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(1)IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY TO WRITE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT THROUGH RANDOM INPUT METHOD (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of M.A. Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar ). A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Education In English Department. By HENDRI 10535 3394 08. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2013.

(2) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN APPROVAL SHEET SKRIPSI Title. : Improving the Students’ Writing Ability to Write Descriptive Text through Random Input Method (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of M.A. Muhammadiyah salaka, Takalar). Name. : HENDRI. Reg Number : 10535 3394 08 Program. : S.I. After being checked and observed this thesis had been filled qualification to be examined. Makassar,. June 2013. Approved by Consultant I. Consultant II. Dr. H. Bahrun Amin,M.Hum. Dra. Hasnawati Latief, M.Pd. Dean of FKIP Unismuh Makassar. Head of English Education Department. Dr. Andi Sukri Syamsuri. M.Hum NBM: 858 625. Erwin Akib, S.Pd, M.Pd NBM: 860 934 ii.

(3) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN SURAT PERNYATAAN Saya yang bertandatangan dibawa ini: Nama. : HENDRI. Nim. : 10535 3394 08. Jurusan. : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Program. : ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. Judul Skripsi. : Improving the Students’ Writing Ability to Write descriptive Text Through Random Input Method (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of M.A. Muhammadiyah Salaka, Takalar). Dengan ini menyatakan, Skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah “hasil karya saya sendiri bukan hasil ciplakan dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun” Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebanar-benarnya dan bersedia menerima sanksi apabila dikemudian hari pernyataan ini tidak benar sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Makassar,. Juni 2013. Yang Membuat Pernyataan. HENDRI. Diketahui Oleh, Consultant I. Consultant II. Dr. H. Bahrun Amin,M. Hum. Dra. Hasnawati Latief, M.Pd. iii.

(4) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN SURAT PERJANJIAN saya yang bertanda tangan di bawa ini : Nama. : HENDRI. Nim. : 10535 3394 08. Jurusan. : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Judul Skripsi. : Improving the Students’ Writing Ability to Write Descriptive Text through Random Input Method (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of M.A. Muhammadiyah Salaka, Takalar). Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesainya skipsi saya, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya, dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun. 2. Dalam penyusunan skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing. 3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiblakan (plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi ini. 4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian seperti yang tertera pada poin 1,2,dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai aturan yang berlaku. Demikian surat perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran dan tanpa tendensi dari pihak manapun. Makassar, Juni 2013 Yang Membuat Perjanjian. HENDRI Diketahui oleh Ketua Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Erwin Akib, S.Pd, M.Pd NBM: 860 934 iv.

(5) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, I am grateful for all the bounties that Allah has showered on me which enabled me to complete this thesis. Peace be upon him are addressed to the final chosen religious messenger, the prophet Muhammad, S.A.W who has changed the human life. I realized that many hands had given their helps and many suggestions for the completion of this thesis. I would like to express my appreciation to all the individuals without them the completion of this thesis would not be possible. Therefore, I would like to express my appreciation and sincere thanks to all of them particularly; 1. Dr. Irwan Akib, M. Pd, the Rector of Unismuh Makassar. 2. Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum, the Dean of FKIP Unismuh Makassar. 3. Erwin Akib, S. Pd., M. Pd, the Head of English Education Department and Amar Ma’ruf, S.Pd, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Education Department. 4. My high appreciation and greater thankful are due to my first consultant and the second consultant; Dr. H. Bahrun Amin, M. Hum, and Dra. Hasnawati Latief, M.Pd who had given invaluable guidance, suggestions, correction, and over all support since preliminary stages of the manuscript until the completion of this thesis. 5. My high appreciation and greater thankful to Dr. H. Kaimuddin, Dip.Eng., M. Hum., Maharida, S.Pd., M. Pd., Dra. Hasnawati Latief, M. Pd., and Farisha Andi Baso, S.Pd., M. Pd. who has given their time to examine us. v.

(6) 6. The staffs and all lecturers of FKIP UNISMUH especially to the lecturers of English Department who taught me for many years. 7. I thank to Allah for having understanding and caring friends; Muh. Zakir, S.Pd, Musfirah, S.Pd, and Anwar, S.Pd for their sacrifice and suggestion. 8. My deepest and affectionate thanks to my beloved parent M Dg Bella (my father), S Dg Mene (my mother), my lovely wife Harlina, and all my brothers and sisters for their love, continual understanding, sacrifice, patience, prayers and selfless support. I love them with all my heart. “My Allah reward and bless all of my family members”. 9. Finally, for everybody who could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah S.W.T the almighty be with us now and forever.. Makassar, June 2013. HENDRI. vi.

(7) LIST OF CONTENTS Page COVER ........................................................................................................... i. APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................... ii. SURAT PERNYATAAN................................................................................ iii. SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................... iv. MOTTO ......................................................................................................... v. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. vi. LIST OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... vii. LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………......... x. LIST OF GRAPHICS ..................................................................................... xi. LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xii. ABSTRACT.................................................................................................... xiii. CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background.............................................................................. 1. B. Problem Statement................................................................... 3. C. Objective of the Study ............................................................. 3. D. Significance of The Study ....................................................... 3. E. Scope of The Study ................................................................. 4. CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Research Findings ....................................... 5. B. Some Partinent Ideas ............................................................... 6. C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................... 20. vii.

(8) CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design ...................................................................... 22. B. Research Procedure ................................................................. 23. C. The Variables and Indicators................................................... 25. D. Research Subject ..................................................................... 25. E. Research Instrument ................................................................ 25. F. The Procedure of Collecting Data ........................................... 27. G. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................... 28. CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings ................................................................................... 29. B. Discussion................................................................................ 41. CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion............................................................................... 46. B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 47. BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 48. APPENDICES…………………………………………………………….... 50. CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………….... 93. viii.

(9) LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 : The Students’ Mean Score and Improvement in Content .............. 29. Table 2 : The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Content ....................... 32. Table 3 : The Students’ Mean Score and Improvement in Organization .................................................................................. 33. Table 4 : The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Organization .............. 34. Table 5 : The students’ mean score and improvement in writing. Table 6 :. Ability result .................................................................................. 35. The students’ tabulation of students’ writing ability result........... 37. Table 7 : The Improvement of the students’ writing ability from D-test to CII ................................................................................... 38. Table 8 : The Observation Result during in Teaching and Learning Process ........................................................................................... ix. 40.

(10) LIST OF GRAPHICS Page Graphic 1 : The Improvement of the students’ mean score in writing Ability views from content ............................................................ 31. Graphic 2 : The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Writing views Content ........................................................................................... 32. Graphic 3 : The Improvement of the Students’ Mean Score in Writing Ability Views from Organization................................................... 34. Graphic 4 : The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Writing Organization................................................................................... 35. Graphic 5 : The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Ability Result ............................................................................................. 36. Graphic 6 : The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency of the Students’ Writing Ability Result.................................................................... 37. Graphic 7 : The Improvement of Students’ writing Ability from D-Test to Cycle II .......................................................................... 39. Graphic 8 : The Improvement of the Students’ Activeness during Teaching and Learning process ..................................................... x. 41.

(11) LIST OF APPENDICES Page Appendix A : Teaching Material ................................................................. 51. Appendix B. : Lesson plan ........................................................................... 55. Appendix C. : Instrument test ...................................................................... 79. Appendix D : The classification of content and organization ..................... 80. Appendix E. : The result of diagnostic test .................................................. 83. Appendix F. : Score of the students’ writing ability.................................... 84. Appendix G : The score in D-test, CI, and CII............................................ 86. Appendix H : The Students’ Attendance List.............................................. 87. Appendix I. : The observation of students’ activeness in Teaching and Learning Process in CI and CII ...................................... xi. 90.

(12) ABSTRACT HENDRI, 2013. Improving the students’ Writing Ability to Write Descriptive Text through Random Input Method (A classroom Action Research at the First Grade of M.A Muhammadiyah Salaka, Takalar), guided by Bahrun Amin and Hasnawati Latief. This research aimed at explaining the improvement of the students’ writing ability in terms of content dealing with unity and completeness, and organization dealing with coherence and spatial order. To explain the improvement, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted in two cycles in which every cycle was consisted of four meetings. The location of this research was taken at the first grade students of MA Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar with the number of the subject 20 students. Instruments are writing test and observation sheet. The results of the student's writing test in cycle 1 and cycle 2 had increased in different scores. There was increasing by students at the end action of second cycle. The research findings indicated that use of Random Input Method could increase the students’ writing ability. The means scores of students in Diagnostic test was 60.50 became 63.15 in cycle 1, and after revision in the cycle 2 the mean score in cycle 2 was 66.50 by implemented of descriptive text. It means that, random input method is one of the effective teaching method for the first grade students of MA Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar to improve their writing ability.. .. xii.

(13) 1. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Language is the most important thing for people as a means of communication. It is basically a means of both oral and written communication. People use language to express their ideas and wishes to others’ people such as when they need others help so that close relation among members of the group can be carried. It is important to learn English because it is an international language which is used in many countries over the world and widely used in many sectors such as information, trade, education, etc. Since The Basic Course Outlines of the 2004 Curriculum (2004:7) in Nurhawaeni states that the objective of learning English at Senior high school as a local content is to develop students' communication ability in the context of school. It means that the students are expected to be able to make simple transactional and interpersonal conversation which is potentially needed to communicate in the context of school. Here, the teacher plays important role since he has to be able to set students interest and motivation in learning English in order to develop students’ ability to communicate using all the resources they have already acquired to interact with others about their needs and interest. In this study, the researcher will focus on teaching writing in Senior high school considering that in learning language writing is the skill that students acquire in first to write something. Writing is important to support learning English especially in enriching vocabulary and gaining a large portion of their.

(14) 2. education. Therefore the researcher considers that writing can be taught at Senior high schools. Due to the importance of writings explained above, the teachers have to develop students’ writing ability since it is the first stage they learned English. By developing students’ ability to writing well, the teachers develop their students’ ability to become more independent learners, as the students will be able to reproduce language accurately and refine their understanding of grammar and develop their own vocabulary. The better students improve their writing ability, the better they reach the achievement in writing. Teachers should explore a new productive strategy in brightening writing classes in order to encourage students in learning writing skill. They should create interesting and entertaining materials to motivate the students’ active responds in doing writing exercise. Based on my experiences, There are some problems found in the field when giving writing material to the students, especially descriptive text. The content of the composition is not relevant to the topic and the sentences are not well organized. The second problem is that there are many errors in vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Another problem is the students have low motivation and are not interested in doing the task. Usually, the students are asked to write sentences and paragraphs without being given some clues but it is difficult for them. Beside that, the students have difficulty in writing their ideas on a piece of paper. It is because writing is difficult for them since they have to master enough vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. In reference to the explanations above and the strong.

(15) 3. desire of finding the solution of these problems, the researcher has motivation to do research in improving the students’ writing ability by using Random Input method. It is hoped that the method improves the students’ writing ability in writing, especially descriptive text. B. Problem statement Based on the background above, research questions are formulated as follow: 1. How does random input method improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text through the content? 2. How does random input method improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text through the organization? C. Objective of the Study The aims of this research are: 1. To find out how is the improvement of the students’ ability in writing descriptive text through the content by using random input method. 2. To find out how is the improvement of the students’ ability in writing descriptive text through the organization by using random input method. D. Significance of the Study 1. Teacher a. It can gives a good activity inspiration in English subject. b. It can improves the teacher creativity in using tools of teaching. c. It is as prove creativity in English that will be reached by using the method. d. It can improves the effectiveness in learning English subject..

(16) 4. 2. Students a. This study can improves the students’ ability in writing. b. It can improves motivation and self confident the students’ in write their ideas. c. It can improves the students’ ability in memorizing of vocabulary. 3. School / education a. It can make the object of research become a high quality in their school. b. It can apply the method to another subject. c. The method becomes a good strategy to improve the quality of the education. d. The method can be used as a tool to make a planning in learning process. E. The Scope of the Study The researcher will observe the students at the first grade of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar. The researcher will focus on improving the students writing ability to write descriptive text through the content that covers (unity and completeness) and organization that covers (coherence and spatial order) by using random input method..

(17) 5. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Research Findings Syakir (2011). Thesis. The Implementation of Random Input Method in Improving Students’ Writing Ability. The implementation of Random Input method as independent variable and the students writing ability as dependent variable. The data was collected through writing test administered in pretest and posttest of each class. The result of data analysis shows that t-test value was greater than t-table value (5.34 > 2.056) at level of significance (p) = 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = 26. It means that there was a significant difference of writing ability between two classes and it indicates that null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Based on the findings and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of Random Input method improves students writing ability. Ramli (2010). Thesis. Using Random Input method in Improving the students’ Writing Ability.. The result of the students score before Appling. Random Input Method is 50,62. After aplying this Method, the students’ score became 77,64. By using this method can improve the students’ writing ability. Based on the previous findings above, the researcher concludes that writing material in various ways could improve the students’ writing ability. Therefore, they need exercise to improve their writing. In this case, the researcher is expected to give an interesting method in writing class..

(18) 6. B. Some Partinent Ideas a) The Concept of Writing 1. Definition of Writing Byrne (1979) states that writing is clearly more than the prediction of the sounds. The symbols have been arranged according to certain in convention. As rule, however the students do not write just one sentence or a number of sentence as arranged in particular order and linked together in certain ways. Writing involves the encoding of message of some kinds that translate throughout into language. Another statement about writing ability comes from Widdowson (1978) states that writing is a communicative activity and is carried out in accordance with certain general principal in which underline the use of language in communication. Lindbolm in Fatmawaty (2009: 13) gives definition of writing as studying to focus our mind on important matters, and learning about them. By this activity, a person can find the solution of difficult problem, master the fact even by writing, a person can also communicate their mind that cannot be done through other way. We can say that writing is the act of expressing something through the application of language system. So, when we write, there are two problematic areas namely “what to write and how to write it”. It is then understandable that language skills are meant as the ability to manipulate the rules of language conventionally, while extra linguistic system or knowledge of the world refers to what the writer knows about the subject to write..

(19) 7. Graham and Perin (2007:3) explain that writing well is not just an option for young people-it is a necessity. Writing skill is predictor of academic success and a basic requirement for participation in civic life in the global economy, while Writing is not a simple language skill to perform because of it is large areas that must be involved. In producing a piece of writing, linguistic competence and extra linguistic competence are always involved. The fact is that writing is not only a means of expression, but it is also an essential criterion of competence in any field. This means that to write is to seek expression or to have something to say through the application of linguistic system. a. The Importance of Writing There are a lot of reasons why writing is important by Hairston in Saleha (2008: 5): 1) Writing is a tool for discovery. We stimulate our thought process by the act writing into information and image we have our unconscious mind. 2) Writing helps us to organize our ideas. We can arrange them in coherent form. 3) Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make connection and see relationship. 4) Writing down ideas allow us to dictate ourselves form them. 5) Writing helps us to observe and process information when we write a topic, we learn it better. 6) Writing enables us to solve the problems by putting the element of them into written form; we can examine and manipulate them..

(20) 8. 7) Writing on a subject makes us active rather than passive learns of information. While the other reason: 1) People can read something because of writing so that we know everything. 2) Through writing, we can express our ideas and also our feeling to other people. 3) By expressing idea through writing, the writer can improve the way of delivery ideas and opinions in more appropriate way since she can check and revise her writing before being read by other people. b. The Characteristic of Good Writing There are some characteristics of good writing as Adelstein and Prival in Damayanti (2009: 15) states as follows: 1) Good writing reflects the writing skill to organize the material into coherence whole so that it moves logically form a sentence, dominate idea, to the supporting and finally to consistent ending, conveying to the reason sense of a well thought put plan. 2) Good writing reflects the writer skill to write the interest readers in subject and demonstrate a thought sound understanding of it. 3) Good writing reflects the writer skill to criticize the draft and revise it. Revision is the key of effectives writing. 4) Good writing reflects the writer skill to use the approach vice suit the purpose and audience of the occasion. 5) Good writing reflects writer skill to understanding the subject..

(21) 9. c. Types of Writing 1) Narration. Oshima and Hogue (1997: 27) explain that Narration is story writing.When you wrote a narrative paragraph or essay, you write about events in the order that they happened. In other words, you use time order to organize your sentence. In the model essay, the writer uses time order to divide the essay into paragraphs. An outline of the essay narration would like this: orientation, complication, and resolution. 2) Description. Oshima and Hogue (1997: 50) explains that descriptive writing to the senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description is like a “word picture”, the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind. A writer of a good description is like an artist who paints a picture that can be “seen” clearly in the mind of the reader.. In a. description, writers often use spatial order to organize their ideas. Spatial order is the arrangement of items in order by space. An outline of description would like this: introduction, body, and conclusion. 3) Explanatory. According to Litell (1981: 122-140) There are three kinds of explanatory composition, they are: a) Explaining a process To write an explanatory composition that explains a process, rely on the same skills you have used in everyday situations. Explain the steps in the process.

(22) 10. briefly and clearly. Start with the first step and proceed through all the steps in the order in which they must be completed. It is essential that the steps be presented in the correct sequence and that they are accurate and complete. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that explains a process is to follow this plan: introduction, steps in the process, and conclusion. b) Stating an opinion An explanatory composition may express an opinion and explain why others should explain why others should accept that opinion.. In an explanatory. composition, you need to present strong, specific reasons or facts. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that stating an opinion is to follow this plan: introduction (express your opinion, as directly as possible), body (supporting opinion), and conclusion (summarize your argument as forcefully as you can). c) Stating a definition To write a good definition, you must do three things. First, name the word to be defined. Second, name the general class to which the subject belongs. Third, name the particular characteristic of the subject. By defining a subject you will be able to present a complete and informative picture of it. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that stating a definition is to follow this plan: introduction (your definition serves as the topic sentence for the composition), body (the most informative way to develop a definition is with or with facts and figures), conclusion (the sums up the main idea of your definition)..

(23) 11. d. Process of Writing This section includes a description of the activities leading to the writing of the previous essay. These activities include prewriting, writing and rewriting. 1) Prewriting Graham and Perin (2007: 18) explain that pre-writing engages students in activities designed to help them generate or organize ideas for their composition. Engaging the students in such activities before they write a first draft improves their quality of their writing. Prewriting activities include gathering possible information for a paper through reading or developing a visual representation of their ideas before sitting down to write. Alexander (1990: VI-3) in this section, the students are required to cluster or list what they know for each topic before deciding on one topic as the subject of their report of information essay. Some students list subtopics for two or three choices and then select the topic that yield the greatest number of subtopics. Oshima and Hogue (1997: 15) states that brainstorming is prewriting activity in which you come up with a list of ideas about a topic on your own in small groups with your classmates. You quickly write down a list of ideas that come to your mind as you are thinking about a general subject or specific topic. Follow these brainstorming steps: a) Write down your general subject or specific topic. b) Make a list of everything that comes to your mind about it. c) Use words, phrase, and/or sentences. Do not worry about the order of ideas, mechanics, grammar, or spelling..

(24) 12. d) Just keep writing down whatever comes to your mind until you run out of ideas. Because you are only brainstorming, do not be concerned if you repeat several ideas. 2) Writing Graham and Perin (2007: 20) the process of writing approach stress activities that emphasize extended opportunities for writing. Writing for oral audiences, self-reflection, personalized, instruction and goals, and cycles of planning, ad reviewing. Litell (1981: 7) at this point in the process of writing, you are ready to write. Simply put your pencil to paper and write. Do not fuss with the writing. Do not worry about organizing ideas. Do not fuss about spelling or punctuation. Just Write. According to Oshima and Hogue (1997: 85) there are several steps in writing process, they are: a. Prewritten to get previous ideas b. Organize the ideas c. Write the rough draft d. Editing the rough draft e. Write the second draft f. Write the final draft 3) Rewriting At this stage of the process you will need to work more carefully. Read what you have written and repair it as you can. Finally, when you are satisfied that your.

(25) 13. writing is clear and correct, write it out its final form. Write carefully. Make your work as neat as possible. e. Components of Good Writing Jacob in Ismayanti (2008: 22) points out five kinds of components in writing. They are content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics. 1) Content The content of writing should be clear for the readers so that the readers can understand the message convey and gain information from it. In order to have a good content of writing, its content should be well unified and completed. This term is usually known as unity and completeness, which become characteristic, a good writing. a) Unity. The writing regards to have good unity, if it has some main ideas and the sentences contained in it develop that idea. The main idea is stated in the topic sentences and each or every supported sentences and related to that idea of the topic sentences. If a writer wants his writing is unified, he or she should not include the sentences that do not support the main idea of the topic sentences. b) Completeness. Writing is said to have completeness if the main idea have been explained and developed fully completeness. The controlling idea with develop thoroughly by these of particular information. It is relative to know how complex the topic sentences by having a complete writing. It is expected that the content of writing will be clear and understandable for readers..

(26) 14. 2) Organization In organization of the writing concern with the ways through writer arranges and organizes the ideas in order the message in the words. There are many ways used by the writers to organize or arrange the writing this organization is mainly recognized as order. There are two parts of organization in this case, they are below: a) Coherence Coherence means that sticking together and in coherence essay, all the idea sticks together. A coherence paragraphs is each idea in supporting sentence related to the topic sentence or the idea. One in which the ideas are put in the right order and never confused. This makes the writers through essay to follow sentence paragraph. b) Spatial order If the purpose of the paragraph is to tell them something looks most effective organization pattern is usually spatial, if the writers write a description of neighborhood, a room, or a holding that they want to the readers have a mental picture of what they are describing a house of building, they will probably describe the exterior and the interior of the building by moving systematically rather than haphazardly over the scene, convey the viewer of the overall plan arrangement of the scene. 3) Language Use Coke in Ismayanti (2002) states that language us in writing description and other forms of writing involve correct usage and point of grammar. However,.

(27) 15. considering that there are many points of grammar, the writer would like to quote a little literature about verbs, use modifier or adjective, adverbs, and participles in the writing, a modifier may other be a phrase. A single, well-chosen- modifier is often more effective than several used together. If it is difficult to describe with over used or warn-out modifier, find more interesting synonyms, in the dictionary. 4) Vocabulary Vocabulary is one of t language aspect dealing the process of writin g. The writers always think about putting words into the sentences and putting the sentences into the paragraph until they can create a piece of writing.It is clear now that we cannot write or express if we do not have vocabulary. Therefore, we cannot understand the writing passage without having a lot of vocabulary. Vocabulary as one of the important components of writing should take in to consideration by the English leaner and English teacher, because there is n doubt that learning the words of the language. 5) Mechanics The use of mechanics is due to capitalization, punctuation, and spelling appropriately. This aspect is very important since it leads reader to understand or recognized immediately what the writer means to express definitely. The use of favorable mechanics in writing will make readers easy to understand the conveying ideas other message stated in the writing. The explanation as follows: a. Capitalization The use of capitalization in the writing can clarify the ideas.. If the. sentences are capitalized correctly, ambiguous meaning and misunderstanding.

(28) 16. would be appeared through correct capitalization of sentence. It also helps reader to differentiate one sentence to others. b. Punctuation It can be used as a unit of meaning and suggest and how the units of its relation to each other. c. Spelling There are three important rules followed in using spelling appropriately. They suffix addition, plural formation and handling error within the words. b) The Concept of Descriptive Text (Oshima and Ann Hogue, 1997: 50) Descriptive writing appeals to the senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sound. It helps the reader through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person or to understand a sensation or an emotion or descriptive text is a text that gives information about a particular person, thing, and place. 1. The main parts of paragraph According to Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue (1997: 71) there are three parts of the paragraph. a. Topic sentence The topic sentence is most general statement of the paragraph. It is the key sentences because it names the subject and controlling idea: the writer’s main idea, opinion, or feeling about the topic, and it controls or limit what the writers will write it in paragraph. Beside that, the topic sentences also as the main thing that define something that the writer going to write in a paragraph..

(29) 17. b. Supporting sentence The topic sentence can be supported by supporting sentence to develop and explain the topic sentence by giving the definition, reason, example, facts, comparison and effect. The supporting sentences follow the topic sentence and make up of paragraph. c. Concluding sentence The concluding sentence is like the topic sentence because both are general statements. The concluding sentences are also a general statement but it is the last sentence and ends the paragraph. The concluding sentence reminds the reader of the topic sentences. In Fact, the concluding sentence can be written like the topic sentence but in different words. When we write the concluding sentence, we can use summarize some or all of the main points in the paragraph. 2. The Characteristic of Descriptive Text a. General structure (generic structure) consists of: 1) Identification: Part (sentence) that introduce (introducing) something. 2) Description: This section contains a description or picture of something, for example, about the type and shape. b. Features general grammatical tenses: The use of simple present tense the formula of simple present tense: Subject + Verb I (s/es) + O Example: 1) She has long hair. 2) My room is full of pictures in the wall..

(30) 18. c. focus on specific participant Example: my dog, the dog, it, she, etc. c) Random input method Students can construct their knowledge during learning descriptive text easily by using media. One of the methods is random input. This method fulfills the principles of using media. It can be used to make the students learn more easily and the teacher teaches easily is the main part of the learning process. The method must be used in integrated way in teaching and learning. For many types of problem solving, we tend to think by recognizing pattern that we have seen in the past, and applying solution we have seen work. Sometimes, though, we get stuck inside this pattern: within them, there may be no good solution to a particular sort of problem. This is where it can be difficult to step outside that pattern of thinking, even if you want to. Edward De Bono, (1992) states that random input is useful when we need fresh idea or new perspectives during problem solving. It is a method for linking other thinking patterns into the ones we are using. It helps us move outside our normal way of thinking, so that we can come up with new solutions to our problem. This post continues the review of his lateral thinking tools and techniques, includes: 1. Random input For most, the concept, Random input is strange or even crazy. It seems to have no connection with anything in their experience in many ways, that is probably a good thing and adds to the value of the technique which is, without.

(31) 19. doubt, the most simple of the lateral thinking tools. As De Bono notes: there is a creative focus where we need new idea. So we obtain word which has no connection whatsoever with the situation and hold the two together. 2. Harvesting Harvesting is the process of moving beyond the immediate idea and identifying others that may be, for the moment anyway, unrelated. It trains us to look for other possibilities and alternatives. As is the case with emphatic listening using parallel thinking, we can re-harvest the ideas we originally came up with or the ideas of other people. 3. Formal output For many, creativity means random thinking, informal thinking without constraints as if, by intentionally loosening up, our brain we have increased potential to be creative in some ways. Random input method is a powerful lateral thinking technique which is widely used to create new ideas and new concepts. It is instead, are disciplined, structured, formal and tool-based. Literal thinking or creativity, whatever you preference in terminology, is both serious and deliberate. Discipline is characterized by the following features: time, focus, technique, and output. This method consist of two main characteristics in application, they are: random word and starting point. Random word is one of the number of effective random input technique to enhance lateral thinking. While starting point is the main thing to define the creative thinking. Random input method is useful in the following situation:.

(32) 20. a. Stagnation: when you feel to have run out of ideas. b. Clean sweep (or open field thinking): when you get stuck on a new project. c. Further inputs: when you generate new inputs to find out new setting. d. Stalemale: when you try to get out of a stalemale. There are four ways to apply this method, they are: a. Make up your own list of words. b. Think of the word position. c. Mix words by turning a handle and your random word finally appears. d. Point at one word randomly and that is your random word. C. Conceptual Framework Writing Learning Process. Classroom Action Research Random Input Method. Random words. Starting Point. a. The students picked up the words randomly. b. The students used them as a medium in writing descriptive text. a. The students are asked to find creative idea according to the topic b. The students made descriptive text. Output of the Research.

(33) 21. According to diagram above, this research uses CAR (Classroom Action Research) which is a comprehension that emphasize on the problem solving refers to the planning, action, observation and reflection into two cycles maximally. The researcher uses Random input method to improve the students’ writing ability to write descriptive text focused on the content that covers (unity and completeness) and the organization that covers (coherence and spatial order). This method consist of two main characteristics in application, they are: random word and starting point. Random word is one of the numbers of effective random input technique to enhance lateral thinking. While starting point is the main thing to define the creative thinking. There are 4 ways to apply this method, they are: Make up your own list of words, Think of the word position, Mix words by turning a handle and your random word finally appears, Point at one word randomly and that is your random word. In the output of the research, the researcher will hope that by using random input method can improve the students’ writing ability especially in both the content that covers (unity and completeness) and the organization that covers (coherence and spatial order)..

(34) 22. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design This method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). It has stages, those are: Planning, Action, Observation, Evaluation or Reflection. This research would be held around two cycles. They were first and second cycle and each cycle was the series of activity which had close relation. In this case, the subject of the research would be given a test in each cycle to found out the students’ achievement. The researcher did it to measured the students’ improvement from cycle I to cycle II. Where, the realization of the second cycle was continuing and repairing from the first cycle. Planning Reflection. Cycle I. Action. Observation. Planning Reflection. Cycle II Observation ?. Action.

(35) 23. B. Research Prosedure 1. Cycle 1 The cycle 1 in this classroom action research consist of panning, action observation, and reflection as follow: a. Planning 1) The teacher made lesson planning of random input. 2) The teacher made instrument evaluation for classroom action research cycle. 3) Prepared check list form for observation. b. Action This activity had scenario learning process. It should based on the random input as like that: 1) The teacher divided the students into some groups; the group should be divided in terms of ethnicity, gender, ability and race. 2) The teacher explained about descriptive text before giving the topic. 3) Teacher told the topic to the students. 4) The teacher explained the random words. 5) Each group prepared a piece of paper to wrote their descriptive text. 6) The students made descriptive text based on the topic. 7) The students made conclusion in the end of meeting. 8) In the end of cycle, the teacher gave the students evaluation. c. Observation 1) The situation of teaching and learning activity. 2) The students’ activeness in learning by using check list..

(36) 24. 3) The students’ competence in applying “random input method”. d. Reflection The result of evaluating analyzed in cycle I was reflected to the cycle II. The teachers analyzed first cycle to know whether the action of its cycle research success criteria base on the test result of the first action. Based one result in cycle I, the students’ proficiency in writing was less in cycle I, the researcher was continuing to the cycle II. 2. Cycle II The teacher continued the research to cycle II to make complete the result in cycle I and also more additional that less in cycle I. The researcher revised the lesson plan in the cycle II. In this classroom action research of cycle II consist of planning, action observation, and reflection as follow: a. Planning 1) The teacher revised lesson planning of random input. 2) The teacher made instrument evaluation for classroom action research cycle. 3) Prepare check list form for observation. b. Action. In this stages, it is done the second cycle that is almost same as the first cycle by doing several reparation or adding several activities based on the result analysis of the first reflection in the first cycle. c. Observation 1) The situation of teaching and learning activity. 2) The students’ activeness in learning by using check list. 3) The students’ competence in applying “random input method”..

(37) 25. d. Reflection The reflection would be done to know the result of the students’ ability in applying random input after giving revision. The reflection means for making conclusions. The teacher used cycle II as consideration things for measure the students’ ability accordance with the result of cycle I. C. Variables and Indicators This research used two variables, they are: 1. The dependent variable was the students’ writing skill both in organization and content with the indicators are as follows: a. Indicators of the content were unity and completeness. b. Indicators of the organization were cohesion and coherence. 2. Independent variable was students’ writing ability through random input. D. Research Subject This research would be done based on the situation and condition. The subject of this research was the first grade students of MA Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar. The number of the subject consisted of 20 students. E. Research Instrument In this research, the writer used two instruments, those are: Observation and test. It is shown as follow: 1. Observation Observation aims to find out the students’ data about their presence and activeness in teaching learning process..

(38) 26. Classification Very active Active Less active Not active. Score 4 3 2 1. Criteria Students’ activeness in applying the technique. Students’ attention toward the material. Students are ready to get the material. Students sit down in their own seat. Jacobs et al in Karina (2001:20).. 2. Test The test would be given to the students in the last item of every cycle to measure the students’ writing ability through Random Input. The way to give score to the students from the observation and test is shown as follows: a. Content Classification. Score. Criteria. Excellent to very good. 39-50. Good to average. 27-38. Fair to poor. 16-26. Very poor. 0-15. Clear, well focused, knowledgeable, and relevant to the topic. Clear and focused, lack of logical, sequence and development ideas, effective but simple construction. Does not clear, do not communicated, information is very limited. No organization, not enough to evaluate because no meaningfully. (Depdikbud, 1985:6). b. Organization Classification. Score. Excellent to very good. 39-50. Good to average. 27-38. Fair to poor. 16-26. Very poor. 0-15. Criteria Fluent expression-ideas clearly stated supported logical sequence, well organized, cohesive. The reader can readily follow that is being said but overall organization sometimes effective Lack of logical sequence and development not fluent. Leaving connection, no organization. (Depdikbud, 1985: 6)..

(39) 27. 3. To classify the students’ score, there were five classifications that used as follows: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. Score 86-100 66-85 56-65 36-55 0-35. Classification Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor (Depdikbud, 2009). F. The Procedure of Collecting Data 1. The students would be given test. It was done after implementing the students’ writing ability through Random Input. 2. in the class or observation stage in the classroom action research which would be done in every cycle. The following activities are: a. The procedure of test would be explained. b. The researcher explained the method. c. The students would be asked about the topic of the problem. d. The students would be given their opinions about the problem. e. The score would be given for the students’ opinion. G. Technique of Data Analysis Calculating the mean score of the students’ writing test by using the following formula: a. To find out the mean score of the students’ test, the formula would be used as formula: X. =. ∑.

(40) 28. Where: X. = Mean Score.. ∑X. = Total Score.. N. = The number of students. (Gay, 1978:298).. b. To classify the students’ score, there are seven classifications would be used: 96 – 100 as excellent 86 – 95 as very good 76 – 85 as good 66 – 75 as fairly good 56 – 65 as fairly 46 – 55 as poor 0 – 35. as very poor (Depdikbud, 1985:6).. c. To calculate the percentage of the students’ participation, the formula which would be used as follows: P= Where:. x 100.

(41) 29. P = Rate Percentage F = Number of correct N =The Total Number of Student (Sudjana in Sutarni, 1999:20). d. To calculate the precentage the students’ activeness, the formula would be used as follows: P=. x100. Where: P = Percentage F = Frequency N = Total students (Sudjana, 1990:16)..

(42) 30. CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings The findings of classroom action research dealing with the answer of the problem statement which aims to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive test. The findings consist of students’ achievement in writing and observation result. It’s about the students’ activeness in teaching and learning process. To measure the students’ achievement of their writing result there are two components of writing that is concerned by the researcher, namely: content and organization. 1. Content a. The improvement of students’ mean score in writing views from content Table 1. The Students’ Mean Score and Improvement in Content Writing views of Content. Improvement (%). D- Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. D-test to CI. CI to CII. 31.50. 33.50. 34.90. 6.34. 4.17. The table 1 indicates that there was improvement of the students’ mean score of content from D-Test to cycle I and cycle II, where the result of D-Test students’ mean score in content was 31.50 after evaluation in cycle I it became 33.50 so the improvement from D-Test to cycle I was 6.34. The research findings from the table 1, indicates that there was improvement of the students’ score in content from cycle I to cycle II, where in.

(43) 31. cycle I the improvement of students’ score was 6.34. After analyzed the difficulties that the students faced in writing process and repaired the weakness in cycle I then apply Random Input Method and then giving them evaluation in the end of cycle II the improvement of the students’ mean score was 4.17. To see clearly the improvement of the students’ writing ability views from content can be presented as the following chart: 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% D-test to CI. 5%. CI to CII. 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% students' improvement in Content. Graphic 1: The Improvement of the Students’ Mean Score in Writing Ability Views from Content The graphic 1 above shows the improvement of the mean score of students’ writing ability views from content. After evaluation in cycle I and cycle II, there was again an improvement of the mean score of students’ writing ability views from content that shown clearly in the chart after taking an action in cycle through Random Input Method. Where, the improvement from D-Test to Cycle I was 6.34 and from cycle I to Cycle II was 4.17..

(44) 32. b. The students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Writing View from content. Based on the data analysis the students’ score in writing content are got from the result of the test in cycle I and cycle II in the following table and graphic is presented: Table 2. The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Content Classification. Score. Excellent to very good Good to average Fair to poor Very poor. 39 - 50 27 - 38 16– 26 0 -15. Frequency Cycle I Cycle II 2 4 18 16 0 0 0 0. Total. 20. Percentage Cycle I Cycle II 10% 20% 90% 80% 0% 0% 0% 0%. 20. 100%. 100%. The data above can also be shown in the graphic below:. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0. 18. 2. 16. 4. excellent to very good. 0 good to average cycle I. 0. fair to poor. 0. 0. very poor. cycle II. Graphic 2: The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Writing Content Based on the table 2 and the graphic 2 above shows that in cycle I there were 2 students (10%) got excellent to very good, 18 students (90%) got good to average, and no student got fair to poor and very poor. While in cycle II there.

(45) 33. were 4 students (20%) got excellent to very good, 16 students (80%) got good to average, and no student got fair to poor and very poor. 2. Organization a. The Improvement Of Students’ Mean Score In Writing Views From Organization Table 3. The Students’ Mean Score and Improvement in Organization Writing views of Organization. Improvement (%). D- Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. D-test to CI. CI to CII. 29.05. 29.40. 31.50. 1.20. 7.14. The table 3 above indicates that there was improvement of the students’ mean score in organization from D-Test to cycle I and cycle II, where the result of D-Test students’ mean score in organization was 29.05 after evaluation in cycle I it became 29.40 so the improvement from D-Test to cycle I was 1.20. The research findings from the table 3 above, indicates that there was improvement of the students’ score in organization. We knew the difference improvement by seeing the students’ score from cycle I to cycle II, where in cycle I the improvement of students’ score was 1.20. After analyzed the difficulties that the students faced in writing process and repaired the weakness in cycle I then applying Random Input Method and then gave them evaluation in the end of cycle II the improvement of the students’ mean score was higher than cycle I. It became 7.14. To see clearly the improvement of the students’ writing ability views from organization can be presented as the following chart:.

(46) 34. 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5%. D-test to CI. 4%. CI to CII. 3% 2% 1% 0% students' improvement in organization. Graphic 3: The Improvement of the Students’ Mean Score in Writing Skill Views from Organization The graphic 3 above shows the improvement of the mean score of students’ writing ability views from organization. After evaluation in CI and CII, there was again improvement from organization that shown clearly in the chart after taking an action in cycle through Random Input Method. Where, the improvement from D-Test to CI was 1.20 and from CI to CII was 7.14. b. The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Organization Based on the data analysis the students’ score in writing organization got from the result of the test in cycle I and cycle II in the following table and graphic is presented: Table 4. The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Organization Classification. Score. Excellent to very good Good to average Fair to poor Very Poor Total. 39 –50 27 - 38 16– 26 0 -15. Frequency CI CII 1 2 10 14 9 4 0 0 20 20. Percentage CI CII 5% 10% 50% 70% 45% 20% 0% 0% 100% 100%.

(47) 35. The data above can also be shown in the graphic below:. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0. 10 1. 14 9 4. 2. excellent to good. good to average. 0. fair to poor. cycle I. 0. very poor. cycle II. Graphic 4: The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency in Writing Organization The table 4 and the graphic 4 above shows that in cycle I there was 1 student (5%) got excellent to very good, 10 students (50 %) got good to average, 9 students (45%) got fair to poor and no student got very poor while in cycle II there were 2 students (10%) got excellent to very good, 14 students (70%) got good to average, and 4 students (20%) got fair to poor and no student got very poor. 3. The Result of Writing Ability a. The Students’ Mean Score In Writing Ability Result Table 5. Students’ mean score and improvement in writing ability result The Result of Students’ Writing Ability. Improvement (%). D- Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. D-test to CI. CI to CII. 60.50. 63.15. 66.50. 4.38. 5.30.

(48) 36. The table 5 above shows the mean score and improvement of the students’ writing ability result. The result of students’ mean score in D-test was 60.50. Then in cycle I was 63.15 and the students’ improvement in writing ability result from the D-test to cycle I was 4.38. The research findings from the table 5 above indicates that there was improvement of the students’ score in writing result from D-Test to cycle II, where in cycle I the improvement of students’ score was 4.38, after implementing Random Input Method and giving evaluation in the end of cycle II the improvement of the students’ score was 5.30. To see clearly the improvement of the students’ writing ability can be presented as the following chart: 8% 7% 6% D-test to C I. 5%. CI to C II. 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% the result of students' writing ability. Graphic 5: The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Ability Result The graphic 5 above shows the improvement of the mean score of students’ writing ability. After evaluation in cycle I and cycle II, there was again improvement of the mean score of students’ writing ability that shown clearly in.

(49) 37. the chart after taking an action in cycle through Random Input Method. The improvement from D-Test to CI was 4.38 and from cycle I to CII was 5.30. b. The students’ Tabulation of Frequency of the Students’ Writing Ability Result Based on the data analysis the students score in writing result are got from the result of the test in cycle I and cycle II in the following table and graphic is presented: Table 6. The Students’ Tabulation of Students’ Writing Ability Result Classification. Score. Very Good Good Fair Poor Very poor. 86-100 66-85 56-65 36-55 0-35. Frequency Cycle I Cycle II 0 0 8 11 7 9 5 0 0 0. Total. 20. Percentage Cycle I Cycle II 0% 0% 40% 55% 35% 45% 25% 0% 0% 0%. 20. 100%. 100%. The data above can also be shown in the graphic below. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15. 8. 10 5 0. 0. 11 7. 9 5. 0. Very Good. 0 Good. Fair cycle I. Poor. 0. 0. Very Poor. cycle II. Graphic 6: The Students’ Tabulation of Frequency of the Students’ Writing Ability Result.

(50) 38. Based on the table 6 and the graphic 6 above shows that in cycle I there was no student got very good and very poor. There were 8 (40%) students got good, 7 (35%) of students got fair while students who got poor were 5 (25%). In cycle II there was no student got very good, poor and very poor. There were 11 (55%) students who got good, 9 (45%) students who got fair. 4. The Improvement of Students’ Writing Ability Result from D-Test to Cycle II The means score of students writing achievement from D-Test to Cycle II can be shown below: Table 7. Improvement of Students’ Writing Ability from D-Test to Cycle II Improvement (%). The Result of Students’ Writing Ability D- Test. Cycle I. Cycle II. D-test to CI. CI to CII. D-test to CII. 60.50. 63.15. 66.50. 4.38. 5.30. 9.92. The table 7 shows the mean score and improvement of the students’ writing ability result. The result of students’ mean score in D-test was 60.50. Then in cycle I was 63.15 and the students’ improvement in writing ability result from the D-test to cycle I was 4.38. The research findings from the table 7 above, indicated that there was improvement of the students’ score in writing result from D-Test to cycle II, where in cycle I the improvement of students’ score was 4.38, after implementing Random Input Method and giving evaluation in the end of cycle II the improvement of the students’ score became 5.30..

(51) 39. The students’ mean score in their writing result can be shown through the graphic below: The Improvement of Students' Writing Ability from D-Test to C II 10% 9% 8% 7% 6%. D-test to C I. 5%. C I to C II. 4%. D-test to C II. 3% 2% 1% 0%. Graphic 7: The Improvement of Students’ writing ability from D-Test to Cycle II The table 7 above shows that the improvement of students’ writing ability from d-test to cycle II. The improvement of D- Test to cycle I was 4.38, the improvement of Cycle I to Cycle II was 5.30, and the improvement of students’ writing ability from D-Test to Cycle II was 9.92. The improvement of D-Test to Cycle II was very significant so the researcher can say that Random Input Method could improve students’ writing ability at the First grade of M.A Muhammadiyah Salaka, Takalar. 5. Observation Result The following table and graphic show the observation result of the students’ activeness in learning writing from cycle I to cycle II..

(52) 40. Table 8. Students’ observation result during teaching and learning process The Students’ Activeness Cycle. Mean. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Meeting. Meeting. Meeting. Meeting. I. 55%. 53.75%. 51.25%. 78.75%. 59.68%. II. 71.25%. 67.50%. 68.75%. 88.75%. 74.06%. Score. The table 8 above shows that in Cycle I the students’ activeness in each meetings were improved significantly. It can be seen clearly in table that the students’ activeness in the fourth meeting was higher than the the first, the second, and the third meeting. Where the first meeting in Cycle I the students’ activeness was 55% and it aimed to 53.75% in the second meeting, and then the students’ activeness in the third meeting was 51.25% increased to 78.75% in the fourth meeting. So, the average percentage of the students’ activeness in Cycle I was 59.68%. The students’ participation in the first meeting of Cycle II was 71.25%, and then the second meeting of the students’ participation was 67.50%, and the third meeting and the fourth meeting of the students’ participation were 68.75% and 88.75% and the average score of the students’ participation in Cycle II was 74.06%. The research findings from the table 8 above, indicated that there was the improvement of the students’ participation from Cycle I to Cycle II, where in Cycle I the average score of the students’ participation score was 59.68% became 74.06% in Cycle II. It means that, the students’ participation got 14.38% progress..

(53) 41. The students’ observation can be shown through the graphic below:. 74.06%. 80.00% 59.68%. 70.00% 60.00% 50.00%. Cycle I. 40.00%. Cycle II. 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%. Result Of Students' Activeness. Graphic 8: The Improvement of the Students’ Activeness during Teaching and Learning Process Graphic 8 above shows that there was improvement of the students’ activeness in teaching and learning process where in Cycle I was 59.68% lower than Cycle II, but after conducted in Cycle II the students’ activeness in learning process became 74.06%. B. Discussion In this part, discussion deals with the interpretation of findings derived from the result of findings. It was about the observation result of the students’ improvement in writing component. They were content that covered (unity and completeness) and organization that covered (coherence and spatial order), the students’ improvement in writing result, and also the activeness of students in learning process would be explained as follows:.

(54) 42. 1.. The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Ability Writing Views from Content. The improvement of the students’ skill to write good paragraphs after. implementing Random Input Method had effect that was effective. Where, the researcher found in the data source from D-Test result in component of content that the students just could get score that was 60.50, it means that it was far from the target, but after implementing the students could get score 63.15 in the cycle I. In cycle II, it became 66.50. The researcher taught about the descriptive paragraph in the cycle 1 through Random Input Method in the class. The researcher found that the students still difficult to write well, especially in organization they are difficult make coherence and cohesive of the paragraph. There is also another problem that students face in component of content that is how to use preposition. The difficulty of the students in content and organization had been analyzed, so the researcher had to think the solution of the problem. So, the researcher decided to do the cycle 2 by doing revision in the lesson plan which prepared in revised planning of cycle 2. The value improvement of the students’ writing achievement in content from D-Test to cycle I and also from cycle I to cycle II (Diagnostic-Test (31.50) ≤ Cycle I (33.50) ≤ Cycle II (34.90), where in D -Test the students’ mean score in content is 31.50, after evaluation in cycle I the students’ mean score achievement in content becomes 33.50, so the improvement of students’ writing achievement in content from D-Test to cycle I is 6.34% while in cycle II the students’ mean score.

(55) 43. in content is 34.90, so, the improvement of students’ mean score achievement in content from cycle I to cycle II is 4.17%. The result above proves that Random Input Method is able to improve the students’ writing ability at the first grade of M.A Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar significantly. It seen clearly the result of cycle II (34.90) is higher than cycle I (33.50) and D-test (31.50) or cycle II (34.90) ≥ cycle I (33.50) ≥D-test (31.50). 2. The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Ability Views from Organization. After implementation of Random Input Method in the class, the researcher found that the mean score of data source from D-Test in organization was 29.05. In the cycle 1, the students got 29.40, and in the cycle II, the students got 31.50. The researcher taught about the descriptive text in the cycle 1 through implementation of Random Input Method in the class. The researcher found that the students had difficulty to organize the idea. The students have less skill in organization element of writing. Based on the unsuccessful teaching in the cycle 1, the researcher decided to do cycle II. In the cycle II, the researcher revised the lesson plan. Where, when the researcher explained about the kind of paragraph the researcher should explain more clearly, if needed gave the students occasion to ask about the material. Besides that, the researcher had to give better guidance for the student in organizing their idea. The value improvement of the students’ writing achievement in organization from D-Test to cycle I and also from cycle I to cycle II (Diagnostic-.

(56) 44. Test (29.05) ≤ Cycle I (29.40) ≤ Cycle II (1.50), where in D-Test the students’ mean score in organization is 29.50, after evaluation in cycle I the students’ mean score achievement in organization becomes 29.40, so the improvement of students’ writing achievement in organization from D-Test to cycle I is 1.20% while in cycle II the students’ mean score in organization is 31.50, so, the improvement of students’ mean score achievement in organization from cycle I to cycle II is 7.14%. The result above also proves that Random Input Method is able to improve the students’ writing ability at the first grade students of M.A Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar. It seen clearly the result of cycle II (31.50) is higher than cycle I (29.40) and D-test (29.05) or cycle II (31.50) ≥ cycle I (29.40) ≥D-test (29.05). 3. The Improvement of The Students’ Writing Ability Result The effectiveness of Random Input Method in improving the students’ writing ability result can be seen the difference by considering the result of the students’ Diagnostic Test, cycle I, and cycle II. The value improvement of the students’ achievement writing result from D-Test to cycle I and also from cycle I to cycle II (Diagnostic-Test (60.50) ≤ Cycle I (63.15) ≤ Cycle II (66.50), where in D-Test the students’ mean score in writing result is 60.50, after evaluation in cycle I the students’ mean score achievement in writing result becomes 63.15 , so the improvement of students’ writing achievement in writing result from D-Test to cycle I is 4.38% while in cycle II the students’ mean score in writing result is 66.50, so, the improvement of students’ mean score achievement in writing result from cycle I to cycle II is.

(57) 45. 5.30% and from the result of those tests namely from D-test to cycle II indicates that there is a significant improvement of students’ mean score achievement in writing result from D-test to cycle II namely 9.92%. The result above also proves that Random Input Method is able to improve the students’ writing ability at the first grade students of M.A. Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar significantly. It seen clearly the result of cycle II (66.50) is higher than cycle I (63.15) and D-test (60.50) or cycle II (66.50) ≥ cycle I (63.15) ≥D -test (60.50). 4. The Improvement of The Students’ Activeness During The Teaching and Learning Process The observation result of students’ activeness in teaching and learning process improved significantly through random input Method in cycle I the students’ activeness was 59.68%. Then in the cycle II researcher gave revision again for problem that students faced during the teaching and learning process so in cycle II, the students’ activeness became 74.06%. It means that, the application of Random Input Method could improve the students’ activeness during teaching and learning process and it is successful. Based on the interpretation on the findings above, indicated that there was a significant improvement of the students activeness during teaching and learning process from the first meeting in the cycle I until the last meeting in cycle II at the first grade students of M.A. Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar..

(58) 46. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on discussions that proposed in previous other chapters, inferential the followings: 1. Using Random Input Method was able to improve the students’ writing ability in content at the First Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar. It was proved by the students’ achievement in Cycle II was higher than Cycle I and D-Test where in D-Test, the students’ mean score achievement was 31.50, but after evaluation in Cycle I, the students’ achievement became 33.50 and Cycle II became 34.90. 2. Using Random Input Method was able to improve the students’ writing ability in organization at the First Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar. It was proved by the students’ achievement in Cycle II was higher than Cycle I and D-Test where in D-Test, the students’ mean score achievement was 29.05, but after evaluation in Cycle I the students’ achievement became 29.40 and Cycle II became 31.50. 3. Using Random Input Method was able to improve the students’ writing ability both in content and organization at the First Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Salaka Takalar. It was proved by the students’ achievement in Cycle II was higher than Cycle I and D-Test where in D-Test, the students’ mean score achievement was 60.50, but after evaluation in Cycle I the students’ achievement became 63.15 and Cycle II became 66.50..

(59) 47. 4. Using Random Input Method was able make the students’ activeness in learning process, especially in writing. It was proved by the students’ activeness in Cycle II was higher than Cycle I where in Cycle I the students’ activeness was 59.68 and in Cycle II became 74.06. B. Suggestion Based on the findings above, the researcher suggests that: 1. The English teacher should. use Random Input Method as one of the. alternative ways in teaching writing because it can improve the students writing ability 2. It is suggested to the English teacher to maximize in giving guidance to the students in and teaching process. 3. The students should increase their ability in learning writing by using Random Input Method learning..

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