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The Index of Hero's Power and Nobility in Shakespearean Tragedy Drama

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Dengan kata lain, karya terjemahan itu sendiri mencakup pendidikan penerjemah dan interpretasi pembaca. Standar sastra dunia akan didasarkan pada ketelitian redaktur dalam pemilihan karya sastra. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan perangkat kohesi leksikal berulang dalam Dongeng Nusantara 33 Provinsi dan implikasinya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan alat kohesi leksikal repetisi terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu repetisi dan hiponim. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, peneliti merasa perlu untuk meneliti penggunaan penanda konteks leksikal berupa repetisi dalam buku Dongeng Nusantara 33 Provinsi Karya Tim Kreatif Hi-Fest dan implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Sejalan dengan pandangan tersebut, Rentel (dalam Rani 2004: 129) menyatakan bahwa perangkat kohesi leksikal terdiri dari dua macam.

Mengenai jenis penanda kohesi leksikal repetisi, peneliti mengacu pada pendapat Rani yang mengatakan bahwa penanda leksikal repetisi terdiri dari beberapa jenis, yaitu repetisi (berupa repetisi penuh, repetisi dengan bentuk lain dan repetisi dengan penggantian/sinonim). dan pengulangan dengan hiponim. Kajian ini berfokus pada kohesi leksikal repetisi pada sumber data, meliputi repetisi (repetisi penuh, repetisi dalam bentuk lain), sinonim dan hiponim.

The Index of Hero’s Power and Nobility in Shakespearean Tragedy Drama

A Semiotic Study

Yuseano Kardiansyah

  • Index of Hero’s Nobility in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and “Othello”

Therefore, through this study, it is hoped that the indices that drive the depiction of power and nobility in Shakespeare's tragedy plays can be comprehensively understood. According to some indications found in these two plays, it is also revealed that Macbeth and Othello have the same pattern in discovering their hero's power. The table shows a clearer picture of the indices that lead to the figuration of the hero's power in Macbeth and Othello.

From the table it can be seen how Macbeth and Othello contain the same pattern in finding out their hero's power. Therefore, after finding all indices that show the existence of the hero's power in Macbeth and Othello, it is also found that these two dramas have the same pattern of indices to establish the figuration of hero inside the story. According to some indices found in these two dramas, it is also found that Macbeth and Othello have the same pattern in finding out the nobility of their hero.

The table shows a clearer picture of the indices that lead to the figuration of the hero's nobility in Macbeth and Othello. From the table, it can be seen how Macbeth and Othello contain the same model for understanding the nobility of their hero. Therefore, after finding all the indices that show the existence of the hero's nobility in Macbeth and Othello, it is also found that those two plays have the same pattern of indices to establish the figuration of the hero within the story.

According to some indices found in these two plays, Macbeth and Othello are found to have the same pattern in establishing their hero's strength. Therefore, after finding all the indices that indicate the existence of the hero's power in Macbeth and Othello, it is concluded that these two plays have the same pattern of indices to establish the figuration of the hero within the story. Second, it is also found that Macbeth and Othello share the same pattern in establishing their hero's nobility.

Therefore, after finding all indices that show the existence of the hero's nobility in Macbeth and Othello, it is concluded that these two dramas have the same pattern of indices to establish the figuration of hero inside the story.

Table 1: Indexes of Hero’s Power
Table 1: Indexes of Hero’s Power

Antimatter Technology: The Bridge between Science and Religion toward Universe Creation Theory Illustrated in Dan Brown’s

Fita Lianasari 2

  • Antimatter Explains Genesis
  • Antimatter Proves the Big Bang

Antimatter technology : the bridge between science and religion towards the theory of the creation of the universe, illustrated in Dan Brown's. The deep divide between science and religion also becomes a polemic that influences the development of science and religion. The idea of ​​a debate about science and religion inspires a scientist to bridge the deep gap between science and religion.

Since Leonardo Vetra became a scientist, he wants to reconcile the deep rift between science and religion. He creates new technology called antimatter as the way to reconcile the deep rift between science and religion. As Vittoria said in the quote, one of the battles between science and religion is creationism.

Vittoria also states that her father wants to correct the debate between science and religion. The basic antibody as a mirror image can bridge the deep divide between science and religion. It not only proves Genesis, but it can correct the deep divide between science and religion.

In fact, the Big Bang is one of the theories of the creation of the universe that is characterized as a scientific explanation of the creation of the universe and a theory of theism that can be accepted in science and religion. As Vittoria explains, her father (Leonardo Vetra) wants to correct the conflicts between science and religion. One thing that becomes a big debate between science and religion is about the existence of a mysterious form of energy in the universe that cannot be proven by scientists.

In the novel, Antimatter proves what the Genesis says about creation, and that science and religion are compatible fields. Finally, through Angel and Demon, Dan Brown wants to portray the conflict between science and religion related to the theory of the creation of the universe. The Frontier Science and Faith Inquiry from the Big Bang to the End of the Universe,” the Astrophysical Journal.

Pemertahanan Tradisi Lisan Gaok di Desa Kulur Majalengka

Jafar Fakhrurozi

Peran Pemerintah

Rukmin pernah diundang oleh pemerintah melalui lura setempat untuk melakukan kegiatan pemerintahan di depan para pejabat dan tamu pemerintah Kabupaten Majalengka. Ia merasa pemerintah tidak menghargainya, tidak mendapat ucapan terima kasih atas pengorbanan yang dilakukannya. Pemerintah dalam arti menguasai rakyatnya sering menggunakan tradisi lisan sebagai alat mediasi untuk menyampaikan pesan.

Pasal 32 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tentang Pelestarian Budaya menyebutkan bahwa pemerintah mempunyai kewajiban untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan tradisi lisan, dengan dasar hukum tersebut pemerintah berwenang melakukan upaya-upaya untuk mengembangkan tradisi lisan. Dissporabudpar merupakan badan baru yang dibentuk pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Organisasi Perangkat Daerah sebagai dasar berdirinya Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga, Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Majalengka. Penggabungan bidang kebudayaan dan pariwisata dengan kepemudaan dan olahraga akan memudahkan sinergi, terutama dalam meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Kabupaten Majalengka.

Sekarang dapat dikatakan bahwa burung gagak hampir punah karena hanya tersisa tiga orang yang dapat melakukan pertunjukan burung gagak. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah lebih memperhatikan tradisi lain yang masih populer di masyarakat, seperti tradisi Sampyong. Menurut Wasman, Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Disporabudpar Kabupaten Majalengka, pemerintah telah melakukan upaya untuk memajukan dan melestarikan Gaok.

Dengan anggaran 300 juta per tahun yang dimiliki dinas kebudayaan, tidak cukup untuk membiayai pengembangan banyak kesenian tradisional di Majalengka. Pada tahun 2013, pemerintah memilih Sanggar Seni Panghegar untuk pentas di Bandung dengan menampilkan berbagai burung gagak ketimbang aslinya. Menurut Wasman, karena keterbatasan dana, pihaknya membutuhkan bantuan dari provinsi dan pusat untuk menjalankan program revitalisasi pemerintah kabupaten.

Oleh karena itu, pembiaran matinya beberapa kesenian tradisional di Majalengka merupakan upaya untuk meminta perhatian dari pemerintah provinsi dan pusat.

Peran Masyarakat/ Audiens

Secara kuantitatif berarti perkembangan seni pertunjukan tradisional Indonesia dengan meningkatkan volume penyajian dan memperluas wilayah pengenalannya. Selain itu, harus lebih terbuka kemungkinan untuk mengolah dan memperbaharui wajah seni pertunjukan sebagai cara untuk menciptakan pertunjukan yang berkualitas. Radio Naz membuat program siaran berupa pemutaran kesenian tradisional seperti wayang, lagu sunda, program interaktif sejarah desa dan program isu budaya.

Berdasarkan pantauan, respon masyarakat baik dari wilayah Majalengka maupun sekitarnya (Sumedang) cukup positif. Terlihat dari reaksi masyarakat bahwa keberadaan radio Naz berperan besar dalam penyiaran Gaok. Selama proses pewarisan, ajakan Rukmin kepada generasi muda untuk melanjutkan Gaok dengan mengajarinya tidak berhasil.

Surat Manuskrip Digit Bersuara: Menuju Pencarian "Literasi", i Amin Sweeney, Pucuk Gunung Emas: Literasi dan Literasi Budaya Melayu-Indonesia, Perpustakaan Popular Gramedia dan majalah Horizon. Surat Naskash Angka Bersura: Ke Arah Pencarian Kefasihan", i Pudentia MPSS (merah), Metodologi Kajian Tradisi Lisan, Persatuan Tradisi Lisan (ATL), Jakarta.

Tabel 2 Klasifikasi Masyarakat Pendukung Gaok  Simpulan
Tabel 2 Klasifikasi Masyarakat Pendukung Gaok Simpulan

Thematic Progression in EFL Students’ Academic Writings

A Systemic Functional Grammar Study

Heri Kuswoyo 1 , Susardi 2

In the above paragraph, it can be seen that the subject of verse 26 is the Second Coming. In the above paragraph, it can be seen that the clauses share the same rhyme. In the above paragraph, it can be seen that the topic of point 18, many literary critics, serves as a hypertopic.

Furthermore, it can be seen that the theme of paragraph 19 is Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist. In the paragraph above, it can be seen that the theme of paragraph 26 is So the story of "Take Pity". In the paragraph above, it can be seen that the theme of paragraph 34 is short story.

A paragraph organized by the combination of the constant topic and the linear rhyme pattern will have both the topic taken from the previous topic and the rhyme taken from the previous topic. In the paragraph above, it can be seen that the topic of point 8 is part of the prose, the short story. In the above paragraph, it can be seen that the subject of clause 13 is the West that is already being colonized.

The above paragraph shows that the topic of clause 1 is many, which refers to many studies (obvious from the context in the writing). It is obvious that the topic of clause 2 is this study (in fact, part of the topic is inappropriate). The sample paragraph above shows that the subject of clause 20 First is The Little Mermaid.

Then, the subject of point 21 moves to the subject of point 22 using the pronoun that.


Table 1: Indexes of Hero’s Power
Table 2: Indexes of Hero’s Nobility
Tabel 1. Daftar koleksi wawacan di Desa Kulur dan Sindangkasih  3.2 Pengajaran Gaok
Tabel 2 Klasifikasi Masyarakat Pendukung Gaok  Simpulan


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Salah satu hal yang dicermati penulis adalah pendaur-ulangan sampah plastik untuk dapat dipakai lagi menjadi benda lain yang dapat bermanfaat.. Untuk dapat diolah lagi menjadi