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Larisang It is expected that students of next

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Development of an E-commerce-Based Technoprenursip Incubator Models.

By : Larisang

It is expected that students of next generation of the nation to prepare themselves to be agents of change, especially in dealing with the problem of unemployment and poverty, until today continuously increases even with the influence of the covid-19 plague that is currently happening in the world, including Indonesia, which has spurred the economy of the all over the world in this time, resulting in layoffs in large scale from small to medium businesses.

The purpose of this study is to produce an incubator model development and student business development based on Technopreneurship that is valid, practical and effective in fostering the spirit and entrepreneurial spirit of students to be able to become entrepreneurs (job opportunity provider). The method used is the research and development (R&D) method and the ADDIE model development procedure. Data analysis techniques used quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis, validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the Technopreneurship incubator model. The developed model is supported by a model book, instructor's guide (coach), participant's guide (Tenant).

Results obtained are: (1) the validity of the model developed based on the results of the assessment of the Expert team obtained a total of average value of Aiken's V of 0.89> 0.667, valid category. (2) based on the assessment of the coach with a Total Achievement of Response (TCR) of 89.2% categorized as “very practical”, and from the assessment of Tenants with a TCR of 93.2% the category is “very practical” (3) for the effectiveness of the incubator model, based on the assessment of the coach using the Pretest and Posttest obtained the average value in the cognitive domain of Pretest 78.90 and 85.50 Posttest, the category is very effective. For affective domain, the average score of 79.40 Pretest and 88.50 Posttest is very effective category and in the psychomotor aspects (ability to do business) with a score of very effective category values. Overall the results of the model development research show that all criteria can be implemented well and all performance indicators are met, so the Technopreneurship incubator model can be declared valid, practical and effective.

Keywords: Incubator, Technopreneurship, Business Development, Students.



Pengembangan Model Inkubator Technopreneurship berbasis E-commerce Oleh : Larisang

Mahasiswa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa diharapkan dapat mempersiapkan diri menjadi agen perubahan khususnya dalam menghadapi masalah pengangguran dan kemiskinan yang sampai saat ini masih terus meningkat bahkan dengan pengaruh wabah Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia, telah memporak-porandakan perekonomian negara di dunia saat ini, akibatnya terjadi PHK besar-besaran dari usaha kecil hingga menengah.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan suatu pengembangan model inkubator teknopreneurship berbasis E-commerce yang valid, praktis dan efektif dalam menumbuhkan semangat dan jiwa kewirausahaan mahasiswa agar dapat memulai berwirausaha (pencipta lapangan kerja). Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode Research and Development (R&D) dan prosedur pengembangan model ADDIE. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan terhadap model inkubator Technopreneurshipyang dikembangkan.

Hasil yang diperoleh adalah: (1) validitas model yang dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari team ahli melalui FGD diperoleh total nilai rata-rata Aiken’s V sebesar 0.89 >

0,667, kategori valid. (2) Penilaian praktikalitas produk model oleh coach dengan Total Capaian Respon (TCR) sebesar 89,2% dengan kategori sangat Praktis, dan dari penilaian Tenant nilai TCR sebesar 93,2% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Hal tersbut menunjukkan bahwa model inkubator teknopreneurship mudah dipahami dan dapat dimplementasikan dengan baik (3) untuk Efektivitas model inkubator, berdasarkan penilaian coach denngan menggunakn Pretestdan Posttest diperoleh nilai rata rata pada ranah kognitif Pretest 78.90 dan Posttest 85.50, dengan nilai sig.2tailed 0.00 < 0,05 menunjukkan sangat efektif. Untuk ranah afektif nilai rata-rata Pretest 79.40 dan Posttest 88.50 dengan nilai sig. 2tailed 0.00 <

0.05 kategori sangat efektif dan pada aspek psikomotorik (kemampuan melaksanakan usaha) dengan skor nilai 84, 54 kategori sangat efektif. Secara keseluruhan dari semua kriteria aspek penilaian terpenuhi, sehingga model inkubator Technopreneurship dapat dinyatakan valid, praktis dan efektif. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model inkubator Technopreneurship yang dikembangkan dapat menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan semangat, kemampuan pengetahuan, dan keterampilan serta jiwa kewirausahaan mahasiswa.

Kata Kunci: Inkubator, Technopreneurship, Pengembangan Usaha, Mahasiswa.


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