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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh



By :

Reny Magdalena Panjaitan 4123141079

Bilingual Biology Education Study Program


Submitted to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





The study aims to know the effect of student learning outcome and its retention through using Scientific Approach by using mnemonic technique on human reproductive system in class XI MIA SMA Negeri 5 Medan Academic Year 2015/2016. The population of this research was all students in class XI MIA SMA Negeri 5 Medan totaling 376 students. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling and was obtained the sample for 37 students of mnemonic class (XI MIA 7). The instrument of research was student’s learning outcome test in multiple choice form consist of 30 questions which has been validited by expert. The result of data analysis show that post test in mnemonic class (79.08) and conventional class (70.59). After t-test was carried out by using significant degree α = 0.05, it was obtained that tcount = 4.28 and ttable = 1.9935, so tcount > ttable (4.28 > 1.9935). It means that there is significant difference between student learning outcome for mnemonic class and conventional class. Then, for retention test the result show that average value in mnemonic class (65.62) and conventional class (42.97). After t-test was carried out by using significant degree α = 0.05, it was obtained that tcount = 2.66 and ttable = 1.9935, so tcount (2.66) > ttable (1.9935). It means that there is significant difference between students’ retention in mnemonic class and conventional class. It was concluded that students’ learning outcome and retention is better using Scientific Approach by using mnemonic technique than conventional class that taught without mnemonic technique. This study conclude that teacher can use this technique to increase students’ learning outcome and retention expecially on human reproductive system topic in Biology subject matter.

Keywords: Mnemonic Technique, Conventional, Learning Outcome, Retention.




First of all the writer would like to express gratitude to Lord Jesus, the

most gracious and merciful for the opportunity and possibility in completing this

thesis. The writer very pleasure to thank the following people.

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her thesis

supervisor, Dr. Ely Djulia, M.Pd. who has given support, suggestion, motivation

and contribution in writing this thesis, whitout her guidance, this thesis would not

have been possible.

This thesis would not be completed without supports, guidances, and

suggestion from many parties. First and foremost, my appreciation goes to the

Dean of Mathematics and Science Faculty, Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd, Vice of Dean

of Mathematics and Science Faculty, Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, MS, M.Sc,

Coordinator of Bilingual Biology Program, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si, the Head of

Biology Department, Dr. Hasruddin, M.Pd. And also my examiners, Dr. Mufti

Sudibyo, M.Si, Drs. M.Yusuf Nasution, M.Si, and Drs. Hudson Sidabutar ,M.Si.

helps are also importantly acknowledgement for the comments and suggestions.

The writer also want to thank the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 5 Medan,

Drs. Haris Simamora , M.Si and big thanks to biology teacher, Dra. Tiur Merida

Saragih, S.Pd who gave their time for administrating treatment and provide

feedback on the work in progress. And also thankful to student class XI MIA 7

and XI MIA 9.

Special greatest thanks also go to my beloved parents, Ir.G.Panjaitan and

D.Siahaan, S.Kep, Ners for their unending love and care from I started my

research until finished. Writer’s beloved sister, Devi Pitta Apriani Panjaitan and

my brother, Januart Panjaitan , Dedy Harianja for the extraordinary amout of time

and efforts they put into to complete this thesis. Writer could not have complete

this thesis without them.

The writer’s deepest appreciation for the most special one Joko

Panggabean, S.E. who has give supprort during every moment in the time of this


I also appreciate the contribution of Wella Sihite, Ira Gultom, Karika

Purba, Findi Septiani and Febrina Suci, and all friends in Bilingual Biology

Education 2012 who have given help, support and motivation.

Writer tried the best to finish this thesis, but writer realize that still many

lackness and weakness in content of the thesis. Critics and advice are welcome

from reader in order to perfect this thesis.

Medan, July 2016

The Writer





Thesis Approval

Biography i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of Content v


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3. Research Question 4

1.4. Research Objective 5

1.5. Research Benefit 5

1.6. Definition Operational 6


2.1. Theoritical Framework 7

2.1.1. Definition of Scientific Approach 7

2.1.2. Learning Step With Scientific Approach 7

2.1.3. Definition of Mnemonic Technique 9

2.1.4. Types of Mnemonic Technique 11

2.1.5 The Benefit of Mnemonic Technique 13

2.1.6. Retention 15

2.1.7. Human Reproductive System 16

2.2. Conceptual Framework 36



4.3. Discussion of Research 54

4.3.1. Student’s Learning Outcome 54

4.3.2. Student’s Retention 56


5.1. Conclusion 58

5.2. Suggestion 58




Figure 2.1. Male Reproductive Organ 18

Figure 2.2. Mechanism of Spermatogenesis 24 Figure 2.3. Female Reproductive Organ (Front) 27 Figure 2.4. Female Reproductive Organ (Side) 28 Figure 2.5. Mechanism of Oogenesis 29

Figure 2.6. Control Hormone in Female Reproductive System 30 Figure 3.1. Research Procedure 43 Figure 4.1. Diagram of Pre-test 50

Figure 4.2. Diagram of Post-test 51

Figure 4.3. Diagram of Retention test 52




Pages Table 3.1. Number of Grade XI Science students 38

Table 3.2. Design of Research 39

Table 3.3. Cognitive Question 40

Table 4.1. Normality Data Test 53




Appendix 1 Syllabus 52

Appendix 2 Lesson Plam for Experimental Class 55

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan for Control Class 72

Appendix 4 Cognitive Test and Answer Key 88

Appendix 5 Lembar Observasi 97

Appendix 6 Validity Test Calculation 102

Appendix 7 Table of Validity Instrument 104

Appendix 8 Reliability Test Calculation 105

Appendix 9 Discriminant Power Calculation 106

Appendix 10 Table of Item Discriminant 108

Appendix 11 Item Difficulty Calculation 109

Appendix 12 Table of Item Difficulty 110

Appendix 13 Research Result Data 111

Appendix 14 Calculation of Mean, Standart Deviation and Variance 113

Appendix 15 The Normality Test of Research Data 119

Appendix 16 Homogenity Test 122

Appendix 17 Hypothesis Test 123

Appendix 18 Documentation of Research 126

Appendix 19 List of Interview Question 131





1.1. Backgroud

Learning is a process of change in personality and human behavior in the

form of habits, acquisition of cognitive or affective, and psychomotor based on

training and experience in searching for information, solving problems, observe

the environment to gather the knowledges through understanding, acquisition,

retention, and disclosure back in the future. Learning is ongoing and should not be

imposed but freely allowed to learn to make decisions and take responsibility for

his decision (Suprihatiningrum, 2013).

Experts agree that the relationship between learning, memory and

understanding very closely, so that each other can not stand alone. Memory is

usually referred to as retention, but according to the Syah (2012) memory is the

mental function that captures information from the stimulus, and a storage system,

the storage system of information and knowledge that exist in the human brain.

All sorts of learning activities necessarily involve memory and learning processes

involving all sorts of aspects of memory. If we do not remember anything about

the experience or our activity, then we can not learn anything.

Basically the human person and its activities are not only determined by

the activities that occur at this time, but is also influenced by the activities of the

past. Because of past activities can recall back, but there are things that can not be

recalled or in other words, there are things that are forgotten by our memories.

Memory is a process of remembering a lesson before understand the

subject matter. However can not be denied that there are still many teachers who

do not give their attention about how students memorize easily and quickly. They


understand is better than memorize, but if we think again, we can understand the

subject matter should memorize the order of that subjects (Syah, 2012).

Biology subject is one of the science lessons which are dominated by Latin

name, where we know about of writing and pronounciation is not easy to be

remembered by students. One of subject matter biology that uses Latin name and

requires memorization is human reproductive system topic at grade XI Science.

This material review about male reproductive organs, male reproductive organs,

spermatogenensis, oogenesis and etc. As we know for all of topic in Biology

subject, students should have memorizing and understanding so that can make

their learning outcome become good.

Learning outcome is as a change in a person's behavior can be observed

and measured form of knowledge, affective and psychomotor. Such changes can

be interpreted as the improvement and development of better previously not

knowing to knowing. Learning outcome also can be used as indicator for teacher

to know students mastering the lessons that have been taught. Of course, the good

learning process will continue well if all students have retained well. Many factors

can affect learning outcomes. There are factors that can be changed (such as

teaching, the quality of the design, evaluation model, etc.), those factors must be

taken for granted such as student background, school environment, etc (Arikunto,


Retention is a translation of the memory. Therefore in addition there is a

use of retention some are using the term memory. In general, the experts view as

the relationship between the memory of past experiences. Bring back the human

process of each event on his past experience, requires the ability to recall the

good. With the ability to remember in humans it suggests that man is capable of

receiving, storing and renewing experiences that happened. Retention is important

in learning process because it is part of memorizing that causes alteration

permanently in learning outcomes. Students retention are able to be improves by



learning is able to be done in various ways from minimum to maximum (Higbee,


Good memory is a need for each student to learn optimally. This is

because the results for students at school is measured based on student mastery of

the subject matter, the process can not be separated from the activities given (the

ability to use memory). So with a good memory, students will be able to learn

easily and achieve optimal results. However, not every student has a good

memory. In each class, for example, there must be a student who has a good

memory and others have a poor memory.

The learning process in the classroom will run smoothly when all students

have a good memory. But when most students have a poor memory is

characterized by difficulty students in remembering the subject matter of course

there will be problems because of the learning process becomes slow. The slow

learning process will not affect the achievement of specified targets. Or if the

target is reached, the power absorbed it is not reached. If this happens, it means

that learning is not successful (Higbee, 2003).

From the interview with the biology teacher, researchers knew that some

of the problems that arise in SMA Negeri 5 Medan that the students are difficult

to understand and remember the lessons especially for Latin name. The writer can

make the conclusion that the students are difficult to remember the names and the

parts of human reproductive system topic because the teacher did not use the

appropriate teaching techniques to help students remember the lessons easily and

quickly. To help the problem there is Mnemonic memorize technique that can be

used by teachers in teaching biology, especially in the mostly of Latin names.

Buzan and Keen (1991) in England invented that Mnemonic technique

which is used at competition, is useful for keeping technique and recalling


remember information that is very difficult to remember again. There are three

basic principles when using the mnemonic, namely : imagination, association and

location. Based on these definitions it can be said that the mnemonicis a technique

to make it easier to remember something that is done to make a statement or

expression, or connecting words, ideas, and fantasies. In other words meaningful

mnemonic memory techniques to utilize in certain ways. The advantages of using

the mnemonic is to make remember easily. Of course, it will also facilitate

learning. Barriers to learning will be lost. It will raise the motivation of students to

study harder, therefor it can eventually achieve optimal learning outcomes.

According to Gagne (1975) there are eight phases of processing which is

essential for learning and must be done sequentially : (1) attending phase, (2)

expectancy phase, (3) acquisition phase, (4) retention phase, (5) retrieval phase,

(6) generalization phase, (7) performance phase and (8) feedback phase. From the

steps above, teachers can make learning innovations for interventions and learning

processes can be run in accordance with the intended purpose. Therefor from the

description above, researcher will observe a research and conduct the research

with title “ The Effect Of Applying Scientific Approach By Using Mnemonic Technique Towards Students’ Learning Outcome And Its Retention On

1. Students are difficult to understand the biology subject in human reproductive

system topic especially for menstruation process and fertilization.

2. Students are difficut to remember the Latin name easily and quickly.



By regarding the extent identified problems therefore in this research, the

problem scope is limited in :

1. Is there any significant difference on students learning outcome between class

taught by using Mnemonic technique and without Mnemonic technique on

Human Reproductive System at SMA Negeri 5 Medan ?

2. Is there any significant difference on students retention between class taught by

using Mnemonic technique and without Mnemonic technique on Human

Reproductive System at SMA Negeri 5 Medan ?

3. Is the Mnemonic Technique better than Conventional method to increase students’ learning outcome and its retention on Human Reproductive System at SMA Negeri 5 Medan ?

1.5. Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are :

1. To know the differences between students learning outcome taught by using

Mnemonic technique and those without Mnemonic technique on Human

Reproductive System at SMA Negeri 5 Medan.

2. To know the differences between students retention taught by using Mnemonic

technique and without Mnemonic technique on Human Reproductive System at


3. To know the comparison between Mnemonic Technique and Conventional


1.6. Research Benefits

The research benefits from the result of this study are :

1. For teachers, Mnemonic Technique is expected able to enhance the innovative

learning instructional by Mnemonic Technique in the classroom.

2. For teachers, Mnemonic Technique is expected able to improve the students

learning outcome on Human Reproductive System.

3. For school, can increase the learning quality especially in learning Human

Reproductive System.

1.7. Defeniton Operational

1. Mnemonic technique is a technique to make it easier to remember something

done to make a statement or expression, or connecting words, ideas, and

fantasies. In other words meaningful mnemonic techniques to utilize memory

by certain ways.

2. Learning outcome is result obtained by students after learning process on

biology subject that can show by score the test and the type of this learning

outcome is cognitive domain.

3. Retention is the ability to remember material (such as: concepts, theorems)

have been studied. Such as memory, retention is crucial results obtained by





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the research result, it can be concluded:

1. There is a significant difference of students’ learning outcome in class XI

MIA 7 (79.08) as mnemonic class and class XI MIA 9 (70.59) as

conventional class that was taught on human reproductive system topic.

2. There is a significant difference of students’ retention in class XI MIA 7

(65.62) as mnemonic class and XI MIA 9 (42.97) as conventional class

that was taught on human reproductive system.

3. It can be concluded that mnemonic technique is better than conventional

method to increase students’ learning outcome and retention on human

reproduction topic in SMA Negeri 5 Medan Academic Year 2015/2016.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the result and conclusion above, the researcher recommended:

1. Teacher can use mnemonic technique as alternative in teaching and

learning process so it can be interesting to learn and make students be

more active.

2. Teacher can also give the reinforcement to students that have increase of learning outcome is very effective to increase students’ learning outcome and retention.



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https://unitedscience.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/alat-reproduksi pria.jpg

https://unitedscience.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/alat-reproduksi wanita.jpg


Figure 2.1.   Male Reproductive Organ
Table 3.1.   Number of Grade XI Science students


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