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Key words: Teaching Speaking and Picture Media


Academic year: 2023

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Based on the above background, the researcher was interested in conducting the study titled “EDUCATION OF SPEAKING WITH IMAGE MEDIA FOR EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMPN 3 PACITAN IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015”. Describe the process of teaching speech using visual media for eighth grade students of SMPN 3 Pacitan in academic year 2014/2015. STAIN Ponorogo, in an enriching reference on the process of learning to speak using visual media.

Get some information about the process of teaching speaking using visual media at SMP N 3 Pacitan. The researcher interacted and communicated with the student, teacher and other informant to obtain data on the teaching of speaking of SMPN 3 Pacitan. The researcher observed the school infrastructure, the learning process of teaching and the technique of using the teaching of speaking using visual media in class VIIIIE.

Data Analysis

The researcher takes the data from the documentation, namely historical data, organizational structure, vision, mission and purpose, number of students and teachers of SMPN 3 Pacitan. Through data reduction, the researcher can focus on the data to be analyzed. Data visualization was a stage of organizing data into relationship patterns, and data visualization can make the collected data easier to understand.

Checking of Data Validity

Validity is a matter of demonstrating in one or more ways that the research is designed to maximize the accuracy of identifying and describing whatever is being studied, especially as judged by the groups of people being studied. To increase the credibility of data, people usually use multiple data sources and different methods, which is called triangulation. The idea behind triangulation is that the more agreement between different data sources on a particular topic, the more reliable the interpretation of the data.

Triangulation is typically a strategy (test) to improve the validity of research or evaluation of findings.20. It means that the researcher uses ways: (a) the comparison between the result of observation and the result of an interview, (b) the comparison between the public opinion and the individual opinion, (c) the comparison between the result of the interview and the accompanying document.

Research Procedure

Organization Of The Thesis

TEACHING SPEAKING 1. Definition of Teaching

  • Definition of Speaking
  • Definition of Teaching Speaking
  • Component of Ideal Speaking
  • The Component of Teaching Speaking

The audience can be a classmate or a specific group of people in the community. Conduct a workshop and training. From the above statement, it can be said that teaching is one aspect of education as an activity performed by the teacher, determined by the teaching philosophy, teaching style, approach and techniques. Speaking is “an interactive process of constructing meaning, producing, receiving and processing information”.

Speaking is such a fundamental human behavior that we don't stop to analyze it unless there is something noticeable about it. Speaking is a productive skill that can be observed directly and empirically, these observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and efficiency of a test taker's listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test.29 Speaking is learned in two broad contexts: foreign language and second language situations. The challenges you face as a teacher are partly determined by the target language context.30 Speaking is so much a part of everyday life that we take it for granted.

Transactional language, performed for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information, is an extended form of responsive language. e) Interpersonal (dialogue). While speaking is perfectly natural, speaking in a language other than our own is anything but easy. The specific techniques and tasks you choose should be based on the objectives of the program in conjunction with those of the students.

Fluency is the ability to speak fluently, confidently and in accordance with the norms of the relevant native speaking community.42 To maintain fluency, learners need to adapt what they want to say to their language level and develop strategies to talk about what cannot be expressed directly. At the same time, they must produce a message that is accurate enough in terms of word order, word endings, and pronunciation, and soon enough for the listener to understand. An approximation of the "ideal" way to say something often works, and students should be encouraged to take risks and use language at the limits of their language level.

When sentences, ideas, and details clearly fit together, listeners can easily follow and speech is coherent. Coherence also keeps the audience's mind abreast of every next thought. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the components of a grammar that consists of the elements and principle that determine how sounds vary and form in a language.


  • Definition of Media
  • Definition of Teaching Media
  • English Teaching Media
  • Definition Of Picture
  • Pictures as Media

The media can make the classroom situation more lively as the media can interest the students and attract the attention of the students. 50. The teacher must take care that the motion picture does not become the be-all and end-all of the teaching process. Through the use of graphics, the world of abstract, concrete and comprehensible phenomena for students is brought into focus.

Pictures can help students in factual and clear learning because students can imagine the visual material by seeing. This is why the teacher's role is very important to make students interested in learning English. As Vilma mentions that using media in teaching English provides great information.52 This means that using pictures as media in teaching speaking will help students get more ideas.

Students will mention that the car is green, it has four doors, wheels, etc., but when the teacher asked students to describe the picture by looking, students will mention that the car is light green, it has sporty wheels, etc. Pictures of scenes, that helps to explain the cultural framework of the new language, can stimulate the students' interest and help make the classroom more cheerful.58 To get the ideas, the students also read and listen, but can also see something around them, for example from the educational media. Similarly, Noor mentions that images can be used as one of the teaching aids to promote creativity, and at the same time they provide a change for both students and teacher to maintain interest and incentive.59 So the image used must be interesting for the students and easy for them to understand the material. a) Image types.

According to Asnawir, the benefits of using images are that they are more concrete and improve the students' feeling. A simple shape makes it easier for both teacher and students to take it with you wherever you go. According to Asnawir, the disadvantages of using images are that the teacher's explanations will make up for any differences between students.

It does not make a problem to use pictures because the teacher can allow students who did not understand to ask the teacher.


General Data Description 1. Profile of SMPN 3 Pacitan

  • Vision, Mission and Goals
  • Organization Structure of SMPN 3 Pacitan
  • Teachers of SMPN 3 Pacitan
  • Studentof SMPN 3 Pacitan 68
  • Infrastructure Condition of SMPN 3 Pacitan 69

SMPN 3 Pacitan teachers contribute to getting the message across through teaching and students receive a result for the topics taught. Below are teachers from SMPN 3 Pacitan:67. Number of students SMPN 3 Pacitan consists of 512 students, consisting of: 177 students of the VII class, 149 students of the VIII class and 186 students of the IX class. The infrastructure and facilities are such as a library, science lab, language lab, computer lab, skills room, OSIS room, auditorium room, sports room, multimedia room, art room, head master room, teachers room, teachers room, UKS room, mosque and toilet.

Specific Data Description

In the design of the media, there were several separate images that would be used by the teacher. The teacher also prepared a handbook (TUNTAS), she prepared that book so that she could easily deliver the materials. In this class, the teacher used an exercise book (LKS) because there were materials and exercises in that book that were appropriate for the students.

The teacher used these pictures because they were familiar to the teacher and the students. The teacher prepared this picture because he hoped the people in the picture could be a motivator for the students. The teacher prepared this picture because the people in the picture were familiar to the teacher and the students.

According to the result of the interview and observation, on Wednesday, April 22 and Thursday, April 23, 2015, the teacher used pictures to stimulate the students about the material that would be learned that day. In the class, the teacher started by giving Salam to the students and proceeded to check the attendance list of the students. When giving the materials on introducing others, the teacher used pictures as media to help him deliver the materials.

The teacher asked the students one by one to introduce the people in the pictures they brought as their friend. The teacher also asked the students to work in pairs, she asked them to present their pictures. In the research, which was done on Wednesday, April 22 and Thursday, April 23, 2015, the teacher also used photographs in the closing process.

The teacher asked the students to use the break time to practice English with their friends.


Teacher’s Preparation

The Use of Pictures Media in Teaching Speaking

According to Noor, there are three types of photographs: individual photographs, series of photographs and situational photographs.72 Of the three types mentioned by Noor, the teacher used individual photographs as media in the teaching activity. She said that all types of photos can be used as media in the learning activity, but in this activity the teacher chose only one type, that photos were individual photos. She had an idea that this type was not only convenient but also easy to prepare by the teacher or students.

She also hoped that pictures would make students interested in learning to speak with these media. As Wright mentions that there are some criteria for choosing a good picture for students, such as; must be easy to prepare and interesting for the students.73.



Recommendation 1. For students

Picture Stories in the Communicative Classroom, (online), (http://www.teachingEnglish.org.uk/think/articles/picturestoriescommunicativ eclassroom), 2006.


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