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Academic year: 2023



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Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, Head of English Education Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave him valuable authorities and suggestions in making this proposal. 21 Table 4.1 The improvement of students' speaking skills in pronunciation..24 Table 4.2 The improvement of students' speaking skills in fluency..26 Table 4.3 The t-Test analysis of students' improvement. .28.

Table 2.1 Feature of Spoken Grammar..................................................................13 Table 3.1 (score criteria)......................................................................................
Table 2.1 Feature of Spoken Grammar..................................................................13 Table 3.1 (score criteria)......................................................................................


Problem Statement

Based on the above description, this research focused on the implementation of Peer Tutoring Strategy to improve students' speaking ability. The research focused on investigating the implementation of the Peer Tutoring Strategy to improve the speaking ability of students in the eleventh grade of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB. After the pre-test, automatically the researcher already knows about the students' ability in speaking ability.

The researcher investigates whether the implementation of the Peer Tutoring Strategy improves the speaking skills of the students. H1 (Alternative Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between the students' speaking skills after applying the Peer Tutoring Strategy as a treatment. The test was organized to assist the researcher and to facilitate the assessment of the students towards the implementation of the Peer Tutoring Strategy in speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency.

The improvement of students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency of the eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB. The average score in relation to students' fluency in the pretest was categorized as fair (58). Based on the result above, we could conclude that the implementation of Peer Tutoring Strategy improved the students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency.

This means that there was a significant difference between the speaking skill of the students before and after the researcher used the speaking skill of peer tutoring strategy in the eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB. It was supported by the average scores and percentages of students' scores before and after the test. GOWA was successful in students improving their speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency.

Table 2.1 Feature of Spoken Grammar
Table 2.1 Feature of Spoken Grammar

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Theoretically this research would help teachers to give a new strategy to students in improving their speaking skills, while practically the result of the research is expected to be a reference for the English language teacher and for all students of the English branch in general, in relation to the knowledge of colleagues. Teaching strategy in learning English to students and improving speaking ability. Since this research aims to discover the strategies of how teachers develop Peer Tutoring Strategy, this research can provide valuable information of a real portrait of the implementation of Peer Tutoring Strategy for English language learning for students.

Scope of the Research

H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between students' speaking skill writing ability and narrative text writing after using peer tutoring as a treatment. It helped the researcher to listen carefully to the students' recording and pay attention to pronunciation and fluency. X2 :score of the students on the posttest, (Gay The criterion shows the rejection of receiving the hypothesis that the hypothesis (Ho) received a t-test value less than or equal to the table value.

After the researcher gave the pre-test and post-test, there was improvement in the students' speaking ability in terms of fluency. Based on the data in the pre-test and post-test, there was an improvement in the speaking ability of the students. The students' score in the pre-test and post-test of the students' achievement was improved which was 15.78% in terms of pronunciation and 11.86% in terms of fluency.

The data showed that the implementation of peer teaching strategy in the eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB. The description of data collected from speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency explained in the previous section showed that the students' speaking skills improved in pronunciation and speaking fluency. Based on the findings above, the implementation of peer tutoring strategy made the students' mean score higher in speaking skill than before they knew the peer tutoring strategy.

Based on the above findings in implementing the Peer Tutoring Strategy in the classroom, the data was collected through the text as the explanation in the previous findings section showed that the students' speaking skills in terms of fluency improved significantly. It means that the implementation of the Peer Tutoring Strategy among the eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB. Students are expected to increase their intensity in learning to speak through Peer Tutoring Strategy.


Some Partinent Ideas

  • Peer Tutoring
  • How To Use Peer Tutoring Strategy
  • Speaking
  • The Problems in Speaking
  • Solving Problems in Speaking

Conceptual Framework

The following conceptual shows how the research investigates the implementation of Peer Tutoring strategy in the speaking class. This research uses a pre-experimental which consists of experimental class and speech as input, Peer Tutoring Strategy as a process and improvement of students' speaking skill as output is given by the treatment of using Peer Tutoring Strategy. The research used pre-experimental research method with one group pre-test and post-test design.

Variables and Indicators of the Research

In this research, the researcher focused on their speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency. In this case, students' fluency was improved by using pronunciation well. In other words, when the students speak, there were no pauses in their speech.

Research Hypothesis

Population and Sample

The sample took 36 students from XI. class according to the purposeful sampling method, because there was a specific purpose that the researcher carried out in this class. In this research, 18 students participated as tutors and 18 as mentors, but only students who received treatment.

Research instrument

The students' mean pronunciation scores in the pretest were categorized as fair or the score was (57). This means that the use of peer tutoring strategy in the treatment improved the students' speaking ability in terms of fluency. This was indicated by the significant difference between the students' scores before and after the test.

The average score in the pretest was 58, which resulted in most students still not being able to speak fluently. It meant implementing a peer mentoring strategy for eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB. It has been shown that there has been a significant improvement in students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency using peer tutoring strategy in the eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI KAB.

1. Improving students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation In terms of speaking skills in terms of pronunciation, it was about speaking skills and good pronunciation of words. This means that there was a significant difference between the speaking skill of the students before and after they received the peer tutoring strategy from the researcher in terms of speaking skill in terms of pronunciation and fluency in the eleventh grade students of SMA PESANTREN PUTRI YATAMA MANDIRI.

Table 3.1 (score criteria)
Table 3.1 (score criteria)

Technique of Data Collection

Technique of Data Analysis



After calculating the value t-test analysis, it was compared with the t-table value, so the researcher found that the value of the t-test was greater than the t-table value, it means that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis ( H1) was accepted because there was a difference between a significant mean score of tests given by the researcher before and after the researcher's thought speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency by implementing Peer Tutoring strategy. Meanwhile, as it was found that the value of the t-test was lower than the t-table value, it means that the null hypothesis (H0) was accepted and alternative hypothesis (H1) was rejected because there was no difference significant mean score for the test which had given by researcher before and after researcher mental speaking skill by implementing Peer Tutoring Strategy. It is recommended for English teachers to use the Peer Tutoring Strategy to teach speaking skills because it can bring positive improvement to students, especially in terms of pronunciation and fluency.

English teachers are suggested to use the peer tutoring strategy as one of the alternative strategies in teaching speaking skills. It is recommended that English teachers increase their knowledge of English speaking in guiding students in the process of learning and teaching speaking. Then, future researchers can also conduct a study on the use of peer mentoring strategy to see the effect on its use.

An evaluation of the peer tutoring program at Chippewa Valley Technial College in Eau Claire, WI. Using peer tutoring to improve the grammar skills of business students at the University of the West Indies.



Memahami pentingnya percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal formal dan berkelanjutan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal formal dan berkelanjutan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Izinkan siswa untuk berkomunikasi secara verbal atau mengungkapkan rasa lega, sakit, dan senang.

Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang tidak hadir dan tidak mampu mengikuti materi mengenai ungkapan rasa lega, sakit, dan senang. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (menyelesaikan sesuatu) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) formal dan berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari, termasuk tindak tutur: menasihati dan memberi nasehat. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk laporan, narasi, dan eksposisi analitis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk laporan, narasi, dan eksposisi analitis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narasi. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan mengungkapkan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks narasi.

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk laporan, narasi, dan eksposisi analitis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Merespon makna yang terkandung dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek formal dan informal secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Gambar dan dialog yang memuat ungkapan menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure
Gambar dan dialog yang memuat ungkapan menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure


Table 2.1 Feature of Spoken Grammar..................................................................13 Table 3.1 (score criteria)......................................................................................
Table 2.1 Feature of Spoken Grammar
Table 3.1 (score criteria)
Table 4.1  The  Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Skill  in Term  of Pronunciation.


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