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Academic year: 2023



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Her heartfelt thanks to all the lecturers of FKIP UNISMUH, especially the lecturers of the English Department and all the staff of Muhammadiyah University Makassar for their guidance during the years of study of the research. Her heartfelt thanks to Asrar Ali, S.P.D., an English teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua for guiding her through two months of research. This chapter discusses the background, statement of the problem, objective of the research, significance of the research and scope of the research.


Does the application of Self-Speaking Strategy improve students' speaking accuracy in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua? Does the application of Self-Speaking Strategy improve students' speaking fluency in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua? The implementation of self-talk strategy improves students' speaking accuracy in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua.

The application of Self Talk Strategy improves the speaking skills of the students in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua. The scope of this study was to improve students' speaking skills by applying the Self Talk Strategy to speaking instruction. Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the students' speaking skills after applying the Self Talk strategy.

Alternative hypothesis (H1), there is any significant difference between the students' speaking skills after the application of Self Talk Strategy. This means that there was a sign between the results of the students' pre-test and post-test in speaking skill through the application of Self Talk Strategy. During the use of Self Talk Strategy in the treatment, the students can improve their accuracy in speaking.

The use of self-talk strategy in teaching speaking skills improves students' speaking accuracy in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary in seventh grade students of SMPN 3 Pitumpanua. The use of self-talk strategy in teaching speaking skills improves students' fluency in speaking skills in the seventh grade students of SMPN 3 Pitumpanua. In other words, the use of self-talk strategy in teaching speaking skills is effective for improving students' speaking skills.

Using a self-talk strategy is one of the strategies that can be considered in teaching English to help students' speaking skills. Students are expected to improve their speaking intensity through self-talk strategies.

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Problem Statement

Objective of the research

Significance of the research

Theoretically, the result of this study was supposed to broaden the skill of teachers in the use of think-aloud strategy to improve students' speaking skills and as a reference for other researchers who have studied think-aloud strategy more intensively in teaching. It can be practically used as the strategy to improve students' ability to speak, and it can guide, help and encourage students to think realistically, express their ideas, opinion and thoughts about practice.

Scope of the research

The improvement of the students' speaking skill which was focused on the students' accuracy regarding pronunciation and vocabulary, fluency regarding pauses and hesitation at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua.

  • Previous Releated Research Findings
  • The Concepts of Speaking
  • The Concepts of Self-Talk Strategy
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Hypothesis

The correct application of self-talk can therefore ensure that students have high self-efficacy. There are two types of self-talk: positive self-talk and negative self-talk. The teacher can show students how to use a self-talk strategy.

Research Design

Population and Sample

The researcher considers that class VII.A has few students, which makes it easier for the researcher to collect the data.

Variables and Indicators

Procedure for Collecting Data

In the pretest, the researcher was given a pretest before treatment to know prior knowledge and found out the students' speaking skills. First, the researcher explained as a teacher and was given the example of the material. The teacher introduced the rules or system of self-talk strategy, explain the strategy as clearly as possible.

After deciding on the topic, the student must present a representative to the class. The purpose of the posttest was to find out whether Self Talk Strategy improves students' speaking skills.

Research Instrument

Very good 4 Sometimes uses inappropriate expressions or has to reformulate ideas due to lexical deficiencies. Good 3 Often uses wrong words, conversation.

Table 3.3: Accuracy in Vocabulary
Table 3.3: Accuracy in Vocabulary

Technique of Data Analysis


Based on Table 4.1, it was shown that the scores of students in post-test improved after using Self-Talk Strategy to teach speaking skill. The data showed that accuracy in speaking could improve students' speaking skills in terms of accuracy (pronunciation and vocabulary). After calculating students' speaking accuracy and fluency, the researcher presents the final result of students' improvement in speaking skill by applying Self Talk Strategy on seventh grade students in SMPN 3 Pitumpanua.

This is indicated by the average score of students' accuracy in pre-test (45.23) which is classified as a poor category. Where the students' average score in post-test (70.95) which is classified as a good, fair category is classified. This means that the students' speaking accuracy improves from a poor category to a good, fair category.

Moreover, the average score of students' fluency in the pretest (37.61) is classified as poor category. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the applied Self Talk Strategy can improve students' speaking skills. And after calculating the result, the researcher finds that the improvement of students' speaking ability is 65.78% from the average score of 41.42 in the pre-test to 68.33 in the post-test.

To know the significance level of the pre- and post-test, the researcher uses t-test analysis at the significance level ( = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1, where N = number of the subject.

Table 4.2: The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency in Speaking Skill  No  Variable
Table 4.2: The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency in Speaking Skill No Variable


All students must master each phase before moving on to the next phase. The result of the preliminary test of the students about their pronunciation and accuracy of speech could be seen something, namely:. Based on the findings, the data collected through the test, as explained in the previous chapter on findings, shows that the students' speaking ability in terms of fluency improves significantly.

The result of the preliminary test of the students can be seen below: maj nem is Husnul Khatima he wos bor in "hm" sistin .. tu thousend faiks he liv in jalan poros Palopo Makassar in Bulu Pallime.. maj skul SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua grade seven wan mun hobby volley. Where students cannot speak, and many hesitations and pauses when students speak. It is shown that Self Talk is a good contribution for students to explore their knowledge and make students to be creative (Nielsen 2008:113).

Based on the findings, the use of Self Talk Strategy in the classroom, the data is collected through the test, as explained in the previous findings section, which shows that the students' speaking skills improved significantly. As previously explained, the students presented the material on the topic during the pre- and post-test. During the post-test, the researcher finds that the students are honest in providing the materials.

Students are encouraged to speak without again feeling reluctant, awkward and anxious (more hesitation and pauses).


It has been proven that the students' average accuracy score in the post-test was greater than their average accuracy score in the pre-test (70.95>45.23) and the improvement of students' accuracy in speaking ability was 56.86 %. It has been proven that the average score of students' fluency in the post-test is greater than their average score in the pre-test (65.71>37.61), and the improvement of students' fluency in speaking ability was 74, 71%. Based on hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.


A: Gud moning padi dem mai nem na Anjelika a born fo di twenti fo Epril tu tausin faiv a liv a de liv. HK : Gud moning mi nem na Husnul Khatima a e e a geht faiv pipul na mi fambul mi papa mi mama mi ba broda mi sista en. LS : Mɔnin mi nem na Listia Sulfiani a gɛt 4 paip mi famili mi papa mi mama mi brɔda mi sista ɛn misɛf.

A : Mɔnin, mi nem na Alfin a gɛt siks pipul dɛn na mi famili mi papa mi mama mi brɔda mi sista ɛn misɛf mi papa na Ardi. BN : Gud moning mi nem na Besse Nurfadilla a geht tri pipul na mi fambul mi papa mi mama en mi sef mi papa na Muhammad Edi na fama mi mama na Besse Darmata si na haus uman en a na studehnt na SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua A jos tink so tanks si yu. H : Moning mi nem na Herman a geht fevrit pipul na mi fambul mi papa mi mama mi broda en mi sef mi papa na Lamang in e fama mi mama na Hartati sis haus uman mi broda na Hendra in e fama na studehnt na SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua tɛnki fɔ yu .

MS : Gud moning mi nem na Muhammad Sahrul A get fo pipul fo mai famili. NA : Gud moning padi mi nem na Nur Hikma Ali a geht siks pipul na mi fambul mi papa mi mama mi broda mi sista en mi sef mi papa na Alimuddin hi am entrepreneur mi mama na Darmawati si na housewife mi broda na Akbar hi na e hi na e kru alphamidi mi sista na Sutra si na e kru na PT. MA : Gud moning mi nem na Muhammad Alias ​​A get faiv pipul fo mai famili mi papa Muhlis mi mama.

A: Gud moning, mi nem na Anjelika, a get faiv pipul fo mai famili, mi papa, mi mama, mi sista, and mi sef, mi papa na Haxhi Mare, na im bi dat krayzi fama, mi mama na Haxhi Sakatan, hau e bi na uman we de wok na os, mi brɔda na Suki, ɛn mi studɛnt in sista na Sahria. NA: Gud moning, mi nem na Nur Aminah, a geht faiv pipul na mi fambul, mi papa, mi mama, mi broda, mi sista, mi papa na Sarda dg tuju, mi mama na Erni, aw i bi haus uman, mi broda na Muhammed Bilal, in studehnt, mi sista na Mirna, na studehnt na 371 tellesang en studehnt na SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua, a tink se a tank yu. FE : Gud moning mi nem na Faiz a geht seven pikin na mi fambul mi papa mi mama mi broda mi sista en mi waif.

Gambar  dan  video  tentang  ungkapan  sapaan,  berpamitan,  terimakasih  dan  meminta maaf
Gambar dan video tentang ungkapan sapaan, berpamitan, terimakasih dan meminta maaf


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1: Research Design
Table 3.2: Accuracy of Pronunciation
Table 3.3: Accuracy in Vocabulary


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