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English Education Study Program - STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

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Academic year: 2023

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Mayang Tiara, S.pdt) yulmiati, S.S, M.pd2) Yola Merina, M.Hum3)

'English Education Departmenq sTKIp pGRI west sumatera, padang.



mayangtiara26@gmail.com, (ls Writer)

" English Education Department, srKlp pGRI west Sumatera. padans.


yulmiati66@yahoo.corn, (2d Writer)

'English Education Department, srKlp pGRI \{est sumatera, padang, yolam3@gmail.conr, (3d Writer)



The background ofthis research was the radio announcers used code mixing in their utterance. This study aimed to find out


the types of code mlxing and


the reasons the announirs' used code mixing in their utterance in direct progfirm at Pro 2 fm Padang. The research design was descriptive that used distributional method. In-collecting data, the researcher used recording tool and i"t ing notes. Based on the reseacrS, the researcher found tkee Ypes of code mixing that used by radio annouflcers in their utterance in direct program at Pro


fm 90'8 mhz; (7) intra-senlential codz mixing, (2) intra-texical code mixing, and (3) a'chinge


prorurnciation Then,


a humorous effect, the Q) researcher becquse also found the the of lexical need, and reasons (3) to exclude the of code mixing otter that people uJed when camment by radio *no,ri'..rJ;limited

audience' From the data that have been found the researcher conclude that the radio announcers used code mixing in their utterance to make their program more interesting for participants and listeners.

Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah sering ditemui penyiar radio mengcampurkan bahasa terutama dalam ujaran yang dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuhmenemukan; (1) tipe -tipe campur kode oleh penyiar radio dalam ujaramya dan (2) alasan penyiar radio mengunakan campur kode dalam ujarannya.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian_deskriktif dengan menggunakan metJde agih- Data dari penelitian


aapat dari penyiar radio Pro


fm dalam program ,lire"t. Metode dan teknik pengumpulan data adalah rekaman dan :atatan Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa ada trga

lipe campur k;de


digunakan oleh penyiar radio dalam ujaranya pada program direct di Pro 2 fm so.i-mhz;


intra-sententiil c&e mixing, (2) intra-texical code.mixing, dan (3) a change of prownciation Kemudian dari penelitian ini juga oitemukin beberapa alasan penyiar radio melakukan campur kode dalam ujarannya, (l)



hr*or*r, ffict,

(z) becaase of real texical need dan (3'S to exclude the other peaple when comment


audience. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa penyiar iadio melakukan campur kode dalam ujarannya pad, p.ogr"* direct untuk membuat acara lebih menarik dan komunikasi dengan pendlngar lebih efektif

Key words: Radio announcers, Code mixing





In the communication, many people who have capability to use more than one language. In Indonesia, namely their native language, national language and foreign language. It is supported by Kim (2006:43) code mixing and code switching are widespread phenomena in bilingual communities were speakers use their native tongue(L1) and their second language (L2) in different domains.

However, it is not always the cause where each distinct language is exclusively used in one partical domain. It occured in many surrounding like education and broadcasting in our daily utterence in interaction with other people. The phenomenon of code mixing can be seen in written and spoken languages. Code mixing in the written language can be found in newspaper, magazine and novel. While, in spoken language can be found such as teaching learning process, discussion, television and radio program.

Radio is the vehicle to deliver information by using language. The sound which can be heard in the radio such as, music, news, or another information. Based on the researcher preliminary analysis through radio PRO 2 FM, researcher found some code mixing in daily utterance of the radio announcer. For example “bagi yang baru gabung di direct Pro 2 FM kamu bisa dengar lagu kesukaanmu dengan inbox on fecabook Pro FM”.

The statemernt above shows the announcer mixed her language from Indonesia to English language.

In this phenomena, code switching that used by radio announcer shows that in communication the people can used the another language to make our speech more interest to the listeners. The another reason the radio announcers mix the language is an announcer of radio improve the language because radio hearing by the people who have different language.

Furthermore, Accroding to Wardaugh (1992:106), code mixing occur when conversation use bot language together to extent that they change from one language to other language in the course of a single sentence. It means the conversation just change some of the elements in their utterances.

Code mixing takes place without a change of topic.

Code mixing often occurs within one sentence, one element is spoken in first language with the other language.

In addition, Genesse in Himer (2013:28) explains that code mixing as the use of elements from two languages in the samr utterance of conversation. It means that two languagez that are combined in the elements of the same utterance of conversation called code mixing


Furthermore, accroding to William and Ritchie (2013:376), code mixing to refer to the

mixing of various linguistic units (morphemes, word, modifiers, phrases, clauses and sentences) primarily from two participating grammatical system within a sentence. It argues that there are some elements on code mixing that people used in the daily life, not only a word or phrase mix in a sentence but also the mix of morphemes, modiefies clauses and sentence primarily from two different participating grammatical systems in sentence in tis case Indonesian language and English.

Code mixing has some types, there are many definitions about types of code switching.

Accroding to Hoffman in Pardede and Kisno (2012:130).

1. Intra-sentential

This kind of code mixing occurs within a clause or sentence boundary. For example:

saya tidak tahu why she did not datang hari ini”.

2. Intra- lexical code mixing

This kind of code mixing which occurs within a word boundary such as “printkan semua theorynya dan salin dalam buku catatan”.

3. Involving a change of pronunciation

This kind of code mixing occurs at the phenological level, as when Indonesia people way an English word, but modify it to Indonesian phenological structure. For example “jangan complain nilai kamu ke saya”

In addition, there are two types of code mixing accroding to Soewito in Cher and Agustina (2004:114), they are:

1. Inner code mixing

Inner code mixing shows, if the speaker inserts the elements of his own language into national language, the element of dialect into his own language, or elements of varieties and style into his dialect. Code mixing and the elements of a regional language show that the speaker has a regional language characteristic. For example: “berapa umurnya uni?”

2. Outer code mixing

Campur code keluar adalah campur kode yang berasal dari bahasa asing. Such as the elements of English inserted in Indonesia. In during code mixing with the English can give the impression that the speaker is modern and has a good relationship of society. For example:

jangan kemana-mana tetap stay tone di PRO 2 FM”

Then, accrodimg to Saville-Troike (2003:56), gives some reasons why the bilinguals to switch or mix their language, there are:

a. For a humorous effect

To indicate referentially derogatory comment is not to be taken seriously. It is


also used for direct quatations, which may range from stereotypical imitative speech in joking to learn citations in Latin or Greak.

The reason people used code mixing in communication to make enjoy situation, because sometimes they need humorous or kidding in conversation.

b. Because of real lexical need

The most common reason for switching sometimes because formulatic expressions in one language cannot be satisfactory translated into the second, sometimes because the speaker knows the desire expression only in one language and sometimes because access to one of language is diminished. Such as when the Indonesian speaks English language and they have problem of word in speaking they may mix into Indonesia, it will be easy to communicate with them.

c. To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only limited audience

Sometimes people want to communicate only to certain people or community they belong to. To avoid the other community or people inserfering their communication, they may try to exclude those people by using the language that not others know.

Based on the explaination above can be concluded that used code mixing in the interaction is important to relationship between speakers and listener. Then, code switching also help the announcers to increase their comprehension, make the program more interesting to listener.


The design in this research was the descriptive research. Accroding to Gay and Airasian (2000:164) defines that descriptive study determines and describes the way thing are. This design appropriate with the researcher want to find out. In this research, researcher found about the reasons of announcers’ code mixing in direct program at Pro 2 Fm. Therefore, by conducted the descriptive research, researcher found out about types and reasons of code mixing.

The participant was anything that provided the information data researcher in this research. In order to made the analysis easier, researcher needed to used the participant. The substantive in this research was the announcers’ uttarances in direct program at Pro 2 Fm Padang. The researcher took two announcers, they were Ari and Tito because this research focused on the announcers’ utterances in direct program at Pro 2 Fm Padang.

In collecting the data, there are two kinds of methods in collecting data. They are: Observational Method and Interview Method (Sudaryanto:

2015:202). In this research, researcher used the observational method because the researcher would

observed the types and reasons of announcers’ code mixing in direct program at Pro 2 Fm Padang.

Basic technique that chosen by researcher was non- participant observational technique, because the researcher did not involve directly in the dialogues with announcers. In this research, researcher used recording and taking notes to collecting the data.

a. Recording

The recording used to recorded all of participants’ uttarances in the direct program at Pro 2 Fm Padang. Then, the researcher used recording to analysis the types and reasons of announcers’ code mixing.

b. Taking Notes

Taking note used to got the data based on the the phenomena in the field. This instrument used to made sure the researcher got all information during the sample speak in direct program at Pro 2 Fm Padang. The researcher wrote everything that supported the data of this research.

Then, researcher used theory of Hoffman in Pardede and Kisno (2012:130) as indicator the types of announcers’ code mixing. Meanwhile, researcher used theory Saville-Troike (2003:56) as indicator the reasons of announcers’ code mixing.

After collecting the data, the researcher took the data based on the method and technique of collecting data. In this research, the method of analyzing data that used in this research was distributional method. Distributional method is a research method, which its determiner device is part of language itself (Sudaryanto: 2015:18). Basic technique is segmenting immediate constituent technique, and the next technique is subsitution technique. Substitution technique used to subtitute the word that mix with another word.


As a result of research, the researcher found answer for the research questions. Based on the data analysis above, the researcher found that radio announcers’ utterances in direct program at Pro 2 fm 90.8 mhz. There were three types of code mixing used by the radio announcers. The first type is intra-sentential code mixing. From the data analysis, the researcher found that the announcers mixed their language in one the sentence boundary in one sentence to other language in the other sentence during conversation or utterance. The researcher found the radio announcer used English into Indonesia language. It occured when the announcer conversation with participant. The researcher found this type occured in all of announcers.

The second type that researcher found is intra- lexical switching. This type occured when the radio announcer explained about themself to listener. In this type the radio announcers mixed their language


to other language but still in one sentence. The researcher found that the radio announcers mixed their language in Indonesia to English and English to Indonesia. The researcher found the types of code mixing used by all of radio announcers. The last is a change pronunciation, it is occured in phenological level in announcers’ utterances. The researcher found this type in English into Indonesia language.

The researcher also found some reasons why radio announcers mixed their language in their utterances. The researcher involves the reasons besed on the announcers’ utterance. The first reason for a humorous effect, the announcers mixed their language because to make enjoy sitution such a joke or kidding because sometimes they need humorous in conversation with participant or listener. It also help them to make interesting communication.

The next reason was because of real lexical need. from the data gathered the researcher concluded that the announcers mixed their language because their must used the another language in the sentence to make the participant or listener get the point about their statement. If they mixed the language it also help them explained the meaning.

The last reason was to exclude the other people when a comment when a comment is intended for only limited audience. It mean the announcer mixed the language to limited the people know about his mean. The data that found by researcher only one of announcers used this reason he was Ari. Ari mixed his language to participant because he have known the participant before. This reason rarely used by announcers because as the radio announcers, they should used the language which is the others understand about that.


In general, code mixing occured because the ability use more than one language. It was proven when the announcers inserted the some languages into national language. This research saw the types and the reasons of code mixing that used by Pro 2 radio announcers in direct program based on announcers’ utterances.

In the finding of the research, researcher found that three types of code mixing used by Pro 2 radio announcers in direct program based on the Hoffman in Pardede and Kisno (2012:130) . The types are intra-sentential code mixing, intra-lexical code mixing and a change of pronunciation. The radio announcers used the types to English language in National language. The announcers used the types of code mixing with different reasons each other.

In this research also used three reasons of code mixing based on Saville-Troike’s theory (2003:56).

Then, the researcher found that the reasons that

used by radio announcers same with the theory that used by researcher. The first reason was for a humorous effect, it occured because made enjoy situation. The next reason was because of real lexical need, it occured because the announcer made easy the conversation and the last, to exclude the other people when a comment is intended for limited audience. It means the aimed the radio announcers mixed their language to limited the people understand about conversation.

Based on explanation above, the researcher concluded that many types of code mixing that used by radio announcers on their utterances. Then, the radio announcer has the reasons mixed their language. Such as the aimed of announcers mixed their language when interaction with participant or listener to make effective conversation with participant and interesting program to listener.


The researcher found some elements of code mixing. It involved the the types and reason of code mixing, the researcher used theory of Hoffman in Pardede and Kisno (2012:130) the type of code mixing are intra-sentential code mixing, intra- lexical code mixing and a change of pronunciation.

The announcers often used code mixing by mixed Indonesia into English or English into Indonesia language, but sometimes they also used English and Arabic language as greeting in closing conversation for a humorous effect in conversation.

Besides that, the researcher also found the reason of code mixing that used by radio announcers. The researcher used theory of Saville- Troike (2003:56) the reasons are for a humorous effect, the real lexical need and to exclude the other people. The announcer used these reasons conveyed on the situation context of conversation.

From it can be concluded the Pro 2 FM radio announcers used code mixing in their conversation with participant and listener, they also switched their language with some reasons. By using code mixing it can help the radio announcers to make the interesting program to listener or participant. On the other hand, code mixing helps the radio announcers to communicate with others more effective.


The code mixing which happen in Indonesian speakers, especially in radio broadcasting are varied and show many aspects, including the social class of the speakers. The ability to mix the codes by turns in utterances is a very useful skill to make a good relationship in society to get better carier. Code mixing is the interesting phenomenon was analyzed but the result of this research is still not enough to represents all code mixing phenomenon which happens in Indonesian radio announcers.


In this research, the researcher only did a research to analyzing and explaning the types and reason of code mixing that used by Pro 2 radio announcers in Direct program. There are many sources or object that can be used in analyzing code mixing such as novel, newspaper and book to find out the phenomenon of sociolinguistic especially code mixing. Finally, the researcher suggests the next researcher who has interest to this topic may get a chance to continue the research and can do it in larger scope.


Praised to be allah swt the almighty who has given me the strength, health and bless to complete this thesis entitled “ radio announcers’ code mixing in direct program at pro 2 fm 90.8 mhz” this thesis aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for S1 degree of STKIP PGRI Padang Sumatera Barat.

A special thanks and appreciation from the deepest heart are given to advisors, Yulmiati, S.S, M.Pd and Yola Merina, M.hum who have been kind and willing to give their time, energy, opinions, sugesstion and supports in completing this thesis. The researcher’ appreciation also goes to contributors, M. Khairi Ikhsan, M.Pd, Elmiati, M.Pd and Melati Theresia, M.hum who have contribution to make this research better. The next, researcher also want to shows her thanks to armilia Riza, M.Pd as chairperson of English education department and Mayuasti, M.Pd as secretary of English education department STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat who have helped her in preparing any kinds of letters needed.

Therefore, the researcher expresses the deepest gratitude to beloved parents who have

given their love, pray, care and attention for her life. The researcher also wants to say thanks to her family and friends who have given support and motivation in finishing this thesis.


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