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improving the students' ability to write recount text


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(3) FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp.(0411) 866972 Makassar 90221. LEMBAR PENGESAHAN Skripsi atas nama TUTI AGUSTINA , Nim: 105 35 2917 07 diterima dan disahkan oleh panitia ujian skripsi berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar Nomor: 185 Tahun 1434 H/03 Syafar 1435 M. Sebagai salah satu persyaratan guna memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan pada hari Ahad tanggal 05 Syafar 1435H/08 Desember 2013 M. 03 Syafar 1435 H Makassar 06 Desember 2013 PANITIA UJIAN 1. Pengawas Umum : Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd. ( ............................ ). 2. Ketua. : Dr. Andi Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum ( ............................ ). 3. Sekretaris. : Khaeruddin S.Pd., M.Pd. ( ............................ ). 4. Penguji. : 1. Dr. Abdul Muin, M. Hum. ( ............................ ). 2. Dra. Radiah Hamid, M.Pd. ( ............................ ). 3. Amar Ma’ruf, S.Pd., M. Hum. ( ............................ ). 4. Sulfasyah, MA., PhD. ( ............................ ). Disahkan Oleh Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dr. Andi Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum NBM: 858 625.

(4) FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp.(0411) 866972 Makassar 90221. APPROVAL SHEET Title. : Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Reount Text By Using Piture Series Media at the First Year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng (A Classroom Action Research). Name. : TUTI AGUSTINA. Reg. Num. : 105 35 2917 07. Program. : ENGLISH. EDUCATION. DEPARTMENT/STRATA. (S1). After being checked and observed this thesis had been fill qualification to be examined. Makassar,. Desember 2013. Supervisors Consultant I. consultant II. Dr. Abd. Muin, M. Hum. Nur Qalbi, S.S., M. Hum. Dean of FKIP Unismuh Makasasar. Head of English Education Department. Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum NBM: 858 625. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd NBM: 860 934.

(5) FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp.(0411) 866972 Makassar 90221. SURAT PERJANJIAN Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini: Nama. : TUTI AGUSTINA. Nim. : 105 35 2917 07. Jurusan. : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Judul Skripsi : Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Recount Text by Using Picture Series Media at the First Year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai pada selesainya skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun skripsi saya, tidak dibuatkan siapapun. 2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing. 3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini. 4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2 dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran. Makassar, November 2013 Yang membuat perjanjian. Tuti Agustina. Diketahui Oleh Ketua Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Erwin Akib, S. Pd, M. Pd NBM: 860 934.

(6) FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp. (0411) 866972 Makassar 90221. SURAT PERNYATAAN. Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini: Nama. : TUTI AGUSTINA. Nim. : 10535 2917 07. Jurusan. : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Judul Skripsi : Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Recount Text by Using Picture Series Media at the First Year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng Skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri bukan hasil ciplakan dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan bersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.. Makassar,. Desember 2013. Yang membuat pernyataan. Tuti Agustina.

(7) MOTTO. “Sesungguhnya Allah swt tidak akan merubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang merubahnya”. (QS. Ar-Ra’d: Ayat 11).. “….. Allah SWT meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman diantara kamu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu beberapa derajat ……” (An-Nahl: Ayat 11).. Cara untuk menjadi didepan adalah dengan memulai sekarang, tahun depan anda akan tau banyak hal yang sekarang tidak diketahui, dan anda tidak akan mengetahui masa depan jika anda menunggu-nunggu. (William Feather).. Sesuatu yang belum dikerjakan seringkali tampak mustahil, kita baru yakin kalau kita berhasil melakukannya. (Evelyn Underhill).. Keberhasilan dapat terjadi karena persiapan, kerja keras dan mau belajar dari kesalahan. (Generall Colinpowell).. vii.

(8) ABSTRACT TUTI AGUSTINA, 2013. Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Recount Text by Using Picture Series Media at the First Year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng. Thesis. The English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University. The thesis guided by Abd. Muin, and Nur Qalbi. This research aimed to find out the improvement of the students’ ability to write recount text by using picture series media viewed from both generic structure and language use at class Xb of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng. The type of this research was a Classroom Action Research consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four meetings. It means that there were eight meeting for two cycles. This Classroom Action Research was done at class Xb of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng. The research subjects were the students of class Xb in 2012/2013 academic with 20 students. Those consisted of 13 female and 7 male. The instruments of this research were writing test and observation. The data analysis indicated that there were some significant achievements in writing after teaching them through Picture Series Media. It was proved by the improvement of the students’ ability. The mean score in writing ability d-test was 56.82, in cycle I was 63.37 and in cycle II to get improvement 77.18. The students’ improvement from d-test to cycle I was 11.51%, cycle I to cycle II was 21.85%. Based on the data analysis above, it can be concluded that through Piture Series Media can improve the students’ ability to write reount text is significantly. The mean score in cycle II is higher than cycle I and the mean score of cycle I is higher than D-Test.. ix.

(9) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, the Writer would like to express her highest gratitude to Allah SWT for the love, bless, mercy, health and strength so that the writer could complete this thesis and may God always show to her the right path. Shalawat and salam are addressed to be beloved and chosen messenger, the prophet Muhammad SAW. In writing this thesis, the writer realizes that it could not be completed without guidance from many people. Therefore the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude and appreciation to: 1.. Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd, the Rektor of Makassar Muhammadiyah University.. 2.. Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuriadi, S.Pd., M. Hum, the Dean of FKIP Unismuh Makassar, for his guidance and permission in writing this thesis.. 3.. Dr. Abd. Muin, M. Hum, is the writer’s first consultant, for his useful and helpful guidance, advices, given some ideas as well guidance in writing this thesis corrections and insightful comments were invaluable. The writer could not complete without his help.. 4.. Nur Qalbi, S.S., M. Hum, the writer’s second consultant who has corrected and also for her expert advices, corrections, and very meaningful suggestions for this thesis..

(10) 5.. All of the lectures of English Department for their advice, motivation and immeasurable help during the writer study until she finished her study.. 6.. St. Nurbaya S. Ag the Headmaster of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang where the writer took the sample in her research and Hasnah, S.Pd as the English teacher.. 7.. The First Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, the writer beloved sample, for their enthusiastic participation and serious attention in the writer research. This thesis would not be completed without their kind cooperation and good participation.. 8.. Antallasa and Darsono, the writer’s beloved parents, and her beloved brother and sisters (Dariyanto, Nini Handayani, Novita Sari, Melinda Sari) for their continued prayer, financial support, advices and immeasurable motivation during the writer’s study until she finished in academic process. 9.. My special gratitude and extended to my best friends Murni, Salmawati Liwangka and Rosdiana for their kindness, help, and understanding. The last gratitude also goes to all my friends from EDSA and especially for class M in 2007 that cannot be mentioned one by one, for their advices, friendship, critics, sharing joy and sorrow life and also for the unforgettable days. Makassar, Researcher. Tuti Agustina. 2013.

(11) LIST OF CONTENTS COVER ……………………………………………………….………………… i LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ................................................................................. ii COUNSELING SHEET …...…………………..…………...………………..... iii APPROVAL SHEET …………………………….…………….……………… iv AGREEMENT LETTER ………………..………………….………………… v STATEMENT LETTER ……………………………………………………... vi MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………..……..……. viii LIST OF CONTENTS ………………………………………..………...……... x LIST OF TABLES …………….………………..……...………..…….……… xii LIST OF GRAPHICS …………………………...……....………..…..……… xiii ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………...………… xiv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………..……… 1 A. Background …………..………………………………………………… 1 B. Problem Statement ……….…………………………………………….. 3 C. Objective of the Research ……………….……………………………… 4 D. Significance of the Research …………….……………………………… 4 E. Scope of the Research ……………………………,……………………... 5 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ……………….…. 6 A. Previous Research Finding ………….………………………………….. 6 B. The Concepts of Writing …………………………………….….………. 8 C. The Concepts of Paragraph ………..………………………..….……... 15 x.

(12) D. The Concepts of Recount Text …..….………………………………… 17 E. The Concepts of Picture Series ………………………………………... 20 F.. Conceptual Framework ………...……………………………………… 23. CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD ………………………………….... 25 A. Research Design ………………………...……………………....…….. 25 B. Time and Subject of the Research …………..…………….…………. 30 C. Research Variables and Indicators ………..……...…….…………… 30 D. Research Instrument ……...……………………...…….….…………. 30 E. Technique of Data Analysis …………………...…….….……………. 31 F.. The Procedure of Collecting Data ……….…...….……...…….……... 33. G. Data Analysis ……………………..…………...……………………… 34 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ……………….….…....… 36 A. Findings ….…………………………….……………………….…….. 36 B. Discussion …………………………………...………………….…….. 46 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ……………………. 50 A. Conclusions …………………………………………………………... 50 B. Suggestion ……………………………………………………………. 51 BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………….…...….…………………………. 52 APPENDICES CURRICULUM VITAE. xi.

(13) LIST OF TABLES. Table 1: The Result of the Students’ Mean Score and Improvement in Generic Structure ………………………………………………. 37 Table 2: The Result of the Students’ Mean Score and Improvement in Language Use …………...………………………………………. 39 Table 3: The Result of the Improvement in Writing Ability ……..……. 41 Table 4: The Students’ Rate and Frequency .....................................…… 43 Table 5: The students’ Activeness in Learning Writing …………….…..44. xii.

(14) LIST OF GRAPHICS. Graphic 1: The Students’ Improvement in Generic Structure ………… 38 Graphic 2: The Students’ Improvement in Language Use ………..……. 40 Graphic 3: The Students’ Improvement in Writing Ability ……………. 42 Graphic 4: The Students’ Rate and Frequency ........................................ 43 Graphic 5: The Students’ Activeness in Learning Writing....................... 44. xiii.

(15) 1. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background English is an important language in the world. It is an international language that used by many people in the world and in many fields of everybody life. Therefore, using English is the easiest way to communicate with people from other countries about many aspects in human life, namely: technology, economy, social, politic and etc. For Indonesian English is foreign language. Learning a foreign language is an integrated process that the learner should study the four basic skills: listening, writing, reading and speaking. We use it to understand our word through listening and reading to communicate our feeling and desires through speaking and writing. Writing is one of four basic skills. It is very important teaching and learning English. Writing involves some language component, such as: spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. According to Saifullah, (2009:1) states that writing clear sentences requires you to the rules of English grammar and mechanics, such as the correct use of the verbs and pronouns, comma and other marks punctuation. Raimes in Amal, (2005:1) points out that the writing helps the students learn. It reinforces grammatical structures and vocabularies. They have learnt and give them a chance to the adventurous with the language and to go beyond what they have learnt to say..

(16) 2. Troyka in Ma’mun (2005:3) states that writing is creates reading. It creates a permanent and visible record of ideas for readers. Hence, it can be concluded that the students can benefit from the act of writing. There are various ways to organize the sentences in a piece of writing, they are: narration, description, exposition and recount. In this research, the researcher only focus on recount text, since this kind of text becomes problems for the students and it needs to be solved and immediately. Recount text is the form of text that aims at retelling events for of informing or entertaining in the recount text, the sentences are usually organized to time order or chronological order. One thing happens and the events are told in the same order. According to the researcher observation, it was found some problems in the field when giving writing materials to the students, especially to the recount in SMA level. The first problem was that the students’ writing was not comprehensible, because the content of the composition was not relevant to the topic, the ideas and sentences were not well organized. The second problems were that there were many errors in vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Another problem was the students have low motivation and were not interested in doing the task since the writing activities were not interesting. Usually the students are asked to write sentences and paragraphs without given some clues so that, it was difficult for them to express their ideas on a.

(17) 3. piece of paper. Because of difficulties of writing, teacher should give more attention to teach writing skill to increase the student ability to write. One of ways in increasing the students in teaching writing was to provide media, which were interesting to them. One kind of useful media in teaching process was visual aids like picture and photograph. In the relation to the importance of meaningful material, the writer has an alternative to use picture series to help the students to expresses their idea or opinion in the written form because sometimes they were blocked by limited idea. Students enjoyed doing it and it increases their motivation by showing picture series. It tends to help the student to express their ideas. Through picture series the student will improve memory, comprehension and creative thinking. Picture series is also as a picture language, contains information as much as, we can read concerning with the difficulties faced by the students in writing. Based on the background above, the researcher would like to carry out a Classroom Action Research (CAR) under the tittle “Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Recount Text by Using Picture Series Media at the First Year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng”. B. Problem Statement Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the research problem as follows:.

(18) 4. 1. How is the improvement of the students’ ability to write recount text viewed from its generic structure by using picture series media at the first year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng? 2. How is the improvement of the students’ ability to write recount text viewed from its language use by using picture series media at the first year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng?. C. Objective of the Research Based on the research question above, the objective of the research are to know: 1. The improvement of the students’ ability to write recount text viewed from generic structure by using Picture Series Media. 2. The improvement of the Students’ Ability to write Recount Text viewed from language use by using Picture Series Media. D. Significance of the Research This research is aimed to give benefit English teaching and learning especially the First Year Student of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang Bantaeng. The following, there is some significance from this research: a. Theoretical Significance To increase more information for English language teachers’ which is one of suitable media learning which can used in teaching writing..

(19) 5. b. At least for observer as reference in teaching English to solve one of problem in that school. E. Scope of the Research This research is limited to improve the students’ ability to write recount text by Using Picture Series media which are viewed from generic structure are orientation, events and reorientation. Language uses are conjunction and past tense. These items are chosen because those are very important to be identified by the researcher in motivating and overcoming the students’ problem in motivating and overcoming the students’ problem in learning writing English language..

(20) 6. CHAPTER II REVIEW AND RELATED RELATURE A. Previous Research Findings The researcher reports the identification of using several techniques to increase the students writing ability. Some researchers’ findings are briefly cited as follows. Saleha, (2008) in her thesis, “Increasing the Students’ Writing Skill through Think-Talk-Write Method”. She found that the finding of her research indicates that there are significant difference of the students’ achievement in writing especially in component of content and organization before and after the application of Think-Talk-Write method. It is proved by the result of t-test in component of content is 15.48 and t-test in component of organization 14.45. The data indicates that the value of t-test both of component is greater than t-table. So it means that the application of Think-Talk-Write method is effective to increase the students’ writing ability. Yuharniyati, (2007) in her thesis,“Implementation of Portofolio Assessment to Increase the Students’ Writing Skill”. She. found that the. finding of her research namely: (1). The students’ progress in writing for the organization is 0.40 (40%) with t-test 5.9 and t-table 2.060 (5.9>2.060). it is significant because the t-test higher that t-table, (2). The students’ progress in writing for the content is (59.6%) with t-test 8.82 and t-table 2.060 (8.82%>2.060). it is significant because t-test is higher than t-table..

(21) 7. Rizal, (2010) in his thesis, “Improving Writing Skill of the Second Grades of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 through the Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy”. He found that the data is analyzed using the four components of writing, namely: content, organization, vocabulary and mechanic. He concludes that the finding indicated that sing PWIN strategy could improve the students’ ability in writing recount paragraph. After the researcher conducted the first and the second cycle, the result showed that the students’ in the first and the second improved. In the first cycle, there were 8 (31%) students out of 26 students who got scores under the target score 60, meanwhile in the second cycle only 2 out of 26 students (8%) who still received scores under the target score 60. Irawaty, (2009) in her thesis,s “Using E-dialogue journal to Improve the Students’ Writing Skill”. She found that the finding of her research at the students’ mean score post-test in narrative writing are 60.35 and the students’ mean score post-test are 71.07 with t-test 9.11 and t-table 2.45 where (9.011>2.45). It is increased because t-test is higher that t-table. Rahmatia, (2010) in her thesis,“Using Dictation Technique to Improve the students’ Writing Ability”. She found that the result of her research showed the pre-test and post-test are different significantly. It is proved by the value of the t-test 12.2 which is greater than the value of t-table 2.045 with the level of significance (p) 0.05 and average of freedom (n-1) = 29. It can be concluded that the using dictation technique can improve the students’ writing ability..

(22) 8. Based on the previous finding above, the researcher explains that this research different from Saleha’s and Yuharniyati’s finding. Saleha’s and Yuharniyati’s finding concern to increase the students’ writing ability generally while this research concern to increase the students’ writing ability in writing especially in component of generic structure and language use. This research also different from Rizal’s finding. Rizal’s finding not just to concern to the component of organization and content but also concern to vocabulary and mechanics. The other finding show that this research is the same with Saleha’s and Yuharniyati’s finding are concerns in increasing the students’ writing ability on organization and content in component of writing. B. The Concepts of Writing 1. Definitions of Writing Writing is one of four major skills in which words are set in a written form. It is an indirect communication and it is means for expressing ideas, thought and experience. According to Oshima and Houge, (1997:2) define that writing is progressive activity, it means that when we first something down, we have already been thinking about what we are going to say and how we are going to say. Heaton (1975:35) states that the writing skills are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only grammar and rhetorical devices but also conceptual of judgmental element. According to Kroma (1988:135), writing is kind of activity where the writer expresses all ideas in his mind in the paper from words to sentence,.

(23) 9. sentence to paragraph and paragraph to essay. It is similarity to Gerhard (1983:222) states definition of writing, he states that writing is a way to communicating a message to a reader for a purpose. It is different from Widdowson in Yakkop (2006:5) states that writing is communicative activity and so is carried out accordance with certain general principles in which underline the use of language in communication. Based on definition above, the researcher concludes that the writing is a tool of communication to producing a message into written form. 2. The Types of Writing Oshima & Houge (1997:89), state that the types of writing consist of four. They are narration, description, exposition and recount. a. Narration Narration is the form of writing use to relate the stay of act of events. Narration places occurrences in time and tell what happened according to natural time sequence. One thing happens and the events are told in the same order. A narration tells a story series of conducted incidents or an action. In narration, the incidents that make up the story are usually told in order in which they would really happen. Types of narration include short story, novels and news stories, as well as a large part of our every day social interchange in the form of letter and conversation..

(24) 10. b. Description Description is a form writing that describe something. It is reproduce the way thing looks, smell, taste, feel or sound. It may also evoke mood such as happiness, loneliness or a fear. It may be used also to describe more that outward appearance of people. It may tell about their tries of character of personality. c. Exposition Exposition is the form of writing that explains something. It often answers to the question of what, how and why. It used in giving information, making explanation and meanings. Its purpose is to present ideas and to make the ideas clear as a possible. d.. Recount. Recount is a text which retells events or experience in the past. Its purpose is to retell events. The generic structures of recount text are orientation, events and reorientation. Basically recount text is similarity to narrative. The differentiated are generally narrative found in tale, folktale, legend and fable whereas recount found in biography and autobiography. The narrative, there are conflicts among the store in the contrary we do not find conflict in the recount, just events of series as basic structures. 3. The Importance of Writing Byrne in Satriani (2011:14) states that there are many reasons why writing is important, some of them:.

(25) 11. a. Writing is a tool discovery. We stimulate our thought process by the act soft writing and tap into information image, we have in our conscious minds. b. Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make connection and see relationship. c. Writing helps us to organize our ideas, we arrange them in correct coherent form. d. Writing down ideas follows us to distance ourselves from them and evaluate them. e. Writing helps us to absorb and process information, when we write about topic, we learn it better. f. Writing on a subject, makes us become active learners rather than passive learners of information. Raimes in Satriani also states some reasons about the important of writing, according to him writing is helpful the students. The reasons for that are: a. Writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary that have been taught to the students. b. When the students write, they also have chance to be adventurous with the language, to go beyond what they have learnt to say, to take risk. c. What the students write, they necessarily become very involved with the language, the effort to express ideas or thinking on paper..

(26) 12. 4. The Character of Good Writing There are some characteristics of good writing according to Yarber in Sarlin (2009:11) as follows: a. Good writing like a good film or song is not boring it keeps your interest by what it says and how it says. b. Good writing easy to follow. c. Good writing is presents ideas to fresh and original. As a result it sounds like its author rather than sounding generic. d. Good writing is freedom serious mistake in grammar, spelling and punctuation because those errors get it the way of the writer’s idea and distract the reader. Adelstein and Prival in Sudarman (2011:22) states that the characteristic of good writing consists of: a. Good writing reflects the writing skill to organize the material into coherence whole so that is move logically from the sentence, dominate idea, the supporting and finally to consistent ending, conveying to the reason sense of a well thought put to plan. b. Good writing reflects the writer skill to write interest readers in subject and demonstrate a thought sound understanding of it. c. Good writing reflects the writer skill to criticize the draft and revise it. Revision is the key of effectives writing. d. Good writing reflects the writer skill to use approach vice suit the purpose and audience of the occasion..

(27) 13. Good writing is the result of much practice and hard work. This fact, should encourage your. It means that the ability to write well is not gift that some people are born with, not a privilege extended to only few. If you are willing to work, you can improve your writing. (Nordquist, 2007: 1-2) 5. The Components of Writing There are five general components of writing according to Cole et al in Hasrini (2012:10), they are: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. a. Content Byrne in Asman (2011:14) states that content of writing should be understandable. Therefore, the readers can understand the message in the text and get information from it. There is thinking that can be measure in connecting with component. The composition should contain one central purpose. b. Organization Coulthard in Hasrini (2012:10), states that organization is the overall a structures of pieces of writing. The most workable to organized essay is the state the main idea of the paper in an opening paragraph and devote a separate paragraph in the body to each major division of thought. Organization concern with the way of how the writer arranges and organizes the ideas in their message in writing form which consist of some partial order. In writing, the writer should know about what kind of paragraph that they want to write and what topic that they to tell to the reader. In.

(28) 14. addition, Byrne (1984:14) states that writer should be take care of the organization in their writing because will help to communicate successfully. c. Vocabulary Webster in Hasrini (2012:11) states that vocabulary is the list of word and sometimes plus usually arranged in alphabetical order to expire at distally, grouchy. Byrne (1984:34) states that vocabulary is an area which gives the students various kind of the learning problem including spelling, it is also where it can be useful for them to have reference list in the form of lexical set, such as cloths, furniture, food and etc. d. Language Use Cole at al In Hasrini (2012:11) states that the language use in writing description and other forms of writing involve correct usage and point of grammar. However, considering that there are many points of grammar, the writer would like to quote a little literature about verbs, use modifier or adjective, adverbs and participles in the writing, a modifier may other is a phrase. A single well chosen modifier is often more effective than several used together. If it is difficult to describe with over used or find more synonyms or thesaurus. e. Mechanics Heaton in Hasrini (2012:12) states that mechanics concern with the ability to use correctly words to the written means to express the use of favorable.

(29) 15. mechanics in writing will make the readers easy to the group to conveying ideas or message of writing, the explanation as follows: 1. Capitalization The use capitalization can clarify the ideas. If the sentences are not capitalize correctly, will appear ambiguous and misunderstanding. It also helps to differentiated from the sentences to others. The words which are capitalized at beginning of the name of people, organization, first words of the title. 2. Punctuation Punctuation can help the reader to identify should be taken as a unit of meaning and suggest how the units of it relate to each other. 3. Spelling Using of spelling has three rules, there are suffixes addition, plural formation and the change of the certain words. C. The Concepts of Paragraph 1. Definitions of Paragraph Basically paragraph is derived from the words of para and grapein. Para means beside and grape means the writing. In this sense, paragraph refers to a piece of writing in which paragraph starts to indicate the readers that a new kind of material will be soon (West in Kartini: 2007:12). This idea goes to Trimble’s nation that a paragraph is usually defined as a group of sentences forming a complete unit of thought and marked on a page of text by spacing or indentation..

(30) 16. In the following, there are some definitions of paragraph: a. Brown et al, (1984:227) state that the paragraph is a series of sentences that develop a single idea or topic. b. Worster, (1993:104) also states paragraph is group of related sentences about a single topic. c. Lorch, (1984:78) states that paragraph is the smallest unit of writing that can effectively present an argument. The paragraph is made up a topic sentences and number of supported sentences. d. Hornby (1994:60) states that paragraph is a division (usually a group of several sentences dealing with one main idea) of a line of a writing started on a new on line. Based on definition above the researcher concludes that paragraph is a group of sentences that develop a single point, idea or topic. 2. The Organization of Paragraph Jordan in Asrini (2003:13) states that the most paragraphs are composed three parts, they are: topic sentence, supporting sentence and concluding sentence. a. Topic Sentence According to Jordan in Asrini (2003:13) states that a good topic sentence must complete four requirements. First, topic sentence is completed with subject, a verb and a complement. Second, topic sentence states the topic and the controlling idea. Third, topic sentence is neither too general nor too specific and fourth it is usually (but not always) in first sentence in paragraph..

(31) 17. b. Supporting Sentence Supporting sentence is development of topic sentence. It can be developed by giving more detail explanation, which completed with example, illustration, facts and question. It indicates that the supporting sentences are complete enough to support the topic sentence. Major supporting sentences are directly support the topic sentence. c. Concluding Sentence Concluding sentence is a sentence, which is put the end of a paragraph. The function of this sentence is to ensure the information stated in the topic sentence. Concluding sentences summarize or ties together. It should remain readers or arguments, give reader a sense of completeness and relate logically to the topic sentence. D. The Concepts of Recount Text 1. Definitions of Recount Text According to Breveton in Yakkop (2006:17), recount is retelling events or experience in the past. Its purpose is retelling events in the past. The generic structures of recount are orientation, events and reorientation. It is similarity to Grace, (2007:30) states that recount is to tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events. A good recount in improving second language acquisition should be entertaining and informative. It should retell on incident or event in fairly objective or factual style. Therefore, the students have a good understanding what happened..

(32) 18. It is different to Seaton, (2007:13) states that recount is more retelling. The series of events or experience have to be carefully controlled in order for the writing to be effective. The overall idea or theme being explored needs to be clear. The generic structure of recount consists of three parts, they are orientation, events and reorientation. The setting/orientation is the background information answering: who, where and when. Events are where you write about the things that happened and are identified and also described in chronological order. Conclusion expresses a personal opinion regarding the events described. Based definition above the researcher concludes that recount text is provide information about happen, where it happen and who involved by the orientation to conclude the retell of the events. 2. Types of Recount As concept of writing, Josepine et al (2007:32) identify recount text consists of three parts, they are: personal recount, factual recount and imaginative recount. a. Personal recount exposes an event in which the writer and the author got involved or acted in the event him self. Belong this type factual among other are daily funny incidents, entries, diary and etc. b. Factual recount is a note of an event, such as scientific experiment report, police report, newspaper report, history explanation and etc. c. Imaginative recount is unreal event or story, like reading text for language lesson, a story about life of slave and etc. while Kalrwein (1990:20).

(33) 19. divided two types of recounts, namely personal recount and historical recount. (http://english-blogspot.com). 3. Generic Structures The generic structure according to Grace et al in Asman (2003:28), there are three parts, namely: a. Orientation Orientation is who were involved in the story, when and where it happens. b. Events Events are to tell what happened in chronological order. c. Reorientation The conclusion of the stories. The focus of schematic structure is on schematic structure is on sequence at events, all of which related to a particular occasion. a. Orientation Orientation is the background information needed to understanding the text. b. Series of Events Series of events ordered in a chronological sequence at various stage there may be some. c. Personal Comment On the incident (ex. We had a wonderful time)..

(34) 20. E. The Concepts of Picture Series 1. Definitions of Picture Series Picture series is kind of visual aids, composed of some series drawing. Yunus (1989:39) states that picture series is a number of related composite pictures linked to form a series of sequences. Hence, it is main function is to tell story of sequence of events. According to Morgan in Leny, (2006:19) the picture series is a series of picture of a single subject, it function is to tell a story or a sequence of events. Meanwhile, according to Wright in Leny (2006:19) picture series is not just an aspect of model but through its representation of place, object and people. It is essential part of the overall experience. The kinds and number of picture series that the teacher should take with him carry out of the activities in class can be taken from magazines or others and should be interactive and interesting to capture series for the students is to give then an opportunity in practices context the language in real or in situation in which they can make it to communicate their ideas. (Morgan in Leny, 2006:20). Heinrich et al, in Rahman (2006:10) state that the function of color picture as the following: a. To heighten to realism (fidelity) of the image of depicting its actal color. b. To point out similarities and differences and height-light important cues (emphasis)..

(35) 21. c. To create a particular emotional response. Brown in Rahman (2006:10) states that the picture can be used in many stages: a. To introduce and motivate study of new topics. b. To clarify misconception. c. To evaluate students’ progress. From the meaning of picture series above, the researcher concludes that the picture series have exchange and represented the real object into simple device which has displayed a series of places, object, person or event experience and pictures are kinds of visual instruction materials might be used more effectively to develop and sustain motivation in producing positive attitudes towards English and to teach reinforced language skill. 2. The Sample of Picture Series.

(36) 22. (http://www.kumpulangambarseri.com) 3. The Types of The Picture Series Through the picture series presentation, people are able to reach outside their minds. Picture that they can see always lead to the reality of their minds but the realities that have been presented by picture depends on the types of the pictures. There are two kinds of picture according to Brazyna Szyke in Leny (2006:21) finds especially useful as teaching aids, they are: a. Picture of individual person or thing may be used mainly the elementary level, to introduce or test vocabulary items. For example: a man, and a car. Portraits, picture showing people in close details, are useful intermediate and advance learners. The students can be asking question about the age and profession of the model..

(37) 23. b. Picture of situation in which person and object are in action. Between object and can perfect teaching aid for introducing or review grammatical or structures. General types of picture series according to Wright in Leny (2006:22) are: a. Picture series of single object. b. Picture series of person picture/picture of several person. c. Picture series of places. d. Picture series with lot information. e. Picture series of the news. Based on the description above, the writer concludes that picture will be useful to teach some learner language skills, which language the language teacher help the student enter to imaginative experience beyond the classroom by using picture series. F. Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework underlying in this research is given in the following diagram:.


(39) 25. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD. A. Research Design This research followed the principal working of classroom action research (CAR) that consisted of four stages; they are: planning, Action, Observation and Reflection. The concept in cycle I was:. Planning. Reflection. Cycle I. Action. Observation. Re-Planning. Reflection. Cycle II. Action. Observation. ? The Cycle schema of Classroom Action Research.

(40) 26. 1. Cycle 1 a. Planning 1). Arranging a schedule classroom action research.. 2). Designing lesson planning.. 3). Preparing pre test and materials related to recount text.. 4). Preparing some pictures as the media.. 5). Designing a form on assessment.. 6). Preparing the jumbled stories based on the picture series.. 7). Designing the observation sheet to observe the condition of learning and teaching process.. b. Action In this stage, the researcher conducted four meetings by teaching recount text by using picture series. In each meeting, the acting done as followed: 1). The First Meeting a) The researcher told the recount text to the students. b) The researcher explained about the generic structure of recount text. c) The researcher gave example of recount text and give assignment about the text. 2). The Second Meeting a) The researcher explained about the characteristic on composing the paragraph and gave example. b) Analyzed the paragraph based on generic structure..

(41) 27. c) The students arranged jumbled sentences related to recount text into a good form 3). The Third Meeting a) Introducing about picture series as media in composing recount text. b) Asked the students to make some groups and selected the leader. 4). The Fourth Meeting a) The researcher then reminds students of generic structures and the characteristic of recount text. b) The students then having discussion to compose the recount text by using picture series in groups. c) Finishing activity, then the researcher collected the students’ work c. Observation During the teaching and learning process, in this phase, the researcher observed: 1) The students’ activeness in learning. 2) The students’ competence in writing recount text. d. Reflection 1) The result was collected and then analyzed it. 2) Discuss of the result with the English teacher to know and consider effect the action. 3) Revising the implementation of action base on the result evaluation. The result of the reflection will be revised in the next cycle..

(42) 28. 2. Cycle II The researcher continued the research to cycle II to make complete the result in cycle I and also more additional than less in cycle I. The researcher revised the lesson plan in the cycle II. In this classroom action research of cycle two consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection as follows: a. Planning 1). The researcher revision lesson planning of writing recount text.. 2). The researcher prepare some picture series was given key words as media.. 3). The researcher made instrument evaluation for classroom action research. 4). Prepare checklist form for observation. b. Action The cycle II was revision from the cycle I that conduct with four meetings. 1). The First Meeting a). The researcher set up the new picture series for the students.. b). The researcher told the recount serial picture story it was given key words to the students.. c). The researcher explained the useful of key words in the story.. 2). The Second Meeting a) The researcher asked the students to make some group..

(43) 29. b) In each group prepared a pieced of paper on which they should discuss to compose recount text by using key words in picture series. c) Every student got change to express their own opinion in each group. d) The paper was around from one student to next of them in each group. 3). The Third Meeting a) Every group had to present the result of composing recount text by picture series. b) The researcher then corrected the students composing into a good text, made in generic structure (orientation-event-reorientation). c) The students made draft of the conclusion, to match the generic structure (orientation-event-reorientation). 4). The Fourth Meeting a) The researcher gave new picture series to the student not group. b) The students’ activeness in learning by using check list. c) The students’ competence in applying using picture series. c. Reflection All the activities in reflection stage were the same as reflection in the first cycle. The research analyzes considers that the result analyzed and considered that result got in the first cycle..

(44) 30. B. Time and Subject of the Research The research subject of this Classroom Action Research was the first year of Madrasah Aliyah Panaikang, Kab. Bantaeng, 2012-2013 academic years. The class consisted of 20 students. C. Variables and Indicators 1. Research Variables Variable is one of the very important elements of the research, the research used two kinds include of variable. Variable is something that has variety of value. Singaribun and Effendy in Rahman, (2006:42). Those variables divided into two variables. They were dependent variable and independent variable that variable that variable that influenced to other variable. a) Independent variable was the picture series. b) Dependent variables consisted of students’ writing recount. 2. Indicators There were two aspects indicators in this research: a) Indicators of the generic structure were orientation, events and reorientation. b) Indicators of the language use were past tense and conjunction. D. Research Instrument In this research, the researcher used two instruments for collecting data. They were test and observation sheet. a) Test aims were used to find out the students’ competence in recount text..

(45) 31. b) Observation sheet was used to find out the students’ activeness during the teaching and learning process. E. Technique of Data Analysis The data analysis in cycle I and cycle II were collected through the steps as follows: There were two components that to be concern of the writer to measure the writing ability. To measure the writing score, by Widdowson in Yakkop (2006:29) had developed the following rating scale. 1. Generic Structure a. Orientation Classification Excellent. Score. Criteria. 90-100. Complete to identify and set the scene and introduce the participation (it answers the question: who, when and where).. Very Good. 80-89. Identify and set the scene and introduce. the. participants. were. enough (it answers the question: who, when and where incomplete). Good. 70-79. Cannot incomplete to identify and set the. Fairly Good. 60-69. scene. and. introduce. the. participant. Not relevant to identify and set and. Fair. 50-59. introduce the participants. No answer of the concepts. (Jeremy in Ermawati, 2013:29).

(46) 32. b. Event Classification Excellent. Score. Criteria. 90-100. Complete and identify the events in chronological order.. Very Good. 80-89. Identify the event in chronological order is enough.. Good. 70-79. Cannot incomplete to identify the event in chronological in order.. Fairly Good. 60-69. Not relevant to identify the event in chronological. Fair. 50-59. No answer of the problem (ibid). c. Reorientation Classification Excellent. Score. Criteria. 90-100. Complete to find the concluding comments express personal opinion regarding the events described. Very Good. 80-89. Identify the concluding comments express personal opinion regarding the events described enough. Good. 70-79. Cannot incomplete to identify the concluding. comments. express. personal opinion regarding the events described Fairly Good. 60-69. Not. relevant. concluding. to. identify. comments. the. express. personal opinion regarding the events described Fair. 50-59. No answer of the problem (ibid, 2013:30).

(47) 33. 2. Language Use Classification. Score. Criteria. Excellent to Very Good. 86-100. Effective complex construction, few error of agreement, tense, number, word/order conjunction,. function,. article,. pronoun. and. preposition. Good to Average. 70-85. Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word/order function, article, conjunction, pronoun and preposition meaning confused or obscured.. Fair to Poor. 60-69. Dominant by errors of grammar, can not be understood and evaluated. Very Poor. 50-59. Virtually no mastery of sentences consists rule and etc (Widdowson in Yakkop 2006: 30). F. The procedure of Collecting Data There were two of collecting data. They were observation sheet and test. In these cases the data are taken from the source by employing observation sheet and test. 1. Observation Sheet In this research, the writer acts as an active observer. The writer interacted with the students as well as the teacher. In writing lesson, the writer observes their writing skill..

(48) 34. 2. Test The test directed to get information about students’ improvement after teaching and learning process. The student made group. Each group consisted of four to five students. Then in each group prepared a piece of paper on which they discussed to compose recount text by using key words in picture series. G. Data Analysis The data analysis consisted of mean score, analyze percentage technique and scoring participation. 1. To calculate the mean score of students’ test result. The researcher used the following formula: =. ∑. Where: X. = Mean score. N. = the total number of the students (Gay, 1981:298).. ∑X. = the sum of the score. 2. To analyze the percentage technique by used this formula: Where: P= P = Percentage of the students. f = Frequency of the student. N = The number of sample (Jacobs in Lestari, 2011:32)..

(49) 35. 3. Scoring participation The observer analyzed the research by applying percentage technique through the following formula: P =. Fq 4xN Where:. x 100. P = Percentage of the students Fq= Frequency N = Total the students (Jacobs in Yakkop, 2006:35). 4. To classify the students’ score, there were four classifications that used as follows: a) Scores 90-100 is classified as excellent. b) Scores 80-89 is classified as very good. c) Scores 70-79 is classified as good. d) Scores 60-69 is classified as fairly good. e) Scores 50-59 is classified as Fair..

(50) 36. CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS In this chapter consists of the finding at the research and discussion. The findings present the improvement of students’ writing ability, the percentage of the students and students’ participations during the teaching and learning process. The discussions of the research cover further explanation of the findings. A. Findings The findings of a classroom action research deals with the answer of the problem statement which it aims to find out the improvement of the students’ ability to write recount text. The result of data analysis found that teaching writing skill through Picture Series Media can improve the students’ writing ability in terms generic structure and language use at class Xb of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng. 1.. The Improvement of Students’ Recount Text in Generic Structure The students’ ability to write recount text has been improved. It is indicated. by the difference score and improvement between cycle I and cycle II test. The following table shows the students’ improvement in generic structure which consist of three indicators: orientation, event and reorientation..

(51) 37. Table 1: The Students’ Improvement in Generic Structure. The Students’ Score. Improvement (%). Indicators D-Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. DT-CI. CI-CII. Orientation. 58.75. 66.75. 76.45. 13.62. 14.53. Event. 55.3. 61.8. 75.3. 11.75. 21.84. Reorientation. 58.3. 64.95. 76.7. 11.41. 18.19. ∑X. 172.35. 193.5. 228.45. 36.78. 54.56. X. 57.45. 64.5. 76.15. 12.26. 18.19. The table above shows the students’ writing ability in generic structure the result is calculating of the diagnostic test and students’ test at the students’ writing ability through Picture Series Media, where the students’ score in diagnostic test is different from the students’ test in cycle I. The mean score in diagnostic test is (57.45), in cycle I is (64.5) and in cycle II is (76.15). The assessment of cycle II is greater than cycle I and diagnostic test (76.15>64.5>57.45), the improvement of students’ from cycle I to cycle II is greater than diagnostic test to cycle I (18.19%>12.26%). Based on the percentages above, there are significant improvements of the students through picture series media. To see clearly the improvement of the.

(52) 38. students’ writing viewed from its generic structure, the following graphic is presented. Figure 1: The Students’ Improvement in Generic Structure 25 20 15 10 5 0 Orientation. Event. Reorientation. Mean Score. The graphic above shows that the students’ improvement in generic structure in the diagnostic test to cycle II in terms of orientation, event and reorientation. In orientation is 34.43%, event is 36.57%, reorientation is 34.39% and the mean score is 35.13%. 2.. The improvement of the students’ Language Use The students’ ability to write language use through picture series media is. improved. It is proven by the writing test in cycle I and cycle II. It is indicated by the difference between score in the diagnostic test, cycle I and cycle II test as shown in the following table..

(53) 39. Table 2: The Result of the Students’ Improvement in Language Use The Students’ Score. Improvement (%). Indicators D-Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. DT-CI. CI-CII. Tense. 65.6. 59.8. 78.4. 7.55. 31.10. Conjunction. 56.8. 64.7. 78.04. 13.91. 20.62. ∑X. 112.4. 124.5. 156.44. 21.46. 51.72. X. 56.2. 62.25. 78.22. 10.73. 25.86. The students’ improvement of writing can be described by seeing the students’ score of their test which the students’ mean score from the two indicators. The table above shows that there is improvement of the students’ ability in writing language use through Picture Series Media in D-Test to cycle I and cycle I to cycle II. The mean score of diagnostic test is 56.2, in cycle I is 62.25 and in cycle II is 78.22 The assessment of cycle II is greater than cycle I and diagnostic test (78.22>62.25>56.2). So, the improvement of the students from cycle I to cycle II was greater than diagnostic test to cycle I (25.86>10.73). Based on the table above, it can be conclude that the students’ score of cycle I and cycle II is greater than D-Test. It means that, there is improvement of the students’ achievement in writing ability of language use. It is more clearly showed in the chart below:.

(54) 40. Figure 2: The Improvement of the Students’ Ability in Language Use 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Tense. Conjunction Mean Score Tense. Conjunction. Mean Score. The chart above indicates the students’ language use. Tense is 31.10, conjunction is 20.62 and the mean score is 25.86. Thus, tense get improvement than conjunction (31.10>20.62). 3.. The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Ability The improvement of the students’ writing ability in term generic structure. and language use through Picture Series Media is good. It is indicated by the mean score of the cycle I and cycle II tests which are shown clearly in the following table:.

(55) 41. Table 3: The Students’ Improvement in Writing Ability The Students’ scores No. 1. 2. Improvement (%). Variables D-Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. DT-CI. CI-CII. 57.45. 64.5. 76.15. 12.27. 18.06. 56.2. 62.25. 78.22. 10.76. 25.64. ∑X. 113.65. 126.75. 154.37. 23.03. 43.7. X. 56.82. 63.37. 77.18. 11.51. 21.85. Generic Structure. Language Use. The table above shows the mean score of the students’ achievement writing ability in recount text both of generic structure and language use. Based on the table, it indicated that the improvement of the students’ writing ability through Picture Series Media was successful. The students’ mean score in D-test was 56.82 classified into poor score, the students’ mean score in cycle I was 63.37 classified fairly score and the students’ mean score in cycle II was 77.18 classified into good score. So, the improvement of the students’ writing ability between dtest to cycle I was 11.51% and the improvement cycle I to cycle II was 21.85%. Based on the percentages above there are significant improvement the students’ writing ability through Picture Series Media. To see clearly the improvement of the students’ writing ability, the following chart is presented..

(56) 42. Figure 3: The Improvement of the Students’ Writing ability 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Generic Strcture. Language Mean Score Use Generic Strcture. Language Use. Mean Score. The graphic above shows that the improvement of the students’ writing ability in the diagnostic test to cycle II in term of generic structure it is 18.06%, language use is 25.64% and the mean score is 21.85%. 4. Scoring Participation It has been mentioned in the previous chapter that after tabulating and analyzing the students’ score into percentage, then they are classified into five classifications namely: excellent, very good, good, fairly good and fair as can be seen in the following table:.

(57) 43. Table 4: Rate Percentage and Frequency Non PS No. Classification. D-Test. Range. The Application of PS Cycle I. Cycle II. Freq. %. Freq. %. Freq. %. 1. Excellent. 90-100. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. Very good. 80-89. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. 25. 3. Good. 70-79. 0. 0. 0. 0. 15. 75. 4. Fairly good. 60-69. 5. 25. 18. 90. 16. 80. 5. Fair. 50-59. 15. 75. 2. 10. 0. 0. 20. 100. 20. 100. 20. 100. Total. Base on the table above can also be shown from the graphic below: Figure 4: Rate Percentage and Frequency 18 16 14 12 10 8. D-test. 6. Cycle I. 4. Cycle II. 2 0 Excellent. Very good. Good. Fairly good. Fair. Based on the table and graphic above, it can be shown that D-test, there are 15 students (75%) get fair score and 5 students (25%) get fairly good score..

(58) 44. While in the cycle I there are 2 students (10%) and 18 students (90%) get fairly good score. In the cycle II, there are 15 students (75%) get good score and there are 5 students (25%) get very good score. Table 5: The Students’ Activeness in Learning Writing Students’ Activeness st Cycle 1 2nd 3rd 4th meeting meeting meeting Meeting Cycle I 47.5% 60% 69.44% 73.78% Cycle II. 78.95%. 82.5%. 85%. Mean score (X) 79.21%. 87.5%. 96.47%. The data above can also be shown from the graphic below: Figure 5: The Students’ Activeness in Learning Writing 120% 100% 80% 60%. 79.0%. 82.5%. 85.0% 69.4%. 87.5% 73.8%. 96.5% 79.2%. 60.0%. cycle I. 47.5%. cycle II. 40% 20% 0% 1st Meeting 2nd meeting 3rd meeting 4th meeting. mean score. Based on the table and the graphic above shows the student activeness in learning writing through Picture Series Media. In the cycle I in the first meeting, the students’ activeness was 47.5%, the second meeting of the students’ activeness was 60%, the third meeting of the students’ activeness 69.44% and the four meeting was 73.78. The cycle II in the first meeting 78.95%, the second meeting 82.5, the third meeting 85 and the second meeting 87.5%. of the students’.

(59) 45. activeness in learning writing. The mean score of cycle I was 79.21% and in the cycle II was 96.47%. The research finding from the table above indicates that there is improvement of the students’ activeness in cycle I to cycle II, where is the mean score of cycle I was 79.21% and in cycle II was 96.47%. 5.. The Implementation of Picture Series Media The researcher observes the students’ activeness to asses the. implementation of Picture Series Media in teaching and learning process to improve the students’ writing ability of Madasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng in class X.b which was conducted in two cycles, during eight meetings was taken by the observer through observation sheet. The researcher observation consists of two cycles each cycle consists of four meetings. In the first cycle the students’ responses low but in the cycle II the students’ responses are classified into good. The result of the observation that have been done researcher concludes that Picture Series Media improves students’ writing ability. The students’ do not feel bored, but more enthusiastic to follow the teaching learning process. The students look braver and more confident to write and express their ideas. They also admit that they become active and full concentration in the classroom..

(60) 46. The students’ writing ability can be improved through Picture Series Media, because through this media they can find out the new ideas and it was fun and interesting. They can be motivated in learning the English writing ability. B. Discussion In this part, the discussion covering the interpretation of finding derived from the result of findings is based on the problem statement, they are: 1. How is the improvement of the students’ of Generic Structure in writing recount text viewed from its generic structure through Picture Series Media? 2. How is the improvement of the students’ of Generic Structure in writing recount text viewed from its language use through Picture Series Media? To know clearly the discussion of finding in writing project, following is presented: 1. The Improvement of the Students’ of. Generic Structure in Writing. Ability a. Orientation The implementation of Picture Series Media in improve the students’ ability to write recount text in term orientation. The table 1, the orientation as the indicators of students’ writing after application of Picture Series Media in cycle I (66.75) is greater than diagnostic test (58.75). There is improvement of students’ generic structure in the indicator of orientation from diagnostic test to cycle I (13.62%), but it is still included fairly good. So that, the researcher decided to.

(61) 47. organized by the next cycle after analyzing the weakness in cycle I and then revised it in cycle II with the students’ mean score (76.45) which is categorized is good classification. This indicates that the improvement is gained of students’ generic structure at the indicator of orientation from cycle I to cycle II (14.53%). b. Event The implementation of Picture Series Media in improving the students’ generic structure in term of event can be seen in which the score of diagnostic test (55.3) is fewer than the result of cycle I (61.8). It is categorized as fair. So, the researcher has decided to organize the cycle II. Then the result in cycle II (75.3) is greater than cycle I (61.8>75.3). It is include as good. This means there is improvement from cycle I to cycle II of the students’ generic structure in event in diagnostic test to cycle I was (11.75%) and cycle I to cycle II was (21.84%) c. Reorientation The implementation of Picture Series Media in improving the students’ generic structure in term of reorientation which the students’ score in d-test (58.3) is fewer than cycle I (64.95), and it is categorized as fairly good, although there is improvement of students’ reorientation from d-test to cycle I (11.41%). So the researcher continued in cycle II. Where, the students’ score (76.7) and the improvement from cycle I to cycle II is (18.19%) Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the implementation of Picture Series Media could improve the students’ generic structure in recount text. The table I indicates that the improvement of students’.

(62) 48. ability to write recount text through Picture Series Media has an affective effect. Where the researcher finds d-test (57.45), but after implies Picture Series Media the students got mean score (64.5) in cycle I, and in cycle II is (76.15). And the improvement of students’ generic structure from d-test to cycle I (12.26%), the improvement cycle I to cycle II is (18.19%). The assessment of cycle II is greater than cycle I and d-test (76.15>64.5>57.45). 2. The Improvement of Students’ in Language Use in Writing Ability a. Tense The implementation of Picture Series Media could improve the students’ language use in term of tense to write recount text the table 2 shows that the students’ score in diagnostic test is (55.6) is fewer than the result of cycle I (59.8). It is categorized is fair But after implementation the picture series media. There is increasing in cycle II (78.4) and the improvement of students’ from d-test to cycle I is (7.55%), the improvement from cycle I to cycle II is (31.10%). b. Conjunction The table 2 also indicates that the students’ language use in term of conjunction, in which the score of d-test (56.8) is fewer than the result of cycle I (64.7). It is categorized as fairly good. Even though the students’ gain the improvement in D- Test to cycle I (13.91%). Due to the students’ still is fairly good classification. So the researcher has decided to organize in cycle II. Then, the result of cycle II (78.04), it is categorized good. This means that there is improvement from cycle I to cycle II (20.62%)..

(63) 49. Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the implementation of Picture Series Media could improve the students’ language use in recount text. The table 2 indicates that the improvement of students’ ability to write recount text through Picture Series Media has an affective effect. Where the researcher finds d-test (56.2), but after implies Picture Series Media the students got mean score (62.25) in cycle I, and in cycle II was (78.22). And the improvement of diagnostic test to cycle I was (10.73) and cycle I to cycle II was 25.86..

(64) CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION. This chapter contains conclusion and suggestion based on the research finding in the previous chapter, the researcher puts forward the following conclusion and suggestion. A. Conclusions After conducting the research about the application of Picture Series Media at Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang and based on the research finding in the previous chapter, the researcher puts reward the following conclusions: The score writing in generic structure is 57.45, in cycle I is 64.5 and the cycle II is 76.15. The students’ improvement d-test to cycle I is 12.27%, cycle I to cycle II is 18.06, while the score students’ writing in language use in d-test is 55.91, in cycle I it is improved become 62.39 and in cycle II the students’ score is 77.79. The students’ improvement from d-test in cycle I is 11. 59%, cycle I to cycle II is 24.68%. Based on the data analysis above, we can conlcude that through Picture Series Media has succeeded to improve the students’ ability to write reount text at the First Year of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Panaikang, Bantaeng.. 50.

(65) B. Suggestion As the result of the research that Picture Series Media was effective to improve the students ‘ability to write recount text, the researcher suggests the following things: 1. It is suggested to the English teachers that they apply this Picture Series Media as one of alternative teaching and learning process. 2. The result of this research can also be used as an additional reference or further research with different discussion for the next researcher. .. 51.

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