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With Fly Ash on Fine Concrete on the Compressive Strength

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Academic year: 2023

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The Effect of Fine Aggregate Substitution with Lightweight Powder Waste and Cement Substitution

With Fly Ash on Fine Concrete on the Compressive Strength

Syafwandi, Jean Nikita Khadijah.

Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia h.syafwandi13@gmail.com, jeannikita15@gmail.com


The fibers are natural fibers at the base of the palm frond (arenga pinnata). The black fiber produced from palm trees is durable and does not break down easily, and can increase the tensile strength of concrete. Lightweight concrete bricks are bricks that have a much smaller weight than bricks in general. Light brick was created in order to lighten the structural load of a construction building. Coal ash as waste is not like gas from combustion, because it is a solid material that is insoluble and non-volatile. The use of these three materials as a substitute for the concrete mixture is expected to reduce environmental pollution. This study aims to determine the effect of fine aggregate substitution with light brick powder waste and cement substitution with fly ash on fiber-fiber concrete. The percentage of addition of palm fiber used as much as 0.5%, 1%; 2.5%; substitution of light brick powder with sand as much as 5%, 10%; and substitution of fly ash with cement as much as 7.5%, 10%. The compressive strength test was carried out on the 14th and 28th day. Based on the results of research on concrete with substitution of fine aggregate with light brick powder waste and substitution of cement with fly ash on fiber-fiber concrete, it tends to experience a decrease in quality or compressive strength when compared to normal concrete without any added substitution.


Alternative, Aren Palm Fiber, Concrete Compressive Strength, Fly Ash, Light Brick Powder.

1. Historical Background

Along with developments in the field of structural engineering technology in Indonesia, the use of concrete is widely used to build infrastructure such as building works, roads, dams, bridges, and others.

Concrete is a mixture of fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water with or without additives that form a solid mass. Concrete is a relatively inexpensive material compared to other materials, apart from having a large compressive strength, concrete is easy to work with and can be shaped as desired, besides that, the manufacture of concrete can also be varied in a mixture of coarse or fine aggregates.

In the process of making concrete, it can produce large amounts of carbon dioxide or CO2 gas which results in increased carbon dioxide emissions, therefore, it is necessary to immediately seek efforts to reduce the number of gas production that pollutes the environment. Along with the progress of infrastructure development that is increasing. This of course made the need for the main raw material for concrete construction to increase which resulted in increased cement production, and new cement factories emerged.

Many industries in Indonesia currently use coal as an energy producer because it is relatively cheaper than petroleum. The use of coal can have a negative impact on the environment, because it produces waste in the form of fly ash or what is also known as fly ash. which is one of B3 (Dangerous Toxic Materials) waste so it is very dangerous if it pollutes the surrounding air. (Ayu Lasryza dan Dyah Sawitri, 2012). The handling of fly ash itself is generally only stacked around industrial areas or disposed of in landfills (landfills). Less optimum handling of fly ash waste can be dangerous to the surrounding environment, such as fly ash blown by the wind which can interfere with breathing and of course will cause air pollution. The increasing use of coal, the heavier the environmental burden will be and needs to be anticipated by finding optimal utilization in order to reduce the level of environmental pollution. (Irawan, Andi, 2015).

In addition to fly ash, there are light bricks, lightweight bricks formed from a dough consisting of silica sand, cement, lime, a little gypsum, water, and aluminum paste which is mixed and then heated with an autoclave machine at a predetermined temperature and time. In making light bricks can also increase air


Apart from factory-made waste there are also natural wastes, such as palm fiber. This fiber is a natural fiber that is difficult to decompose because there are no substances that help the breakdown process. Meanwhile, the palm fiber itself is very easy to find around us easily, so that if it is not broken down immediately it can pollute the environment. However, the strength of concrete really depends on the composition and strength of each of the concrete-forming materials. Many studies have been done to make concrete stronger and to make work easier by using additives (additives). An example is the SikaCim Concrete Additive which helps to speed up the hardening process of concrete, reduces porosity, and can facilitate casting.

So on the basis of this thought the writer chose the title of the final project: “Pengaruh Substitusi Agregat Halus Dengan Limbah Serbuk Bata Ringan dan Substitusi Semen Dengan Fly Ash Pada Beton Berserat Ijuk Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton”.

The aim of this research is :

1. Knowing the effect of fine aggregate substitution with light brick powder waste and cement substitution with fly ash on palm fiber concrete on the compressive strength of the concrete with a concrete compressive strength plan of 50 MPa.

2. Research Methodology

2.1. Research Methods

(Djamarah, 2005) said if the experimental method is a method that provides opportunities for individuals or groups to practice or carry out a process or experiment. Through this method, it is expected to fully engage in experiments, conduct experiments, find facts, collect data, control variables, and solve real problems.

The research method is an attempt to implement plans that have been compiled in real activities so that the objectives that have been prepared are achieved optimally to achieve certain goals, (Trianto, 2010). Research can usually be carried out in a place, it can be in the form of a laboratory or direct field observation.

2.2. Research Variable

(Sugiyono, 2013) thinks, the research method is basically a scientific way of obtaining data for specific purposes and uses. Based on this, there are four key words that need to be considered, namely scientific method, data, purpose and use. According to (Darmadi, 2013), the research method is a scientific way to obtain data for specific purposes. The scientific way means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical, and systematic. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the research method is a scientific way of obtaining data for specific purposes and uses.

The research variables in this study consisted of two kinds of variables. Among them are the independent variables, namely X1, X2, and X3. While the second is the dependent variable, namely Y. While the dependent variable is a variable that is influenced by the independent variable. And this study determined that the independent variable consisting of X1 is palm fiber as a substitute for coarse aggregate; X2 is light brick powder as a sand substitute; and X3 is fly ash as a cement substitute.

2.3. Research Flow

In this research, the first step is to prepare materials such as sand, gravel, cement, water and also additives to palm fiber. The percentage of addition of palm fiber used as much as 0.5%, 1%; 2.5% (Arthur Daniel Limantara, 2017); then substitution of light brick powder with sand as much as 5%, 10% (Ananda, 2016); and substitution of fly ash with cement as much as 7.5%, 10% (Mira Setiawati, 2017). The concrete is molded using 3 cylinders measuring 10 cm x 20 cm for each test concrete quality. The tested object will be tested for slump to determine workability and compressive strength on days 14 and 28 with a compressive strength plan of 50 MPa. Then then do the material testing at home with manual stirring, do the mix design process using Microsoft Excel software as a calculation. It is also carried out by a trial mix process, if the results of the slump test are according to plan, the process of making the sample of the test object is carried out using a 10 cm x 20 cm cylinder mold (Gregorius Talinusa, Tenda and Tamboto, 2014). Then the concrete is unloaded from the mold after 24 hours and immediately immersed / curring the concrete until the day has been determined. As a result, the compressive strength of the concrete remains to be tested and the results are analyzed to obtain a conclusion.

3. Analysis and Result

3.1. Percentage of Variation

The percentage of variation data used ( see table 1 ).


Tabel 1. Mix Design Percentage

Percentage of Variation Cement Sand Gravel Water

Palm Fiber Light Brick Powder Fly Ash Sika ( Gr ) ( Gr ) ( Gr ) ( Gr )

0,5% 5% 7,5% 0,7% 1005 1287 1586 321

0,5% 10% 10% 0,7% 1005 1287 1586 321

1% 5% 7,5% 0,7% 1005 1287 1586 321

1% 10% 10% 0,7% 1005 1287 1586 321

2,5% 5% 7,5% 0,7% 1005 1287 1586 321

2,5% 10% 10% 0,7% 1005 1287 1586 321

Tabel 2. Mix Design Percentage

Sika Palm Fiber Fly Ash Light Brick Powder

( Gr ) ( Gr ) ( Gr ) ( Gr )

2,247 7,93 75,375 64

2,247 7,93 100,5 129

2,247 15,86 75,375 64

2,247 15,86 100,5 129

2,247 39,65 75,375 64

2,247 39,65 100,5 129

3.2. Slump Test

The results of the slump test carried out are as follows ( see table 2 and chart 1 ).

Table 3. Result of The Slump Test Variation Slump Value

Normal 10

0,5sa 5sbr 7,5fa 9 0,5sa 10sbr 10fa 11

1sa 5sbr 7,5fa 8 1sa 10sbr 10fa 10 2,5sa 5sbr 7,5fa 9 2,5sa 10sbr 10fa 10


Figure 1. Result of The Slump Test 3.3. Strong Results Press Concrete

1. Normal or Variation 0% + 0%

The result of nomal concrete ( see table 3 and chart 2 ).

Table 4. The Result of Normal Concrete

Sample Variations Concrete Weight Strong Press KN Strong Press Mpa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

Normal 4,15 130,8 7,421 29/12/2020

4,21 134,2 7,614 16/01/2021

Figure 2. The Result of Normal Concrete The standard range for normal concrete that has been made is at 6.65 Mpa.

2. Variation 0,5SA 5SBR 7,5FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 7,5% ) Concrete

The result of variaton 0,5SA 5SBR 7,5FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 7,5% ) concrete. ( see table 4 and chart 3 ) Table 5. the result of variaton 0,5SA 5SBR 7,5FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 7,5% ) concrete

Sample Variations Concrete Weight

Strong Press KN

Strong Press

MPa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

0,5% Palm Fiber, 5% Light Brick Powder, 7,5% Fly Ash

3,98 kg 110,1 6,241 29/12/2020

4,02 kg 110,3 6,258 29/12/2020

3,99 kg 109,9 6,241 29/12/2020

3,88 kg 119,5 6,780 16/01/2021

3,85 kg 118,7 6,735 16/01/2021

3,90 kg 120,1 6,814 16/01/2021

0 5 10 15

Normal 0,5SA 5SH 7

0,5SA 10SH

1SA 5SH 7,51

1SA 10SH 10

2,5SA 5SH 7

2,5SA 10SH

Slump Value Results

Series 1

7,200 7,400 7,600 7,800

14 Days 28 Days


Figure 3. the result of variaton 0,5SA 5SBR 7,5FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 7,5% ) concrete

Based on the results obtained, the addition of 0.5% palm fiber with 5% light brick powder and 7.5% fly ash has decreased the compressive strength of the concrete compared to the normal concrete reference that has been made. The average reduction is about 0.9 MPa compared to normal concrete that has been made.

3. Variation 0,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 0,5% + 10% + 10% ) Concrete

The result of variaton 0,5SA 5SBR 7,5FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 10% ) concrete. ( see table 5 and chart 4 ) Table 6. the result of variaton 0,5SA 5SBR 10FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 10% ) concrete

Sample Variations Concrete Weight

Strong Press KN

Strong Press

MPa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

0,5% Palm Fiber, 10% Light Brick Powder, 10% Fly Ash

4,01 Kg 98,3 5,577 29/12/2020

4,03 Kg 96,6 5,481 29/12/2020

3,99 Kg 95,2 5,401 29/12/2020

4,01 Kg 114,2 6,479 16/01/2021

3,98 Kg 111,8 6,343 16/01/2021

4,00 Kg 115,6 6,559 16/01/2021

Figure 4. the result of variaton 0,5SA 5SBR 10%FA ( 0,5% + 5% + 10% ) concrete

Based on the results obtained, the addition of 0.5% palm fiber with 10% light brick powder and 10% fly ash experienced a decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete compared to the normal concrete reference that has been made. The average reduction is around 1.2 MPa compared to normal concrete that has been made.

4. Variation 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 7,5% ) Concrete

The result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 7,5% ) concrete. ( see table 6 and chart 5 ) 5,577 6,479 5,481 6,343 5,401 6,559

1 2 3

0,5SA 5SH 7,5FA

14 Days 28 Days

5,577 6,479 5,481 6,343 5,401 6,559

1 2 3

0,5SA 10SBR 10FA

14 Days 28 Days


Table 6 the result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 7,5% ) concrete Sample Variations Concrete


Strong Press KN

Strong Press

MPa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

1% Palm Fiber, 5% Light Brick Powder, 7,5% Fly Ash

4,05 Kg 107,3 6,088 29/12/2020

4,02 Kg 109,8 6,230 29/12/2020

3,99 Kg 109,2 6,196 29/12/2020

4,01 Kg 124,3 7,052 16/01/2021

4,02 Kg 121,7 6,905 16/01/2021

3,98 Kg 124,1 7,041 16/01/2021

Figure 5. the result of variaton 1SA 5SH 10FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) concrete

Based on the results obtained, the addition of 1% palm fiber with 5% light brick powder and 7.5% fly ash has decreased the compressive strength of the concrete compared to the normal concrete reference that has been made. The average reduction is about 0.6 MPa compared to normal concrete that has been made.

5. Variation 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) Concrete

The result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) concrete. ( see table 7 and chart 6 )

Table 7 the result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) concrete Sample Variations Concrete


Strong Press KN

Strong Press

MPa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

1% Palm Fiber, 10% Light Brick Powder, 10% Fly Ash

3,99 Kg 101,5 5,759 29/12/2020

3,98 Kg 103,1 5,850 29/12/2020

4,00 Kg 103,7 5,884 29/12/2020

4,01 Kg 115,4 6,548 16/01/2021

3,99 Kg 120,9 6,860 16/01/2021

3,98 Kg 118,6 6,729 16/01/2021

Figure 6. the result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) concrete

6,088 7,052 6,230 6,905 6,196 7,041

1 2 3

1SA 5SH 7,5FA

14 Days 28 Days

5,759 5,850 5,884

6,548 6,860 6,729

1 2 3

1SA 10SBR 10FA

14 Days 28 Days


6. Variation 2,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 2,5% + 10% + 7,5% ) Concrete

The result of variaton 2,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 2,5% + 10% + 7,5% ) concrete. ( see table 8 and chart 7 ) Table 8. the result of variaton 2,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 2,5% + 10% + 7,5% ) concrete

Sample Variations Concrete Weight

Strong Press KN

Strong Press

MPa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

2,5% Palm Fiber, 5% Light Brick Powder, 7,5% Fly Ash

3,93 Kg 98,1 5,566 29/12/2020

3,92 Kg 101,3 5,748 29/12/2020

3,89 Kg 96,2 5,458 29/12/2020

3,98 Kg 112,8 6,400 16/01/2021

4,01 Kg 110,9 6,292 16/01/2021

4,02 Kg 115,3 6,542 16/01/2021

Figure 7. the result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) concrete

Based on the results obtained, the addition of 2.5% palm fiber with 5% light brick powder and 7.5% fly ash has decreased the compressive strength of the concrete compared to the normal concrete reference that has been made. The average reduction is around 1.2 MPa compared to normal concrete that has been made.

7. Variation 2,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 2,5% + 10% + 10% ) Concrete

The result of variaton 2,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 2,5% + 10% + 10% ) concrete. ( see table 9 and chart 8 ) Table 9 the result of variaton 2,5SA 10SBR 10FA ( 2,5% + 10% + 10% ) concrete

Sample Variations Concrete Weight

Strong Press KN

Strong Press

MPa Press Strong Date

14 28 14 28

2,5% Palm Fiber, 10% Light Brick Powder, 10% Fly Ash

4,05 Kg 97,4 5,526 29/12/2020

4,02 Kg 99,2 5,628 29/12/2020

3,97 Kg 98,6 5,594 29/12/2020

3,98 Kg 125,3 7,109 16/01/2021

4,01 Kg 123,9 7,030 16/01/2021

4,02 Kg 126,2 7,160 16/01/2021

5,566 5,748


6,400 6,292 6,542

1 2 3

2,5SA 5SBR 7,5FA

14 Days 28 Days


Figure 8. the result of variaton 1SA 5SH 7,5FA ( 1% + 5% + 10% ) concrete

Based on the results obtained, the addition of 2.5% palm fiber with 10% light brick powder and 10% fly ash has decreased the compressive strength of the concrete compared to the normal concrete reference that has been made. The average reduction is about 0.5 MPa compared to normal concrete that has been made.

4. Conclussion

Based on the results of testing and analysis of the effect of fine aggregate substitution with hebel powder waste and cement substitution with fly ash on palm fiber concrete on the compressive strength of concrete with a concrete compressive strength plan of 50 MPa, the following conclusions are obtained.:

1. The results of the research on concrete with substitution of fine aggregate with hebel powder waste and substitution of cement with fly ash on fiber-fiber concrete tended to experience a decrease in quality or

compressive strength when compared to normal concrete without any added substitution.


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Prof. Dr. Syafwandi, M.Sc, born in Jakarta on October 13, 1956. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mercu Buana University. Bachelor's degree education was obtained from the University of Indonesia in 1984. Master's education was obtained from the Bandung Institute of Technology and University

5,526 7,109 5,628 7,030 5,628 7,160

1 2 3

2,5SA 10SBR 10FA

14 Days 28 Days


Regional Development Planning Agency, and as Director of the Postgraduate Program at the Menara Siswa College of Administrative Sciences.

Jean Nikita Khadijah, was born in Jakarta on November 15, 1999. He studied undergraduate (S1) in the Civil Engineering Study Program at Mercu Buana University and graduated in 2021. Graduated from Depok 13 Public High School in 2017. He has been an apprentice student on a project construction of the Bekasi Metro Police in 2020. Joined the Indonesian Saxophone Community and has been an active member since 2015. He has also been involved as a committee in several seminars in the field of Civil Engineering.


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