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Frendy Jonathan U Sinulingga 4103342014

Biology Bilingual Education


Submitted to Fulfill The Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Praise and great gratitude to our Almighty God submitted by the writer to

the Lord Jesus Christ My Savior for blessings and help to complete this thesis on


The thesis which is titled "Comparison of Students’ Learning Outcome and Memory Retention Taught by Various Media on Spermatophyte Topic Grade

X SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang" is compiled to complete the terms obtained for my

Sarjana Pendidikan from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, UNIMED.

The success of this thesis depends largely on the encouragement and

guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my thankful to the

people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of my thesis. I

would like to say my greatest appreciation to Syarifuddin, M.Sc. Ph.D as my

thesis supervisor. I cannot say thank you enough for his tremendous support and

suggestion. Another great appreciation is addressed to Dr. Syahmi Edi, M.Si., Drs.

H. Tri Harsono, M.Si., and Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc., as my examiners, for

the valuable suggestions to be included in this thesis and spent precious time in

giving the encouragement and comments for this thesis.

I gratefully acknowledges the deepest gratitude to Dr. Fauziyah Harahap,

M.Si., as the academic advisor. I also would say thank to all lecturers of Biology

Education Bilingual Program, who have gave the valuable knowledge during the

completion of my thesis.

Special thanks are extended to Drs. Alben Sianturi as the headmaster of

SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang, Mr. Wahidin S.Pd as Biology teacher of grade ten

science classes of SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang, for the guiding and cooperation

during research.

I could not find precious words to represent my grateful thank for my

beloved parents Drs. Robert Antonius Sinulingga and Dra. Pintaria Mardiana

Siregar, for have given me unfailing support and encouragement during the

academic year and the completion of my thesis, also for my beloved grandmother


v Sinulingga, Feby Monica Sinulingga, Friska Rumli Sinulingga, and Fiona Ulina

Sinulingga for always trying to keep me on track whenever and whatever

problems I have to overcome.

Last but not least, the attention and lovely support received from my entire

best friend in Everlasting Friendship of Biology Biligual ’10 Chairany, Melanie,

Eska, Hendra, Marta, Herlina, Helma and all friends from Biology Bilingual

Program Year 2010 for their laugh, togetherness and friendship. The special thank

also delivered to Indah Sri Tarigan for her motivation and love to me.

I have tried to finish this thesis as good as possible, but I am aware there

are still many weaknesses of both content and grammar of this thesis. Hopefully,

this thesis would be useful to the reader.

July, 2014

The writer



Frendy Jonathan Sinulingga. Comparison of Students’ Learning Outcome and Memory Retention Taught by Various Media on Spermatophyte Topic Grade X SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang 2013/2014 Academic Year.

This research is aim to know the effect and to compare which media is the best learning media on students’ learning outcome and memory retention on Spermatophytes topic. The research was held in SMAN 1 Sidikalang 2013/2014 academic years. The population of this research is 333 students of Grade X and the sample was taken randomly with cluster random sampling consist of 26 students who were taught with audiovisual media (X-1), 26 students who were taught with mind mapping media (X-2), and 25 students who were taught using two dimension image media (X-3). Thirty multiple choice and four essay questions were used to measure students’ learning outcome and 21 days after post-test, the same test was given to measure students’ memory retention. The result showed that learning media significantly affected the students’ learning outcome (F = 36.25; P = 0.00) and students who were taught with audiovisual media, 95.46 ± 2.74 (� ± SD) was significantly higher than students who were taught with two dimension image media, 89.68 ± 6.12 and students who were taught with two dimension image media was significantly higher than students who were taught with mind mapping media 85.16 ± 46. The result showed that learning media was significantly affected the students’ memory retention (² = 47.98; P = 0.00) and students who were taught with audiovisual media, 81.46 ± 3.43 (� ± SD) was significantly higher than students who were taught with mind mapping media, 76.63 ± 4.38 and students who were taught with mind mapping media was significantly higher than students who were taught with two dimension image media, 61 ± 9.22. So it can be concluded that learning media was significantly affected students’ learning outcome and memory retention on grade X SMAN 1 Sidikalang 2013/2014 academic years.




Legalization Sheet i

Abstract ii

Autobiography iii Acknowledgement iv Table of Content vi

List of Table viii

List of Figure ix

List of Appendix x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study 1 1.2. Problem Identification 3 1.3. Research Scope 4

1.4. Research Question 4 1.5. Research Objective 4 1.6. Research Significance 5 1.7. Operational Definition 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Learning Process 6 2.2. Learning Outcome 6 2.3. Learning Media 7 2.4. Mind Mapping 9 2.5. Memory Conceptualized in Term of Types and Stages 11 2.6. Spermatophytes 16 2.7. Conceptual Framework 28 2.8. Hypothesis 29

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METEDOLOGY 3.1. Research Location and Time 30 3.2. Population and Sample 30

3.3. Research Variable 30 3.4. Research Instrument 31 3.5. Instrument Test 33

3.6. Research Types and Design 34 3.7. Research Procedure 35 3.8. Data Analysis Technique 39 3.9. Prerequisite Test Analysis 39 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSION 4.1. Data Description 41

4.2. The Effect of Learning Media on Students’ Learning Outcome 43 4.3. The Effect of Learning Media on Students’ Retention 43



5.1. Conclusion 48

5.2. Recommendation 48

References 49



Table 2.1. Memory Conceptualizes in Term of Types, Stages and Process 11 Table 2.2. The differences between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons 23

Table 3.1. Baluster of the Test 32



Figure 2.1. Example of Mind Mapping 11

Figure 2.2. Types of Memory 12

Figure 2.3. Memory Duration 13

Figure 2.4. Gymnosperm Life Cycle 21

Figure 2.5. Parts of Flower 24

Figure 2.6. Double Fertilization Process 27

Figure 3.1. Flowchart of the Research 38

Figure 4.1. The Comparison of Students’ Learning Outcome Score Between Learning Media 44



Appendix 1 Syllabus of Learning Process 53

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan of Audiovisual Media 56

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan of Two Dimension Image Media 71

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan of Mind Mapping Media 86

Appendix 5 Instrument Test 98

Appendix 6 Answer Key 114

Appendix 7 Instrument Testing 115

Appendix 8 Students’ Pre-test, Post-test, and Retention 121 Appendix 9 Test Normality for Pre-test, Post-test, and Retention 124 Appendix 10 Test Homogeneity for Pre-test, Post-test, and Retention 126

Appendix 11 Learning Outcome Analysis 128

Appendix 12 Retention Analysis 130



INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of Study

Basically, the concepts in biology are abstract concepts, therefore need a

high visualization power. Biology learning requires students to have the critical

thinking ability, high visualization power, and ability to represent the whole

object. Teachers often have difficulty to teach abstract cellular and molecular

process. This is because the learning process is deficient and unattractive so most

students do not understand the subject matter (Ika, 2011).

Learning process based on Daryanto (2010) is communication process

involving three main components, namely message sender (teacher), message

receiver (student) and the message itself (usually the subject matter). Learning process will affected students’ memory retention. According to Tri (2011), if the teacher is able to perform good and attractive learning process, then the students

will have good memory retention because students can easily understand the


According to Dwi (2011), student memory retention is the ability store

abstraction concepts in cognitive structure which is still owned by the student

after the lapse of time from the provision material. The low student retention is

one of the problems that often faced by teacher because the learning process will

run slow so the determined targets failure to achieve. But student memory

retention has not become one of the indicators of the learning outcomes quality.

This is in contrast with Albert Bandura theory. According to Bandura (1987),

memory retention is one of the basic components of study.

Based on the observation results on February 8th 2014 and the author’s

experience from Field Experience Program at SMAN 1 Sidikalang the learning

process running monotonous. The teacher delivered the subject matter only

verbally. The teacher often read the text on the textbook and the student wrote

what the teacher said. When the teacher explained the material, most of the


2 not know when the teacher asked about the last meeting material. Instructed

interview with some students, state that the learning process did not interesting

because the teacher only explains the material verbally and the students also did

not understand the teacher explanation. These problems resulted in the students’

average score in biology lesson is still low.

The low learning outcome caused of students easy to forget the learning

material that has been taught, so that students is difficult to answer the post test

questions. Solving this learning process problem, teaches can use learning media.

Learning Media is the tools used at the learning process as the message

deliver between teacher and student so the learning objectives will achieve. The

function of media on the learning process is to clarify the presentation of the

message that is not too verbal and make the abstract material become more

concrete (Daryanto, 2010).

Learning media that can be used by teachers to help the learning process is

audio-visual media, mind mapping media, two-dimensional image media. The use

of instructional media can facilitate the students understand the learning material and improve the students absorbed information so that improve students’ memory retention.

The use of learning media can increase retention memory because human

can absorb information about 90% from what they said and done, 70% from what

they said, 50% from what they heard and saw, 30% from what they saw, 20%

from what they heard and 10% from what they read (Ridhayani, 2010). Levie on

Ika (2011) stated that learn with visual or picture stimulus will produce better

learning outcomes for remember and recognize again. Students who have good

memory retention ability definitely have a good learning outcome.

Each media has their own characteristic. Audio-visual media based on

Hadi (2007) is media that combine audio and visual elements that helps students

understand complex and dynamic process make abstract concept become

concrete. Mind mapping media based on Buzan (1994) present information that

connect with central topic, in form of keyword, image, and symbol and picture so


3 media can make students more active and creative because students can create

their own mind mapping media so that more information absorbed. Two

dimension image media is props that only has length and width located on one flat

plane (Daryanto, 2010). Two dimension image media can improve student

memory retention ability because students will not be chased by the duration of

the animation, and students will understand the expected information.

The research conducted by O’Day (2007) stated that learning outcome for animation media taught group is 80,6 ±0,136%, higher than picture media taught

group 58,1±0,31%. The retention ability in animation media taught group

decrease become 50,0±0,308% and in picture media taught group decrease

become 35,8±0,318%. The research conduct by Yulika (2012) stated that mind

mapping can increase students’ learning outcome until 36, 18% in the first cycle

and 47, 29% in the second cycle. Base on the research by Alhaq (2012), learning

outcome taught by audiovisual media is 80,25 higher than picture media; 75,25.

Base on the facts, so to solve problem in Biology learning is by selecting appropriate learning media to improve students’ memory retention and will impact to their cognitive learning outcome. Refers to the background, author was

interested to conduct research about Comparison of Student’s Learning Outcome

and Memory Retention Taught By Various Media On Spermatophyte Topic

Grade X SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang 2013/2014 Academic Year.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background, the problems are identified as follows: 1. The students’ average Biology score is still low.

2. The teachers have difficulty teaching abstract materials.

3. The learning process is still running monotones because teachers rarely use

learning media.


4 1.3. Research Scope

Based on the problem identification, the problems that will be discussed are:

1. Seed Plants (Spermatophytes) sub material in Biology lesson based on KTSP

2006 curriculum, at X grade in 2nd semester

2. The learning process in this research using direct instruction strategy.

3. The media used in the learning process are audio-visual media, mind mapping

media and two dimension image media.

4. Students’ retention limited to the cognitive domain (knowledge,

comprehension, application, analysis, and evaluation) performed at 21 days

after the post-test.

1.4. Research Question

Based on the background and problem identification, the problem

formulation is:

1. Is there any effect of learning media (audio-visual media; mind mapping; two

dimension image) on students’ learning outcomes at X grade SMA Negeri 1

Sidikalang 2013/2014 academic year?

2. Is there any effect of learning media (audio-visual media; mind mapping; two

dimension image) on students’ retention at X grade SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang

2013/2014 academic year?

1.5. Research Objective

The research objective is to know:

1. There is any effect of learning media (audio-visual media; mind mapping; two

dimension image) on students’ learning outcomes at X grade SMA Negeri 1

Sidikalang 2013/2014 academic year.

2. There is any effect of learning media (audio-visual media; mind mapping; two

dimension image) on students’ retention at X grade SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang


5 1.6. Research Significance

The research results are expected can be beneficial, both theoretically and practically as follows:

1. Theoretically, this research results are to help teachers, administrators,

developers, and education institution in the dynamics with best learning media

to help easier to understand the biology material.

2. Practically, this research result expected can be beneficial for teacher to use

and develop the learning media especially audio-visual, mind mapping, and

two dimension image media.

1.7. Operational Definition

1. Mind mapping media is one way to organize and present concepts, ideas, tasks

or other information in form of radial-hierarchic non-linier diagram and present

information that connects with central topic, in form of keyword, image, and

symbol and picture and color.

2. Learning outcome is the students’ post test score, range 0-100, as a result of students’ answer on the posttest made for the students comprised of 20 multiple choice questions and 4 essay questions.




Based on analysis result, statistic test, and discussion so can conclude as follow: 1. Learning media was found to be significantly affected the students’ learning

outcome in learning Spermatophyte topic at SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang. The use of audiovisual media was found to produce highest students’ learning outcome especially when compared to mind mapping media and two dimension image

media and two dimension image media was found to produce highest learning

outcome when compared to mind mapping media.

2. Learning media was found to be significantly affected the students’ retention in learning Spermatophyte topic at SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang. The use of audiovisual media was found to produce highest students’ retention especially when compared to mind mapping media and two dimension image media and

mind mapping media was found to produce highest students’ retention when

compared to two dimension image media.

5.2. Recommendation

Looking at the findings, conclusions and the discussion of the results, the

following is presented some suggestions that expected to be meaningful to all

parties who use this research information, both as literature and / or for benefit of

advanced research, among others:

1. Biology teachers are encouraged to used appropriate learning media in accordance to the improvement of students’ learning outcome and retention. 2. The result of this research can be a consideration for Biology teacher in order to

develop teaching and learning process on Biology subject, in accordance to the



Frendy Jonathan Unggul Sinulingga was born on April 23, 1993. His

father name is Drs. Robert Antonius Sinulingga and mother’s is Dra. Pintaria

Mardiana Siregar. He is the second of five. In 1997, the writer started his

education in TK Pangeran Antasari Medan and finished it in 1998. In the same

year, he entered SD Sutomo 2 Medan and graduated in 2004. He finished his

junior high school at SMP Sutomo 2 Medan in 2007 and continued it in SMA

Sutomo 2 Medan. In 2010, the writer began his education in the State University

of Medan (UNIMED) by passed the national examination called as Seleksi

Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (SNMPTN). He finished his thesis from

Biology Bilingual Program in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in

graduation test on July 16, 2014. He was the class commissary of Biology

Bilingual 2010. He also was a member of biology department community called


Table 2.1. Memory Conceptualizes in Term of Types, Stages and Process   11
Figure 2.1. Example of Mind Mapping


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