015 Academic Years.

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION The researcher did a research to find out whether there was correlation between students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome at XII. IPS SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam. This research was correlational research. In this research, the researcher used quantitative data. In getting the data, the researcher gave questionnaires for students’ discipline and the researcher used documentation about students’ English learning outcome. Generally, interpretation of the students’ discipline in SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam were 73 % reside at the middle criteria. It has been known from the students’ answer on questionnaire.

There were 57 respondents in this research.

The result of students’ answer on questionnaire : there was no students who were very low discipline, the students‘ low discipline were 2 students, the students‘

middle discipline were 37 students, and the students‘ high discipline are 18 students.Then, the researcher found that the

interpretation of the students’ English learning outcome were 75 % reside at moderate criteria. The researcher got the data from the English teacher about students’ score in semester in learning English. The details of the data shown that the students’ low English score were 28 students, the students’ moderate English score were 28 students, and the students who were high English score were 1 student . Next, the researcher found that the coefficient of correlation between students’

discipline and students’ English learning outcome was in reside moderate criteria of correlation. Then, there was a positive and significance correlation between students’ discipline and students’

English learning outcome at XII. IPS SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam. It was proved by the valued of t- calculate (4) which was higher than t-table ( in the degrees of freedom (df) n – 2 where the level of significance (α) was 0,05. Beside that, the contribution of students’ discipline and students’ English learning outcome was 19,01 % and 80,99 % was determined by other variables.

Based on the finding of the research, the researcher proposed several suggestions for the school, English teachers, students, and readers. First, the suggestion proposed for school ( SMAN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Kab. Padang – Pariaman). After the researcher has known the finding of the research, the researcher expected this school to make the rules of school more clear, especially in teaching and learning process.

Then, the rules of school were socialized, so the students could accept this rules. Next, the school was more emphatic in implementation of the rules. The second, for


5 the English teacher. The teacher are expected to improve and support students ‘ discipline to increase students’ English learning outcome. Then, the teacher can also understand that students’ discipline must be considered as a supporting thing for their English learning outcome. The third, for the students. The students are suggested to improve their discipline in order to have a good English learning outcome. The last, in this research, the researcher only used questionnaire and documentation students’

English learning outcome, these could be some limitations of finding. The researcher suggested to the next researcher who has interested to this research to conduct other related research in the large scope.


Bach, Shirley et all. 2007. Online Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

London : Ozgraf S.A.

Eng, J.A. James. 2011. Pengurusan Disiplin Murid : Edisi Kedua. Kuala Lumpur:

PTS Professional Publishing.

Suwanto et all. 2010. Seri Pembelajaran Termatik - Ayo Belajar di Sekolah Untuk Kelas 2 SD – Semester II Akhir.

Yogyakarta : KANISIUS.

Ontario, Toronto. 2006. Disruptive Behaviour in Today’s Classroom : Strategy for Success. Canadian : Canadian Education Association.




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