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View of The Effect of Direct Compensation, Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at Reza Cell Surabaya

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Academic year: 2023

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The Effect of Direct Compensation, Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at Reza

Cell Surabaya

Lailatul Munawaroh, Hermien Tridayanti Department of Management, University Narotama Jl. Arief Rachman Hakim, No. 51, 60117, Surabaya, Indonesia.

ella06022000@gmail.com, hermien.tridayanti@narotama.ac.id


This study aims to analyze direct compensation, work discipline, work motivation and obstacles that affect the performance of Reza Cell Surabaya employees. The samples in this study are Area Managers, Store Heads, and Employees. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. This study uses descriptive qualitative data analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/verification as well as testing the validity of the data used, namely triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of this study found that Reza Cell Surabaya's direct compensation was quite good, the work discipline of Reza Cell Surabaya's employees was still lacking, Reza Cell Surabaya employee work motivation is fairly good and the obstacles that affect employee performance are: (a) Salary and incentives, (b) Employees who often violate work discipline, (c) Employees who lack motivation from business owners, (d) Employees who are less responsible for work.


Direct Compensation, Employee Performance, Work Discipline, Work Motivation.

1. Introduction

In essence, human resources are people who are employed in an organization as movers, thinkers and planners to achieve the goals of that organization. Because of the important role of HR and achieving organizational goals, HRM must pay attention to several aspects such as the important aspects of staffing, training, development, motivation and maintenance. According to Prasadja Ricardianto, (2018) states that:

"Human Resource Management is a science or method of how to regulate the relationships and roles of resources (labor) owned by individuals efficiently and effectively and can be used optimally so that (goal). Good employee performance is needed in achieving organizational goals. This can be interpreted that the employee's performance is the result of the employee's work for a certain period compared to various possibilities, for example standards, targets or targets, as well as mutually agreed criteria. Compensation has an important meaning because compensation reflects the organization's efforts to maintain and improve the welfare of its employees. Compensation is also provided by the company as an effort to achieve the success of the company's strategy. Discipline is an important function of human resource management and is the key to realizing organizational goals, because without discipline it is difficult to achieve maximum goals. Employee motivation in a company can be considered simple and can also be a complex problem. because basically humans are very easy to be motivated by giving what they want. Seeing Employee Performance at Reza Cell Surabaya still does not meet the expected standards. there is employee indiscipline such as arriving late, permission not to come to work suddenly so that these things or these violations have not been given strict sanctions. Meanwhile, work motivation is a driving force for a person to behave and work diligently and well in accordance with the duties and obligations that have been given to him and is a very important emotional energy for a job. So that compensation in the form of finances such as monthly salaries does not increase in nominal value and bonuses are often late or not given to employees.

1.1 Literature Review 1.1.1 Previous Research

Research conducted by Hakim Rudi Fanani, (2019) with the title "Employee Performance Analysis Case Study of PT. Rekom Solution Document”. This study aims to describe the performance of employees at PT.

Reykom Document Solutions, employee performance is still relatively low supported by research results. The results of this study indicate good performance because it is influenced by several factors. The influencing factors include external factors, compensation and motivation on employee performance. Research conducted by Fiona Juliantari, (2022) with the title "Analysis of Compensation and Physical Work Environment Facilities in Improving the Performance of Bungaya Village Office Employees". This study aims to determine the



provision of compensation and physical work environment facilities in improving the performance of employees of the Bungaya Village Office. Research conducted by Fiona Juliantari, (2022) entitled "Analysis of Compensation and Physical Work Environment Facilities in Improving the Performance of Bungaya Village Office Employees." This study aims to determine the provision of compensation and physical work environment facilities in improving the performance of Bungaya Village Office employees. shows that the existence of delays and low compensation received by employees results in a decrease in employee performance, while for inadequate physical work environment facilities results in employees being late for work, thus affecting the decline in employee performance. Research conducted by Devy Rustianingtyas et al., (2019) with the title

"Analysis of the Influence of Compensation, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at CV.

Citra Mulya Perkasa Tanggulangin Sidoarjo”. This research aims toknow and analyze the influence of compensation, motivation, and job satisfaction of employees on CV. Citra Mulya Perkasa, results. The conclusion of this study is to provide employee performance satisfaction, namely salary and incentives are needed. In addition, employees also hope to be given motivation from the leadership so that it has an impact on employee performance results. Therefore, employees will get satisfaction in working at CV. Mighty Mulya Image.

1.2 Theoretical Basis

1.2.1 Employee Performance

Employee performance can be influenced by several factors, namely motivation, organizational culture, leadership style, work procedures, communication, level of education, work experience, compensation, training, career development, promotion, loyalty, physical environment, organizational climate, conflict, organizational commitment, and organizational effectiveness. According to suggests that employee performance can be measured through five indicators, namely quantity of work, quality of work, punctuality, attendance, and cooperation.

1.2.2 Compensation

According to Santosa and Rosanto, (2019) one of the reasons someone does work is compensation, besides that compensation is also a form of concern from the company to its employees. In addition, according to Risky Nur, Nurul Qomariah and Hasan, (2019) Stating that the driving force from outside the employee is usually in the form of a number of compensations received and the work environment as a support when workers.

1.2.3 Work Discipline

Work Discipline is something that is very important for the growth of an organization or company, especially used to motivate employees to be self-disciplined in carrying out work well both individually and as a group. According to Edy Sutrisno, (2016) argues "Discipline shows a condition or attitude of respect that exists in employees towards agency rules and regulations".

1.2.4 Work Motivation

This motivation is only given to humans, especially to subordinates or followers. Motivation questions how to encourage subordinates' work enthusiasm, so that they want to work hard by giving all their abilities and skills to realize company goals.

According to H. Malayu S.P. Hasibuan, (2017) motivation is something that causes, distributes, and supports human

behavior, so that they want to work hard and enthusiastically achieve optimal



127 1. Research Thinking Framework

Figure 1. Research Thinking Framework Source: Researcher (2022)

2. Research Methods

2.1 Type of Research, Sample and Data Collection

In this study, the authors used a descriptive research type with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation for Reza Cell Surabaya employees.

The data analysis technique used is as follows:

Figure 2. Data Analysis Components Source: Sugiyono (2018)

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on important things that are appropriate to the research topic, looking for themes and patterns, in the end providing a clearer picture and making it easier to carry out further data collection.

2. Data Presentation (Display Data)

In qualitative research, data presentation can be done in the form of tables, graphs, flowcharts, pictograms and the like. Through the presentation of these data, the data can be organized, arranged in a relationship pattern, so that it will be easy to understand.

3. Conclusion Drawing

Conclusions in qualitative research can answer the formulation of problems formulated from the start, but maybe not, because as has been stated that the problems and formulation of problems in qualitative research are still temporary and will develop after the research is in the field. Conclusions in qualitative research are new findings that have never existed before. Findings can be in the form of a description or description of an object that was previously unclear so that after research it becomes clear.

2.2 Data Analysis Technique

Qualitative research data, data can be obtained from various sources with various data collection techniques (triangulation) and carried out continuously can result in high variation. The triangulation used in this research is source triangulation and technique triangulation. Source triangulation was carried out by digging into the truth of the information obtained from interviewing more than one object which was considered to have a different point of view. The technical triangulation carried out by the researcher was by checking the results of the interviews with the documents.



2.3 Operational Definition

Table 1. Variable Operational Definitions

Variable Indicator Statement Items

Compensation (Nawa and Kempa, 2017)

Salaries and wages Incentives that match the

sacrifice Expected benefits


In accordance with the work done by the employee

Which is in accordance with the sacrifice of these employees achieving performance that exceeds

predetermined standards Which is given to certain employees

as a form of remuneration for the sacrifices made

Facilities can be in the form of provision of supporting facilities

provided by the organization

Work Discipline (Okki Rizki Kesuma Adi,

Fathoni and Budi, 2018)

Goals and abilities Leadership exemplary

Justice Supervision attached

Punishment Firmness Human relations

Employees who have low ability and knowledge of existing regulations,

procedures and policies A leader must be able to maintain positive behavior in accordance with

employee expectations Justice and the rules that are made

must be applied to all employees regardless of position It is the most effective concrete action because the leader indirectly

monitors the behavior, work enthusiasm and work presentation of


Penal sanctions are corrective actions and prevention of regulatory

violations against employees who oppose and do not comply with

organizational procedures The firmness of the leader in giving sanctions to employees who commit work violations so that employees

are self-disciplined at work Aims to educate employees to comply with rules and policies that exist in an organization to produce

good performance

Work Motivation (Risky Nur, Nurul Qomariah

and Hasan, 2019)

Physical needs The need for security

Social needs Need for appreciation Needs drive to achieve goals

The need for supporting facilities that can be obtained at work, for

example supporting facilities to facilitate the completion of tasks

Physical security, stability, dependence, protection and freedom from threatening forces such as fear,

anxiety and danger These needs are met together, for example good interaction between


That is what has been achieved by a person, for example the need for status, glory, attention and reputation

The need for encouragement to achieve something desired, for example motivation from the leader


129 Employee Performance

(Dwiarti and Wibowo, 2018)

Productivity Quality Punctuality

Cycle time Resource utilization

Size fee

Productivity as compared to the resources consumed in producing the


Customer satisfaction or customer reorder frequency assessment The measure of time measures whether people do what they say

they will do

Cycle time measurement measures how long something is done Resource utilization can be applied to machines, computers, vehicles and

even people

Expenditures if it exceeds the budget that has been set, there will be waste so that the performance is considered

not good

3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Informant Description

Researchers conducted interviews in October 2022 which were conducted with 7 informants by conducting interviews and answering questions directly, and the following characteristics of the informants were obtained:

Table 2. Characteristics of Informants Subject Gender Length of



Informant 1 P 5 years Area Manager

Informant 2 P 3 years Shop Head

Informant 3 P 2 years Deputy K.


Informant 4 P 1.5 Years Employee

Informant 5 P 1 year Employee

Informant 6 P 10 months Employee

Informant 7 P 7 months Employee

3.2. Analysis and Discussion

Based on the research findings in the form of triangulation of sources obtained through interviews and technical triangulation obtained from interviews with documents, the researcher will analyze and discuss the findings of the existing research results in detail and decompose which are then presented in accordance with the research focus that has been proposed. The research focus that has been proposed is as follows:

3.2.1. Employee Direct Compensation Reza Cell Surabaya

Based on the stages that have been carried out, the researcher found several factors that could affect the compensation of Reza Cell Surabaya employees in improving their performance, some of these factors include:

(a) Basic salary that does not increase, (b) Bonuses are rarely given, (c) Not indirect compensation.

3.2.2. Employee Work Discipline Reza Cell Surabaya

Based on the stages that have been carried out, the researcher found several factors that can affect the work discipline of Reza Cell Surabaya employees in improving their performance, some of these factors include: (a) Employees are still often late for work, (b) Employees sometimes suddenly don't come to work .

3.2.3. Employee Work Motivation Reza Cell Surabaya

Based on the stages that have been carried out, the researcher found several factors that can influence the work motivation of Reza Cell Surabaya employees in improving their performance, some of these factors include: (a) Lack of motivation given by the leadership, (b) Facilities at work, (c) No there is a promotion.



3.2.4. Barriers That Influence Employee Performance Belikopi Merr Surabaya

Based on the stages that have been carried out, the researcher found several obstacles that could affect the performance of Reza Cell Surabaya employees, these obstacles include: (a) Salary and incentives, (b) Employees who often commit work discipline violations, (c) Employees who feel lack of motivation from leaders, (d) Employees who lack responsibility towards work.

4. Conclusions and Suggestions 4.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of qualitative research using data analysis methods, source triangulation and technical triangulation, the data obtained by researchers from Reza Cell Surabaya related to

"The Effect of Compensation, Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Reza Cell Surabaya Employees". It can be concluded that employees feel that there is no increase in compensation regarding the basic salary at Reza Cell Surabaya and also incentives such as giving bonuses are also sometimes not given.

Employees also often violate regulations regarding work discipline such as frequently arriving late and sudden absences from work, which makes other employees often experience overtime work. Rarely is there motivation given to employees so that employees really need it to be more motivated and enthusiastic again at work and improve work, this also has an impact on employee performance which sometimes decreases and is not responsible for their work, namely by being lazy and no increase in work. In this case business owners need to improve compensation, work discipline and work motivation on employee performance so that they can be more controlled.

4.2 Suggestion

In the description of the conclusions above, the authors provide suggestions that can help Reza Cell Surabaya in dealing with obstacles regarding compensation, work discipline and work motivation for employees so that they can be better in the future. The following suggestions can be given:

It is recommended that business owners be more sensitive to the base salary to be added to the nominal in accordance with how long the employee has worked so that there is an increase in the basic salary for employees and regarding monthly bonus incentives it is also necessary to explain to employees so that employees also know whether the bonus is mandatory per month or during shop turnover just go up

It is recommended to use a fingerprint for attendance so that employees are more disciplined and arrive on time, late fines also need to be emphasized again. Regarding sudden permits, there is also a need for permit requirements

It is recommended to provide a mandatory schedule for briefings with employees and owners so that employees are more motivated to be enthusiastic about doing work

It is suggested that there is a need to check the quality of employee performance so that employees are more responsible in terms of their work assignments and there is also an assessment of each employee so that each employee can improve their performance to be promoted


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Dwiarti, R. and Wibowo, A.B. (2018) ‘Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Kompensasi, Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt.Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan’, Jurnal Perilaku dan Strategi Bisnis, 6(2), pp. 157–170. Available at: https://doi.org/10.26486/JPSB.V6I2.638.

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