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Academic year: 2023

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Speaking Ability (A Quasi-Experimental Research on Second Grade Students of SMPN 15 Seluma in the Advisory Academic Year: 1. Speaking Ability (A Quasi-Experimental Research on Second Grade Students of SMPN 15 Seluma Advisory Year Academic: 1.


  • Background
  • Identifications of Problems
  • Limitation of Problems
  • Research Questions
  • Research Objectives
  • Research Significances
  • Definition of Key Terms

Gardner and McIntyre concluded, “The anxious learners will have lower levels of verbal production and will be reluctant to express themselves in conversation in a second language.” Students' fear of speaking is a common phenomenon that students often face. Based on the above statement, the researcher conducted a study entitled “the effect of hypnoteaching on students' speaking skills in the workplace.


Concept of Speaking 1. The Definition of Speaking

  • The Elements of Speaking

The speaker must be able to articulate the words and create the physical sounds that carry meaning. It is obvious that in order to speak a foreign language, it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary (Martin Bygate, 1997).

Speaking ability

  • Definition of speaking ability
  • Impact of Speaking Anxiety
  • Possible Factors Contributing to Speaking Anxiety

Based on them, foreign language anxiety appears in the form of anxiety such as: communication anxiety, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. In foreign language class, students are expected to communicate with the target language through ways of speaking and listening. In foreign language learning context, students tend to have a fear of negative evaluation from both teacher as the only boastful speaker in the class and their peers.

However, Horwitz and Cope also believe that foreign language anxiety is not simply the combination of fear of failure associated with the context of foreign language learning. They also proposed that “foreign language anxiety is a distinct complex of self-perception, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to language learning in the classroom, arising from the unique nature of the language learning process (Passer and Smith, 2009).” Horwitz and Cope, 1986) found that speaking in a foreign language is the most anxiety-provoking experience.


  • Definition of Hypnoteaching
  • Principle of Hypnoteaching
  • Design of Hipnoteaching
  • Procedure of Hypnoteaching
  • The advantages and disadvantages of hypnoteaching

The key to the method is actually hypnoteaching, how teachers can create a comfortable learning environment, both internally (psychologically) and externally (physically). There are six principles of hypnoteaching methods: 1) the appearance of the teacher, 2) empathetic attitude, 3) sympathy, 4) the use of good language, 5) motivation of students with a story or story, 6) the understanding of the teacher. At the very least, students are cared for and guided by the language of the heart and will obey with all their heart no matter what.

Teachers should be able to control the students' hearts, and then they can control his mind. Identifying the needs of learners to find out what forms of learning are exciting for learners so that they are learners. In addition, teachers also assess students' understanding of the given material; Think about what happened to the students before the end of the lesson.

Some Related Previous Study

The purpose of this research is to find out hypno-teaching strategy to improve students' writing ability. The application of hypnosis teaching strategy is really helpful in improving the students' writing ability because there was a significant writing performance of the students after the treatment was carried out. The result of the students' mean score and standard deviation after treatment of post-test was proved by the result of data analysis after comparing it with the t-table (2.042) with t-test (80.79).

From research written by (La Ode Muhammad Idrus Hamid B, 2016) titled UsingHypnoteaching Technique to Improve the Students „Vocabulary Mastery-Action Research at Second Grade of SMAN 5 Kendari-. The analysis and interpretation of the data showed that there has been an improvement in students' vocabulary mastery. Quantitatively, it was found that students' vocabulary mastery increased significantly from the first to the second cycle.


Research Design

  • Sample

An experimental group is a group that is taught through the hypnoteaching method during the teaching and learning process, while the control group is taught through the discussion method. Population is the word that denotes a fixed category of an attribute of a set (Downy and Weardon, 2004: 25). In purposive sampling, the two sets of classes should have the same or almost the same capabilities (Sudjana, 2005: 26).

In other words, purposive sampling does not simply study what is available, but rather uses them. The reason why the researcher chooses the VIII A and VIII B class as the population is based on the technique of purposive sampling said that if the population less than 100 it should take all as a sample. Therefore, to obtain the sample of this study, the researcher will select a control and experiment class based on the available classes of the eighth grade of SMPN 15 Seluma which consists of 2 classes (VIII A and VIII B).

Data Collecting Procedure

  • Pre-test
  • Treatment
  • Post-test

Thus, the experimental group and the control group leave from the same starting point. The researcher enters the class and starts the lesson by magical opening (alpha state, positive words or shocking). The researcher creates emotional synchronization by matching position, movement, language and wave brain to students.

In the control class, the researcher compares the students' performance in learning English, which does not cover the hypnoteaching method. A). The researcher enters the classroom and greets the students. b) Before the lesson started, the students first recited the Quran. c) The researcher checks the attendance list. After the treatment has been given to the experimental group and the control group, the next step is to give the final test.

Research of Instrument

  • Speaking test

The purpose of awarding the final test is to determine whether significant differences in speaking skills exist between the experimental group and the group control after treatment. In addition, it is also possible to compare scores with the scores obtained during the test at an early stage, regardless of whether the results are increasing, the same or decreasing. Calculating the test results at the end is done using a computer program SPSS 16.0.

To know students' existing knowledge of speaking ability, the author gives an oral test to the students. Because the test is an oral test, the author divided the score into five criteria, which are the scores of Pronunciation, Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension. Then, to get the average, the scores of all criteria are added up into five.

Data Analysis Technique

Normality test was analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov with SPSS version 17.0 for Windows. Based on the normality test data, it was shown that all the data are normal. They were a test of normality of population data, normality of sample data, normality of content quality data (pre-test and post-test).

They are tests of homogeneity of population data, homogeneity of sample data, homogeneity of content quality data (pre-test and post-test), homogeneity of quality data (pre-test and post-test), homogeneity of organizational quality data (pre-test) -test and post -test), homogeneity of vocabulary quality data (pre-test and post-test), homogeneity of language quality data (pre-test and post-test) and homogeneity of mechanics quality data (pre-test and post-test) after test).

Validity and Reliability of the test


The second was to determine whether the fear of negative evaluation aspect of anxiety affects students' anxiety towards their speaking ability or not. The third to determine whether the comprehension aspect of speaking affects the students' anxiety more or not. The hypothesis can be accepted if the r value is higher than the table r.. b) H0: The most related aspect is not the fear of the negative. evaluation.

To test the hypotheses whether they are acceptable or not, the researcher will be applied a critical value tabs. Those criteria mean that we can accept H0 if r table is higher than r value, while H1 will be accepted if r value is higher than r table.


  • The Results of Speaking test
  • The Normality and Homogeneity of the Data Score
  • Homogeneity of the Post-Test
  • The statistically analysis result
  • Statistically Analysis on the result of pre-test and post-test in the experimental class
  • Statistically Analysis on the Result Of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Class

In the experimental class (VIII A), the lowest pretest score was 45, then the highest score was 65. The distribution of pretest and posttest scores in the experimental class is shown in Table 4.2. In the control class (VIII B), the lowest pretest score was 52, then the highest score was 70.

Graphically, the total score of pre-test and post-test students in the control class can be seen in figure 4.2. The distribution of pre-test and post-test results in the control class can be seen in Table 4.4. Based on the paired sample statistic, the mean of the pretest speaking ability in the experimental class was 59.26 and the standard deviation was 6.38.

Table 4.8  (Paired Samples Test)  Paired differences
Table 4.8 (Paired Samples Test) Paired differences


This means that there was a significant effect on the speaking skills of the students in the experimental class who were taught using hypnosis and who were not. This was also proven by the researcher by indicating the initial level of speaking ability by performing a pre-test, which was given before the treatment. The mean pre-test score of the experimental class was 59.26 and the mean pre-test score of the control class was 61.26. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant effect on their pre-test scores of speaking ability.

Based on the result of the study, the following interpretations are presented that enhance the value of the study. Firstly, after conducting the post-test, the result showed a statistically significant effect of hypnoteaching on students. The mean posttest score in the experimental class was 75.48, which was higher than the mean posttest score in the control class, which was 67.91.



La Ode Muhammad Idrus Hamid B, Using Hypnoteaching Technique to Improve the Students „Vocabulary Mastery-Action Research at Second Grade of SMAN 5 Kendari, JEE March 2016. In Dolly Jesusita Young (ed.), Affect in Foreign Language and Second Language Learning: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom environment. Muhammad Noer. (2010). Hypnoteaching for Success Learning. Yogyakarta : PT, BintangPustakaAbadi. 2009).Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior.

Oxford, “Anxiety and the Language Learner: New Insights,” in Jane Arnold (ed.), Affect in Language Learning.

No Pro Gram Voca Fluen Com Total Score

The Pre-Test of the Experimental Class

The Post-Test Score of the Control Class

The Pre-Test of the Control Class

  • Indicators
  • Teaching Learning Objectives
  • Expected Characters - Communicative
  • Teaching Learning Material
  • Teaching Learning Methods
  • Learning activities Teacher action
  • Instruments
  • Assessment Rubric
  • Randi is looking for a new flat. Suggest that he find a cheap and comfortable flat, and tell him what he should do to rent is
  • Join to your study club

Basic: Understand and respond to meaning in simple transactional (getting things done) and interpersonal conversations using spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptably to communicate with the immediate environment using speech act: giving and responding to suggestions and instructions. Teacher assigns the task of giving and responding to suggestions and instructions for discussion using interview technique. Suggest that he a cheap and. comfortable apartment, and tell him what he must do to rent it.

Suggest him to find a cheap and comfortable apartment and tell him what to do to rent a comfortable apartment and tell him what to do to rent it. Me: I suggest you join our study club because your test score was low. Me : I suggest you go to the library and study with us because your test score was low.


Table 4.8  (Paired Samples Test)  Paired differences


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