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IUPUI enrollment up 2.81 per cent


Academic year: 2023

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IUPUI enrollment up 2.81

by P i i i |

lU P U l'a m i enrollment for fall I F ? h u Increased 2.11 per cent over the net (all 1971 enrollment, according to figures released by I II PreaMtont John W Ryan Net flguree are 21,106 (or (all *71 and 21,719 for fall 7 7 .a n in create of 864 students

T V enrollment report was released by R yan O ct 7 during the I.U Board of Trustees m e e t ly at the I II North west campus In G a ry

According to the report, compiled by the registrar s office at Blooming ton. I U ‘a lf77 7 i fall enrollment on the eight campus system is 71,001. a 1 61 per cent Increase over last year's fall total

Pinal figures show female students outnumbering male students this fall at I.U . - 30.317 compared to 30.118 According to the report, not since World W ar 11 have women outnumbered men at I.U.

Male students continue to outnumber female students at IU P U I.

•aid the report Th ere are 10,070 male students attending classes at IU P U I and 10.730 fematee

T h e 1077 enrollment report is baaed upon a new Indiana Com mission for Higher Education <ICHE> system of counting students Th e system re­

quires all state post-secondary tnatitu tions to report net enrollment figures instead of gross enrollments

A decrease in graduate student enrollment at I.U -Bloomington of ap­

proxim ately 7 per cent was apparent iy the p rim a ry reason for the drop in the total num ber of students at that campua while undergraduate enrollment increased slightly Th e re ­ fore, the key factors predicting future undergraduate enrollments rem ained relatively stable, according to Ryan

Ryan said the overall enrollment projection for increaae waa “ a little under 2 per c ent."

Regarding the eight I.U . campuses, R yan obasrved, “ O u r overall enroll­

ment increaae la larger than the 12 par cent increase far tost year. G U r student population level is therefore m y strong

New I.U. director of special events named

Th e 1 U . Board of Trustees approved the appointment of C V rto o M Osffey to dto pototton sf dhectar of apodal events for I. U .

Coffey. 36, baa five y e a n a t I.U .

He first

to ten


a part-tim e totorad to

a p a rt of our total university rotations effort which extends throughout all eight I.U cam puaea and wtU greatly Streep then our capacity to serve the academic com m unity and the general

Coffey succeeds M ajor General Joseph O Butcher ( U S Marine Corps, r o t ) who retired from the uni varsity Ju ly 1 of thia year In his new position, Coffey w ill coordinate plana for m ajor


hosting distinguished visitors, serve as special events consultant to all I.U campuses

Dental School renovation approved

Renovation of the undergraduate pendontics clinic will begin later this year at the School of Dentistry.

-IU P U I, as approved by the trustees T V present pendonUc clinic area, located on the fourth floor of the Dental School, currently provides I I treatment cubicles based on a patient/student form at

Completion of the 6410.000 project w ill allow for 12 more cubidea, bringing the total to 20, which will be on a patient student dental hygienist form at Space will also be provided for tray diapenaer and clean up, an X ray room, plaque control room and a faculty office

I.U vice president at Indianapolis.

Glenn W Irw in J r said the peridontics field had increased in importance over the past several years in dentistry, when asked by the board to comment on the necessity of the renovation

According to Robert Bogan, associate dean, School of Dentistry, construction will begin in Decem ber or Jan ua ry He believes the clinic w ill be operative by the fall

Funding for the renovations will V from l U P U I ’s 1977 71 Capitol A p p ro priatious fund for Repair and Raha Mutation Approval of appropriate state agencies wiU also be requested

Hospital computing center relocation approved

Alee approved by the board was p r o Um toary p ia ad ng tor the camptotioo of unfinished apace in U a iv e n ity Hospital to accommodate the boapi Lai's data processing equipment Th e

t V board at a later

approval of coat sad a w ard of contract. Ho said to Ida judgm ent


coat of conotnicttog t V relocated data Funding for this planning is available in an account to t V Hospital Capitol Projects fbnd.

per cent

Student Adairs Committee meets

D w i o i Ik* S M ta n l A n * i n C a n mittee meeting students st t V G a ry campua dtacusaed poor counseling in U a iv e n ity Division at t V t campua

Samuel D Honeycutt, a m em ber of t V campua Student leadership Committee, said the situation ceukd V systemwide

Honeycutt said there is often had counseling at I.U . Northwest and c unseling into courses requiring a prerequisite ‘Students can ready get shot down once ta the c lass." he said

Honeycutt said many credits at G a ry are nontianaferahie to I U - Bkwnungton. and that therefore bad counseling can result in m anycrodita, tune snd money beti* wasted when transfers occur He suggested an increased use of faculty counseling to partially mitigate the situation

D uring the trustees' public session, trustee H a rry Gonao said a seminar made up of appropriate people should be organised in order to draw up a presentation to the board in the area of transferability of credit within the I.U system, and trustee Carolyn G utm an said. “ We are either a system or we are not a system " in reference to the credit transfer matter She said if I U is to V a system then all applicable credit should be transferable

President Ryan disagreed with the non transferability of credit within the system, saying. T h e r e is no such thing as « course that does not trans­

fer st some time ."

Paul Knapp, m em ber of I U Bloomington's Educational Rights Com mittee, presented a petition to the Student Affairs Com m ittee and later to t V board - containing 3.000 signs lures calling for a reduction of Preaidant R yan's salary (R y a n earns 113,900 a nn ua lly) T V m ain reason for this. Knapp said when quaattoned by trustem proaent at t V committee muting, was brtagtog to t V committee and board's attention the symptom s of "m isdirected academic priorities

“Students are cutting back, faculty are too, snd top adm inistrative officiate should too." he said Knapp said t V p atitiM ssrvad as a symbatec move to urge t V president to set t V mood for cutting back

Along t V B at of I U *s p r a ll im i.

Knapp said 1 U .'s emphasis V s baoa

M I V B ig 16 to an I V V said, “but totods we re just rotting away ' Knapp said I U

at t V Stiatent Affairs and at Urn

I . U . S Y S T E M - W I D E E N R O L L M E N T ' (F irs t Semester l f T T T t compared with F irst Is m m to r, I m a n )

Net Net

Cam pus

F W I Sem IVto-fl

F irst Bern

i t n - i t n u n *


Bloom ington 33.tot 31 m m I B


n . i g i t i . i * m I J «

East 1301 t 461 m T V

F o rt Wayne 6 .4 V 6.6V w 6 V

Kokomo 3.616 3.461 V I V

Northwest 6.761 4. T V m • V

South Bend 6.7M 6,167 4 V t i l

‘k m tV a st 3 .7V 4.6V 290 664

T O T A L 16,771 76.6V 1.01 161

Student representative chosen for Lib. Arts search, screen comm.

by K e vto C > Mtitr>

John W E m ley. a junior m a ja rii*

in political science snd speech has been appointed by Student Association President Bruno Kom skech as the student representative on the Liberal Arts search snd screen committee to find a successor for D ssn Joseph T T a y lo r, who is retiring as of June 3 0 .1 ITS

E m le y wiU join t V eight faculty members, one lib e r a l A rt alumnus snd one adm inistrator on the committee, chaired by economics professor Bem erd Bogar

According to Komskech. “ of the 16 people I interviewed I feel he is the most qualified person to serve on the committee “ E m le y is not s member of t V Student Association, so Komskech feels that he will be im partial snd represent the interests of all studmto

Although the committee has already met throe times. E m le y will be given the minutes to those meetings by Bogar snd w ill be notified of future meetings Bogar had previously indicated that he favored t V presence of a student on the committee

J e V W E m le y

E m ley a mem ber to t V IU P U I d e V te team, said he w ill review a p plications with an eye for persona o n e r led toward all areas af the School of U V r a l Arts, not just for one a pe rtfk aroo I'm an the esaamitiae to ensure t V chmce of oiar new doaa w ill V « representative sad objective

Children’ s Theatre tryouts Oct. 13

T V IU P U I Children'a Theatre V s Tuesday, O ct 12 la Room M l. Marott Bldg . MB N Mendtao St AuditMW will begin at 7 pm

Any aad all interested to actn* to plays, puppet d m , ws rV kips ar working to ctokheo's theatre to any capacRy are ivyad to audRtoa.

T V a n t play, pteag tote preduettoa to spring. 1171 to Aadredas sad tot Lisa (Aarrnd Harris), aad wifl V company Latetonith T V ^ l ^ V

T ty m u for this play wifl be to con­

junction with t V ramps sy tryouts However, pram s do sat hove to V to*


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Sagamore T-shirts

Now you can have an IUP UI Sagamore T-shirt in the color and size of your choice HJPUi and the Sagamore logo is printed on the front and "W e do it twice a week is printed on the beck And all for only $ 4 SO! Co m e into the office and make your selection end leave your order Prepayment

required Allow 3 weeks for delivery


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Observing library rules avoids confusion

by M ia Cate

returned withi Naurs has rules and regulations to umure •f l - r u smooth operation and avoid confu

lio n M any students ere unsure about

these rules, and a new rule has been be used at tb e U b ra ryo n ly set that everyone should be aware of ^ IB d " •

Is la We m aterial Is


have a t w w W Mas lim it, which be taken uvenughi bet. if tt is a p ro imam * book, has or bar written par

A new rule whack the lib rary is baguwitig this term is. uurtaad a# w rit Reference books are basically non

circulating while bound journals m ay be taken out overnight, although they timoe. la person by phone or m ail Th e renewal period begins the day the book is due. however, any overdue

’• I D or be left el the

•eeaf IS will be charged

There a a IB f fee the f M hour aad beaks with ft* mast fine d i c e per item

Student Activities moves to new location

Board, the Graduate and by M ary H lrsck

Moving from iU 10 year-old location * * * * ° »

on the M e tis nine Floor of the Student Union Buikkag, the Student Activities Office has set up operations In the for- m ar beauty shop on the Union

Budding (ro u n d floor * <hr

Th e previous, cram ped office had Office espanduq been shared by the Student Activities IU P U I student In

Intramural bowling league forming

Persons interested in participe U f* determined by the people who in an intram ural bowling league interest

should cootact league president Teem s should consist of four or Yvonne Sunpeon Play « i U begin *“ »*••••“

tow ard , the end of October dial exnerw ere „ nrt the league la r t n r t l y a Peea for nwoibarahip are n lor F o r more udonnatM U. call

Nights and tim e w ill be at M k -S m


« P * P * to an open

all the echooki m Zapp said she in currently preparing a study to be preasntad to

Zapp la the wmgs tar era pleas tar a trip la

4 a.

Deadlines for insertion of announcements, etc in

the Sagamore

What IU P U I Liberal Arts siadrnt was seen doing the O O E E P O C F E E Shuffle outside s northaide drinking establishment last F rid a y Been wlO be r — M rre d tar p o M k a

Ho t la the fettowteg Meads y Issae Material submitted by Monday aeea wtU be cm sldersd tar tbe taitaw lag Wednesday pnbttralten.

Articles received after tbe deed Maes will be rm sM ere d tar the next public a lien.

All articles sabaaltted far pnbttca- ttaa w ill be edited tar etyle aad are run ea a apace available bask.

Mare tafermaliea m ay be ebtelaed by calling tbe Bagamere aewar aam.

When naked about th change, tsome reporters never say d ie ), he responded. Ok you caught me in Cavanaugh H all selling glue I voted for M cG overn and haven't eaten g rip e s since the Pope bleaaed Boone s F a rm Nor have I visited Holliday P a r t M y m ain gripe * I don’t like conservatives B y the w ay. why doesn't someone bring E rn ie P yle out of the grave to soe whet he can do for the Sag "

And who aald I U P U I students didn't care!

whose birthday n today his keys la bis car last week

ip having to me be accepted by the pr of amor if it came from a student’ One would think the (acuity would be a little

Inside Homecoming Oar View... page 3 Com m ents... page 3 Kelly A D uke... paged Zodiacal Zingers... page 4 Midwest Arts

G k tette...page 5 Metros F ootball... pa g ei C lassifieds... page 7 Recruitment

Calendar... page 8

The Candidate (1«71) with Robert Redford. Peter Boyle and Metvyu D o w la s will be shown ui Room IBI, Lecture Hall at 13 : # pm by the political science department and the Political Science Association (P O L S A )

Th e movie, written by a tar M cC a rth y, (tank with the story of an idealistic law yer whose ideals are steadily eroded whan he runs for U S Senator

Th e m ovie is open to the public st no charge

The teemed ere seldom pretty id ia m any casee their ironce tends to discourage a love of study in the young

H enry La w s lateraaltenal IHrttoaary


October to. m i I

Our view

The horse is still kicking

Th e furor appear* to have died down but the problem remain* What ia this Th e IU P U I Student Association ia allegedly conducting a survey of soa an attempt to poll persons at IU P U I on what they think about the name change issue.

A committee. ceUbitshed by D r Glenn W Irw in J r . I U vice president at Indianapolis, is supposedly established to study the resolution passed by the IU P U I fsculty council requesting the name of this entity be changed to Indiana University at Indianapolis

Th e Sagamore has completed its Plebiscite II and the findings have been pub­

lished still the question remains

So where does all of this leave you? Essentially you and we are left right where Because the issue appears to have died, and at leaat tem p ora rily, the pressure is o f f -o f f the IU P U I-S A , off the administration and you

But the pressure is not off us We still bebeve the name change issue to be important We are deeply concerned about this apparent inactivity

Th e inactivity can be construed as careful m aneuvering by someone or several someone* to kill probably ooe of the most important issues at I U P U I since the student fee (tuition) increase Th is inactivity could also be the h

We hope it is the U tte r We are not t r y ii* to beat dead horses We are asking

‘ those with the power and ability to do something at resolving the issue to do so We are asking the l U P U I ^ A to get with its survey We are asking Irw u i and the administration to take steps at finalizing their committee's action* We are asking you to continue caring until the issue is resolved We are asking you not to

let the issue fade J E M S

Representation or the lack of it

lU P U l's student body was notably unrepresented at the I . U Trustee meeting in G a ry We rind it appalling that the IU P U I Student Association - elected by the students - to represent the students did not even send a token representative

Th e trip to G a ry is quite a drive, granted What we refuse to grant is sanction for lack of participation in the I.U system wide Student Affairs Com mittee meeting at which IU P U I has an equal right to voice student concerns

Obviously. I.U Bloomington's Student Body President Steve Jennette. s few ladtoaa Daily kadewt reporters sod s student advocate thought the trip necessary for Bloomington representation Obviously, our Student Association felt the second largest I.U system campus did not

We feel this leek of representation at the Student Affairs Com m ittee is sad More than sad, it Is depressing Then again, perhaps the SA did indeed represent l U P U l ’s student body, since apathy is really big here If this is the case, then IU P U I was aptly represented But let us point out that if the Student Association does not feel these meetings w arrant attendance then perhaps IU P U I needs another election, another Student Association, another group of concerned students who do care.

All this aside, does anyone realize that any student can attend a trustees' meeting? Yes, anyone interested can go end listen and be informed as to what those people decide how the I.U system should be operated Any takers? - P M

/ o o a m o r e

T h e S agam ore is published by students of In diana U n iv e r s it y - Purdue University at I n k s n g p i i i Views itp r w e s d are those of the editorial staff or of the individual whose name appears in the byline Those views do not n sca e m rily

reflect those of the student body, administration or faculty of I U P U I T h e S a g a m o re is a b i-w e e k ly (w e e k ly d u rin g the s u m m e r ) newsmagazine published at 0 5 W M ic h ig a n , In d ia na po lis,

E d U a r-k -C h ie f Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp

Managing Editor Paul Miner M ark Pinch Advertising Manager

Don Curtis Paul A Ragan. Asst

Business Manager Roy Yates Charles Poole, Asst Robert Maybaum , Credit

Entertainment M W illiam Lutholtz. E d

Kevin C Endsley Christine Kopttzke

Office Staff Deborah L McDaniel. M g r

Tin a F u lm e r Jackie Korbly Pamela Mazw ell

Rebecca Barrett Ramona H e a d

Sports J Aiken, E d

Ann Miller S U ff W riters Mike Galls way Charles G rigsby M a ry Hirsch Mason R Norwood

( o n trib e t o n J im Moy Lynne Peyton M a rilyn Phillips

Michael Root Gale Schreiber

Lynn T a y lo r Andrew Valentine J r

Ron Whitehurst J N W illiamson

Photographers Clarence Brooks Donald G o rm an J e r r y La cy M ark Ludlow Fre d Tuck er Evalds Valaiius

C h n s C arter, M gr Joe B ray Sharon B row n Ju d y G a rm an y Elsa K ra m e r

Paul Kruse Susan Land Dan Motto Gregory Rutan

Artists T o m McCain G a ry V arvel

- A ~ . -

«nn »* * •

‘VW *v



Last A p ril a North Central Association teem visited the other half of the I U . "c o r* " campus for the purpose of conducting s 10-year accreditation Th e full test of the re­

port appeared in the I.U Bloomington campus report of Sept 15 It was certainly a foregone conclusion that IV Bloomington would be accredited after all, pnents don t take away the Pope’s power And, indeed, 1 have no quarrel with the recommendation I U Bloomington is certainly a distinguished institution that does Us job as well or better than most other places However, the report wont significantly beyond the question of the quality of the pro­

gram s on the Bloomington campus to presume to toll the state what its overall policy of higher education funding should bo - an approach I find abhorrent in principle and in e rro r in fact

Th e assumption underlying the report is that whatever it is that Bloomington has must be protected from the en croachm enU of the barbarians from the hinterlands F u r ther, it is assumed that Bloomington program s are m fact of quality and that any failure to attract students is due to non-academic reasons F in a lly, the report lays the groundwork for an argum ent that should Bloomington t quality decrease it w ill be solely due to the growth of the Indianapolis campus 1 do not wish to argue any of these points since all could be shown to be either demonstrably fake or irrelevant to the problems of higher education in this stole What I would Uke to com m ent en is the political nature of the report and the consequent problem of power distribution that plagues us here in Indianapolis

Put another w ay. the failure of growth of the program s m Indianapolis is not a problem of academic quality as our sister campuses would have us believe Th a t is. the report must leave us with the impression that even if our depart m e n u were of first rate quality, as m any of them are now, program s would still not be allowed to be initiated Th e

t h a p r a a a r v a t l o n o f v i t a l I#

question is. and will be, whether a s h new adversely affect the Bloomington departments And.

the decision as to a negative effort is the province «f B ington the rcauiU ran hardly be favorable to tmhaaa In such a situation, it is difficult for me to sne how e win as k x « as we argue purely en the has* M equality

Th e point of this editorial n to point out if d » not as to thr future of Una


nature involving problems of the dutnbwben of Since the India ns polls faculty lack suck power t k blems wilt only be resolved when estrs

are brought to boar As academics we have a abhorrence to the use of such power but. rf wo concerned about the future of this imtatMban. si tanee will have to be put to rest

I am not going to suggest the strategy that perhaps all should be uaed at various

would suggest is that we should remem ber that the tore will be going back into seaskn w a few ultimate power with regard to that body

Fina lly , to case anyone thinks that th r rural have nothing but our boat interests at heart, we Vice President Robert M O 'N e il's I U Bloomington) comment on the North Central m ajor forua of the 1174 reorganization of vital Interests of the Bleewitoetee n w s a i 'l added)

Celebration of Nigerian Independence Involvea U.8.

Th e Federal Republic of Nigeria celebrated its 17th in dependent anniversary on Oct 1 .1»77 ( Nigeria obtained her independence from Brita in in 1980) Th e largest country in Africa, rightly called the giant of the continent with s popu lation of over n million. Nigeria became a British colony after Docemu signed the infamous treaty of IM1 However, notwithstanding the incidents that passed by in the interim , the “Union J a c k " was peacefully pulled down an Oct 1.

19(0 and the "G ree n W hite-G reen" flag of the Republic Out teredin its place

Th e Federal Republic of Nigeria has every reason to cele­

brate the anniversary with all the pomp and pageantry it can afford Th e outstanding achievements of the country within the short period of tune will give credence to such celebration T o mention a few of these achievements I re­

call the festival of arts and culture ( Festac > in Lagos dur ing the months of Jan ua ry and February this year It will indelibly go down in history as an event that brought pride to the nations of Africa Festac was an agent for inter national brotherhood

Th e im provem ent of Nigerian economy is another good reason (o r celebration Th e country has recently been re­

cording surplus in the balance of pay m e n u , thanks to the oil industry Education has been expanded, im proved and made free A new constitution has been draw n up and the nation is now poised for the transfer of power from the mill tary to the civilian government

Th e time for taking stock of the achievem enU of the nation is also the time to note the problems with which it has to grapple A free and fair election is yet to be con

ducted and care should be taken to see that Malory dues not repeat itself The situation of the nation's «f ra s tru rtu re the backbone of any economy. has left much to be desire*’

How about some equitable method of sharing the nations, cake’

At this August occasion it w ill be apt to point out the ay:

standing similarities and the relationships that e tu i to tween the U S and Nigeria ui general, and Nigeria and I V in particular The U S and Nigeria are federal staffs while the U S. has 50 stales. Nigeria has 19 bulky states th.

make up the federation Both had civil »a r * and eventual)) emerged from them strong economically and m i.'ila n l.

Th e present Nigerian constitution has been described a*

replica of the U S constitution both coontrk* i r >10 standing trading partners l have to r e » V I her*- that N w r though Nigeria is a men to r of O P E C , the on from K f e r ia incessantly flowed into the U S economy d m n g the ml em bargo of 1973 The latest figures tha’ V * . n » ha« th.

largest share of the direct m v e v n rnt of I s < -moaaie* w the whole of Africa T o s tre n g iU n the i «f n * Nh.p President Carter aril! to [m

Africa and Nigeria has t o n t? wen fw Indiana University is one ui .he ft *. >

the Nigerian government ti.e - . recognition It's not surpr » *i. • versitv teams with Nigeria' w<N

The above and other ach - m are the reasons why Niger* t

'B r a v o '"

‘* t«'i v v t to

vervaas ha.



•h »


4 Sagamore October it. 1OT

E l I d




o d i o c o l Z i n g e r / s i a o n d h e l p

by Jerry N W t u m

What is (he relationship that Librana( approx Sept XS-Oct 23) has w ith natives of Gem ini, Aries or Pisces* What does the native of Cancer think of Lib ra , or the native of Leo? Let's take a look on behalf of this period's b-day babies.

U b r a U other U b ra e s - Oddly enough, this b a relationship which one or both persons come to view as dull and lifeleaa Both are so fair-m inded that it m ay last forever but not necessarily happily A dynam ite duo for seeking jusitce and set­

ting records straight

U b r a to Scorpio — Dissociate or out-of-aspect, this p a irii* is m arked by con­

fusion and misrepresentation Th e delays of Lib ra can send Scorpio up the wall, and the over-emphasis on w hat’s fair. T o U b r a . Scorpio m ay often seem harsh, ultra-direct or vindictive

Libra to Sagittarius — Th is association it favorable and meets on a common ground of Justice-seeking or beauty-loving or peace-making. Usually m any close outside companions and interests Idealistic

U b r a U Capricorn — A square, the relationship m utually thwarts and leads to dtoM M taam rcr principles, “ doing the right th ing " and whether something is ugly or crude or not Stuck together, the outcome is often over-indulgence and mutual im moderation

U b r a U Aqssriaa — A trine, U b r a is excited by Aquarius' innovation to the point of overlooking injustices Aquarius finds U b r a desirably fair minded and im partial, an audience V e ry worthwhile

U b r a to Pisces — Dissociate, this attachment is m utually confusing and forms only in areas of either negative situations such as illness and legal problems or in connection with oddball beliefs, unfounded notions and cocksm am ie convictions Both love beauty

U b r a to Aries — Th e opposition, able to be evolved along com plem entary lines in theory(if not in fact) en grounds of each sign taking constructive traits from the other But Lib ra usually finds Aries brusque, overly independent and im m a ­ ture, while Aries sees U b r a as m addeningly cool or slow , indecisive and pointless or frivolous.


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U b r a to T a a n is — Dissociate, the attraction often occurs through mutual friendships or dose fam ily ties and m ay involve both finances and daily work or study Can work out nicely so long as others are around to stimulate these two easy going signs Tau rus m ay seem coarse to U b r a , U b r a can appear flighty to practical Tau rus

U b r a to G em iai — A trine and certainly favorable in most instances if Gem im an im m orality and a m orality are curtailed These signs meet on a mental or artistic plane, can be happily aesthetic together, and provide one another with wondrous ideas and beliefs Together, they often shut out all of society

U b r a to Caacer — A square, this association thwarts m utually and can pro­

duce disputes arising from the fam ily circle, past obligations and principles, and the way their togetherness m ars or is m arred by such matters Th e y often seek peace together, even complete inactivity, and tend to work out well only in old age

U b r a to Leo — Favorable, especially if U b r a is m ale. Leo female T h is is often a relationship creating a happy-go-lucky, carefree, even antisocially "toose" at­

mosphere - but one greatly enjoyed by the participants Leo can be “ m oved" by U b r a , U b r a is enlivened by Leo

Libra to V irgo — Dissociate, the association can work together well but find it hard to play or relax together V irgo sees U b r a as a dolt, sluggish and lazy;

U b r a sees V irgo as a drone, a machine that works and plans but never has fun A

confusing relationship (

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Tuesday N ig h t ^ T 2 5 0


October It, 1*77

m idwest Arts

Gazette Tbs

Sagamore s Guide


Program available for Jewish students at IUPUI

and an all-day coni* end Th e ceal for U of Reform , Conservative, ftaconstruc renc* a t i l Bloom ingtor. O c to b e r » O OS which includes a K<

on Jew ish Sexual Ethics and Social dinner F ive dollars will be charted at the IV

Collate Youth, a newly form ed group

« , Reconstm c Jewish collate

a m ixture of IUPUI and

T h e purpose of the Th e conclave will feature Proleaaor Woodford McClellan history profes to eor at the University of Virginia

on the Helsinki organisation is to provide ao

tunity for Jew ish college stud socialise and enjoy a wide range of

Head of publicity for

said. "T h e re m o simple am trying to get across to Jew ish college youth we need you'

Last m inute c a ll

together, a c c e rd u * to a Th eo ry and P ractice Th e program We need your talents your mimical by

First of Fall ends concert series with Roadmaster

erotics sor lalm rm th in vaur belief & in d whatever lim e Hillel include the film Hester Street and a human righto encounter group you ve got to spore to get together Sunday. October 93 at * 30 pm in the A foe of t lS wiU be charged to cover with us "

by K .C .

T h e P in t of F a ll festival wound up an enjoyable month of activities Sept n with the surprise appearance of Roadmaster, recording artiato on Vil lage Records

Though the Faith Band had been orig in a lly scheduled to appear, problems arose which apparently Uon by the band’s m anagement and Dave Bennett, Fa ith 's lead guitar ist acknowledged he was ready, w il­

ling and able to play, but that T e r r y Barnes, the band’s m anager, had told them the gig was off the day before it

M ark Cawley, bassist, echoed simi lar sentiments and noted he was w il­

ling to play anytim e and anywhere, but it was up to the management to

Th e apparent m ixup lias in the fact that F a ith ’s contract calls for a stage m easuring » by 40 feet, three feet high, although whan I talked to the bond they were closing a three-night stand at the patio, where the stage is m uch sm aller than the one the Coocrete Concert Com m ittee was able to provide

Another problem was getting the equipment moved from the Patio to the school before 9 am Although the gig had been arranged one month in it was the equipment

’» flat refusal to do this which ultim ately led to the cancella Uon

Well, we m ay have lost the Faith Band, but we certainly didn't lose faith in the T o p Banana Talent Agency, who, together with Koadm as ter and their manager D ave H um bert

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tor inform ation

were able to provide the concert senes with a high-quality clim ax

As the Faith gig finally (bed at 9 am . Sept 29 a hurried trip to T o p Banana and some quick negotiations produced a 19 91 am wake-up call to Michael

“ B one" Reed, the bead's leader and keyboard player, who without heaita Uon agreed to save the day

B y 11 am . juat one hour before the gig was scheduled to start, the band was notified and their equipment truck was rolling towards the down town campus

Because of the late notification, and the time it takes to set up equipment the band Anally was able to start just after 1 pm F o r those who had gathered at the m all outside Blake Street L ib ra ry and C a v a n a i«h H all, it was worth the wait Th e m usic was dancing in the grass in exultant ceie-

of sunny

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Sagamore October It, 1*71

IUPUI Metros football team ready for play

by JasA Ford

M E T R O S ’ 11 Th e mere mention of the name in the k e rne d circles of college football bnngs to m ind viaiona of a m ighty juggernaut m oving un- iteadily down the playing field, rek ntkaa and unyielding in its thirst for victory

M E T R O S '" Ram paging running backs running roughshod over out­

classed defenders

M E T R O S " ! Behemoth linemen slugging it out toe-to-toe in the trenches using whatever means necessary to open a hole or bring down a ball c arrier

M E T R O S ! !! Th e only team in Am erica named after a bus com pa n y1 It's football time again on our beautiful weat-aide campus, and the outlook for the IU P U I Metros never looked brighter Last year, the first for Head Coach Biff Saunders < Logoo- tee State. '491. saw the Metros win their first collegiate game in eight years of competition Who will ever forget that cardiac finish as we upset East Chicago Teachers College. 28- 27* Th e old Puce and Verm illion never f k w higher o v e r M o la r Stadium than it did on that day

Th is year Biff promises more of the same, although a tougher schedule and the lass of several key letterman m ay play a m ajor role in our success or lack of it! But. the Metros had a banner recruiting year, and al­

though young. Biff is quick to point out

that we'U have "blue-chippers’’


If yo r haven't been down to the sUdiu/ yet (initially constructed by gifts from dental grads >, yo u're in for a ren) sj prise A tip of the hat must surely go to IU P U I alum ni every where for their in cred ibk supprt of this sum m er s “ Save the S tad ium "

telethon No stadium no team, and the alums cam e through W ith M C 's Anita B ryan t and T ru m a n Capote spearheading the drive. Molar Stadium was indeed saved and in fact enlarged and modernised F o rty - thousand seats were added, bringing the seating capacity to 40.100

Th e field was lengthened to 100 yards, and for the first time both teams will have benches Y o u 'll also be happy to know that a ii “ Port -a- Johns'' will replace last year's two

Season ticket sales have also soared over the 50 m a rk for the first time in the school's history, and this doesn't include student participation Alum ni support has never been greater and we re happy to see it!

One of the m ajor reasons for Metro 77 optimism is the presen ce of Quarter back Jake “ Th e Z ip pe r" Nesbitt Set for his first year at the helm of the IU P U I attack, Nesbitt spent three years with the Shreveport Steamer of the World Football League, and two years with the Saskatchewan Sour doughs of the Arctic C ircle Rough


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Touch League Standing S-feet-4- inchae and weighing U S pounds. Jake bang* much needed experience to an otherwise young offensive unit,

Nesbitt's favorite target should be six-year letterman Phunandre “ Iron Hands" Watson Watson led the nation last year in dropped passes and has s good shot st the title a ga in ln 77

“ Iron H sn ds" also returns punts and kick-offs for the Metros where he's proven himself to be squally inept

Th e ground game, which was v irtu ­ ally non-existent in 1978. returns in­

tact T h ir d year freshman B illy

“ B o x ca r" Bailey w ill again line up his 255-pound fram e at fullback Although large of stature, Bailey possesses the tim ing of A m tra k He's one of the few players that are slower than they look

Outside speed w ill be furnished by Jam es “ Color Me Gone" W illiam s W illiam s is beat rem em bered for his perform ance in last year's homecoming game, when he refused to c a rry the ball Jam as claimed it was a Jew ish holiday and he couldn't touch a pigskin It was probably just as well, for Jam es carried the ball 147 times last season and fumbled 143 times Nobody’s perfect!

Th e defensive line w ill be anchored again this year by those rowdy

Redondo brothers Raoul and Ram on These sometimes gullible funseekars have yet to master the game of football or the English Language, which explains why they continuously line-up with the other team Th e y led the world in off-sides penalties in 78 and w ill have to im prove this aspect of their game

Th e linebacking corps w ill be sparked by O rv ille “ Red D o g "

W right Known for his vicious tackling, O rville w ill hit anything that moves D uring one gam e last year.

W right brought down the Redondo brothers, two cheerleaders. Head Coach Saunders, five Coke salesmen and a portable toilet all on the tam e play

Also known for hitting anything that moves is standout safety Orlande Orlando Th e S-foot-3 inch, 188- pounder should be paroled before the first game, just about the time we finish doctoring his high school Ira n scripts

A ll-in-all, it's going to be a great year for the Metros, and student support shows signs of hitting an all- time peak Tickets for any IU P U I home game m ay be obtained by cal­

ling Coach Saunders' office (A re a Code 819488-3301), or by visiting the Molar Stadium ticket office Support

the Puce and V erm illion back the Metros and be an athletic supporter!

Metros Schedule

•Home Gam e ••Homecoming

Date Oppeeeel

O ct 18 New Mexico School for F a u lt Research

O ct 19 Interstate School of T ru c k D riv in g

Oct 34 Mndpis Kiddie Kollege O ct 38 Columbia School of

Broadcasting Nov l ••Indiana School for the

C rim ina lly Te U Nov 10 Magic Fingers College of


Nov 18 *Be-A-Bertendar School of Chicago

Nov 22 Linda's House of Beauty Dec 7 *Patricie Stevens of St Louis Dec 8 ^Greenwood Secretarial

College for Left Handers Jan A Ford U a frustrated and

«o m «tim ** d*m*nt*d humor writer who works as sale* manager at the Indianapolis Hilton Jan suggests sty dents purchase tickets for th« Metros homecoming game soon because they are going quickly and the Indiana School /or the C rim ina lly T a ll Is expected to give the IUPUI team a run for the money.

Eclipse slights Indiana October 12

by Kevin ( E n d * lev I.U Bloomington astronomer Fra n k K Edmonson says he expects a total eclipse of the sun Wednesday.

Oct. 12, but the eclipse w ill be a p ar­

tial one to observers in Indiana Edmonson warns that, although at

m axim um phase the eclipse will cover only 13 per cent of the sun's disc, It will still be hexardoua to the eyes to attempt to View it through smoked glam or sunglasses

Th e m axim u m phase of the eclipse w ill c r o u over us around 4 pm on

Wednesday Th e eclipse will be total over the Pacific Ocean, so for a better view , check out Los Angeles this Wednesday, where the sun’s disc w ill be eclipsed 47 per cent, or better yet.

make it to Honolulu and get 71 per cent See you there, kids

The stoiy o f a young, English footm an who served the Lady Booby but loved the little Fanny.




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October 1*. Ifn

After sipping tea for 2 0 years, he gets the ax

(CPS) For ft. year*, taxpayer* have bean payit* Robert H Dick to taste tee A few weeks afo, President Carter gave him the ax as pert of his plan to save taxpayers $15 million

Dick, a mem her of only owe of the

«7t other advisory panels terminated In the action. Is in charge of the gov

eminent s Tee Examiner * Office in Brooklyn, and the feverament member of the Board of Tee Experts, both adjuncts of the Federal Food and Drug Administration

It all started with the Tee Act of 1M7 A system was set up whereby all tea coming into the country would be

checked against a set of standards The Board of Tea Experts meets once a year to select the teas ui the venous categories which should be the lowest quality Importers then are able to test their teas to make sure they are equal to or better than the standard As a tee examiner. Dick makes sure

im porters are keeping to standard by j J L p * r t * as an exam ple of waste m tipping his w ay through up to ISO cups lo ve m in e n t aad dismissed D ick A

month later, when the issues were clarified. Dick was back at hit cups This time may prove the same It may take an act of Congress to do away 1170. former President Richard M with the tea beard because Congress Nixon tingled out the Board of Tea set it up. says Dick

a day

I taste it and spit it o u t.' he said This no t Dick's first dismissal In

Classifieds Wanted I Miscellaneous I Services

Classlflbd Advertising

Ths Saafftns lor CtoatfBert Adverting m 5 pro Monday for ubSceBon and 10 am F ndey tor Monday pubScalon

Insereon of edverttoemento • subfect to eta approval of eta advarsaetg No refund or oredN Is gfren on Ctosefted Adverliwng eaoept in wftare t w BagwnoreIsalteuR Reed your ad careMh wftan A eta papsr and notSy ua of any arrora anmsdtoteh The Sagamore * e nof ghe oredR tor more Stan one day a mooned meerson

No by phone

I AiUwSasty should be eddreeeed to Ctoasdiad Ad Mwitfjw 926 Weet Mtcrsgar Street totfanepoBe mdwna 46202

C lassifie d Ratae

7e per word par Hut (rnmarturn of 10 -enh


10a per word per a s m 64 pw word pw issue if ad runs two ooneecuVve copy ohange

number ooiatto aa one (1) word 9moo coat «


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<MW16> Wanted tamrn Carmel student to

share nda Thursday 5 30-6 10 pm

•44 6252 (MUM 2)

Fam bee puppma to good homes Tyne u*>s $28 Farit Beady r 12 weeM Cal Evelyn deys 297 1765 MebopoHan Auto T 264 2522 Suete or Evelyn avenetga ^ Appoetenantt wSy (MW 19) 896 7197 (MW14|

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send $1 to 9MA OIAMONO B4POR

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u id tftor Hoewneeter 3 aue 16 tout 2 yew nueee unr oonoeh. T h u 9epf 29 N « s yours forms i pwr sue 8 otouc shoes worn idwtefy See Roy W 9agarrtore office once C M 263-1663 tftor 12 noon


H U i i l l U U ^ H s M h Corona 2200 dWui futy W double We elu de Basement and tfecbtc fypewntor brand new Coal Porch $126 pw month Wetor pwd $340 aM $260 RRM 644 9611 293-6620 (M13) ___________ (MW 19)

TERS N C bo* 42 Fwiwopd New SmiVt Corona tfectnc portable type Jersey 07023 (mdfcale name of wntw brand new Coat $210. aM school) or cM (212) 662 3390 tor H 6 0 F W M 644 9611 (MW 19) tocaion ot showroom nearest you 1970 P o f im E m c u M a* P 8 -P t

,MW14> ftowe good i8 6 0 536 6196

Bill's Unclaimed Freight 7


264 each Per SOt 25 loot

alienator cords $2 60 6 toot oonw w e w a toor ^1,*r r i N s m w access to bus | 1(X} ^ notuded 5 mstules bom Me Wee Cantor Phone 247 6651 (M16)

Qbt to tftwe lovely 2 berboom span merit on northwest Mto new bus Car pewtg terms courts pool C M Carol 293-6943 or 926-6690 (MW 14) ooato $1 26 (toor eecuby lochs

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$24 96 10 ftght bUba

cohas cups 4 tor 964 pwnt twt m r $1 96 gtfton 76 eteenng whew covers $1 30 each 60 aseoned Mohan chars $12 96 each. 167 and wbla sets bo*

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Dokumen terkait

PEARLs, Problems and Politics: Exploring Findings From Two Teaching and Learning Projects in Indigenous Australian Studies at The University of Queensland Elizabeth Mackinlay1and

IUPUI News Student runs for Speedway office “Running for public office and being a student at the tame time it tough," admits 29-year-old IUPUI student Mark Broderick.. The Democrat