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http://ojs.stkip-ypup.ac.id/index.php/erj Vol 1, No, 12, Agustus 2021

p-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx dan e-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx DOI.xxx-xxx



Risna Yanti 1, Nurfitriyah Halim 2

Email: risnayanti8998@gmail.com Email: fitrihalim85@gmail.com Artikel info

Artikel history:

Received; 06-04-2021 Revised: 17-07-2021 Accepted;12-08-2021

Abstract. Risna Yanti, 2021. The Use of Speak, Clue, Act Games in Teaching Vocabulary at the Tenth-Grade of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja.

This research aimed to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery using Speak, Clue, Act Games at the tenth-grade of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja. Pre-experimental was the method used of this research with pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The population of this research was the all tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja and Mia-1 class which consisted of 21 students as sample with cluster random sampling as the sampling technique.

The instrument of this research was vocabulary test. The result of this research shows that there is an improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery where the post-test mean score is higher than pre-test. Beside that, the T-test value of the research is greater than T-table, with a significant level of 0.05. It can be concluded that the use of Speak, Clue, Act Games in teaching vocabulary can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Abstrak. Risna Yanti, 2021. Penggunaan Permainan Speak, Clue, Act dalam Mengajarkan Kosakata di Kelas X SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan penguasaan kosakata siswa menggunakan Speak, Clue, Act Games di kelas sepuluh SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja. Pra-eksperimental adalah metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan pre-test, treatment, dan post-test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja dan kelas Mia-1 yang berjumlah 21 siswa sebagai sample dengan teknik pengambilannya secara acak. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes kosakata.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan penguasaan kosakata siswa dimana nilai rata-rata post-test lebih tinggi dari pada pre-test.

Selain itu nilai T-test penelitian lebih besar dari T-tabel dengan tingkat signifikan 0.05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Speak, Clue, Act Games dalam mengajarkan kosakata dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa.

Kata Kunci:

Vocabulary Mastery, Speak, Clue, Act Games.

Coresponden author:

Email: xxxx@gmail.com artikel dengan akses terbuka dibawah lisensi CC BY -4.0


2 Introduction

In Indonesia, English as a foreign language and has become the most important language to be learnt by students at schools, start from elementary school up to universities, because the one successfully of our nation depend on the quality of education that comes from technology, books, and tools which written in English. There are four major strategies that help with finding the meaning of unknown words and making stay in memory, they are: guessing from context clues, deliberately studying words on word cards, using words parts and dictionary used. These are widely applicable because they provide access to large numbers of words and deserve substantial amounts of classroom time. (Schmitt and Rodgers, 2020: 43).

Based on the researcher’s consultation to the English teacher and students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja, there are many factors that can influence the learners’ vocabulary such as the interest and motivation. The students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja had some problems in learning of English such as, the students only used book and internet as media in learning.

The students were bored in learning of English, because they just listened what their teacher delivered for them. They were less vocabulary and difficult to remember vocabulary. The students had difficulties in pronouncing and spelling the words. So, the teacher should make it more interesting by making different activities when teaching English especially teaching vocabulary in the class.

To overcome those problems, the researcher used games to help students to improve their vocabulary mastery. Vocabulary is continued to be growing and students need an effective way to learn vocabulary. The game could motivate students to learn especially in learning new languages. The researcher used Speak, Clue, Act Games to help students to improve their vocabulary mastery. The way to play these games similar with Fishbowl Game. Fishbowl Game is a memory game that consists on Taboo, Password, and Charades. Taboo Game only spoke or gave some descriptions of the word without action, Password Game only used a clue or one word as a clue without action, and Charades Game only showed their action or gesture without speaking or giving a clue.

Research Method

In this research, the researcher used pre experimental design to know the significant effect to students in learning vocabulary mastery. The population that used in this research was


3 the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja. There were seven classes that consisted of four classes of IPA and three classes of IPS. The researcher took one class from the tenth- grade of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja and the tenth- grade Mia-I class was chosen. The researcher chose only 21 students of Mia-1.

The procedures of data collection of this research were described as follows:

1. Pre-test

To collect the data, the researcher did a pre-test to the class. It was tested to the students.

The test was focused on 5 numbers of fill-in the blank and 20 numbers of matching pair questions.

2. Treatment

In this part, the researcher applied Speak, Clue, Act Games. There were several things that researcher would explain are listed below:

a) The researcher explained the materials.

b) The researcher divided the students into two groups, group A and Group B.

c) Round one

1) In the first round, the researcher asked the students to prepare them selves to play the game and decided the first player and so on until the last player.

2) The researcher asked the first player came to the fore and demonstrated the word that has chosen from the bowl based on the rule of taboo game, then the other member of her/his group guessed the word until the last players.

3) The researcher counted the correct answers and put the words again into the bowl, then continued by the second team.

d) Round Two

1) The researcher asked the first team to prepare them selves to continue the second game.

2) The researcher told the students about the winner of provisional in the first round to make students will be more enthusiastic in learning.

3) The students started to play the second round in front of the class based on the rule of Clue Game until the last player.

4) The researcher counted the correct answers and put again the words into the bowl, then continued by the second team.

e) Round Three

1) In this round, the winner would be known of these games.


4 2) The researcher told students about the provisional winner in the second round to make

students more enthusiastic in learning.

3) The researcher asked the students to remember all words/phrases that they have guessed, before continued to the last game was Act Game.

4) The researcher asked the first team to play the game start from the first player based on the rule of Act Game, then guessed by the other members of group A until the last player.

5) The researcher counted the correct answers and put again the words into the bowl, then continued by the second team.

f) Each meeting, the researcher asked the students to mention the ten vocabularies that have played by the games of Speak, Clue, Act Games.

3. Post-test

After the treatment, the post-test was given after giving treatment to the students. The test was the same with the pre-test before. The post-test consisted of 5 numbers of fill-in the blanks and 20 matching pairs questions.

The technique of data analysis, to the students’ score per person using the formula:

Classify the students’ score into five levels as follow:

NO Score Classification 1 90-100 Excellent

2 80-89 Good

3 70-79 Average

4 60-69 Unsatisfactory 5 Below 60 Unacceptable Table 1: Scoring Classification

(Brown in Wijorse, 2017).

Calculating the percentage, mean score, and t-test value by using SPSS analysis version 26.

Result Finding

1. The Students’ classification Score a) Pre-test


5 The researcher gave 25 numbers of questions to the students by using fill-in the blanks and matching pairs that consisted of 5 numbers of fill-in the blanks about kinds of occupations. The test was done in 60 minutes.

Chart 1. The Students’ Pre-test Score

From all of the students who took the pre-test, there was one student who achieved score of 88. It was categorized as a good score. Beside that there were four students’ score that attained 72 to 80. Two students who reached score of 80 and the others two students got score of 76 and 72. In this test, only one student who classified as unsatisfactory, because she got score of 64. The unacceptable clasification score was found by fifteen students because their scores were under 61. There were three students who got score of 52 to 60 that consisted of the values of 52, 56, and 60. The scores of 44 and 48 was obtained by four people. Two of them who got 44 and the other two were 48. The score of 36 was found by three students and the score of 28 was gotten by two people. There were three of them who had values of 32, 24, and 20. So, the total of pre-test score from 21 students was 1052.

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 90-100 0 0

2 Good 80-89 1 4.8

3 Average 70-79 4 19.0

4 Unsatisfactory 60-69 1 4.8

5 Unacceptable Below 60 15 71.4

Total 21 100%

Table 2: The Classification and Rate Percentage of the Students’ Pre-test Score

b) Post-test

Post-test related with 25 number of vocabulary test. It was same as the privious test, still in fill in the blaks and matching pairs.


6 Chart 2: The Students’ Post-test Score

From the 21 students who followed the previous test, there was no one who gained the category of excellent score but in this post-test, there were two students who received the score of 100 and three students who got the score of 92. Beside that, there were three students who obtained the score of 88 and five students who found the score of 84. The average classification score was received by six people, five of them who got the value of 76 and the other one was 72. In post-test, only two students who attained the score of 68.

It was categorized as the unsatisfactory score and no one students who got the value under 60. It was different with the previous test or pre-test because all of the students’ post-test scores were higher than pre-test.

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 90-100 5 23.8

2 Good 80-89 8 38.1

3 Average 70-79 6 28.6

4 Unsatisfactory 60-69 2 9.5

5 Unacceptable Below 60 0 0

Total 21 100%

Table 3: The Classification and Rate Percentage of the Students’ Post-test Score

The comparison of the students pre-test and post-test score could be seen on the following chart.



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Pre-test Post-test

Chart 3: The Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Score

Based on the chart above, the researcher concluded that the comparison between pre- test and post-test score was very high significant differences. In the pre-test, the unacceptable classification score was higher than other classification score, even there was no student who received the excellent score, while in post-test showed that there were five students who were in the category of excellent score and eight students who got a good score. Beside that, the average classification score was obtained for six students and one students who got the unsatisfactory sore. There was no one student who classified in the unacceptable score.

2. The Comparison of Rate Percentage of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test No Classifications Scores Rate Percentages

Pre-test Post-test

1 Excellent 90-100 0 23.8

2 Good 80-89 4.8 38.1

3 Average 70-79 19.0 28.6

4 Unsatisfactory 60-69 4.8 9.5

5 Unacceptable Below 60 71.4 0

Total 100% 100%

Table 4: The Comparison of Rate Percentage of Pre-test and Post-test

By the table above shows that after teaching English using Speak, Clue, Act Games to the students, the result of the post-test had a quick improvement of the students’ score. The number of frequency and rate percentage of the students’ pre-test and post-test above shows an improvement students’ vocabulary mastery’ at SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja which was in the pre-test most students were still categorized in the unacceptable, but in the post-test there was no more student who was in unacceptable classifications. All of students were categorized into


8 good and very good classification.

3. The Students’ Data Statistic of Pre-test and Post-test a) Pre-test

In this research, the researcher used SPSS version 26 to find out the students’ data statistic of pre-test. The data could be seen in the following table 4.6. The table shows that the learning outcomes of 21 students who got the pre-test in improving their vocabulary mastery using Speak, Clue, Act Games with the average of pre-test was 50.10. The minimum score of pre-test was 20 and the maximum was 88, while the median of pre-test was 48. The range of pre-test was 68 and the variance of pre-test was 413.790. The standard deviation of pre-test was 20.342 and the mode or the value that often appeared in pre-test was 36. It appeared for three times.

Statistics Score of Pre-test

N Valid 21

Missing 0

Mean 50.10

Std. Error of Mean 4.439

Median 48

Mode 36

Std. Deviation 20.342

Variance 413.790

Range 68

Minimum 20

Maximum 88

Sum 1052

Table 5: The Students’ Data Statistic of Pre-test

b) Post-test

Calculating the students’ data statistic of post-test was also same as the way to count pre-test data statistic using SPSS version 26. The data students’ data have listed on the table 4.7 below. The table shows that the learning outcomes of 21 students who followed the pre-test on improving students vocabulary mastery using Speak, Clue, Act Games, the average of post-test was 83.24. The minimum score of post-test was 68 and the maximum was 100. The median of post-test was 84 and the range of post-test was 32. The variance of post-test was 85.790. The standard deviation of post-test was 9.262 and the mode or the value that often appeared in pre-test was 76 and 84. It appeared for five times.

Statistics Score of Post-test



N Valid 21

Missing 0

Mean 83.24

Std. Error of Mean 2.021

Median 84

Mode 76 and 84

Std. Deviation 9.262

Variance 85.790

Range 32

Minimum 68

Maximum 100

Sum 1748

Table 6: The Students’ Data Statistic of Post-test

5. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation a) The Mean Score

Test Mean Score

Pre-test 50,10

Post-test 83,24

Paired-Test 33,143

Table 7: The Difference of Pre-test and Post-test Mean Score

b) The Standard Deviation in Pre-test and Post-test

Variable Std. Deviation

Pre-test 20.342

Post-test 9.262

Paired-test 13.690

Table 8: The Standard Deviation of Students’ Score

c) The Situation of Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test

After doing the research using Speak, Clue, Act Games in teaching vocabulary to the students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja at the tenth-grade Mia 1, then the researcher started to collect the data. The result of the data could be seen on the following table 4.10, whether or not a change of students’ score between pre-test and post-test score before and after giving the treatment.

NO Situation of Score

Number of Students

Rate Percentage

1 Increased 21 100%

2 Unchanged 0 0

3 Descreased 0 0

Total 21 100%

Table 9: The Situation of Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test


10 Based on the table 9, it shows that from 21 students who followed the pre-test as a previous test, all students’ scores have increased in post-test. There was no one student who got the score under their pre-test score. It means that all of the students’ vocabulary mastery have improved after applying the treatment using Speak, Clue, Act Games. There was no one student who had the post-test score same as on the previous test score. The students’

post-test score was higher than the privious score. The researcher concluded this research that the students’ pre-test scores were significant difference with pre-test score.

6. Hypothesis Testing

result of students’ vocabulary test which has increased could be seen in the following table:

Df Level Significant T-test Value T-table

20 0.05 11.094 2.086

Table 10: Test of Significant

The result of T-test was compared with T-table. The T-test value was 11.094 with the significant level was 0.05. After knew the degrees of freedom and the level significant, the researcher found the T-table. The T-table of this research was 2.086. The result showed that the T-test value was greater than T-table. 11.094>2.086 was the comparison of T-test value and T- table. It could be concluded that there was a significant effect on improving students’

vocabulary mastery between pre-test and post-test after giving the treatment using Speak, Clue, Act Games in teaching vocabulary at the tenth-grade Mia-1 students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja. So, the Null Hypothesis (H0) was rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) was accepted since there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test after teaching vocabulary by using Speak, Clue, Act Games as the treatment for four meetings.


This research was different from some other reserchers, such as: Bahresi (2014), conducted the research only by acting game in teaching. Based on his observation and interview, he stated that Charades Game was a memorable game, but there was no other activity in the class other than acting and guessing the word. It was same as the strategy of this research, describing and guessing the words using Act Game but not only one game that used. The reseracher conducted this research by teaching in the class. Furthermore, in Khayati and Hadi (2020), conveyed some reason why they chose Charades Game in learning vocabulary. The first, Charades Game is one of the similar physical games that keep students engaged and enjoyable throughout the learning experience since they learn through doing enjoyable


11 activities and the second, Charades Game encourages students to memorize the words. Wardani (2015), concluded the research using Taboo Game in teaching vocabulary. The game was played by pairing. One student as a clues giver and the other one as a guesser. The pre-test result of experimental group was 9.40, while post-test was 21.46. The pre-test result of control group was 15.75 and post-test was 19.96. The T-test value of her research was 10.12, while T-table was 1.67. The values show that the values of this research was greater than that. The changed of students’ pre-test and post-test scores in this research was greatly increased, because the the score of post-test was highest than pre-test. Cahyani (2017), conducted the research using Guessing Game. In her research, the teacher used a picture or card, then the students described and guessed the picture. She did the research based on her observation. The researcher could not know the ability of students in the class, because she did not teach them by her own self. It was different with this research’ researcher who finished in the class. The researcher used three games to describe one word and the games were played in three rounds same as the Fishbowl Game procedures. The first, the students described the words by speaking without action. The second, the students describe the word by giving a word or phrase without showing their action or saying more than one word. The third, the students described the words by showing their action or gesture without giving a word or more than one word. The researcher used three variations of game to avoid the students’ laziness and boredom in the classroom.


The researcher would like to express gratitude to Ir. H. Asrul Rahim, M.Si. as the head of foundation of STKIP YPUP Makassar, Dr. Rina Asrini Bakri, M.Pd. as the head of STKIP YPUP Makassar, Rita Roswita Duyo, SS., M.Pd. as the head of English Department of STKIP YPUP Makassar, Sry Yulianti Ardiningtyas, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the representative of English Department, and all lecturers and staff of STKIP YPUP who have provided guidance, support, assistance, and educated the researcher during the lecture until complete her study.

The researcher also thanks to the principal of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja Mr. Orthan S.Pd., MM who had allowed the researcher to carry out her research and to Mr. Andarias Tandililing as a teacher of the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja who had helped the researcher in doing her research. The deepest thank also to all staff and students of the tenth-grade Mia-1 of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja.

Big thank and love to the researcher’s beloved family, especially her parents (Benyamin Kaso’ and Sara Buan), sisters and brothers who never stop praying and paying the researcher’s tuition to finish the researcher’s study at STKIP YPUP Makassar. The researcher


12 also says thank you to all researcher’s friends especially English department who have given their supporting to finish this research well.


The presentation of the data analysis showed that before giving the treatment using Speak, Clue, Act Games for the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja, the students were lack of vocabulary. The total score of students’ pre-test was 1.052 while post-test was 1.748. It means that, there was an improvement of students vocabulary mastery after giving the treatment using Speak, Clue, Act Games for four meetings. The T-test value of this research was greater than T- table (11.094>2.086). Therefore, the Alternative Hypothesis (H1) was accepted and Null Hypothesis (H0) was rejected.


The researcher recommends to English teacher of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja to use Speak, Clue, Act Games in teaching English especially in teaching vocabulary and the learning process because this method can improve students’ vocabulary mastery by seeing what the students are learning, so the students will be more easy to remember and understand the material which is given. The researcher hopes that the students of SMA Negeri 8 Tana Toraja can be more interesting to use Speak, Clue, Act Games to improve their vocabulary mastery in English learning and the students’ vocabulary mastery will be better after using this method. The students can show their interest and attention towards the material that teacher gives them. For the next researchers, the researcher hopes that they can do better in research especially if they do the same research. This research is expected to be a source of the informations to help them on carrying out their research.


Bahresi, Farqi Fazat. 2014. Charades Game in Teaching Vocabulary to te Sevent Grade Students of MTsN Sewulan Dagangan Madiun in Academic Year.2013/2014. English Education Departement. Thesis. Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic College of Ponorogo.

Cahyani, M.D. 2017. Learning English Vocabulary by Using Guessig Game in the First Semester of Hotel Accomodation the Fisrt Grade Students of SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung.

Thesis. Lampung. Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

Friedman. 22 September 2020. How to Play Fishbowl Game, Rules, Regulations, and Tips.

FunAttic. https://funatic.com/how-to-play-fishbowl-game/. Accessed 18 February 2021.


13 Nordquist, Richard. 04 November 2019. What is Vocabulary in Grammar.

http://www.thoughtco.com/vocabulary-definition-1692597. Accessed 18 February 2021.

Khayati, Mala and Hadi Muhamad Sofian. 2020. Explicit Vocabulary Instruction with English Language Learners: a Charades Game. Journal.umj.ac.id. Universitas Muhammadiyah.

Jakarta. South Tanggerang.

Schmitt, Nobert and Rodgers Michael P.H. 2020. An Introduction to Applied Linguistic. Third Addition. New York.

Sherly. 2019. Improving Students Vocabulary about Hobbies Through Charade Game. Article.

Universitas Tanjungpura. Pontianak.

Wardani, Mega Kusuma. 2015. The Effect of Using Taboo Game on the Eighth Grade Students Vocabulary Mastery at MTS Baitul Arqom Balung in the 2014/2015 Academic Year.


Wijorse, Novita Liany. 2017. The use of Pegword Method in Teaching Vocabulary at the Second Grade of SMP Guppy Samata. Thesis. Makassar. Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty, Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.


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