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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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The main purpose of this research was to determine the effect of using the four-square (X) writing method on descriptive text writing (Y) skills of students in the tenth grade of Senior Secondary School 2 Sekampung. Based on these conditions, it means that there was a positive and significant effect of using the four-square writing method on the descriptive text writing ability of students in the tenth grade of Senior Secondary School 2 Sekampung in the academic year 2018 /2019. Therefore, based on the above problem, the researcher has an alternative way for the descriptive writing ability of the students' text, namely the four-square writing method.

Problem Identification

Descriptive text writing skill of tenth grade from Senior High School 2 Sekampung in the academic year.

Problem Limitation

Descriptive text writing skill of tenth grade students at Senior High School 2 Sekampung in the academic year 2018/2019”.

Problem Formulation

Prior Research

The similarity between the previous research and this research is in the independent variable respectively using the method of writing four squares. Moreover, the difference between the previous research and this research is in the purpose of the research.

The Concept of Descriptive Text Writing Skill 1. The Concept of Writing

Language Features

Furthermore, gould and Mary also claim that the Four square is a card for ideas, words and phrases. Also, Four square writing is a graphic organizer used to help organize facts, thoughts and ideas (a great Prewriting tool). By using Four Square Writing, students know exactly what to look for in writing.25.

In addition, the Four square writing method is a writing method that helps students organize concepts for writing using a graphic organizer.26. From some of the above definitions, the writer concludes that the four-square writing method is a writing method by drawing four squares on a paper or board, and then from the first square to the third square, the students write the idea and supporting sentences. 23 Judith S Gould and Evan Jay Gould, Four Square Writing Method A Unique Approach to Teaching Basic Writing Skills for Grades 7-9 (USA, 1999), p.1.

The teacher asks the students to write the writing topic in the middle of the four squares. For example, students can place a picture in the middle of four squares as a theme.28.


The theoretical framework is a concept that involves the causal hypothesis relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable to answer the exact problem. The independent variable (X) is four-square writing method and the dependent variable (Y) is descriptive text writing ability. This research aims to know the effect of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y).

This study was conducted to find out whether or not there was a positive significant effect of using the four-square writing method for students. Based on the figure above, it can be concluded that the researcher would give the pre-test to the student, after which the researcher gave the treatment, which is about four square writing method. Paul S. Gary explains that a hypothesis is a specific prediction that follows directly from the theory.29 There are two kinds of hypotheses, the alternative and the null hypothesis.

There is a positive and significant effect of the use of four-square writing methods for students' descriptive text writing skills of the tenth grade of Senior High School 2 Sekampung. There is no positive and significant effect of the use of four-square writing methods for students' descriptive text writing skills at the tenth grade of Senior High School 2 Sekampung.

Research Design

Sample is a subset of the population”.32 It means that the sample must be representative of the population from which it is selected. In this study, the author sampled one class, namely X.ISOS 2 class which consists of 33 students. In addition, targeted cluster sampling is a multi-stage sampling where natural groups (clusters) are sampled initially, then the members of each selected group are subsampled.33.

The Operational Definiton of Variables

Independent Variable

In addition, the researcher collected data using an essay test by filling in a square with ideas and supporting sentences based on the given topic. The researcher also measured this variable through observation in order to know the effect of students using the four square writing method on students' ability to write descriptive texts. In addition, based on the above explanation, there are some indicators of the effect of using the four-square writing method as follows.

Students are highly motivated in teaching and learning descriptive writing when they use the four-square writing method.

Dependent Variable

Test is a series of questions used to measure skills, knowledge or intelligence, competence or ability and talent of an individual or group. In this study, the researcher uses test as a data collection method to measure the writing skills of the students by applying pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is given to the students before the researcher gave the treatment to the students.

Pre-test is given to the students to know the students' prior knowledge about writing descriptive text. The researcher gave the post-test after giving the treatment to the students to know if there are any significant effects of using four square. In pre-test, the researcher asked the students to compose descriptive text using four-square writing methods.


Research Instrument

Instrument Blueprint

The researcher uses a written test instrument to collect data on the students' descriptive copywriting skills. The students have high motivation in writing descriptive text when using the four squares writing method. It consists of item number of pre-tst and post-test and essay as test form.

Instrument Calibration

Excellent to very good (few errors of time) Good to average (several errors of time) Fair to poor frequent errors of time) Very poor (predominance of errors).

Data Analysis Technique

The Description of Research Location

The condition of construction of Senior High School 2 Sekampung in academic year 2018/2019 can be identified as follows; Source: The state documentation result of the building of Senior High School 2 Sekampung in academic year. The number of students in Senior High School 2 Sekampung The number of students in Senior High School 2 Sekampung in academic year can be identified as follows.

Based on the table above, it can be seen that most students achieved a score <70. So it means that most of the students of Senior High School 2 Sekampung got a low score in the pre-test. After the students received the treatment and they understood it, the researcher then took the post-test to measure their knowledge of descriptive writing.

Results of a post-test of students' descriptive text writing skills in ten graders of Senior Secondary School 2 Sekampung. Based on the table above, it can be seen that most of the students scored > 70. So this means that most of the students of Senior Secondary School 2 Sekampung scored high in the post-test.

Based on the posttest result of the students of Senior Secondary School 2 Sekampung above, it can be concluded that the four square writing method can help students to write descriptive text. As a result, most of the students scored high in descriptive text writing using the four-square writing method.

The Effect of Using Four Square Writing Method Towards Students’

Prerequisite Test d. Normality Test

Homogeneity test is a test of the equal or not the variances of two or more distributions. Hypothesis testing is done to know whether there was a significant effect or not from variable X to variable Y. Ha : there is a significant effect of using Square writing method on students' descriptive text writing skill.

H0 : there is no significant effect of using Four Square Writing Method on students' descriptive text writing skills.


Based on the previous research above, it makes the researcher more empowered to be cinduced. Before conducting the study, the researcher administered a pre-test to find out prior knowledge of the students' descriptive text writing before it was given in treatment. The result showed that the highest score was 71, while the lowest was 34 and the average score was 53.

The post-test result showed that the highest score was 86, while the lowest was 49 and the mean score was 78.2. Based on the above discussion, the researcher concludes that the four-square writing method can be a solution for the teacher to help students in teaching and learning process, especially in subject writing, namely writing descriptive texts, because this was evidenced by the mean pre-test score that builds up from 53 before treatment to 78.2 after treatment.


The first was that the students were diverse, some students understood the explanation of the teacher and others still did not understand. The second was that the teacher rarely used English in the learning process, so they seemed difficult when the teacher explained the material in English. Finally, the result of this research explained that the theory of the positive effect of the use of four-square writing methods on students' descriptive text writing skills was successful in the tenth grade at Senior High School 2 Sekampung at class X.ISOS2 in the academic year of 2018 /2019 .

Based on the research result, the researcher can find that the condition of the building, the condition of the teacher and official employees, the organization and the layout of the location of Sekampung Senior High School 2 is good. In addition, the researcher can conclude that the four-square writing method can help students in writing descriptive text and students have high motivation in writing descriptive text when they use the four-square writing method. The students got low scores in the pre-test, after the given treatment, the students can easily do the descriptive writing of the text using the four square writing method.

It is proved by the result of pre-test and post-test of the students. This means that there was a positive and significant effect of using four square writing method towards students' descriptive text writing skills in the tenth grades of Senior High School 2 Sekampung.





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