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jurnal ilmiah lingua idea - Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Many Japanese in this novel adopt the Western culture that was popular in the United States. This discussion focuses on American cultural imperialism in 1960s Japan and the cultural transformation within society as seen in Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood. However, before discussing the American cultural impositions and glorifications of the 1960s, we should discuss the historical events associated with "Americanization/Westernization" in Japan.

Many characters in this novel experience "Americanization" in their lifestyles regarding sexuality, dating, women's rights, and fashion.

Diagnostic Assessment Tool Template

They then considered the results by comparing the diagnostic assessment tool tables of the individual practices with those of the pretest and posttest practices. At the end of the program, participants completed the diagnostic assessment tool again based on their respective performance on the post-test. This survey was validated when participants identified the number of incorrect answers in the pretest, for both literal and inferential questions, in the diagnostic assessment tool.

This component of the intervention, which was not present in the control group, was a potential aspect that contributed to a different effect on reading comprehension performance of the experimental group.

Table 1. Descriptive & inferential statistics between-group comparison on reading  comprehension scores before and after intervention
Table 1. Descriptive & inferential statistics between-group comparison on reading comprehension scores before and after intervention

Sample of diagnostic assessment tool filled by a participant

In a more recent research which examined the opinions of teachers and students about the use of L1 in a foreign language classroom, it was found that both teachers and students tended to favor the use of L1, the finding from this study suggests that the use balanced and careful L1 in English classes do not seem to affect students' exposure to the target language. In turn, teachers can benefit from monitoring student progress, while students take an active role in monitoring their progress and setting goals. The use of the diagnostic assessment tool, along with explicit instruction of reading strategies, has proven to show significant positive effects on the reading comprehension performance of EFL readers.

Some future experiment on that area or skills or even on another level of English competence and also on modifications of categorizations would also be valuable to unlock the potential of such use of diagnostic tools, especially on the development of students 's metacognitive awareness of strategy use.

Error Analysis of English Sentences Written by Indonesian College Students

Sentence making mistakes in English made by students of the Kick + an English STKIP Bina Bangsa include spelling, capitalization, punctuation, tenses, word order and clauses. Causes of errors include lack of understanding of the use of tenses and carelessness in writing, leading to errors in capitalization and punctuation (Wahyuni, 2014). Error Analysis (EA) is a method of analyzing errors made by English learners both as a foreign language (EFL/English as a Foreign Language) and as a second language (ESL/English as a Second Language) .

First, all errors collected were analyzed and labeled by error types to obtain frequency and percentage. The following examples show writers' confusion about the rules of subject agreement. The sentence is incorrect because the object of the sentence is singular (place), and it is a general statement, so it requires an article a.

The sentence is incorrect because the object of the sentence is singular (driver), and it is a general statement, so it requires an article a. So the sentences have two possible meanings. he has other favorite fruits). the speaker does not like the fact that his mother likes banana). The patterns of the errors are divided into eleven types of errors, including verbs, articles, spelling, adjectives, preposition, sentence structure and order, word formation, word.

Errors regarding subject verb agreement and tense concordance are prevalent. An investigation of persistent syntactic errors in the writing of 3rd year students of the English for International Communication program.

Table 1. Grammatical errors seen from types of sentences  No.  Types of Sentences  Grammatically
Table 1. Grammatical errors seen from types of sentences No. Types of Sentences Grammatically

An Ethnolinguistic Study of Form and Reference Name of Fish and Seaweed Category

Tujuan umum ini secara khusus dapat ditetapkan sebagai kajian satuan bahasa dalam bahasa Jawa yang meliputi bentuk dan acuan nama jenis ikan dan rumput laut pada masyarakat nelayan Baron DIY. Berikut adalah nama-nama jenis kategori ikan dan rumput laut ditinjau dari bentuk dasar yang digunakan oleh masyarakat nelayan Baron. Data menunjukkan bahwa nama-nama jenis ikan dan rumput laut dapat ditelusuri kembali, terlepas dari apakah berasal dari Jawa Kuno, Jawa Baru, atau Melayu.

Sementara itu, kinjeng berasal dari bahasa Jawa kuno kinjeng [kinjəŋ], yang memiliki referensi khusus untuk insektivora, termasuk kelas capung (Odanata). Waru adalah satuan linguistik dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno yang mengacu pada referensi tumbuh-tumbuhan, yaitu sejenis pohon yang khas. Satuan linguistik ranti adalah satuan linguistik bahasa Jawa Baru yang mengacu pada tanaman tomat negara (tanaman herba) yang buahnya seperti tomat, atau disebut juga terong meranti (Solanum nigrum).

Satuan lingual gilig adalah satuan lingual dalam bahasa Jawa kuno yang mengacu pada acuan bentuk yaitu bentuk bulat torak. Dalam bahasa Jawa kuno ada satuan lingual hireng [hirəŋ] yang berarti warna hitam atau gelap. Satuan lingual yang digunakan oleh masyarakat nelayan Baron tidak selalu merupakan satuan lingual dalam bahasa Jawa.

Referensi ikan juga digunakan sebagai referensi nama jenis ikan, misalnya bawal dan kakap adalah satuan bahasa dalam bahasa Jawa kuno. Selain itu, referensi nama spesies berasal dari bahasa Jawa Kuno, Jawa Baru, dan Melayu.

Critical Discourse Analysis on Lagu Untuk Pak Bupati


Diction or word choice used in the "Lagu untuk Pak Bupati" lyric is influenced by the relationship between language and power. Regent of Banyumas is positioned as a person who has more power than the community. The composer uses the word sabda (word) which has a more respectful meaning than the word kata (word).

The singer and composer also wants to support Ir Achmad Husein to lead the Banyuma regency for the second term. In addition, this song is also the embodiment of Wangon society's hope that the regent will remain a trusted regent. They support him to be elected regent of Banyumas in the next period.

It means that Irvana also wants to tell Banyuma's regent that he is needed by the whole society. In conclusion, Lagu to Pak Bupati song contains prayer, compliments and hope which are represented by a linguistic feature such as pronoun, diction, metaphor and also simile. The lyrics also show a power relationship between the composer of the song and the regent of Banyuma.

The composer of the song is in the subordinate position and the regent of Banyuma is in the superior position. Here we can conclude that language can show the social structure and relationship of the society.

Migrant Crossing Borders: Bridging Cultural Difference and Securing a Third Space in the Host Country

These migrants not only transition to a new life in the host country, but also translate a new culture into their new phase of life. This means that migrants translate the new culture at the same time as they transition to their new life in the host country. By taking, observing and interpreting the stories of the Indonesian Housekeepers (IDWs) in Hong Kong, I argue that these women are not only able to translate but also adopt the new culture of the host country through assimilation, acculturation and the invention of a common ground, a third space in which they can feel at home in the host country.

In the case of foreign domestic workers, they may adopt certain values ​​from the host countries and leave certain values ​​in their home country. IDWs in Hong Kong and the cultural border: bridging and negotiating cultural differences The presence of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong dates back to the migration wave of the 90s. A simple example is how to learn a new value in the host country that is different from the one in the home country.

The gathering and interaction in Victoria Park bring a touch of Indonesia to the host country, enabling the realization of their home country's familiarity, intimacy, security and identity within the strangeness of Hong Kong, the new space. This is also considered the third space, a space of comfort in the midst of chaotic cultural clashes in the host country. Faced with this problem, the IDWs in Hong Kong are negotiating to adjust to their new life where they learn many lessons as they observe the environment and live life in the new place.

Portrayed in their memories, Insani and Raihan are able to adapt to the new habits of the host country. Nevertheless, as foreign migrant workers are able to cross the cultural boundary in the host country, IDWs in Hong Kong are also able to create and secure a new space where they can appreciate their “newfound home”. Victoria Park emerges as a space that becomes the bridge to unite Hong Kong and Indonesia, the host and the homeland.

Stress Role Overload Model” towards Work Family Conflict and Teachers Performance

The authors who submit a manuscript do so with the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright publication of the article will be assigned to Jurnaal Ilmiah Lingua Idea and Faculty of Humanities Universitas Jenderal Soedirman as publisher of the journal. Journal Ilmiah Lingua Idea and Faculty of Humanities Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, the Editorial Board and the Advisory Editorial Board do everything possible to ensure that no incorrect or misleading data, opinions or statements are published in the journal. In any way, the content of the articles and advertisements published in the Journal Ilmiah Lingua Idea is the sole and exclusive responsibility of their respective authors and advertisers.

I/We agree to transfer to the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman the copyright of the manuscript mentioned above. The publishing ethics of Jurnal Ilmiah Lingua Idea follows the COPE best practice guidelines for journal editors. The editors of Jurnal Ilmiah Lingua Idea are responsible for whether the articles presented in the journal should be published or not.

Unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript may not be used in an editor's own research without the express written consent of the author. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the articles. Authors should cite publications that have influenced the nature of the work reported.

Authorship should be limited to those who made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. Where there are others who participated in some essential aspect of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors.

Tabel 1. Variabel Penelitian dan Indikator
Tabel 1. Variabel Penelitian dan Indikator


Table 1. Descriptive & inferential statistics between-group comparison on reading  comprehension scores before and after intervention
Table 2. Descriptive & inferential statistics within-group comparison on reading performance on  literal questions before and after intervention
Table 1. Grammatical errors seen from types of sentences  No.  Types of Sentences  Grammatically
Table 2. Type of errors occurs in the written sentences


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