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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh




By: Tri Agustina


Biology Bilingual Education


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






First of all, In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful, praise be to Allah SWT

lord of the world, so that the writer can finish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the graduate degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at Biology Department, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan.

During the process of writing the thesis, the writer realized that writer made many

mistaken. Meanwhile, the writer has been given some suggestions, comments, academic

guidance, and moral support from my consultant and others that the writer would like to express

her sincere thanks.

The writer would like to express her great gratitude to Dr. Syahmi Edi, M.Si as thesis

supervisor, her consultant for her generous assistance, guidance, advices and valuable time to

read and discuss the thesis until it is completed, and thank for being her inspirational person. The

writer also would like thank profusely to Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph. D., as dean of the Faculty

of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan. Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Binari

Manurung, M.Si, as a coordinator for bilingual program, Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc, Dra. Hj.

Martina Restuati, M.Si as the lecturer team examiners for their suggestion and constructive

criticisms for the revision of this thesis and for Drs. H. Tri Harsono, M.Si as her academic

supervisor who has guided writer during academic program.

My never ending thankfulness is fully to my beloved father Ponidi and my mother Elfida

for their everlasting love, hopeful prayers in my life, and the entire moral and the financial

support that have enabled to finish my study. My special thanks and admiration are also due to

my sisters and brother, Puspita and Elfin.

The writer also thanks to the headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam, Badaruddin

Tarigan, M.Pd and Biology Teacher, Dra. Jamiatun Nur Simbolon, and all the teachers and

student especially XMia-3, XMia-4, and XI5 Science Program Academic Year 2013/2014 in

SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Pakam who received the presence of the writer during research in these

classes. And for all my friends in class Biology Bilingual Education 2010, especially for Shelly

Eka Putri, Rafika Novianti, Hafizah Ilmi Sufa, Suyedi Hendrayanto and all who show me the



Especially for my beloved best friend Milda Lestari, Irwanda and Muhammad Bukhary

thank you for their support, their caring and help me to accomplish this Thesis.

The writer had tried as much as possible in the completion of this thesis, but the writer is

aware there are still many weaknesses in terms of content and grammar therefore the writer is

pleased to receive some suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for the thesis being

perfect. Any suggestion for the improvements in the future will be highly appreciated.

Medan, July 2014


Tri Agustina



1.2. The Identification of Problem 4

1.3. The Limitation of Problem 4

1.4. Research Question 5

1.5. The Objectives of the Research 5

1.6. Significance of the Research 5

1.7. Operational Definition 5


2.1. Theoretical Framework 7

2.1.1. Definition of Learning 7

2.1.2. Definition of Teaching 8

2.1.3. The Theory of Constructivism 8

2.2. Peer Tutoring 9

2.2.1. The Advantages of Peer Tutoring 11

2.2.2. Weakness of Peer Tutoring 11

2.3. Learning Outcome 11

2.4. Ecosystem 13

2.4.1. Introduction of Ecosystem 13

2.4.2. Component of Ecosystem 14

2.4.3. Process of Ecosystem 15

2.4.4. The Transformation Energy 17


3.1.2. Research Time 26

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 26

3.3. The Method and Design of Research 26

3.4. Research Instrument 27

3.4.1. Test 27

3.5. Technique of Data Collection 28

3.5.1. Validity 28


4.1. Description of Data Result 40

4.1.1. Analysis of Instrument Test 40 Validity Test Analysis 40 Reliability Test Analysis 41 Analysis of Difficulties Index Test 41 Analysis of Discrimination Power 41

4.1.2. Data of Pre Test 42

4.2. Hypothesis Testing Analysis 45

4.2.1. Preliminary Analysis 45


4.3. Discussion 48


5.1. Conclusion 51

5.2. Suggestion 51





Table 2.1. Component of Ecosystem 15

Table 3.1. Research Design 27

Table 3.2. Grid Test Material of Ecosystem 27

Table 3.3. Coefficient Correlation of Test Validity 29

Table 3.4. Coefficient Correlation of Test Reliability 30

Table 3.5. Classification Index Level Difficulty 30

Table 3.6. Classification of Differential Power Problem 31

Table 4.1. Validity of Test Instrument 40

Table 4.2. Data Item-Level Difficulties 41

Table 4.3. Different Item-Power Data 42

Table 4.5. Frequency Distribution List of Pre test in Experiment Class 42

Table 4.6. Distribution Frequency List of Pre Test score in Control Class 43

Table 4.7. Frequency Distribution List of Post Test Score of Experiment

Class 44

Table 4.8. Frequency Distribution List of Post Test in Control Class 44

Table 4.9. Data Normality Test Results 45





Figure 2.1. Energy flows and material cycles 16

Figure 2.2. Simple food chain 17

Figure 2.3. Nitrogen cycles 20

Figure 2.4. Phosphorus Cycles 21

Figure 2.5. Carbon Cycles 22

Figure 3.1. Diagram of Research setting 34





Appendix 1 Syllabus 54

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan 58

Appendix 3 Research Instrument 65

Appendix 4 Answer Keys 73

Appendix 5 Grid of Trial Test on Ecosystem Topic 74

Appendix 6 Result of Instrument Trial 76

Appendix 7 Calculation of Validity Test 77

Appendix 8 Calculation of Reliability 78

Appendix 9 Calculation of Difficulties Index 80

Appendix 10 Calculation of Differential Power Problem 82

Appendix 11 Grouping of Experiment Class 84

Appendix 12 List of Student 85

Appendix 13 List of Student’s Score 86

Appendix 14 Normality of Pretest on Experiment Class 88

Appendix 15 Normality of Pretest on Control Class 90

Appendix 16 Homogenitas Data 92

Appendix 17 Equality Test 94

Appendix 18 Normality of Postest on Experiment Class 96

Appendix 19 Normality of Postest on Control Class 98

Appendix 20 Homogenitas Data of Learning Outcome 100




1.1. The Background of Research

Teaching and learning process is the core of the formal education process

in schools. In teaching and learning, there is an interaction or reciprocal

relationship between students and teachers, where students receive learning

materials that are taught by teachers. Teachers teach by stimulating, guiding the

students and directing student, teaching materials that are suitable with the


The purpose of teaching in general is for teaching materials that is

delivered fully and mastered by all students. This mastery can be addressed from

the results of learning or learning achievement obtained by students. The

achievement of a goal of learning is strongly influenced by the teaching methods

that employed by teachers.

In learning activities always found the existence of students who

experience difficulty in achieve mastery learning about materials that have been

determined. Generally these difficulties are difficult to understand the learning

materials, as well as the difficulty in solving the exercises and test questions. In

particular, student’s difficulties can not be mastered basic competencies of the

subject matters. One obstacle in learning mastery is still prevalent because of the

learning approach was dominated by the role of the teacher (teacher centered).

Based on interview with teacher, teacher centered approach always do in learning

activity in the class. Teacher puts students as an object and not as subject students

(Anitarera, 2009).

If the learning activity in the school has relied on teacher centered, so

learning activities occurs only in one direction, namely teacher to student. This

phenomenon was resulted the gap between teachers and students, so that when

students encounter a problem in the concept of subject matter, the students do not



a barrier in the mastery of subject matter concepts. If the concept of the lesson can

not be controlled, it will affect the students' learning outcomes.

Based on this phenomenon, teacher centered approach needs to be

converted into a student centered. This is consistent with the statement by Redjeki

(2001) which states that there are four pillars of education declared by UNESCO.

These four pillars are empowered students must be willing and able to do in order

to enrich their learning experience (learning to do), are able to build knowledge of

the world around it (learning to know), to build the knowledge and establish

identity (learning to be), as well as interact with groups of individuals who varied

and spawned in positive attitudes (learning to live together). To solve the problem,

then developed a way to make students active in learning by cooperating among

student is peer tutoring.

The selection of peer tutoring learning as a learning strategy was expected

to help students in understanding the subject matter, can instruct students to

improve achievement, motivation, creativity, imaginative, and the ethos of science

and the development potential of children who have not been fully implemented.

Peer tutor technique is learning strategy with a number of students as members of

a small group in different ability levels.

In the study in classroom, each student must work together and help each

other in understanding the subject matter. Therefore at peer tutoring strategy, the

learning is not yet finished when one of the student in the group has not to master

the subject matter. Sunarto (2008) said that peer tutoring is one of the learning

strategies to help the student needs to support the study. This is cooperative

approach rather than competitive. Mixed ability groupings are essential. In the

classroom situation the more advanced child can act as tutor and since he/she is of

similar age they should have a good understanding of the tutees situation and

should also be working in the same ZPD. Mutual respect and understanding

fostered among students working together. Students that involved peer tutors will

feel proud of his role and also learn from the experience. This condition helps

reinforce what they have learned and acquired over the responsibilities assigned to



tutoring will benefit both tutors or taught. According Khusna (2009) peer tutoring

will encourage and move of they have learned in addition to explain the material

to other students. In addition, peer tutoring can also enhance cooperation and

social skills on students in learning activities and make tutors become berate the

social bond (Lidren, 1991). This technique is also an effective way to improve

academic achievement for the tutor and tutee. Helpful to solve the problem and is

also effective in helping to develop creativity, experimentation, problem-solving

skills and learn the concept of depth (Lake, 1999).

Previous research on peer tutoring conducted by Setyaningsih (2007) in

the form of action research on high school students about the effectiveness of the

use of models of peer tutoring on student learning outcomes in the concept of food

digestion. The method used in the research is to divide the tutors in each group,

the tutor explains the different materials from each group. After completion of

explaining the material in a group, tutors are to explain the same material in

different groups. From the results of the research show that there is an increase in

student learning outcomes after three cycles of learning. The literature study can

reveal how to improve student learning by learning outcomes of peer tutors that

each group studied different material and only one class did observed.

Further, in the research of Amprasto (2003) observe on plant ecology

laboratory study using a mini research by utilizing peer tutors. Prior to this

research, first determine which students will be a peer tutor and was given a

briefing on the task and role. Practical topics designed so that the student becomes

a little research and implemented on the laboratory experiment results discussed

in the group and then proceed to class discussions. At the end of the discussion,



can conclude that there are improvements to the learning outcomes of students

who act as tutee.

Learning peer tutoring is not widely done in high school, especially in the

subjects of biology. Some subjects did used peer tutoring applicable use numbers

processing such as physics, chemistry, and mathematic. In fact, the subject matter

contained biological concepts related to the branch of chemistry and mathematics

(Setiawati, 2007).

This research used peer tutoring method, performed on high school

students with the same material in each group, namely ecosystem. Data retrieval is

done by comparing the results learning outcome of the experimental group and the

control group as well as the score of pre test and post test.

Based on this background, will be done research on "The Effect Peer

Tutoring Technique on Student Learning Outcomes in Ecosystem Topics on Class X Senior High School 1 Lubuk Pakam Academic Year 2013/2014 "

1.2. The Identification of Problem

Based on the description of the problem background above, it can be

identified several issues as follows:

1. The appropriate of learning strategies is lesson cannot suitable with the needs

of students.

2. The learning method that is use dominated by teacher center

3. This method use peer tutoring technique in teaching biology has not been


1.3. The Limitation of Problem

The problem in this study is limited to:

1. Material concept that used is ecosystem topic in class x

2. Learning outcome that measured include cognitive aspect based on taxonomy

bloom have been revisited and will measure by objective test

3. Subject of research is student of class x senior high school 1 lubuk pakam,



1.4. Research Question

As for the formulation of the problem in this study:

1. How the significant effect of peer tutoring technique on student learning

outcome in ecosystem topic on class x SMA 1 Lubuk pakam ?

1.5. The Objectives of Research

The Aim of this research is as follows:

1. To know the significant effect of peer tutoring technique on student

learning outcome in ecosystem topic.

1.6. The significance of Research

This research is expected to provide the following benefits:

1. For student to increase social interaction between them in classroom at peer

tutoring done and after peer tutoring learning finished, and increase

learning process to can achieve mastery learning.

2. For teacher, this research can help to increase class management in student

grouping to make learning activity more active and easy to student get

mastery of concept in subject matters.

3. As an addition to information and literature in education, especially

regarding learning with peer tutoring techniques.

1.7. Operational Definition

Operational definition in this research as follows;

1. Peer tutoring technique is waged efforts on student learning outcomes in

ecosystem material by classmates who act as tutors. Peer tutoring is done

by dividing the class into eight groups of four people, one of the students

in the group to act as tutors who had been given a briefing materials


2. Learning outcomes in this study is the value achieved students from the



ecosystem. Pretest and posttest were given to students in the form of

multiple choice questions to measure student’s cognitive aspects.

3. The materials covered of ecosystem which is all of the living things in a

community and the physical and chemical factors that they interact with.

The topics include components of ecosystem, energy flows,







Data description and analysis of research on the effects of peer tutoring

technique on students learning outcome in ecosystem topic in the class X senior

high school 1 Lubukpakam of chapter I until IV in this paper can be concluded:

Student’s learning outcome of experiment class with peer tutoring learning

higher than control class without peer tutoring learning. Due to the application of

the techniques of peer tutoring positive impact on learning outcomes of students,

because the students in this study received support from their peers so that they

things related to the issues mentioned above as follows:

1. Biology teacher

a. Teacher should be in the learning process, teachers must prepare lessons

with the best possible, so that the material can be conveyed to the

fullest, including the selection of methods, techniques and models used

in the learning process.

b. Teacher should be designed so that learning and teaching that enriches

variations learners do not feel bored. As educators must also consider of

learners especially behavior and thinking and understanding of the


c. Learning activity by using techniques of peer tutoring in biology lessons



continued and carried out continuously as an alternative in improving

the learning outcomes.

2. Student

a. Student should take place during the learning process of students can

work together with the group, so it can stimulate student to be active in

the learning process.

b. Student should not be ashamed to ask about the materials that are

considered difficult to other friends, as tutor explanation is usually easier

to understand. This is due between questioner and answerer have the

same level of development.

c. Student should not hesitate to help his less capable, as with other friends

teach student will be growing understanding.

3. Parties School

a. All parties should support the school in learning activities that take


b. Facilitate the learning process by completing the required infrastructure.

c. To all educators, especially school, is expected to improve the

professional competence and the competence including to equip

themselves with the extensive knowledge, because basically

competencies possessed by an educator greatly affect the success of the

learning process and given a positive impact on the development and




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Figure 2.1. Energy flows and material cycles


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