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The Effect of Work Discipline and Work Motivation on The Performance of Nursing Employees at Hospital Level III

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Academic year: 2023

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The Effect of Work Discipline and Work Motivation on The Performance of Nursing Employees at Hospital Level III


Surya Dana Arum, Elok Damayanti

Faculty of Economics and Business, Management Study Program Narotama University

sdanaarum@gmail.com, elok.damayanti@narotama.ac.id Abstract

Hospital Level III Brawijaya is a class C hospital and an echelon unit for the Regional Military Health Detachment Region V/Brawijaya Surabaya. This research aims to analyze the effect of work discipline and work motivation on employee performance at Hospital Level III Brawijaya. Type of research used a quantitative approach and data collection used interviews, observation and questionnaires. The population in this research were nursing staff at Hospital Level III Brawijaya with a sample size of 90 respondents. The analysis method used multiple linear regression. Based on the results, it can be concluded that work discipline and work motivation together have a significant effect on the performance of the nursing staff at the Hospital Level. III Brawijaya.

Keywords :

Employee Performance ,Work Discipline, Work Motivation

1. Introduction

Hospital is an institution or health service organization for the community with its own characteristics that are influenced by health developments, technological advances, and the socio-economic life of the community that must be able to improve services that are of higher quality and affordable to the community in order to realize the highest degree of health.

According to Undang-Undang RI No 44 (2009) concerning hospitals, every health worker who works in the hospital must work in accordance with applicable standard operational procedures, professional ethics, respecting patient rights and prioritizing patient safety (Tutiany et al., 2017).

Creating effective and efficient employee performance is not easy, it not only creates high work discipline but also influences motivation factors. A productive employee is an employee who is nimble and able to produce goods / services according to the specified quality in a shorter time so that ultimately a high level of employee performance productivity can be achieved. The main goal of employee performance productivity is so that lower and upper level employees are able to become effective, efficient and productive employees. Thus it is important for the hospital to increase the motivation for employee performance so that the hospital can develop and increase its quality.

Hospital Level III Brawijaya encourages its employees to be motivated in carrying out their activities by giving rewards to employees who meet the targets and even exceed the set targets. It is not only rewards that are used by hospitals to increase motivation, but also to increase incentives.

The development of health service agencies in this case is that the hospital is very dependent on employees, without the presence of employees, the hospital will not be able to run properly, therefore the hospital must always pay attention to employees so that employees feel comfortable and calm while working, vice versa. sick also have to pay attention to the flow of development in and out of the company. This must be adjusted to the conditions of the hospital and also the conditions of the employees in order to increase the productivity level of the employees' performance.

Increasing work productivity is influenced by human resource management functions, one of which is discipline. This discipline is the most important function of human resource management, because the better the discipline of employees, the higher the work performance achieved, without good work discipline it is difficult for the organization / hospital to achieve optimal results.


2. Reviews

2.1. Work Discipline

According to Hidayahtullah, (2020) he argues that discipline is the awareness and willingness of a person to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms, while according to Darmawan et al., (2019) work discipline is an attitude, behavior and appropriate actions. both in writing and not in writing and if violated will be subject to punishment. Nugrohadi et al., (2019) Discipline is a procedure that corrects and punishes employees or subordinates for violating work rules or procedures.

2.2. Work motivation

There are two forms of motivation, namely intrinsic and extrinsic. What is meant by intrinsic motivation is that the nature of the job makes someone motivated, and that person gets satisfaction by doing the job, while what is meant by Mekstrinsic motivation is when the elements outside the work become one in the job and become the main factor that makes someone motivated, such as compensation or status (Saputra, 2018) , according to Susanty, (2013) , motivation concerns how to direct the power and potential of subordinates so that subordinates are willing to work productively to achieve and realize predetermined goals.

2.3. Employee performance

Employee performance in this study is the result of employee work both in terms of quality and quantity in accordance with the responsibilities given to employees of the Hospital Level III Brawijaya. Performance in this study is measured using indicators adopted from (Darmawan et al., 2019) The accuracy of completing tasks

Employees Hospital Level III Brawijaya can complete the task correctly and quickly.

Hours of work suitability 1.

Employees Hospital Level III Brawijaya is willing to comply with the applicable regulations in the company.

Attendance rate 2.

Hospital Level III Brawijaya is able to work within the stipulated time.

Cooperation between employees 3.

Employees Hospital Level III Brawijaya can cooperate with other employees in completing a job or a task determined by the company.

3. Framework

Figure 1. Framework 3.1. Hypothesis

Based on the formulation of the problem and description of the literature review, the author proposes the following research hypothesis:

H1 = Work Discipline has a partially significant effect on performance employees H2 = Work Motivation Partially significant influence on performance employees

H3 = Work Discipline and Work Motivation Partially significant influence on performance employee Work Discipline


Work Motivation (X2)

Employee Performance


3.2. Types of Research

This study uses a questionnaire or (questionnaire). In data collection, the data source used is primary data. The data were obtained from distributing questionnaires to 90 nursing employees at the Hospital Level III Brawijaya.

3.3. Population

The population in this study were 90 nursing employees at the Hospital Level III Brawijaya.

3.4. Types, Sources and Data Collection Techniques

The type of data used in this study uses primier data. Primary data is the source of research data obtained directly from the original source, not through intermediary media.

3.5. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression. In order to determine the effect of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y), a linear regression equation is used as follows:

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e Information :

Y = employee performance a = constant value

b1, b2 = variable coefficient X1 = discipline

X2 = motivation e = error

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Validity test

Table 1. Validity Test Results

No. Indicator / Variable

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

r Table Information Work Discipline

1. X1.1 0.503 0.203 Valid

2. X1.2 0.298 0.203 Valid

3. X1.3 0.408 0.203 Valid

4. X1.4 0.459 0.203 Valid

5. X1.5 0.629 0.203 Valid

6. X1.6 0.377 0.203 Valid

7. X1.7 0.429 0.203 Valid

Work motivation

1. X2.1 0.400 0.203 Valid

2. X2.2 0.521 0.203 Valid

3. X2.3 0.626 0.203 Valid

4. X2.4 0.662 0.203 Valid

5. X2.5 0.680 0.203 Valid

Employee performance

1. Y.1 0.500 0.203 Valid

2. Y.2 0.535 0.203 Valid

3. Y.3 0.388 0.203 Valid

4. Y.4 0.570 0.203 Valid

5. Y.5 0.532 0.203 Valid

Based on table 1 shows that all indicators used in measuring the work discipline variable (X1) work motivation (X2) employee performance (Y) used in this study have a correlation or r count greater than r table = 0.203 (r table value for n = 88 ) so that all indicators are valid.


a. Reliability test

Table 2. Case Processing Summary

N %


Valid 90 100.0

Excludeda 0 , 0

Total 90 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Based on table 2 above, the research data has an indicator of 0.90 and is above 0.60, so that the data from this study can be declared reliable and reliable.

b. Classic assumptions Normality test

Table 3. Normal Distribution Test Results One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Unstandardized Residual

N 90

Normal Parametersa, b Mean 0E-7

Std. Deviation 1,21463896 Most Extreme Differences

Absolute , 102

Positive , 102

Negative -, 079

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z , 966

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) , 308

f. Test distribution is Normal.

g. Calculated from data.

Based on table 3, the output of SPSS shows that the work discipline variable (X1), work motivation (X2), employee performance (Y) is normally distributed because the significance value is> 0.05.

c. Multicollinearity Test

Table 4. Multicollinearity Test Results Coefficientsa

Model t Sig. Collinearity Statistics

Tolerance VIF 1

(Constant) 4,507 , 000

Work_discipline 2,504 , 014 , 869 1,150

Work motivation , 584 , 560 , 869 1,150

a. Dependent Variable: Employee_performance

Based on table 4 it can be seen that the regression model does not experience multicollinearity disorders.

The tolerance value of each independent variable greater than 0.10. The results of VIF calculations show that the value of each VIF for the independent variable is less than 10. It concluded that there is no multicollinearity

between the independent variables in the regression model.


d. Heteroscedasticity Test

Figure 4.1 Heteroscedasticity Test Results

Figure 2. Heteroscedasticity

From the Scatterplot graph in Figure 2, it shows that the dots spread randomly, either above or below the zero on the Y axis. It can be concluded that the model in this study can meet the requirements of homoscedasticity or there is no heteroscedasticity symptom.

4.6 Simultaneous Hypothesis 4.6.1. T Test

Table 5. T Test Results (Partial) Coefficientsa

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 10,430 2,314 4,507 , 000

Work_discipline , 246 , 098 , 274 2,504 , 014

Work motivation , 052 , 089 , 064 , 584 , 560

a. Dependent Variable: Employee_performance

Based on the table 5 above, it can be seen that the t-count value of the work discipline variable (X1) is 2.504, the work motivation variable (X2) is 584.

Testing the effect of work discipline on employee performance. The test results obtained that the t value for the variable work discipline on employee performance shows the value of t count = 2.504 <from t table 1.987 with a significance of 0.014> 0.05, which means it is not significant. Thus partially work discipline has a negative and insignificant effect on work motivation on employee performance.

Testing the effect of work motivation on employee performance.The test results obtained from the t value for the work motivation variable on employee performance showed the t value = 0.584 <from the t table 1.987 with a significance of 0.560> 0.05, which means it is not significant. Thus partially work motivation has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance.


4.6.2 F Test

Table 6. Test Reesult F (Simultan) ANOVA

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Regression 13,316 2 6,658 4,412 , 015b

Residual 131,306 87 1,509

Total 144,622 89

a. Dependent Variable: Employee_performance

b. Predictors: (Constant), work_motivation, work_discipline

Based on the data table 6 above, it is known that it can be obtained that F_count = 4.412 while the F table value is 2.711. Thus F_hitung4.412> F_table 2.711. And a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, so it can be concluded that work discipline (X1), work motivation (X2), simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Y) of the nursing staff at Hospital Level III Brawijaya.

5. Discussion

The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance 1.

The first hypothesis proposed states that work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance, this has been partially proven by the results of the t test value of 2,504. This is rational because it is in accordance with the respondent's response to work discipline. In response, the respondents stated that the Work Discipline provided by the Hospital Level III Brawijaya in accordance with their expectations. The fact that there is a significant effect of work discipline on performance can be clarified by the results of multiple linear regression analysis.

The Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Performance 2.

The second hypothesis proposed states that work motivation has a significant effect on performance, this has been partially proven by the t test results 1,987. This is rational because it is in accordance with the respondent's response to appreciation In their response, the respondents stated that the Award Program implemented by the Hospital Level III Brawijaya is able to guarantee employee morale. The reality is that there is a significant effect. The rewards for performance are clarified by the results of multiple linear multiple regression analysis. This means that the higher/greater the award, the better/higher the employee's performance.

6. Conclusions and Suggestions

6.1. Conclusion

1) Based on data processing using SPSS V.20. Obtained the value of F count 18,954. This value is greater than F table 2.722. Obtained from a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. This means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, the variable work discipline (X1) and work motivation (X2) have a significant effect simultaneously on employee performance (Y). This shows that each of these research variables is taken into consideration for the Hospital Level III Brawijaya.

2) Based on data processing using SPSS V.20. Obtained the value of T from each variable. The summary is as follows:

a. Work Discipline Variable (X1)

Work discipline variable has a partially significant effect on the performance of the nursing staff at Hospital Level III Brawijaya. This shows that work discipline is not a major consideration.

b. Work Motivation Variable (X2)

Work motivation variable has a partially significant effect on the performance of the nursing staff at Hospital Level III Brawijaya. This shows that the motivation for the work done is in accordance with expectations.

7. Sugestion

For Researchers 1.

For further researchers, it is expected to carry out repeated research because Work Discipline does not have a partial significant effect on employee performance.

For Companies 2.

The tighter competition between hospitals, the researchers suggest that hospitals pay attention to the following points:

a. Continue to improve work discipline even though the effect is not significant, but work motivation still


b. Hospital Level III Brawijaya must also continue to improve its work motivation. In this study work motivation has a significant value. So work motivation must be continuously improved so that it can influence employee performance very well.


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