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improving the students' r - Admin Digital Library


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(1)IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH CAROUSEL BRAINSTORM STRATEGY (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1Mandalle, Kabupaten Pangkep). A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan. Aldina Nur Indah Asia K. 10535 4755 10. ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2015.



(4) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN CONSELLING SHEET Name. : ALDINA NUR INDAH ASIA. Reg. Number. : K. 10535 4755 10. Program. :English Education Department (S1). Title. :Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle). Consultant II Day/Date. : Nunung Anugrawati, S.Pd., M.Pd Note. Chapter. Makassar, 2014 Approved by : Head of English Education Department Erwin Akib,S.Pd.,M.Pd NBM 860 934. Sign.

(5) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN SURAT PERJANJIAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Name. : ALDINA NUR INDAH ASIA. Reg. Number. : K. 10535 4755 10. Program. :English Education Department (S1). Title. :Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle). Dengan in imenyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesaianya skripsi saya, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya, tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun. 2. Dalam penyusunan skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing. 3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini. 4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2 dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran. Makassar, 1. 7 2014. Yang membuat perjanjian. Aldina Nur Indah Asia.

(6) UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN SURAT PERNYATAAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Name. : ALDINA NUR INDAH ASIA. Reg. Number. : K. 10535 4755 10. Program. :English Education Department (S1). Title. :Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle). Dengan ini menyatakan: Mulai dari penyusunan proposal hingga selesainaya skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan bersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan saya tidak benar. Makassar, 1. 7 2014. Yang membuat pernyataan. Aldina Nur Indah Asia.

(7) ABSTRACT ALDINA NUR INDAH ASIA, 2014. Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Kabupaten Pangkep), under the thesis of English Education Department the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar (guided by Erwin Akib and Nunung Anugrawati). This research aimed to explain the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension dealing with detail information and main idea at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Kab. Pangkep in the 2014/2015 academic year. To explain the improvement, the researcher used a classroom action research (CAR) which conducted in two cycles in which every cycle consisted of four meetings. The location of this research was taken at VIII.A grade students of SMP Negeri I Mandalle, Kab. Pangkep with the number of the subject 22 students, consisting of 10 women and 12 men. The research findings indicated that the application of Carousel Brainstorm Strategy is significant in improving the students’ reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension. It is proved by the mean score of cycle I was 6.64 then improved to be 8.17 in cycle II. They were higher than the mean score of diagnostic test namely 4.25. It means that there is the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension dealing with detail information and main idea..

(8) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, with almighty God blessing and mercies upon me, I able to finish writing this thesis. Salam and Taslim are addressed to the final, chosen religious messenger, the prophet Muhammad SAW. I realize that this thesis would have never been complete without the assistance of a number of people. Therefore, I would very much like to assert my acknowledgement to them. 1.. Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd. 2.. Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M.Hum.. 3.. Head of English Department, Erwin Akib, S.Pd.,M.Pd. and his vice Ummi Khaerawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.. 4.. Supervisors who help very much from the beginning to the end of this thesis (Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd & Nunung Anugrawati, S.Pd, M.Pd).. 5.. Head of Library, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar,. 6.. Head of Lembaga Penelitian Pengembangan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M), Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Ir. Abubakar Idhan, MP.. 7.. Drs. Junaid, M.Si, the headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Pangkep who gave the chance to collect the data in this school.. 8.. Students of VIII.A class at SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Pangkep as a subject of this research..

(9) 9.. My best friends in H class English Department 2010 for their support and encouragement.. 10. For everyone that could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah S.W.T. the almighty God be with us now and forever. Finally, I would like to devote my very special thanks to my beloved parents; H. Abd. Azis and Hj. Naisah for their love, help, and everything they have done to me. They always sacrifice and pray for my success. Thank you very much for everything. Love you all best. May the Almighty God, Allah SWT bless us all now forever. Billahi fii Sabilil Haq Fastabuqil Khaerat Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.. Researcher,. ALDINA NUR INDAH ASIA.

(10) LIST OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE………………..…………………………………………………...........i VALIDATION SHEET…………………………………………………………...….ii APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………….......iii SURAT PERJANJIAN……………………………………………………………....iv SURAT PERNYATAAN…………...………………………………………...….......v ABSTRACT………………………………………..………………………….…......vi AKCNOWLEDGEMENTS………………...…………………………………...…..vii LIST OF CONTENTS………………...…………………………………...........….viii LIST OF TABLE………………………………………...…………..……………….x LIST OF APPENDICES…………...………………………………….…………….xi CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background ................................................................................... 1 B. Problem statement ......................................................................... 2 C. Objective of the study.................................................................... 3 D. Significance of the study ............................................................... 3 E. Scope of the Study ......................................................................... 3 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Findings............................................................. 4 B. Carousel Brainstorm ..................................................................... 5 C. Reading Comprehension ............................................................... 9 D. Definition of Argumentation text................................................ 12 E. Conceptual Framework................................................................ 13 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ......................................................................... 15 B. Research Variable and Indicator ................................................ 15 C. Research Subject, Time and Location ......................................... 15 D. Research Procedure ..................................................................... 16 E. Research Instrument .................................................................... 17 F. Data Collection ........................................................................... 18 G. Data Analysis ....................................... ...................................... 19.

(11) CHAPTER VI : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings..................................................................................... ..21 B. Discussion ................................................................................. ..27 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion............................................................................. …..29 B. Suggestion ................................................................................. ..29 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES CURRICULUM VITAE.

(12) LIST OF TABLE Table 4.1. The Result of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Detail ...........21. Table 4.1.1. The Percentage of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Detail…...............................................................................................22. Table 4.2. The Result of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Main Idea ...........................................................................................23. Table 4.2.1. The Percentage of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Main Idea............................................................................................23. Table 4.3. The Result of the Students’ Literal Comprehension….......................25. Table 4.3.1. The Percentage of the Students’ Reading Comprehension….............25. Table 4.4. The Result of the Students’ Activeness in Process of Teaching and Learning…...................................................................26.

(13) LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: The Result of Diagnostic-Test Appendix B: The Result of Test in Cycle I Appendix C: The Result of Test in Cycle II Appendix D:. Lesson Plan. Appendix E: The Students’ Test Appendix F:. The Result of the Students’ Activeness.

(14) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background English as an international language places the first position in the world of communication. In our country, English plays important role. In Indonesia from Elementary School up to University, English is one of the compulsory subjects. We study English because we need it in many aspects. English is used to express. our. idea, opinion, and feeling to other people especially the people from other countries that mastering English. English is also needed to face globalization are time where we get much information from entire world. Without mastering English we will miss some important things we need. Reading is the cheapest way in getting information. We can say that reading is the eye of world. Reading is an important part of English, this the way of gaining information from written source. According to Goodman and Burke (1978) states that “Reading does not only read word by word in a sentence, but to comprehend the whole ideas composed by the writers through written text”. Tinker (1975) states that “Reading comprehension is not just reading with a loud voice but also to establish and understanding the meaning of words, sentences, and paragraph sense the relationship among the ideas” and Smith (1980) states that “Reading is a complex process in which the reader uses mental content to obtain the meaning from written materials”. When the researcher teaching practice at several school, the researcher have found that almost all of the students consider that English is a subject that very.

(15) difficult and bored because different pronunciation and different meanings even though have the same letters. Through interview with the students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, the researcher found that students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle have the same assumption of students from other school. Students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle assume that English is difficult, especially in reading comprehension. The other factor is the teacher always uses the same method to teach English like direct method. It also makes the students more bore to study English. Realizing the importance of the English especially in reading comprehension, the researcher introduces a strategy that is a Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. The aim of the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy is to solve the problems particularly in reading comprehension. Carousel Brainstorm Strategy also to make teaching better than not using it. Article of nytimes published (2002) states that: The Carousel Brainstorming Strategy was first published in Brooklyn on April 22, 1997 at Manhattan University by its academician, Mr. Sylvor Carousel, 68. Mr. Carousel succeeded in introducing his new strategy in teaching English Reading Comprehension not only in America but also many regions as La Paz, Bolivia; São Paulo, Brazil; Hong Kong; Macao; Auckland, New Zealand; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and Singapore. Based on the background above, the researcher will do a research to improve the students’ reading comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. B. Problem Statement Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the question as follow: “How is the improvement of the students’ literal comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle?”.

(16) C. Objectives of the Study Based on the research question above, the objective of the research as follow: “To explain the improvement of the students’ literal comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle”. D. Significance of the Study The result of the research is expected to be useful information for the English teacher in general, English teacher for Junior High School particular. It is also useful for the quality improvement of English teaching especially the teaching of reading comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. E. Scope of the Study The scope of this research focuses on Carousel Brainstorm Strategy to improve the students’ reading comprehension at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, that limit on the students’ literal comprehension dealing with detail information and main idea on argumentation text..

(17) CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Research Findings Many researchers have been reported to expose the reading comprehension some of them as follow: Anryadi (2012). In. his Thesis,. Improving. the Students’ Reading. Comprehension through Think Pair and Share was able to improve the students’ literal comprehension (main idea) at class VIII A. It was proved by the students’ achievement in cycle II was greater than cycle I and D-Test where in cycle I the students’ mean score literal comprehension becomes 6,2, cycle II 7,08 and before diagnostic test is 5,2. Ali (2012). In his Thesis, Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, he found that Carousel Brainstorm Strategy was able to improve the students reading comprehension in terms of finding the main idea of the text. It is proved by the result of t-test in cycle I and cycle II had significant different score. The first cycle is 6,74 and the second cycle is 7,84. Kasmawati (2013). In her Thesis, Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, she found that Carousel Brainstorm Strategy was able to improve the students reading comprehension. It was proved by the student achievement in cycle II is higher than cycle I. Where in cycle I mean score is 67.0 after evaluations in cycle II become 78,7 while D-Test is 52. Mustakim (2012). In his thesis, Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Title, Examine, Look, Look and Setting Strategy (Tells). His.

(18) found that TELLS in presenting the reading comprehension material at SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Perumnas in class X improves the students’ achievement. The findings indicate that the mean score of test in Cycle II is greater than the mean score of test for Cycle I (67.75> 51.31). Madi (2012). In her thesis, Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Paraphrase Passport Strategy, she found that Paraphrase Passport Strategy improves the students’ literal comprehension at 2 IPS II SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung significant. It was proved by the students’ achievement in cycle II is greater than cycle I and D-Test which in D-Test the students’ mean score achievement in literal comprehension is 5.17. After evaluation in cycle I the students’ literal comprehension becomes 6.37 and cycle II is 7.5. Based on previous related research findings above, the researcher concluded that five researcher choose reading comprehension but use different method. They had one purpose namely improving the students’ achievement in reading comprehension and the researcher did research by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy in improving reading comprehension. B. Carousel Brainstorm 1. Definition of Carousel Brainstorm The Carousel Brainstorming Strategy was first published in Brooklyn on April 22, 1997 at Manhattan University by its academician, Mr. Sylvor Carousel, 68. Mr. Carousel succeeded in introducing his new strategy in teaching English Reading Comprehension not only in America but also many regions as La Paz,.

(19) Bolivia; São Paulo, Brazil; Hong Kong; Macao; Auckland, New Zealand; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and Singapore (Article of nytimes published; 2002). The word of brainstorm contains two roots of word. Brain: organ in the body that controls thought, feeling, etc. Storm: violent show of feeling (Oxford University 2008). Tate (2004) states that: When students are given the opportunity to brainstorm ideas without criticism, to discuss opinions, to debate controversial issues, and to answer questions…wonderful things can happen that naturally improve comprehension and higher order thinking. Rubel (2012) states that: Carousel Brainstorm is activating background knowledge or checking understanding after studying a topic, a Carousel Brainstorm allows you to have students pull out and think about what they know about subtopics within a larger topic. Carousel Brainstorm uses questions sheets with some questions that are related to the topic on the top of paper and some different color marker to identify the answers of each group. Carousel Brainstorm Strategy is a strategy use to get students involved in generating ideas. Carousel Brainstorm Strategy is students work within the group that requires each student should be active and produce their own ideas and shares the ideas to other members and it can be say that it is kind of group-cycle brainstorming. 2. The Advantages of Using Carousel Brainstorm According to Fidda and Tiarina (2013), there are eight the advantages of using Carousel Brainstorm namely:.

(20) a. Activates students prior knowledge. By using this strategy student have to think about what they have know about the topic even though they unfamiliar with the topic, but they try to recall their knowledge. b. Allows students to work in groups. While answer the topic question, the students share their idea in group and start to discuss the answer together in group. c. Allows students to move around the classroom. In carousel brainstorm the students not only sit on their sheet but also have to go station for answer the question so it may be more interesting than only sitting all the time in the class. d. It promotes discussion within the groups. In group students try to answer the question with the idea that note write down in the chart so they have to think hard and discuss it with their group. e. It promotes collaboration. If the students did not know the answer and maybe she / he answer the question with their first language e.g. Indonesian language, so all the class will collaborate to answer it together in English language with their teacher. f. It's Fun. While doing this activity the students not feel bored but they are really interested in reading or doing the activities. g. It can increase of student's motivation, concentration, and participation. h. Students with low reading skill proficiency will get aid from the others in the group..

(21) 3. Procedure of Carousel Brainstorm Strategy According to Lipton and Wellman (1998), there are six procedures of Carousel Brainstorm Strategy namely: a. Generate X number of questions for your topic of study and write each question on a separate piece of poster board or chart paper. (Note: The number of questions should reflect the number of groups you intend to use during this activity.) Post questions sheets around your classroom. b. Divide your students into groups of 5 or less. For example, in a classroom of 30 students, you would divide your class into 6 groups of five that will rotate around the room during this activity. c. Direct each group to stand in front of a homebase question station. Give each group a colored marker for writing their ideas at the question stations. It is advisable to use a different color for tracking each group. d. Inform groups that they will have X number of minutes to brainstorm and write ideas at each question station. Usually 2-3 minutes is sufficient. When time is called, groups will rotate to the next station in clockwise order. Numbering the stations will make this easy for students to track. Group 1 would rotate to question station 2; Group 2 would rotate to question station 3 and so on. e. Using a stopwatch or other timer, begin the group rotation. Continue until each group reaches their last question station. f. Before leaving the final question station, have each group select the top 3 ideas from their station to share with the entire class..

(22) C. Reading Comprehension 1. Definition of Reading Comprehension Definition of reading comprehension from some expert namely: Smith (1980) states that, “Reading is a complex process in which the reader uses mental content to obtain the meaning from written materials”. Neufaldt (1991) states that: This concept consists of two words namely “reading and comprehension”. Reading is a particular interpretation or performance of something written or composed. Meanwhile, comprehension is as the act of grasping with the mind or capacity for understanding ideas. Ophelia. (1989). states. that. “Reading. comprehension. means. the. understanding, evaluating, utilizing of information and gaining through an interaction between author and reader”. Tinker (1975) states that “Reading comprehension is not just reading with a loud voice but also to establish and understand the meaning of words, sentences, and paragraph sense the relationship among the ideas”. Based on the definition above, the researcher has conclusion of reading comprehension is not only reading a text but understanding or know the meaning of the content, information and the aim of a text. 2. Levels of Comprehension in Reading According to Burns (1984) there are three levels of comprehension in reading namely: a. Literal Comprehension Literal comprehension represents the ability of understanding with information that is explicitly stated in the print and illustration. The students can recall,.

(23) identify, classify, detail, fact and stated main ideas form a variety of written materials, and can interpret directions this level of comprehension involves surface meaning. Dilo (2008) states that: Literal comprehension is seen as the first level of comprehension. It is the simplest form of locating information in texts because the information is stated directly in the text. Questions assessing literal comprehension skills examine how well students can identify and understand information that is directly stated in a text. b. Interpretive or Inferential Comprehension Interpretive or referential comprehension includes thinking process such as drawing conclusion, making generalization, prediction outcomes. At this level, teacher can asks more challenging question such as asking students to do the following task: 1) Rearrange the ideas or topic discussed in the text 2) Explain the author’s purpose of writing in the text 3) Summarize the main idea when this is not explicitly stated in the text. 4) Select conclusion which can be deduced from the text they have read. c. Critical or Applied Reading At this, the reader is involved in an interchange of ideas with the author and applies reading to life situations. At this level, the students can be tested on the following skill. 1) The ability to differentiate between act and opinion 2) The ability to recognize persuasive statement 3) The ability to judge the accuracy of the information given in the text..

(24) 3. Types of Reading According to Аbryct (2011), there are three types of reading, namely: a. Skimming reading is reading to confirm expectations;. reading for. communicative tasks. b. General reading or scanning is reading to extract specific information; reading for general understanding. c. Close reading or searching reading is reading for complete understanding; reading for detailed comprehension (information; function and discourse). Skimming is the most rudimentary type of reading. Its object is to familiarize you as quickly as possible with the material to be read. Scanning is a technique that is helpful when you are looking for the answer to a known question. Close reading means not only reading and understanding the meanings of the individual printed words, but also involves making yourself sensitive to all the nuances and connotations of language as it is used by skilled writers. 4. Reading principles According to Harmer (2010), there are six principles in reading namely: a. Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible. The more students read, the better. Everything we do should encourage them to read extensively. It is a good idea to discuss this principle with students. b. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. Outside normal lesson time, when students are reading extensively, they should be involved in joyful reading - that is, we should try to help them get as much pleasure from it as possible..

(25) c. Encourage students to respond to the content of a text (and explore their feelings about it), not just concentrate on its construction. We must give students a chance to respond to that message in some way. It is especially important that they should be allowed to show their feelings about the topic d. Prediction is a major factor in reading. The book cover, the headline, the web-page banner - our brain starts predicting what we are going to read. In class, teachers should give students ‘hints’ so that they also have a chance to predict what is coming. e. Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts. We need to choose good reading tasks - the right kind of questions, appropriate activities before during and after reading, and useful study exploitation, etc. f. Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full. Good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting lesson sequences, using the topic for discussion and further tasks, using the language for study and then activation (or, of course, activation and then study) and using a range of activities to bring the text to life. D. Definition of Argumentation Text Definition of argumentation text from some expert namely: Pryzybyla (2009) states that: Argumentation paragraph is a composition which means supporting one side of the other of controversial topic. Argument is designed to convince that something is true. Its method is to make a general statement and support it,or some times to lead logically to a general conclusion by a series of facts. Argument depend for stated facts..

(26) Nordquist (2014) states that: Argumentation is the process of forming reasons, justifying beliefs, and drawing conclusions with the aim of influencing the thoughts and/or actions of others. Argumentation (or argumentation theory) also refers to the study of that process. Emeren (2002) states that “Argumentation is a verbal, social, and rational activity aimed at convincing a reasonable critic of the acceptability of a standpoint by putting forward a constellation of one or more propositions to justify this standpoint ….”. Based on the definition above, the researcher has conclusion of argumentation text. Argumentation text is a text which we try to convince or to influence people through the text where as the author we state our reasons or fact to try all or some readers for believing the content of the text. E. Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework underlying the research is given the following diagram: Reading Skill Carousel Brainstorm Strategy (CAR) Reading Comprehension Literal Comprehension (detail information and main ideas) Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension Diagram 2.1 Conceptual Framework.

(27) In the diagram above, input, process, and output are briefly clarified as follows: a. Reading refers to the material is going to read. b. Carousel brainstorm strategy refers to the use of strategy in teaching reading material. c. Classroom action research refers the process of getting data from teaching and learning through carousel brainstorm. d. Reading comprehension refers to the students comprehend the text. e. Improving the students’ reading comprehension refers to the students’ improve in comprehending the reading material..

(28) CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD. A. Research Design This study employed Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. Explained the students’ reading comprehension in literal comprehension dealing with detail information and main idea through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. In this research the researcher conducted four stages, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Where in action consisted of some cycles and each cycle consisted of four meetings. B. Research Variable and Indicator 1. Variable The variable of the research was Carousel Brainstorm Strategy as the independent variable and reading comprehension as the dependent variable of the research. 2. Indicator The indicator of the research was students’ literal comprehension dealing with detail information and main idea. C. Research Subjects, Time and Location The research subject was the students at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Kabupaten Pangkep in 2014 academic year. The class focused on 8.A consisted of 22 students, 10 women and 12 men..

(29) D. Research Procedures In collecting the data the researcher used the CAR principles. The research described the scheme of action research steps as follows:. Planning Reflection. Cycle I. Action. Observation Planning Reflection. Cycle II. Action. Observation ?. Scheme 3.1 The Cycle of Classroom Action Research ( Hopkins, 1993). 1. Planning a. The researcher prepared the material about reading that gave to the students. b. The researcher made lesson planning for the first meeting until the last meeting about reading material. c. Making research instrument..

(30) 2. Action In action consisted of some cycles and each cycle consisted of four meeting. Each meeting, the researcher gave the reading material by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy in action. The action of each meeting namely: a. The researcher introduced the topic and posted questions sheets around classroom. b. The researcher divided students into some groups and gave different color marker. c. The researcher asked to the students to stand in front of a home base question station to brainstorm and write ideas on question sheet. d. After 2-3 minutes the researcher asked each group to move to the next question station. e. The researcher asked each group to select the top 3 ideas from their station to share. f. The researcher gave assignment to answer. 3. Observation The researcher observed the students’ activity in learning process by using checklist observation to know the participation or the activity of the students. 4. Reflection After collecting the data, the researcher evaluated the teaching learning process, then, do reflection by seeing the result of the observation. The research continued in the next cycle (cycle II) with the same strategy. E. Research Instrument There were two instruments used namely checklist observation sheet to find out the students’ data about their presence and activeness in teaching learning process.

(31) and reading test to find out the students’ respond toward teaching learning through Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. F. Data Collection Data techniques of data used in this research , as follows: 1. Checklist observation, it aimed to find out participation during learning process. The students’ active participation which was described as follow: Table 3.1 Checklist Observation. 1. 2.. The students’ active participation Very active Active. 3.. Fairly active. 2. 4.. Not active. 1. Num. Score. Indicator. 4 3. Students respond the material very active Students respond the material actively Students respond the material just one or twice Students just sit down during the activity without do something Sudiyono (2005). 2. Reading test, it aimed to find out the students’ improve reading comprehension by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy in teaching reading in the classroom. Tabel 3.2 Reading Test in Detail Information POINT. CRITERIA. 4. Student response includes at least 2 key details from the passage that support the main idea of the passage. 3. Student response includes at least 2 details with at least one key detail from the passage that supports the main idea.. 2. Student response includes 2 details which does not support the correct main idea. 1. Student response includes one detail that does not support the main idea. 0. Student did not provide any details or Student did not attempt to respond to the item. (McKay, 1999).

(32) Table 3.3 Reading Test in Main Idea Num. Gist/Main Idea Score The answer include a clear generalization that states or implies 4 the main idea The answer states or implies the main idea from the text 3 Indicator inaccurate or incomplete understanding of main idea 2 The answer include minimal or no understanding of main idea 1 (Harmer, 2010). 1. 2. 3. 4.. G. Data Analysis To analysis the data of research, the researcher used some formula namely: 1. The score of the students’ reading test by using the following formula: Scoring . Correct answer score x 10 Maximum score. (Sudiyono, 2005) 2. The percentage the students’ participation through the following formula: P. F x 100 % N. Note: P. : Percentage. F. : Frequency. N. : Total number of the students. (Gay, 1981).. 3. The mean score of the students’ reading comprehension test by using the following formula: =. ∑.

(33) Note : = Mean Score ∑x. = The sum of all score. N. = A number of students ( Gay, 1981). 4. The percentage of the students’ improvement in reading comprehension P=. x 100%. Note : P. = Percentage. X1. = Cycle I. X2. = Cycle II. (Gay, 1981). 5. After collecting the data of the students, the researcher classified the score of the students. To classify the students’ score, there were seven classifications which used as follows: Table 3.3 Classification Score No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. Classification Excellent Very good Good Fairly good Fairly Poor Very poor. Score 9.6-10 8.6-9.5 7.6-8.5 6.6-7.5 5.6-6.5 3.6-5.5 0-3.5 ( Sudiyono, 2005).

(34) CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings 1. The improvement of the students’ literal comprehension The improvement of the students’ literal comprehension, which focused on detail information and main idea as indicators at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle as result of the students’ assessment of Diagnostic-Test, cycle I and cycle II can be seen clearly. a. The improvement of the students’ literal comprehension in detail information The improvement of the students’ literal comprehension in detail information by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, it can be seen clearly in table 4.1 and 4.1.1. 1) Table 4.1 : The Result of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Detail Information Indicator Detail Information. D-Test 4.31. Score Cycle I 6.36. Cycle II 7.95. Improvement (%) CI-CII 25%. The table 4.1 shows the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ literal reading comprehension in detail information from D-test to cycle I and cycle II in which cycle II is the greatest of all. The detail information score of literal in cycle II is 7.95. Then in cycle I is 6.36 and D-test where the students get 4.31. It indicates that the improvement of the students’ literal reading in detail information is 25% in C1 to Cycle II. The table 4.1 indicated that the Carousel.

(35) Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ reading literal comprehension in detail information significantly. 2) Table 4.1.1 : The Percentage of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Detail Information No.. Classification. Score. 1.. Excellent. 2.. D-test. Cycle I. Cycle II. F. %. F. %. F. %. 9.6-10. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Very good. 8.6-9.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 13.63. 3.. Good. 7.6-8.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 12. 54.54. 4.. Fairly good. 6.6-7.5. 1. 4.54. 11. 50. 7. 31.81. 5.. Fair. 5.6-6.5. 8. 36.36. 6. 27.27. 0. 0. 6.. Poor. 3.6-5.5. 1. 4.54. 5. 22.72. 0. 0. 7.. Very poor. 0-3.5. 12. 54.54. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22. 100. 22. 100. 22. 100. Total. The table 4.1.1 shows the classification and percentage of the students’ literal reading comprehension in detail information start at diagnostic-test indicates that 1 students (4.54%) fairly good, 8 students (36.36%) fairly, 1 students (4.54%) poor, 12 students (54.54%) get very poor and none of students for the other classification. After taking an action in cycle 1 by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, the classification and percentage of the students’ detail information indicates that 11 students (50%) get fairly good, 6 students (27.27%) get fairly, 5 students (22.72%) get poor and none of students get for the other classification. In cycle II by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, the classification and percentage of the students’ detail information indicates that 3 students (13.63%).

(36) get very good, 12 students (54.54%) get good, 7 students (31.81%) get fairly good and none of the students get for the other classification. b. The improvement of the students’ literal comprehension in main idea The improvement of the students’ literal comprehension in main idea by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, it can be seen clearly in table 4.2 and 4.2.1. 1) Table 4.2 : The Result of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Main Idea Indicator Main Idea. Score Cycle I 6.93. D-Test 4.20. Cycle II 8.40. Improvement (%) CI-CII 21.21%. The table 4.2 shows the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ literal reading comprehension in main idea from D-test to cycle I and cycle II in which cycle II is the greatest of all. The main idea score of literal in cycle II is 8.40. Then in cycle I is 6.93 and D-test where the students get 4.20. It indicates that the improvement of the students’ literal reading in main idea is 21.21% in C1 to Cycle II. The table 4.2 indicated that the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ reading literal comprehension in main idea significantly. 2) Table 4.2.1 : The Percentage of the Students’ Literal Comprehension in Main Idea No.. Classification. Score. 1.. Excellent. 2. 3.. D-test. Cycle I. Cycle II. F. %. F. %. F. %. 9.6-10. 0. 0. 2. 9.09. 8. 36.36. Very good. 8.6-9.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Good. 7.6-8.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

(37) 4.. Fairly good. 6.6-7.5. 2. 9.09. 13. 59.09. 14. 63.63. 5.. Fair. 5.6-6.5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 6.. Poor. 3.6-5.5. 11. 50. 7. 31.81. 0. 0. 7.. Very poor. 0-3.5. 9. 40.90. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22. 100. 22. 100. 22. 100. Total. The table 4.2.1 shows the classification and percentage of the students’ literal reading comprehension in main idea start at Diagnostic-Test indicates that 2 students (9.09%) get fairly good, 11 students (50%) get poor, 9 students (40.90%) get very poor and none of the students get for the other classification. After taking an action in cycle 1 by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, the classification and percentage of the students’ main idea indicates that 2 students (9.09%) get excellent, 13 students (59.09%) get fairly good, 7 students (31.81%) get poor and none of the students get for the other classification. In cycle II by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, the classification and percentage of the students’ main idea indicates that 8 students (36.36%) get excellent, 14 students (63.63%) get fairly good and none of the students get for the other classification. 2. The Improvement of the Students’ Reading comprehension The improvement of the students’ literal reading comprehension is deal with detail information and main idea by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy, it can be seen clearly in table 4.3 and 4.3.1..

(38) 1) Table 4.3 : The Result of the Students’ Literal Comprehension Indicator Detail Information Main Idea ∑X. D-Test 4.31 4.20 8.51 4.25. Score Cycle I 6.36 6.93 13.29 6.64. Cycle II 7.95 8.40 16.35 8.17. Improvement (%) CI-CII 25% 21.21% 23.02% 23.04%. The table 4.3 shows the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ literal reading comprehension in detail information and main idea from D-test to cycle I and cycle II in which cycle II is the greatest of all. The score of literal comprehension in cycle II is 8.17. Then in cycle I is 6.64 and D-test where the students get 4.25. It indicates that the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension in literal is 23.04% in CI to Cycle II. The table 4.3 indicated that the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ reading literal comprehension significantly. 2) Table 4.3.1 : The Percentage of the Students’ Reading Comprehension No.. Classification. Score. D-test. Cycle I. Cycle II. 1.. Excellent. 9.6-10. 0. 0. 0. 2.. Very good. 8.6-9.5. 0. 0. 0. 3.. Good. 7.6-8.5. 0. 0. 8.1. 4.. Fairly good. 6.6-7.5. 0. 6.6. 0. 5.. Fairly. 5.6-6.5. 0. 0. 0. 6.. Poor. 3.6-5.5. 4.2. 0. 0. 7.. Very poor. 0-3.5. 0. 0. 0. 4.3. 6.6. 8.1. Total.

(39) The table 4.3.1 shows the means score of the students’ reading comprehension. In the students’ reading D-test, the means score is 4.2 (poor) then in the cycle I shows that the means score of students’ reading is 6.6 (fairly good) and the cycle II shows that the means score of students’ reading is 8.1 (good) and the improvement of Cycle I to Cycle II IS 23.04%. The table 4.3.1 indicated that the Carousel Brainstorm Strategy improves the students’ reading comprehension significantly. 3. The Improvement of the Students’ Activeness in Process of Teaching and Learning The observation result of the students’ activeness in teaching and learning process toward the implementation of Carousel Brainstorm Strategy in improving the students’ reading comprehension at the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle which was conducted in 2 cycles during 8 meetings was taken by the observer through observation sheet. It can be seen clearly in table 4.4. Table 4.4 : The Result of the Students’ Activeness in Process of Teaching and Learning. Meetings Percentage Score (%). Cycle I (%) I II III IV 40. 45. 52. 57. 90 45 27 95. Cycle II (%) I II III IV 62. 67. 73. 80. 5 04 86 68. Improvement (%). 49.14. 71.02. 44.52%. The table 4.4 shows the average of the students’ activeness in teaching and learning process in each cycle through observation sheet by observer. The percentages of the Cycle I from the first meeting to the fourth meeting are 40.90%, 45.45%, 52.27%, and 57.95%. Moreover, the percentage of the Cycle II.

(40) from the first meeting to the fourth meeting are 62.5%, 67.04%, 73.86%, and 80.68%. In addition, the average score in every cycle, in Cycle I is 49.14% and in Cycle II is 71.02%. As the result, the improvement of the students’ activity is 44.52%. B. Discussion 1. The Improvement of the Students’ Literal Reading Comprehension The improvement of the students’ literal reading comprehension by using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy has effect that is effective. Where, the researcher finds in the data source of literal reading comprehension that the students just get 4.25. It is means that it is far from the target, but after implementing Carousel Brainstorm Strategy the students get mean score that is 6.64 in cycle I and 8.17 in cycle II. 2. The Improvement of the Students’ Activeness in Process of Teaching and Learning The observation result of the students’ participation in learning reading comprehension was significant. Base on the data analysis as result of observation sheet of students’ participation in learning process in previous findings shows that the participation of students from the first meeting until fourth meetings are 40.90%, 45.45 %, 52.27%, and 57.95% with mean score of four meetings as cycle 1 is 49.14%. Percentage of the first till the fourth meeting of the cycle 2 are 62.5%, 67.04%, 73.86%, and 80.68% with the mean score is 71.02%..

(41) Base on the all result of data analysis, the researcher concluded that there were a significant improvement of students’ reading accuracy and participation of students in learning process..

(42) CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on the findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher inferential in the following conclusion : 1. The use of Carousel Brainstorm Strategy is able to improve the students’ literal reading comprehension in detail information and main idea at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Kabupaten Pangkep. 2. The use of Carousel Brainstorm Strategy is able to make the students’ active in teaching and learning process at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle, Kabupaten Pangkep. B. Suggestion In applying this strategy, teacher needs to note some considerations. Teacher should be more creative in using Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. Teacher can improvise the use of the chart so the activity that involving it is not monotonous. Teacher may guide students with more strategies if students are showing a blank face telling they have no idea about what to list. Teacher should provide students with a wide range of background knowledge by doing extensive reading to equipped students with more English language knowledge and worldwide knowledge..

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(46) Appendix A THE RESULT OF DIAGNOSTIC-TEST AT THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 1MANDALLE Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.. LITERAL COMPREHENSION Main Idea (4) Detail (4) 7.5 6.87 2.5 3.12 5 3.12 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 6.25 5 6.25 5 3.12 5 6.25 5 3.12 2.5 5.62 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.12 5 6.25 5 3.12 5 6.25 2.5 2.5 5 3.12 5 5.62 2.5 2.5 7.5 6.25 92.5 94.95 22 22 4.20 4.31. Sample. AETP MSNJ RDP RJ AG NAA MHJ N A MIA WMS AM AR RK SA KN N SN A A AT Z ∑X N. MEAN SCORE 14.37 5.62 8.12 5 7.5 8.75 11.25 8.12 11.25 8.12 8.12 7.5 5 5.62 11.25 8.12 11.25 5 8.12 10.62 5 13.75 187.45 22 8.52. The mean score of Diagnostic Test: 1) Main Idea. =. ∑. =. .. 2) Details. = 4.20. Note : = Mean Score ∑x. = The sum of all score. N. = A number of students. =. ∑. =. .. = 4.31.

(47) Appendix B THE RESULT OF TEST IN CYCLE I AT THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 1MANDALLE Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.. LITERAL COMPREHENSION Main Idea (4) Detail (4) 10 8.12 5 6.87 7.5 4.37 5 4.37 7.5 6.87 7.5 6.25 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 6.87 5 5.62 10 6.87 5 5.62 5 3.75 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 5 3.75 7.5 6.87 7.5 5.62 5 5 7.5 8.12 152.5 139.94 22 22 6.93 6.36. Sample. AETP MSNJ RDP RJ AG NAA MHJ N A MIA WMS AM AR RK SA KN N SN A A AT Z ∑X N. MEAN SCORE 18.12 11.87 11.87 9.37 14.37 13.75 15 15 15 14.37 10.62 16.87 10.62 8.75 15 15 15 8.75 14.37 13.12 10 15.62 292.44 22 13.29. The mean score of Cycle I Test: 1) Main Idea. =. ∑. =. .. 2) Details. = 6.93. Note : = Mean Score ∑x. = The sum of all score. N. = A number of students. =. ∑. =. .. = 6.36.

(48) Appendix C THE RESULT OF TEST IN CYCLE II AT THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 1MANDALLE Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.. Sample AETP MSNJ RDP RJ AG NAH MHJ N A MIA WMS AM AR RK SA KN N SN A A AT Z ∑X N. LITERAL COMPREHENSION Main Idea (4) Detail (4) 10 8.75 7.5 8.75 7.5 8.75 7.5 8.75 7.5 8.75 7.5 8.12 10 8.12 7.5 8.12 10 8.12 7.5 7.5 10 8.12 10 8.12 7.5 8.12 7.5 8.12 10 8.12 7.5 8.12 10 8.75 7.5 6.87 7.5 8.12 7.5 8.12 7.5 6.87 10 8.75 185 174.93 22 22 8.40 7.95. MEAN SCORE 18.75 15 15 15 15 15.62 18.12 15.62 18.12 15 18.12 18.12 15.62 15.62 18.12 15.62 18.75 14.37 15.62 15.62 14.37 18.75 359.93 22 16.36. The mean score of Cycle II Test: 1) Main Idea. =. ∑. =. = 8.40. Note : = Mean Score ∑x. = The sum of all score. N. = A number of students. 2) Details ∑ = =. .. = 7.95.

(49) Appendix D. RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP). Nama Sekolah. : SMP Negeri 1 Mandalle. Mata Pelajaran. : Bahasa Inggris. Kelas/Semester. : VIII.A/I. Alokasi Waktu. : 16 X 60 menit ( 8 X pertemuan ). Jenis Teks. : Fungsional (Argumentative). Aspek/Skill. : Membaca (Reading). A. Standar Kompetensi Memahami makna dalam essai pendek sederhana berbentuk argumentative dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. B. Kompetensi Dasar Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar. C. Indikator 1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks argumentative, recount. 2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional yang dibaca. 3. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan cirri kebahasaan teks argumentative. D. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ide pokok dari teks yang telah di baca. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi tertentu yang terdapat pada bacaan. 3. Siswa dapat memahami isi teks..

(50) E. Materi Pokok Terlampir F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik Carousel Brainstorm Strategy. G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan : a. Kegiatan Awal (10 menit)  Menyapa peserta didik.  Siswa menyiapkan kelas sebelum pelajaran dimulai.  Berdo’a.  Mengecek daftar hadir peserta didik.  Mengarahkan peserta didik pada materi yang akan dipelajari. b. Kegiatan Inti (100 menit)  Guru menjelaskan materi argumentative teks.  Guru memperkenalkan topik materi yang akan diajarkan.  Guru menempelkan lembaran atau poster pertanyaan di sekitar kelas.  Guru membagi peserta didik dalam beberapa kelompok.  Guru menginformasikan bahwa mereka hanya memiliki waktu 2-3 menit dan setelah waktu 3 menit berlalu tiap kelompok akan berpindah ke stasiun pertanyaan selanjutnya. Grup 1 yang berada di stasiun pertanyaan 1 pindah ke stasiun pertanyaan 2, grup 2 yang berada di stasiun pertanyaan 2 pindah ke stasiun pertanyaan 3 dan seterusnya.  Guru memberikan spidol dengan warna yang berbeda dan mengarahkan peserta didik untuk berdiri di stasiun pertanyaan masing-masing yang telah.

(51) di tempel disekitar kelas untuk menjawab pertanyaan atau menuliskan ideide mereka.  Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk menyeleksi 3 ide atau jawaban terbaik dari stasiun pertanyaan mereka dan membacakannya di dalam kelas.  Guru memberikan teks argumentative kepada peserta didik.  Guru dan siswa membaca teks argumentative yang telah diberikan.  Secara individu peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan tentang teks argumentative. c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)  Guru menanyakan kesulitan-kesulitan siswa selama PBM.  Guru dan peserta didik menyimpulkan materi. H. Sumber Belajar  Buku pelajaran yang relevan  Teks bacaan berbentuk argumentative  Internet  Kamus I. Penilaian a. Bentuk  Pemahaman  Tulisan b. Aspek.

(52)  Pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi Pemahaman  Detail Information POINT. . CRITERIA. 4. Student response includes at least 2 key details from the passage that support the main idea of the passage. 3. Student response includes at least 2 details with at least one key detail from the passage that supports the main idea.. 2. Student response includes 2 details which does not support the correct main idea. 1. Student response includes one detail that does not support the main idea. 0. Student did not provide any details or Student did not attempt to respond to the item. Main Idea Num Gist/Main Idea The answer include a clear generalization that states or implies 1. the main idea 2. The answer states or implies the main idea from the text 3. Indicator inaccurate or incomplete understanding of main idea 4. The answer include minimal or no understanding of main idea. Scoring . Score 4 3 2 1. Correct answer score x 10 Maximum score. Partisipasi peserta didik. 1. 2.. The students’ active participation Very active Active. 3.. Fairly active. 2. 4.. Not active. 1. No.. Score 4 3. Indicator Students respond the material very active Students respond the material actively Students respond the material just one or twice Students just sit down during the activity without do something Makassr,. Materi Ajar. Mahasiswa. 2014. Aldina Nur Indah Asia NIM: K. 10535 4755 10.

(53) SMOKING IS BANNED IN PUBLIC PLACES. In my opinion, smoking should definitely be banned in public place. It not only gives a bad effect to the active smoker but also to non-smokers. Furthermore, smoke which arises when a person smokes a cigarette is more hazardous to a nonsmoker who inhales the smoke being in close vicinity of the active smoker and it can be kill. Then it is also upsetting others. Many countries such as India have implemented a ban on public places such as: hospital, recreation center, bus stop, etc. there are some reasons why smoking is banned in public places. The first, it can be caused air pollution. The smoke makes people cannot breath because of there is no fresh air. Second, there are some diseases that caused by smoking such as: heart disease, lung cancer, pregnancy disorder, and respiratory disease. It happens because cigarette contains nicotine and tobacco that is a toxic or poison for human body. Because of smoking is really dangerous there are some way that should we do to overcome this problem. The government has to make a law or regulation about smoking if he not obeys the law he has to pay a fine. Then, the government also has to warn the smoker to quit smoking in public places because it can dangerous for health..

(54) QUESTIONS 1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ? 2. Why does smoking should be banned in public places ? 3. What disease could be caused by smoking habit ? 4. What are the substances of the cigarette ? 5. What can we do to overcome this problem ? ANSWERS 1. Many countries such as India have implemented a ban on public places. 2. There are some reasons why smoking is banned in public places. The first, it can be caused air pollution. The smoke makes people cannot breath because of there is no fresh air. Second, there are some diseases that caused by smoking such as: heart disease, lung cancer, pregnancy disorder, and respiratory disease. 3. There are some diseases could be caused by smoking habit such as, heart disease, lung cancer, pregnancy disorder, and respiratory disease. 4. The substances of cigarette are nicotine and tobacco that is a toxic or poison for human body. 5. The way to overcome this problem is the government has to make a law or regulation about smoking if he not obeys the law he has to pay a fine. Then, the government also has to warn the smoker to quit smoking in public places because it can dangerous for health.. Materi Ajar CARS SHOULD BE BANNED.

(55) Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know, give contribution to the most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchritis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrains in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or to concentrate on your homework, and especially when you talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be benned from the city for the reason listed.. QUESTIONS 1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?.

(56) 2. What disease could be caused by gas of cars ? 3. Why does cars should be banned from the city ? 4. If you live in the city, what are disturbances you may find ? 5. Write three reasons according from the text above, why cars should be benned from the city ? ANSWERS 1. Cars give contribution to the most of the pollution in the world. 2. Bronchritis, lung cancer and ‘triggers’ off asthma. 3. Cars should be banned in the city because as we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents. 4. Hard to sleep at night, or to concentrate on your homework, and especially when you talk to someone. 5. Cars cause pollution, the city is very busy and cars are very noisy.. Materi Ajar IS SMOKING GOOD FOR US?.

(57) Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking. Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers. Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes. Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else. QUESTIONS 1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?.

(58) 2. What disease could be caused by smoking habit ? 3. What is fact that happened in Britain ? 4. Why smoking is really good for tobacco companies ? 5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph ? ANSWERS 1. Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. 2. Lung cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. 3. The fact is about 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. 4. Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. 5. Children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia.. Materi Ajar LAPTOP AS STUDENTS' FRIEND.

(59) Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function. First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get better understanding. Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and money..

(60) From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. QUESTIONS 1. What is the main idea of the third paragraph ? 2. What are students need conventionally when school ? 3. Why students need mobile keyboard ? 4. Why finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was ? 5. How the way online shop work ? ASNWERS 1. Finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. 2. Book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. 3. To reach progressive development and to record every presented subject easily. 4. Because presence an online shop which provides comprehensive information. 5. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses.. Materi Ajar THE UNHEALTHY FAST FOOD.

(61) Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health? Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period. Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form. It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues. So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving. QUESTIONS.

(62) 1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? 2. Write chemical additives in fast food ? 3. Is fast food good for health, why ? 4. Is there any nutritional value contained in fast food, why ?. 5. What years a fast food popular ? ANSWERS 1. Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. 2. Aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). 3. No because fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. 4. No because there are some chemical additives in fast food that contribute in weight problem and disease issues. 5. 1940-an.. Materi Ajar THE IMPORTANCE OF READING.

(63) I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so? Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc. Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly. Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, novel, comic, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed. The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms. From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. QUESTIONS 1. What are we can get by reading ?.

(64) 2. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph ? 3. Why reading is very important ? 4. Why in the fourth paragraph stated “reading can give us pleasure” ? 5. What are knowledge of the world that we can get by reading ? ANSWERS 1. We can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and pleasure. 2. Reading can give us pleasure. 3. Because everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment. 4. Because when we are tired, we read books, novel, comic, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc, to make us relaxed. 5. Science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc.. Materi Ajar WRITING IS A GREAT FOR MONEY ONLINE.

(65) The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the rise of internet based jobs. Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined by the owner of the blog. There are many free websites out there that will help you set up your own blog if you choose to go that route because blog plus advertisement is a potential money. Article writing is also good to earn money online. Make sure to optimize your articles to promote and advertise you own business ventures. These articles are a free way to market the products and services you offer for free. The most effective advertising with these articles comes from the dialogue box that is inserted at the end of each article. These dialogue boxes contain links to basically any website you would like to drive traffic to. For instance, you might have one link in your dialogue box to a product you are selling and one to a blog where you are promoting a discussing other products. Writing takes some time to gain credibility through but once it's done, earning potential can become very powerful..

(66) QUESTIONS 1. what is the main idea of the second paragraph ? 2. How the way to get money according the text above ? 3. How the way to market the products and services by online and free ? 4. Are you interesting to write blog and article after read the argument text, why ? 5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph ? ANSWERS 1. Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined by the owner of the blog. 2. Make blog writing and article writing. 3. Writing article by the way inserted advertisement. 4. Yes/No,….. 5. Article writing is also good to earn money online.. Materi Ajar WHERE SHOULD YOU BE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL?.

(67) The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. Euphoria will flood for those who get success. In the other hand, It will be sorry to hear that there are some of them do not succeed in their national final examination. For those who succeed soon will think to decide; where will they be after graduating high school? Actually it will be easy to decide for those has been arranged and thought earlier but for those have not planed yet, it will be quite confusing. Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When they think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost. How long the higher study will last? And how high is about the cost. In the same way, when they think about straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they have got is a big matter of questioning. So, doing both choices in the same time is an alternative. Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for them. Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. It is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of things in their new higher school. it will be very hard to looking for job. Therefore it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher school from their own home. As result, the available time will be more flexible for them. Then it will be very possible to seek job and get the appropriate one. This type of studying is publicly known as distance learning..

(68) As the alternative method of studying, besides the conventional studying which students and the lecturer have to meet in the fixed time and place regularly, distance learning provides possibility to grow better. Possibly working and studying surely will create high quality graduate. Distance learning should appear as a considerable choice for them. QUESTIONS 1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? 2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ? 3. Why continuing study as well as seeking job will be hard after graduated from Senior High School ? 4. What is the definition of distance learning ? 5. Why distance learning is effective ? ANSWERS 1. The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time. 2. Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. 3. Because conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend especially in the first year. 4. Distance learning is continuing studying at higher school from home. 5. Because through distance learning we have the available time will be more flexible for our.. Appendix E Diagnostic Test.


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Therefore, based on the explanation above, this research entitled “The Correlation between the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Motivation and Reading Comprehension Achievement at SMP