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Head of English Education Department


Academic year: 2023

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Title: Using Cursory Reading Technique to Improve Reading Comprehension (A Pre-Experimental Study on Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng). This thesis aimed to find the improvement of student reading comprehension by using the Cursory Reading technique in eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng in English paragraph. The population of this study consisted of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng in academic year 2013/2014.

The result of this study indicated that the use of cursory reading techniques can improve the reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng. After conducting research on eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng, the researcher concluded that the improvement of students' reading comprehension through the use of cursory reading technique in eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng is significantly improved.



To increase the understanding of students in SMP Negeri 2 Bantaeng, we need to make them understand the importance of English. Teachers should provide variations of teaching technique in the reading class in order to motivate students to understand the reading text. In this case, the researcher will discuss a variant of teaching especially in reading, namely the skim reading technique.

Teaching techniques should be developed primarily to improve reading, as teaching techniques affect student success. Based on the claims and considering the importance of reading skill for students in learning English, the researcher is interested in students' comprehension and skim reading with the topic of using skim reading technique in increasing the reading comprehension of SMP Negeri eighth grade students. 2 Bantaeng.

Problem Statement

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

  • Definition of Cursory Reading
  • The Technique of Skimming and Scanning
  • Steps in Skimming and Scanning

Or it may be as concentrated as that which is the chief product of the coastal regions of Peru. Skimming is used to get a general impression of the material rather than a high level of understanding. Scanning is one of the techniques used to read quickly but efficiently to find a particular piece of information.

Determine the organization of the materials, your most important different: where to start looking for information, especially when looking up information in charts and tables. Information organization is critical for fast scanning. Reading and other tools that can help you determine which section contains the information you are looking for. Read and skim selectively through the probable portion of the passage, keeping in mind the specific question you asked and your expectations of what the answer might look like. your eyes in a systematic way across the page, while there are different eye movement patterns, such as the arrow pattern (right in the middle of the passage).


  • Definition of Reading
  • Reading Comprehension

Shriver (2007:1) in Dahliana (2013:8) argues that reading is how a person receives information from written letters and words. From the above definitions we can conclude that reading is the combination of several components that result in an action known as reading. The understanding that the reader reaches while reading comes from the accumulated experiences of the reader, decodes the words, sentence, paragraph and ideas of the author.

Thinker (1975:5) in Salim (2003:21) states that reading comprehension is not only reading aloud, but also reading to determine and understand the meaning of words, sentences, paragraphs, the connection between to feel the ideas. From this point of view, it can be concluded that reading is an active thinking process where the reader tries to obtain information given by the author and understand what is actually the purpose of the author.

Conceptual Framework

The researcher examines whether the Cursory Reading Technique can improve the student's reading comprehension. Input: it refers to the technique and material that will be given in the teaching and learning process of writing through Cursory Reading Technique. Process: it refers to the implementation of Cursory Reading Technique in teaching and learning Process of Reading.

This research uses pre-experimental research, which consists of one group design giving the treatment using Cursory Reading Technique. Before the treatment, the researcher does the pre-test and after the treatment the post-test. Output: The output is that through Cursory Reading, students can identify the main idea and answer the question of the paragraph.


  • Pre-test
  • Post- test

This design included one group and consists of pretest and posttest, where the pretest is done before the treatment is given and the posttest is done after the treatment is given. Third, read the topic sentence, or the first and last sentences, of each paragraph. The post-test aimed to know the significance differences between students' comprehension before and after the application of skim reading.

Variables of the Research and Indicators 1. Variables of Research

  • Indicators

Population and Samples

  • Population
  • Sample

The Instrument of the Research

Technique of Collecting Data

  • Treatment

Technique of Analysis Data


  • The Mean Score of the Students’ Reading comprehension
  • The Result of t-test

Table 4.1 shows that 3 students achieved very good scores, 8 students achieved good scores, 12 students achieved reasonably good scores, 4 students achieved very mediocre scores and 3 students also achieved poor scores. It can be concluded that most students achieved reasonably good scores in the field of reading. The post-test is conducted to know the result of the students' reading comprehension score after treatment using Cursory Reading Technique through narrative text.

Table 4.2 shows that 18 students achieved very good grades, 10 students had good grades and only 2 students got fairly good grades. Using skimming techniques to improve students' reading comprehension addresses the main idea and supporting details. Table 4.3 above shows that the use of skimming method in the teaching and learning process can improve students' reading comprehension before and after the test.

Therefore, the use of Cursory Reading Technique in the teaching and learning process can improve the supporting details of the students during the pre- and post-test. To see the significant improvement of the students, the t-test had to be applied. It means that there is a significant improvement between the students' pre-test and post-test result.

Table 4.2. The Students’ Score Classification of Posttest  No.  Classifications  Score  Frequency
Table 4.2. The Students’ Score Classification of Posttest No. Classifications Score Frequency




  • Read the narrative text and answer the questions

Future researchers can use a real experimental study design to determine whether or not the use of Cursory Reading Technique is effective in improving students' reading comprehension. To the readers who want to take advantage of using Cursory Reading Technique for English Department students and Senior High School students. Difficulties encountered by eighth semester students of the English Education Department of FPBS IKIP Ujung Pandang, Thesis FPBS IKIP UP.

Developing the ability of eighth grade students of SMUN 1 Wonomulyo in reading comprehension through pair work. The stepmother made Cinderella do the hardest work in the house, such as sweeping the floor, cleaning the pot and pan, and preparing food for the family. Consider what is the best title of the text and draw the conclusion of the text using your own words.

And although they were such close neighbors, the lion looked down on the rabbit and teased and frightened him. Imagine, I met an animal there that looked exactly like you, and he said to me: “Is there anyone in the world who dares to oppose me. He pointed to a deep well in the distance and said, "He's down there in the well."

The lion bared his teeth and stamped his paws to scare off his rival - and his nemesis in the well retaliated. In a fit of rage, the lion leapt into the air with all its might and then pounced on the enemy in the well. Consider what is the best title of the text and draw the conclusion of the text using your own words.


Standar Kompetensi Menulis

Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Indikator Pencapaian

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Tehnik Pembelajaran Summarizing Technique


  • Penilaian

AVERAGE: some knowledge of adequate subject area, limited development of thesis, somewhat relevant to topic, but lacks detail. GOOD TO POOR: limited knowledge of the subject, little substance, inadequate development of the topic VERY POOR: shows no knowledge of the subject, not substantive 8 not relevant, or insufficient to be graded.


  • Materi Pokok

EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex constructions, few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions. GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple constructions, minor difficulties in complex constructions, various errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, but meaning rarely obscured. RIGHT TO ARMS: major difficulties in simple/complex constructions, frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions and/or fragment run-on, conjunctions, confusing or obscuring meaning.

EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: showing mastery of agreement, few spelling errors, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs. VERY POOR: does not master conventions, errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization predominate, handwriting is illegible or insufficient for grading. Tired of this, the farmer decided to find the person responsible.

One evening, while the farmer was on duty, he heard something strange near that wall, so he ran to find out who or what it was. Because he was afraid that the star girl would run away, the farmer hid his magic wings so that she could not fly anymore. So the farmer asked his old father to help him take the gold coins out of the box.

When told that he was very tired and wanted to rest, the farmer yelled at him, "Why are you so lazy?" Why can't you work harder? The old man said nothing and suddenly went on working for a long time. GOOD TO MEDIUM: Sufficient range, occasional errors in word/idiom, choice and usage, but not obscuring meaning. FAIR TO POOR: limited range, frequent errors in word/idiom, choice and usage meaning it is confused or unclear.

But you must give me that child when she is 17 years old," said the giant. They knew they had to keep their promise to the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter.



Table 4.1. The Students’ Score Classification of Pre-test  No.  Classifications  Score  Frequency
Table 4.2. The Students’ Score Classification of Posttest  No.  Classifications  Score  Frequency
Table 4.3. The mean score the students’ reading comprehension


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