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Academic year: 2017



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Iis Siswati Siregar ID Number. 4113322004

Bilingual Physics Education Study Program


Submitted to Acquire Eliglible Sarjana Pendidikan






The authors say the praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for all the graces and blessing that provide health and wisdom to the author that this study can be complesed properly in accordance with the planned time.

Thesis entitled “The Effect of Mind Map Based Advance Organizer Learning Model on Student Achievement of Heat Topic in Class X SMA N 1 Tebing

Tinggi Academic Year 2014/2015”. Prepared to obtain a Bachelor’s degree

Physical Education , faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in State

University of Medan.

On this occasion the authors like to thank Dr. Ridwan A. Sani, M.Si, as Thesis Supervisor who has provided guidance and suggestions to the author since the beginning

of the study until completion of this thesis writing. Thanks also to prof. Drs.

Motlan,Msc.,Ph.D: Alkhafi Maas Siregar, M.Si, Dr, Sondang R Manurung,M.Pd, who

have provide suggetion from the research plan to complete the preparation of this thesis .

Thank also presented to Drs. Eidi Sihombing,M.S. , as the Academic Supervisor and also

the entire Lecture and Staff in Physics Departement FMIPA UNIMED who have helped

the author. Appreciation were also presented to Headmaster and all teacher in SMA N 1

Tebing Tinggi especially for Mam. Simamora who have halped during this reasreach. I

would like to thank you especially to my beloved daddy (+)- who just follow a half of my

life in the university, beloved my mother J.Lumbantoruan who is strungle too much to make me get a title of Bachelor’s degree altought just self strungle and also my brother Frankliman Siregar, My young sister Kristiani Siregar,and young brother Aryosep

Siregar, and all family who hve prayed and gave me encouragement to complete my

study in Unimed. I also would like to thank all my friend in Bilingual Physics Class

2011,who have helped, prayed and gave supported to author. I also would like thanks to

PPLT Unimed in Tebing Tinggi ,Debby Monica,Agnes Sihombing, Ruht Panjaitan and

Mariani, who helped, prayed and gave supported to author. I also would thanks to my

students XI IPA Tebing Tinggi,for every support and pray. I also would like thank to my



specially Adi Wesly Gultom for every pray and supported. And all whom i can’t tell one by one here, who have helped and gave supported during my study.

The author has endeavored to as much as possible in completing this thesis,but the

author is aware there are many drawbacks in term of both content and grammar, then the

author welcome my suggestion and constructive criticism from readers for this thesis

perfectly. The author hope the content of this thesis would be useful in enriching the

repertoire of knowledge.

Medan , june 2015







outcomes of students in the subject matter in the heat .(2)To determine the effect

of learning models Advance organizer based on Mind Map to the learning

outcomes of students in the subject matter in the heat .(3)To determine the activity

of students during the learning by using model-based Advance Organizer Mind

Map on the subject matter in the heat .The type of research was quasi experiment

with the population all of student in class X of the semester II in SMA N Tebing

Tinggi which consists of 7 classes. Sample of this research was obtained by

technique random sampling.

The sample is X IPA 3 as the experiment class and X IPA 6 as the control

class. Experiment class taught by Advance Organizer learning Model based on

Mind Mapping and control class taught by conventional learning. The research instrument has 20 question in multiple choice forms with 5 options, the instrment

tested validated. In this research obtained the mean of pre- test in experiment class

30.5 and in control class is 26.5. After that do the treatment in in experiment class

taugth by Advance Organizer based on Mind Map and in control class taught by

conventional learning, and then done the post-test.The mean of post test in

eperiment class is 70.16 and control class was 64.66. In hypothesis testing

obtained tcount > ttabel that was 2.19> 1.67 at significant level � = 0.05 and n = 30. So can be calculaded that the student’s learning outcomes in experiment class differ with control class. Can be calculaded that there is effect of Advance

Organizer learning model based on mind map on student achievement in the heat


vi Understanding Learning Model Advance Organizer 11

2.2.3. Objectives and Benefits Advance Organizer 13 Concept Learning Model Advance Organizer 13

2.2.4. Application of Advance Organizer Learning Model 14

2.2.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning



2.2.6 Formulation of Advance Organizer 16

2.2.7. Accompaniment impacts Instructional

and Learning Model Advance Organizer 17

2.3 Learning Conventional 17

2.4 Definition of Mind Map 18

2.4.1. Steps of Mind Map 20

2.5 Material Lesson 21

2.5.1 Heat 21 Relationship with Temperature Heat Objects 22 Heat Type 22 Heat capacity 23 Effect of Heat 23 Heat equation 24

2.5.2. Phase transition 24 Explaining Phase transition Based on Particle Theory 26 Principle Black 26 Conduction 27 Convention 28 Radiation 30

2.5.3. Prevention of Heat Transfer 32 Concept of Heat Transfer Application In Daily Life – Today 33

2.6. Conceptual Framework 34




3.1. The place and time of research 37

3.1.1 The Research 37

3.1.2 Time Research 37 3.2. Population and Sample Research 37 3.2.1 Population Research 37

3.2.2 Sample Research 37 3.3. Variabels Research 37 3.3.1 Operational Definition of Variables 37

3.4. Type and Design Research 38 3.4.1. Types Of Research 38 3.4.2. Design Research 38 3.5. Tools and Data Collection 39

3.5.1. Tests of Learning Outcomes 39

3.6. Procedure Research 41

3.7. Research Instrument 42

3.7.1. Validity Tests 45

3.8. Data Analysis Techniques 45 3.8.2. Normality Test 45

3.8.4. Hypothesis Testing 46

3.8.4. Equality test average - average pretest (test two side) 46




4.1. Research Result 50

4.1.1. Pretest Score of Student in Experiment and Control Class 52

4.1.2. Post-test Score of Student in Experiment and Control Clas 53

4.2. Validity test 54

4.2. Data Analysis 54

4.2.1. Normality Test 54

4.2.2. Homogenety Test 55

4.3. Hypothesis Test 55

4.4. Discussion 56


5.1. Conclusion 60

5.2. Suggestion 61




Tabel 2.2. Syntax of Advance Organizer Learning Model 15

Tabel 3.4. Two Group Pretest – Postest Design 39

Tabel 4.1 Pretest Score and Post Test Score

in Experiment Class Control Class 50

Tabel 4.1. Diagram Pretest Score Data

in Expermiment Class and Control Class 51

Tabel 4.1. Diagram Postest Score data

in Experiment Class and Control Class 51

Tabel4.2. Normality test of Experiment and Control Class 52

Tabel 4.2. Homogenety Test of pre test data 52




Appendix 1 Lesson Plan Control 1 58

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan Control 2 66

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan Control 3 72

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan Experiment 1 82

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan Experiment 2 93

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan Experiment 3 100

Appendix 7 Student Worksheet 1 113

Appendix 8 Student Worksheet 2 117

Appendix 9 Student Worksheet 3 121

Appendix 10 Test Base on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 125

Appendix 11 Test 139

Appendix 12 Pre test and Post test Data in Experiment Class 146

Appendix 13 Pre test and Post test Data in Control Class 147

Appendix 14 Calculation of Average Score and Deviation Standard

of Pre test and Post test in Experiment and Control 148

Appendix 15 Normality Test 151

Appendix 16 Homogeneity Test 155



plays an important role in the development of the nation because of education as a

way to educate the nation. The success of development in the field of education

will greatly influence the development in other areas. Therefore, the development

in the field of education implemented.Human resource potential is needed to be

able to educate education such as the development of science and technology.One

of knowledge that must be possessed to anticipate the development of science and

technology is the science of physics. Therefore, physics is placed as one of the

subjects that are important because one of the requirements mastery of science

and technology related to natural science which includes physics. Physics is part

of the natural sciences, which is essentially the search for understanding of natural

phenomena and phenomena that occur in it. More simply it can be said to be

closely related to the physics of everyday life.

Based on field work conducted in SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi, found that many

students who misunderstood the physical sciences. Teachers teach physics to form

calculations without using concepts, so students often assume that physics is only

filled with formula’s that elusive cause of student participation in learning physics

is low. At the time of observation, researchers looked at the list of student scores

list last year that the results of class X student of the subjects of physics

approximately 70% of the 40 students worth 65 down in 2011/2012, this means the average value of the KKM not meet the 65 . When asked the teacher of

physics, the value of the result is remedial. From this it is clear that the student



Based on interviews with one of teacher of physics class X SMA Negeri 1

Tebing Tinggi , found that low student learning outcomes in the study of physics

due to impress learning center teacher to make the atmosphere of learning to be

monotonous. The learning process is still centered teachers tend to make

classroom learning environment becomes rigid because the communication that

exists only in one direction only. One of them is the cause of his lack of

instructional media that teachers so that teachers are less variable in

explaining.The learning process which is always centered on the teachers make

learning becomes passive, sleepy, unpleasant, boring and even sometimes students

want a quick lesson ends. During the teachers still teach physics with a lecture and

only emphasize the formula it will create interest and motivation of students to

learn the lesson will be low, so that the study results will be low as well.

Based on the results of preliminary studies conducted in SMAN 1 Tebing

Tinggi class X by distributing questionnaires to students, data showed that of the

38 students, 40% said that physics is difficult and less attractive, 60% said that

physics is mediocre, while the activities teaching and learning physics, 50% want

to learn while playing and 35% want the lab and demonstration. The reason

students say this because during this study only explain the physics of matter and

formulas, students record and then work on the problems, which makes students

less enjoys physics lesson.One of the government's efforts to improve Indonesian

education is to establish educational unit level curriculum. Curriculum

development unit level needs to be supported by a conducive learning

environment for the creation of an atmosphere that is safe, comfortable and

orderly, so that the learning process can take place with fun (enjoyable learning).

A climate will lead to more emphasis on the learning process of learning to know, learning at work (learning to do), a self-learning (learning to be), and learn to live

together. The atmosphere will accumulate independence and less dependency

among the school community, are adatif, and proactive and have an

entrepreneurial spirit high (resilient, innovative, and risk-taking),, not only for



In line with these problems, in the process of learning physics required an

innovative learning model that can encourage student learning, which makes the

atmosphere of learning becomes fun. One alternative that can be used to improve

student learning outcomes in the study of physics is to engage students in

learning. Teachers should be able to create or deploy an enjoyable learning model.

The model is a model that should be used to attract the attention of students to

have high motivation to study physics. One alternative learning models that can

engage students in learning activities is Advance Organizer. Advance organizer is

a cognitive structure that is able to help students recall what they have learned and

transfer knowledge to new material. Ausubel perceya that cognitive structures that

exist within a major factor that determines whether the new material will be useful

or not and how this new knowledge can be obtained and maintained properly, so

that learning becomes meaningful. Advance organizer purpose learning model is

to give students the information needed to learn a lesson or help in remembering

and applying existing knowledge. Advance organizer learning model is used as

the concept of a bridge between the new material and the material that has been

owned by the student.Creativity as the ability to create something new as the

ability to create something new, as the ability to deliver new ideas that can be

applied in problem solving, or as the ability to see the new relationships between

the elements of preexisting (Munandar, 1999: 25 ).

In the implementation, advance organizer teaching model also assisted with

mind maps or mind map. Map of mind is a thinking system that works in

accordance with the natural workings of the human brain and is able to bamboozle

the entire potential capacity, and the ability of the human brain in order to ensure

the level of creativity and higher thinking skills to use (Windura, 2008: 3).

Result of research of sitorus(2007),siregar(2006), Tumanggor(2007)show that

the learning model Advance Organizer makes it more fun and able to provoke

students to be more active during learning activities. Advance Organizer learning

model using a mind map is more powerful than conventional learning to improve



Based on the results of research previous , the researchers felt compelled to

re-examine the efforts made to overcome the weaknesses in previous research.

Researchers will further optimize the allocation of time for each stage of learning,

so that the allocation of time for each stage of learning that have been defined in

the plan of implementation of efficient learning. In addition, researchers will also

use mind maps as a learning tool to help students in capturing explanations, ideas

and more easily recall the lessons so as to maximize the learning process.

Based on the above description, the authors are interested in conducting a

study entitled "The Effect of Mind Map Based Advance Organizer Learning

Model On Student Achiment Of Heat Topic in Class X SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2014/2015 ."

1.2. Identification of Problems

Based on the background of the problems that have been described, it can be

identified issues that are relevant to the research include:

1. The results of a low learning so that students assume physics is a difficult

subject, many formulas and boring.

2. Teachers teach physics to form the calculations without using the concept

in advance so that students have difficulty in understanding the physics.

3. The desire of students to follow the learning of physics is still low so that

the result is not optimal student learning and still low.

4. The media is very minimal learning makes learning models that teachers

use less varied.

1.3. Scope of Problem

Based on the extent of the problem it is necessary to limitations in this study as follows:

1. Student learning outcomes are examined using model-based advanced

organizer Mind map.



1.4. Formulation Of The Problem

Based on the problem definition, the formulation of the problem in this study

is expressed as follows:

1. Is there an increase in the activity of students using learning model

Advance Organizer by using Mind Maps to the learning outcomes of

students in the subject matter in the heat of class X Semester II SMA

Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2014/2015 ?

2. Is there a difference between learning outcomes of students who were

taught by Advance Organizer learning model using Mind Maps to

Advance Organizer learning model without a Mind Map to the learning

outcomes of students in the subject matter in the heat of class X Semester

II SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2014/2015 ?

1.5. Research Purposes

The objectives to be achieved in this study are:

1. To know the results of student learning using model-based Advance

organizer Mind Map to the learning outcomes of students in the subject

matter in the heat of the semester II class X SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi

Academic Year 2014/2015.

2. To determine the effect of learning models Advance organizer bebasis

Mind Map to the learning outcomes of students in the subject matter in the

heat of Semester II Class X SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year


3. To determine the activity of students during the learning by using



1.6. Benefits Of Research

The benefits of research are expected to be useful for:

1. As a comparison for future researchers who will examine the same

learning model.

2. As a matter of information for teachers to choose the model that better

learning and appropriate to the learning process.

3. In addition to insights for researchers in physics teaching in the future so

that students become interested in physics.

4. The reference material that can be used to conduct further research to




The conclusion of this research is based on findings from research data that

has been formulated. The conclusions were obtained, among others:

1. The results of student learning by learning model Advance Organizer on

Heat topic in class X SMA N 1 Academic year 2014/2015 Tebing Tinggi

before being given treatment pretest average of 30.5 and after being given

treatment for an average of 9.22 students posttest

Physics student learning outcomes by learning with conventional learning

in the subject matter of heat in class X SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic

Year 2014/2015 before being given treatment pretest average of 26.5 and

after treatment are given an average of 8.00 students posttest.

2. There is the influence of the learning outcomes of students who use the

learning model Advance Organizer with conventional learning of heat

topic in class X SMA N 1 Tebing Tinggi.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the research results and conclusions described above, as a follow-up

of this study suggested some of the following:

1. Expected for teachers who want to implement using the learning model Advance Organizer can use the time as planned in Learning

Implementation Plan (RPP), which is used allocation should be completely

adjusted to the lesson plans have been made.

2. To further recommended that researchers would be better in making

student worksheet more targeted to achieve the expected learning goals.

3. At the time of group discussion lasted researchers are still difficulties in

fully guided in each group. Therefore, for further research suggested that



obstacles faced, motivates, and directs that every student is active

discussion by explaining the value of one student can affect the value and

reputation of the group and give awards in the form of plus the value to

students who actively so that students are more motivated and able to



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Figure 2.2.7: Accompaniment impacts Instructional 18

Figure 2.5.2 : Phase transition Image 27

Figure 2.5.2.: Conduction heat transfer image 28

Figure 2.5.3 : Convection heat transfer image 30


Tabel 2.2.     Syntax  of Advance Organizer Learning Model
Figure 2.2.7:  Accompaniment impacts Instructional


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