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the effect of utilizing british broadcasting - Admin Digital Library


Academic year: 2023

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Besse Arma,2021.The Effect of Using British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Learning English to the Students Speaking Accuracy at SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa (A Pre-Experimental Research Design at the Eleventh Grade Students). Thesis. English Department, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University. This research aimed to find out whether The Effect of Utilizing British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Learning English can improve the students or not. The result of analysis showed that using the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Learn English makes the students more confident, relaxed and very useful to learn English.

Oleh karena itu, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) yang menggunakan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas sebelas SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pengaruh penggunaan British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa. Oleh karena itu, pemanfaatan British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa.


  • Background
  • Problem statement
  • Object of Research
  • Significance of Research
  • Scope of Research

Therefore, the researcher chooses the media to get results about its effect on improving the variable's pronunciation and vocabulary. In this research want to know the effect of BBC Learning English, BBC Learning English is a visual learning medium in the form of a video that has a correct pronunciation. Stamplesky points out that the use of video in teaching can support the opportunity to motivate students' interest, stimulate language use, provide realistic listening practice and increase students' awareness of particular language points or other aspects of communication. 2009:82) explains that seeing the person communicating in the video helps students understand the content of the video because they will also see a person's body language and facial expressions to understand the meaning of a message.

The scope of this research focuses on the use of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which focuses on BBC Learning English or speaking skills, the BBC Learning English youtube channel available in various countries outside the UK shows factual and non-fictional entertainment programs from BBC and independent British production companies. Wholly owned by BBC Studios, it is unrelated to the former channel known as BBC Learning English, a new digital channel available in the UK which closed in 2002 in favor of BBC Four and CBeebies. This research focuses on students' pronunciation (short vowel, long vowel) and vocabulary (verb and adjective). Most students in this class lack pronunciation and vocabulary.


  • Previous Related Findings
  • Concept of Speaking Skill
  • Concept of Media
  • Concept of Framework

BBC Learning English is a department of the BBC World Service dedicated to English language teaching. The BBC Learning English service provides free resources and activities for teachers and students, mainly through its website. The first researcher used by BBC Learning English was to improve students' speaking skills in English learning, and the researcher focused on BBC Learning English, whose title refers to the Report Text.

The researcher chose these BBC Learning English because these BBC Learning English made the students happy. Alternative (H1): There is a significant improvement in students' pronunciation and vocabulary before and after learning using BBC Learning English. Alternative (H0): There is no significant improvement in students' pronunciation and vocabulary before and after learning using BBC Learning English.

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework Output
Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework Output


  • Research Design
  • Research Variables and Indicators
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis

The test was given to the students' speaking skills, especially the students' pronunciation and vocabulary, after the researcher has given treatment by using video audio of BBC Learning English, then the students will know the content of the video. Scoring students' correct answers in pretest using this formula Student's correct answers. The improvement in students' accuracy through BBC Learning English was different in pre-test and post-test.

The improvement in students' skills above means that the implementation of using BBC Learning Speaking in speaking accuracy has successfully improved the students' participation in speaking accuracy. The implementation of BBC Learning English in teaching improves students' speaking accuracy in terms of pronunciation, can be seen differently by considering the students' pre-test and post-test score. Table 4.2 of the pre-test percentage percentage showed that out of 14 students, 07 students (50%) belonged to the "Very Poor" category.

From the result, it can be concluded that the students' pronunciation ability was quite good. The application of BBC Learning English in the teaching materials in improving students' accuracy of speaking text in terms of pronunciation can be seen differently considering the students' pre-test and post-test score. The researcher then proposed the use of BBC Learning English as the main media to improve students' speaking skills.

Using both treatments helped students improve their pronunciation and vocabulary. Students can easily identify some expressions in the movie and understand the content of the movie. BBC Learning English as media helped students to improve vocabulary and can develop better activities in students.

The average score that the students achieve both pre-test (X1) and post-test (X2) Calculation of the average score of the students' speaking test.

Table 3.2 The asses of speaking
Table 3.2 The asses of speaking



The findings of the study showed the result description of the study through the average score of the students on the pre- and post-test in terms of accuracy (pronunciation) and (vocabulary) performance using a smartphone video recorder as an aid to teaching English. The post-test percentage showed that out of 14 students, 3 students (21%) belonged to the 'Poor' category, 5 students (36%) belonged to the 'Fair' category and 6 students (43%) belonged to the 'Fair' category. category 'Fair'. to “Fair. The column dealing with the frequency and percentage of students' pronunciations when speaking the different columns before and after the test four sessions shows that the students' score for the assessment exceeded the success criteria, in other words: it indicated that animated films can be used as educational media to improve students' speaking skills.

The percentage of post-test grades showed that out of 14 students, 3 students (21%) fell into the “poor” category, 8 students (58%) fell into the “fair” category, and 3 students (21%). ) falls into the "Fairly good" category. The column that the frequency and percentage of students Spoken Vocabulary in different columns before the test and after the test before the four meetings, it can be seen that the students' score for the assessment exceeded the success criteria, in other words, it indicated that BBC Learning English can be used as a learning medium for the improvement of students. You can see the comparison of the T-test and the T-table of the assessment of students' speaking skills in the following table.

Where the t-test value was higher than the t-table (15,013 >2,160). From the result it can be concluded that there are differences between the two. The result of analyzing the data using the above formula shows that the coefficient was 17.18. It meant that there was a significant increase after using BBC Learning English as a medium.

Table 4.1 The students’ mean score in pronunciation
Table 4.1 The students’ mean score in pronunciation


The use of animated films combined with other interesting activities was expected to help students improve their speaking skills. This means that the students don't just hear the language, but they can also see it. Students will be interested when they have the opportunity to see the language in use as well as hear it, and it will be better if this is combined with communicative tasks.

The listening comprehension technique was designed to help the students understand the content of the video and identify the language features or expression used by the speaker. When applying this technique, the film was played at normal speed and with normal sound. Harmer argues that the goal of the viewing techniques design is to arouse students' curiosity through prediction activities. Therefore, when students view the film series in its entirety, they will have some expectations and considerations about it.

Harmer argues that games are designed to give students an opportunity to speak English in an interesting way, and that role-playing games can be used to stimulate students' oral fluency in a specific situation. The use of film in combination with the speaking activities made the students speak more fluently and confidently. This research aimed at improving the speaking skills of the students in class XI IPA of SMA MUHAMMADIYAH SUNGGUMINASA in the academic year 2020/2021 through the utility movie.

This is evident from the post-test score, which was higher than the pre-test score. An English-speaking teacher should develop students' speaking skills by giving students more opportunities to practice English and express their opinions freely, so an English teacher should use film to improve students' speaking skills as a teaching method, especially for teaching speaking. Incorporating video into the 'legacy content' of the 12-12 curriculum: TV, films and Youtube in the classroom.

Integrating video clips into the "legacy content" of the K–12 curriculum: TV, movies, and YouTube in the classroom, from.



As it was started in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the implementation of all the actions was successful and made positive changes in the speaking process of teaching and learning. In addition, it can be concluded that there were some factors that influence the change of students' speaking skills using movies. Learning pronunciation and vocabulary through movies can be one of the effective ways to increase students' pronunciation and vocabulary skills. in the second semester of the English Department.


The use of the audiovisual tool to develop speaking skills for second grade students of Ensino Secundariu Cristal in the school year 2017. Teachers' perception on the use of audiovisual materials to teach speaking skills in English: Abba Pascal Girls'. The use of multimedia Power Point to improve the speaking skills of students in the eleventh grade of SMA n.1 air joman.

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk Report text untuk berkomunikasi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Instrumen: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Latih dengan cermat teks laporan dalam pengingat bahasa Inggris, lalu ceritakan kembali teks laporan tersebut menggunakan kata-kata bahasa Inggris Anda sendiri. Menghitung nilai uji-t untuk merepresentasikan nilai rata-rata pre-test berbeda secara signifikan dengan nilai rata-rata post-test.


Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework Output
Table 3.1 Research type
Table 3.2 The asses of speaking
Diagram 4.1 The students’ mean score in pronunciation


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