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Academic year: 2024



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THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PEER TUTORING STRATEGY .. and cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. What is the procedure for Peer Tutoring Strategy Implementation In English Learning at Junior School.

Research Background

The implementation of the peer teaching strategy in the school has so far been successful, although peer teaching is a fairly traditional strategy in learning. The results of the research on the application of peer education in the high school environment show a very good evaluation by looking at the good test scores from the class average. 14.

Research Questions

Another study examines the use of peer tutoring strategies on student achievement in cultural arts subjects. The researcher ensures that the use of peer mentoring in the learning process can improve student achievement. 13.

Research Objective

The material used for this research is reading material on narrative text in all 2nd and 3rd grade levels. The use of the peer tutor strategy is suitable to be used in English learning, because the use of peer tutor model English learning, there is no competition among the students.


Previous Study

16Fransisco Alegre, Lidon Moliner, Gil Lorenzo-Valentin & Ana Maroto, "Learning Statistics and Probability through Peer Tutoring: A Middle School Experience", Vol. 17Lidon Moliner & Francisco Alegre, "Effects of Peer Tutoring on Middle School Students' Mathematics Self-Concepts", vol.

Theoretical Review

  • Language Learning in Junior High School
  • Teaching Strategy

The teacher provides the students who become tutors with the material in advance, forms several small groups during the lesson, directs the students in the implementation of tasks with the strategy of peer tutoring, invites them to a discussion with the tutors and asks them to present the results of group cooperation. Peer tutoring generally has a system where students help each other and learn by explaining material that the teacher has already explained.


Research Location

There are several reasons why researchers researched the school; First, this school is one of the first technology-based public schools that is quite prestigious and closest to the city, which allows it to compete in terms of strategic location. Thirdly, the school is easy to reach because of its strategic location on the side of the main road.

Research Participants

Second, this school is the first choice for primary school students who want to continue their secondary education because it is not only facilitated with good technology but also verified that the school produces a lot of young achievements. With the considerations described, the researchers are very interested in researching this place to observe the education system and learning activities. Although the researcher sought information at two grade levels, the researcher only focused on one grade at the second level.

This was done because the teacher's advice on the closest material to use was in line with what the researcher needed.

Data Collection Technique

The researcher has created a series of instruments in the form of a checklist by looking at the indicators of the use of the peer tutor strategy in English learning. The researcher will make observations in the classroom during the implementation of the peer tutor strategy and then record the activities during the learning process. During the observation, the researcher will stand at the back of the class to be more flexible in relation to making observations.

The researcher will observe from pre-implementation to evaluate if it is according to the checklist. In this case, the researcher can develop questions and decide which issues should be discussed further.34 Interviews with teachers and students were conducted so that researchers could get more information about the research. The researcher will interview 1 teacher and 4 students from the class that implemented the peer teaching strategy.

The researcher will use document review data on different files according to the research questions.

Data Analysis

Data presentation is a form of analysis to organize the information obtained so that it allows conclusions to be drawn and action to be taken.37 At this stage, researchers use a narrative type of data presentation, which is analyzed through field notes related to implementation. the peer tutoring strategy at SMPN 1 Kalisat. Concluding is the last type of analysis carried out by researchers because this process must be carried out continuously while in the field. The data that has been collected is cleaned up in relation to the beginning of the research until the end of the conclusion.38 In this process, researchers try to find the meaning of the data that has been collected, based on notes, explanations from informants and causal flow to propositions until the conclusion is found in detail and theoretically strong.

Validity Data

To the north it borders the village of Ajung Oloh Kalisat; to the south it borders the village of Glagahwero Kalisat; and to the east it borders the village of Ajung Kalisat. The vision of this school is "quality, character, based on faith and piety and environmentally sound" while the mission is "Realization of a competitive, excellent and environmentally sound school based on faith and piety".

Facilities and Infrastructure

Research Findings

  • How is the procedure of Peer Tutoring Strategy Implementation in English Learning at Junior High School
  • How is the evaluation of Peer Tutoring Strategy Implementation in English Learning at Junior High School

The material is usually given a few days before the lesson and is usually explained to us in 10-15 minutes." 48. Giving this material a long enough break so that children can study again at home and train to explain to friends them optimally. when the class starts."49. If they still can't be conditioned, I usually remind the students of the plus and minus points slowly."54.

34;Just like the previous lesson, we were given snacks or cakes."63 The teacher confirmed this regarding giving appreciation to students. In my class, most appreciation comes in the form of applause or congratulations, when it comes to snacks, it is rare, only occasionally." From there, we gradually become more confident to speak English and demonstrate our skills to other students.”65.

34;I often feel irritated when I find group members who cannot work together well and even have to repeatedly explain the material."67. 34;The beneficial part of a tutee like me might be more relaxed because the tutee only follows the tutor s tutor listens. explanation."69. There may be one or two active students, including the tutor, but there must be students who are reluctant to discuss with each other, less seriously than the tutor explains.”73.

Discussion of Finding

Based on the findings related to learning evaluation, the evaluation carried out by the teacher above is a brief repetition of the material. Based on the observation, the peer teaching class does not only verbal evaluation, but there is a role of the teacher to give appreciation to the students. This appreciation is carried out during the learning process; the form of appreciation of the teacher is in the form of applause, giving additional points and giving snacks.

It can be seen that the students are very happy and excited because of the gratitude shown by the teacher. It is based on findings related to the advantages and disadvantages of peer tutoring strategies for tutors, students and teachers. When classroom conditions could be more favorable, it is the teacher's role to check and pay more attention to small groups.

In the interview, the teacher explained that the teacher focused more on providing detailed solutions, such as motivating and guiding students to complete the weekly assignments correctly.


Peneliti berharap kepada peneliti lain untuk mendalami strategi pembelajaran peer tutoring dengan pendekatan, metode dan model yang berbeda, serta mendalami atau mengadaptasi strategi pembelajaran ini pada materi lain, sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa pandangan yang lebih luas mengenai strategi ini dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. hasil. Identifikasi miskonsepsi dan peran tutor sebaya untuk meminimalisir miskonsepsi siswa pada materi sel di SMA Yayasan Pendidikan Mulia Medan. Penerapan tutor sebaya dilengkapi dengan animasi Macromedia Flash dan handout untuk meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi dan kinerja belajar kelas

Pembelajaran dengan Tutor Sejawat: Solusi Praktis Mengatasi Pembelajaran Sastra Hiburan bagi Siswa SMA. Keuntungan dan kendala penerapan tutor sebaya bagi siswa IV. kelas di SD Lentera Harapan Mamit. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan strategi peer tutoring dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris SMA.

Guru membekali guru dengan materi pembelajaran sebelum penerapan di kelas, Guru membuat lembar kerja siswa, Guru memilih materi yang sesuai dengan strategi yang akan diterapkan di kelas.

Competency Standards: Understand the meaning of the reading choices that have been provided as a whole for interacting with the surrounding environment

Basic Competence: Identifying the structure of the reading starting from the summary, moral messages, reading reflection and determining some examples of grammar in the

Learning Material

Teaching Method

Competency Standards: Understand the meaning of the reading choices provided as a whole for interacting with the surrounding environment. The teacher explains about the material coverage and describes the activities according to the syllabus. The tutor gives some examples of the general structure of narrative texts related to identification and description.

Tutors observe the tutor's explanation of the general structure and characteristics of retelling texts and their uses.


Then write it down in the table file provided and collect it at the next meeting.

Seeing the clear and cool water of the river, my friends and I decided to swim. All the buildings are lit up with bright neon, eye-catching signs to attract visitors' attention. One day, John took a side trip out of town to visit the Grand Canyon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World.

John sangat menyukai ngarai karena jauh dari kebisingan dan aktivitas pusat kota Las Vegas. Guru : Kalau keadaan kelas seperti pada umumnya, ada yang fokus, ada juga yang pasif. Guru : Saya memilih siswa untuk dijadikan tutor berdasarkan aktivitas dan nilainya, agar hasil pembelajarannya optimal.

Guru : Respon anak cukup baik, mereka mau mendengarkan baik-baik temannya yang sedang presentasi di depan kelas, karena saya menerapkan poin plus minus pada anak yang sangat mengganggu di kelas.


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