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the effect of using drama in teaching speaking at mts 1 kindang


Academic year: 2023

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To collect the data, the researcher used pre-test and post-test with treatment of six meetings. The researcher concluded that there was an improvement in students' speaking skills using drama as a teaching tool. AlhamdullilahiRobbil 'Alamin, First of all, the researcher would like to express my deepest praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given me His blessing and mercy to complete this dissertation.

The researcher realized that many people had given their help and helpful suggestions for the completion of this dissertation. Finally, the researcher would like to thank everyone who was important for the successful completion of this bachelor's thesis.


  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of Research
  • Significance of Research
  • The Scope of Research

This activity provides students with an opportunity to practice speaking in terms of pronunciation. By using drama in teaching, students can know English vocabulary and enjoy a pleasant situation without feeling burdened by pronunciation mistakes. Improving students' speaking skills as a foreign language in the classroom is so difficult because students do not use English in their daily activities.

The researcher expected that the students will gain knowledge and insight that drama can use in improving pronunciation in English speaking. The researcher hoped to solve the problem of the students in speaking English which the teacher can use by using drama.


Previous Related Findings

Another expert is Tahir (2014) concluded that the application of drama in teaching English significantly improves students' speaking ability, dealing with accuracy in terms of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. It was concluded that the use of drama in learning was effective in improving students' speaking skills. The attractiveness of students in learning speaking through drama is very high and students are motivated to learn speaking.

Based on all previous related findings above, the researcher concludes that drama in learning English improved speaking skills. The description similarity from some studies that investigated students' participation in speaking skills use of drama.

Some Pertinent Ideas

A mental problem is a form of disturbance in the emotional and physical health of students. A psychological problem is a problem that can affect students' speaking performance, such as being less confident and easily nervous. Drama in English teaching can motivate students for opportunities to improve students' communication skills, motivation and self-confidence.

In addition, students are also taught to discover the background of the story. Drama in learning gives students the same opportunity to be involved in the learning process.

Conceptual Framework

From the above, the researcher can conclude that using drama in English teaching has some advantages. Before the researcher applies that drama in the classroom, the researcher gave keywords and then the students have a dialogue with their friends in English to know the prior knowledge of the students in the class. Process: The treatment consisted of teaching and learning speaking skills in terms of pronunciation materials through the use of drama.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework.
Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework.


Research Design

Population and Sample

Research Variable

Research Instrument

The researcher used a recording phone to record the students' speaking activities and dialogue when they performed drama. The researcher used a record to collect data to get information about student improvement. The researcher concluded the speaking skill in terms of pronunciation assessment criteria according to Hermer (2007) to know the students' speaking skill through drama, the researcher assessed the students' scores based on the speaking aspect below;.

Very poor 0-45 They speak very hastily and more sentences do not fit the pronunciation and there is little or no communication.

Table 3.1 the rating score of the students’ speaking skill in term of pronunciation:
Table 3.1 the rating score of the students’ speaking skill in term of pronunciation:

Data Collection

After the treatment, the researcher conducted a post-test to find out the students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation. The researcher asked the students to create the dialogue in the same way as the pre-test, but used a different keyword.

Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher used drama in the treatment to know the improvement of the students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation there. Based on table 4.3 above, it was found that the students' average score on the pre-test was 50.2. The students' speaking skills were appropriate and they were able to develop their idea based on the topic.

The data showed that the use of drama for speaking could improve students' speaking skills based on accuracy in pronunciation. This part explains the researcher how to know the improvement of the pre-test and the post-test for the students who speak accuracy in terms of pronunciation, the researcher used t-test analysis in the level of. Based on the related results above, the speaking test was to improve students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation.

Tahir's statement (2014), the researcher concluded that the use of drama in learning was effective to improve students' speaking skills. The researcher presented the discussion about the interpretation of the findings from the observation of the results of the students' speaking ability in terms of pronunciation. The main objective of this research was to determine whether the effect of using drama in teaching speaking could improve students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation or not.

After the treatment, the researcher did a post-test to find out the speaking ability of the students in terms of pronunciation. Based on the pre-test and post-test score, before and after using the drama, the students' pronunciation was better. The data describes the students' ability to improve the students' speaking accuracy in terms of pronunciation using drama.

Based on the findings of the research and the discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that the effect of drama used in teaching English speaking improves students' speaking skills as far as accuracy in terms of pronunciation is concerned. It was concluded that the use of drama was effective in improving students' speaking skills. This was supported by the students' mean score on the pretest, which is 50.2.

Teachers should use drama as an interest in teaching learning to motivate students' speaking accuracy in terms of pronunciation.

Table 4.1: Percentage of pre-test Score in term of pronunciation.
Table 4.1: Percentage of pre-test Score in term of pronunciation.




It appears that the data collected during the test and outlined in the previous findings section shows that the improvement in students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation has improved in the students with an average score of 74.1 after the test after treatment using drama. The researcher provides the students with a pre-test, treatment and post-test to determine their speaking skills. In the first step, the researcher gave a pre-test, asking the students to talk about the material in English.

In order to understand the students' pronunciation, the researcher asked the students to read the drama script in front of the classroom. After that, the researcher explains how to read and speak the drama, students must be able to speak English with good pronunciation. The researcher explained many things about the drama and then the researcher divided the students into four groups.

The researcher asked the students to use language in drama and highlight their daily to casual English. It gives by comparing the students' percentage in pre-test was categorized as very low to become fairly good in post-test. In fact, the students were really interested in learning to speak the use of drama and they were very motivated.

The use of drama in speech education improves students to involve their behavior, feelings, emotions and thinking towards the learning drama. The researcher should be more applied to learn an interesting medium, technique and method to teach and improve students' speaking skills. The use of boarding games to improve students' speaking ability in tenth grade in SMAN 5 Barru: Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



It was classified as very poor and after the survey gave a post-test which is 74.1, it became classified as fairly good. The use of some stories such as fairy tale, legend and their daily life as material for drama also stimulated students' interest in learning English, especially speaking, because the lesson related to their real life, attitude and concern for their experience of history, can improve their feelings to play the role of figure and character.


Pengaruh program pengajaran berbasis tugas dalam pengembangan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa tahap menengah: Universitas Ain Shams. Meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan drama pada siswa kelas sebelas kelas bahasa Man Yogyakarta II tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan keharusan, larangan, dan ketertarikan orang disekitarnya menurut struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya.

Penggunaan ungkapan yang tepat dalam struktur tekstual yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat sesuai konteks mengungkapkan kewajiban, larangan, dan imbauan dalam bentuk tulisan. Gunakan ungkapan perintah, larangan, dan imbauan yang tepat kepada orang-orang di sekitar Anda dalam struktur teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks dalam bentuk tulis dan lisan. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan keharusan, larangan dan keluhan terhadap keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi pada masa lalu, yang mengacu pada waktu terjadinya dan penyelesaiannya.

Memahami unsur kebahasaan ungkapan keharusan, larangan, dan imbauan mengenai keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi pada masa lampau serta mengacu pada waktu terjadinya dan berakhirnya. Memuat keterangan mengenai keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi pada masa lampau, mengacu pada waktu terjadinya dan hasil yang disampaikan kepadanya. Membuat CV (KREATIVITAS) dengan bimbingan guru mengenai poin-poin penting yang diangkat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan materi teks, ungkapan keharusan, larangan dan imbauan mengenai keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi pada masa lampau dan mengacu pada waktu acara dan akhir baru-baru ini selesai.

Membuat CV (KREATIVITAS) dengan bimbingan guru tentang poin-poin penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mengenai ungkapan tekstual tentang perlunya, larangan dan imbauan terkait dengan kondisi/tindakan/kegiatan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi di masa lalu, yang mengacu pada waktu terjadinya peristiwa dan hasilnya baru saja dieksekusi. Membuat CV (KREATIVITAS) dengan bimbingan guru mengenai poin-poin penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mengenai materi tekstual, ungkapan keharusan, larangan dan imbauan terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/peristiwa. Sulaiman : Malin kenapa kamu sombong sekali, dan tidak mau mengakui ibumu sendiri.

Malin Mor : I didn't think you were that cruel, if you really didn't want to admit me as your mother you would have cursed a loser. Clara: why won't you acknowledge your mother and she is really your mother.


Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework.
Table 3.1 the rating score of the students’ speaking skill in term of pronunciation:
Table 4.1: Percentage of pre-test Score in term of pronunciation.
Table 4.2: Percentage of pre-test Score in termo pronunciation.


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