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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

All teachers in the English program who have taught the author during her studies in IAIN Parepare. Dawiru and Isa for their support and prayer for the author's education up to the Degree of Strata-I (S1), and her siblings who have supported the author. Finally, the author realized that this skripsi cannot be considered perfect without criticism and suggestions.

This aims to determine whether the use of the cake application can improve students' listening comprehension.


  • Background
  • Research Question
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research

What is the student's listening comprehension in the first grade of SMK Muhammadiyah before using the Cake application. Can the Cake application improve listening comprehension in the first class of SMK Muhammadiyah. To find out the student's listening comprehension in the first grade of SMK Muhammadiyah before using the cake application.

To find out if the use of cake can improve listening comprehension in the first class of SMK Muhammadiyah.


Some Previous Findings

Based on the above research, using an online cake learning program can improve students' speaking skills and create fun learning, and increase students' motivation and speaking skills, and can affect students' self-confidence. In this study, the researcher focused on the listening skills through the cake app, by using the cake app, the students were able to improve the headphones with the cake app because it has interesting features and challenges to record listening quizzes, students' listening will increase when speaking success rate was.

Some Pertinent Ideas

Kaharuddin, Listening Comprehension From Theory From Practice, (Makassar p.. 5. . and finally it will reach discourse level, i.e. the input will successfully convert to the intended output.14. With the help of the media, these varying interpretations can be avoided and information is conveyed to the learner in a consistent manner A learner is no longer the only source of learning for learners if they make appropriate use of the media.

With the help of the media, an important event occurring on another continent can be broadcast live in the classroom.19.

Conceptual Framework



  • Research Design
  • Location and Duration of the Research
  • Research Variables and Operational Definition
  • Population of the Research
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Procedure of Collecting Data
  • Treatment
  • Technique of Data Analysis

The practice test used in the pre- and post-test. The pre-test is used to determine the student's listening comprehension and use of the pie application prior to therapy, while the post-test is used to determine the student's listening comprehension performance after treatment. Based on the results of the pre-test, the data shows that the mean value of the pre-test is 37.4. After determining that the mean value (X1) of the pre-test is 37.4 and the standard deviation (SD) of the pre-test is 1.44, it can be determined that the listening comprehension of the improving student is in the low category .

The table above shows that the percentage of the pre-test level indicates that before it is treated using the cake application. Data source: Pre-test and post-test score calculation in the application Using Cake to Improve Students' Listening Comprehension). With these results and calculations, the bottom line is that there is a very significant difference between students' listening comprehension through the use of the cake app.

The researcher then calculated the average score of the student's listening comprehension shows that the percentage of the pre-test level shows that before being treated using the cake application. The results showed that using the cake app was significantly effective in improving students' listening comprehension. Furthermore, with the use of the cake app, most students actively participated in each activity.

This chapter presents the conclusion and proposal of the research on Using cake application to improve students' listening comprehension. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of the results in the previous chapter.

Table  1.4:  The  total  of  the  first    grade  students  of  SMK    Muhammadiyah  Parepare
Table 1.4: The total of the first grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Parepare



The pre-test was given before the treatment to find out how the student's listening comprehension was in listening, especially in captured sounds of what they had listened to, while the post-test was given after the treatment using the cake application speakers conveyed in the cake application and the post-test results of this study was able to answer research questions that aimed to determine students' listening skills through the use of cake applications to improve the listening comprehension of students in grade X SMK Muhammadiyah Parepare. -test was completed before using the cake application to measure students' listening skills in listening comprehension. The researcher found that the students' pretest scores based on the assessment provided information as shown in the following table:.

It can be seen that most of the student's understanding in listening is still low because students get less marks. Based on the post-test results, the data shows that the post-test average score is 70.00. After determination, the mean value (X1) of the post-test was 70.00 and the post-test standard deviation (SD) was 2.3.

We can see that the improvement of students' listening comprehension in the category is very good. The above table shows that after the treatment using the cake application, the students' listening performance can be considered good based on the post-test results. To determine whether the mean pre-test score and the mean post-test score were significantly different, this study used a T-test.

For the level of significance (p = 0.05) and df = 9, then the value of the table = 1.833. So the value of the t-test greater than the variable (2.6 > 1.833) meant that there was a significant difference in listening comprehension after doing a treatment using cake application to improve the learner's listening comprehension among the first class students of SMK MUHAMMADIYAH Parepare. If the t-test value is greater than the t-table value for a significance level of 0.05 with degrees of freedom 10-1 = 9, then the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the t-table value is greater than the t-table. -Test and the results of the data analysis obtained are that the t-Test value (2.6) is greater than the t-Table value (1.833).

Table  4.2  The  frequency  and  rate  percentage  of  the  student’s  listening  comprehension of Pre-Test
Table 4.2 The frequency and rate percentage of the student’s listening comprehension of Pre-Test


And writing in 1699, which made some students confused when listening due to lack of students' listening comprehension. After using the cake application to improve the students' listening comprehension, the students' listening comprehension was very significant, and the grades the students obtained were very good, so they were able to make the students more confident in improving their listening, especially when using the cake application, it was the students more relaxed and felt interested because of the material presented. And in the results, the researcher has calculated the average score for the students' listening comprehension as indicated by the post-test.

The researcher calculated the average listening comprehension score of the students which was shown by two tests namely pre-test and post-test. In this way, students seem very interested in the learning process because students can improve their listening comprehension. The researcher concludes that there is an increase in the use of Cake application to improve students' listening comprehension in the first grade of SMK Muhammadiyah Parepare.

After treatment, auditory comprehension was found to increase after using the cake app. The researchers can conclude that the use of the cake application affects the improvement of students' listening comprehension. With listening comprehension using the cake app, students can improve their listening, which is more interesting and students can enjoy the learning process more.

Afriani Endang, "Pengaruh Teknik Dictogloss terhadap Pemahaman Mendengarkan Siswa di Kelas XI Mas Al-Ihsaniyah Muaro Jambi" Tesis PhD; UIN Sultan Thaha Saifuddin: Jambi. Sebuah studi tentang masalah siswa dalam pemahaman mendengarkan pada tahun ketiga manusia 1 Pekanbaru” Tesis Universitas; Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim : Riau.



Before the cake app was implemented, students were less interested in learning English, especially listening. After applying the use of the cake application, it was easier for students to understand listening learning and students were more interested in using the cake application because of the different features and short videos presented. Therefore, it can be concluded that the benefits of using a cake application are; in the classroom students experience improvement, and involve students during every learning process and students become happy and more interested in learning well.


Forbedring af lytteforståelse gennem Bottom-Up-strategi ved at bruge engelsk popsang The Eight Grade Students Of Mts Ddi Taqwa Parepare”, Skripsi Sarjana: Jurusan Tarbiyah Parepare. Gilakjani Pourhosein, Abbas dan Ahmadi, Mohammad 'A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners' English Listening Comprehension and the Strategies for Improvement', Journal: Language Teaching and Research, (2011). The Use of Cake English Application in EFL Speaking Skill” Skripsi Sarjana; State Islamic University: North Sumatra.

Mandarani Vidya, 'Meningkatkan keterampilan pemahaman mendengarkan menggunakan strategi top-down dan bottom-up', PEDAGOGIA: Jurnal Pendidikan 5.2 (2016). Widyawati Susi, Tesis 2019 “Peranan Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Pengenalan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Era Globalisasi”; Universitas Sebelas Maret. Yanthi Winda, 'Penggunaan aplikasi kue dalam pengajaran speaking pada siswa sekolah menengah atas.

Pengolahan, penalaran dan penyajian dalam bidang konkrit dan abstrak berkaitan dengan pengembangan mandiri apa yang dipelajari di sekolah, dan kemampuan menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah ilmiah. Siswa menerapkan fungsi sosial yang terdapat pada teks menyimak dengan interaksi yang melibatkan siswa secara lisan dan tulisan menggunakan aplikasi kue. Menerapkan struktur teks yang termasuk dalam teks menyimak dengan adanya interaksi yang melibatkan siswa secara lisan dan tulisan menggunakan aplikasi kue aplikasi kue.

Siswa dapat melengkapi kalimat teks berdasarkan hasil video yang dilihatnya pada aplikasi kue. Siswa dilibatkan dalam penggunaan aplikasi kue, terutama pada apa yang akan Anda lakukan hari ini. Siswa dapat menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab saat menyelesaikan teks dan menggunakan aplikasi kue.

Siswa dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks yang terdapat dalam teks menyimak dengan interaksi yang melibatkan siswa lisan dan tulisan menggunakan aplikasi Sweets.


Table  1.4:  The  total  of  the  first    grade  students  of  SMK    Muhammadiyah  Parepare
Table 3.3 The Classification Students Level  Score
Table  4.2  The  frequency  and  rate  percentage  of  the  student’s  listening  comprehension of Pre-Test
Table 4.5. The frequency and rate percentage of the students listening  comprehension of  Post-Test


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