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Academic year: 2023



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The mean score in the experimental group before and after treatment (65.66 became 85.33) and in the control group before and after treatment (58.72 became 76.84) with the t-test value was greater than the t-table (3.03 > 2.021). The experimental group was higher than the control group. First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT, the Almighty God for the blessing and mercy he gave me during the study and completion of this final project titled "Effectiveness of Outdoor Activities Method for Improving the Vocabulary of Seventh Grade Students". Students SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Makassar”. Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M., Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his scholar's academic advisor during the scholar's study.

Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his motivation and academic advisor to the researcher during the researcher's studies. Thanks to all the friends of the researcher in the English Education Department 2015 and her classmates in Immortal Class. And finally, thanks to the researcher's beloved family for their love, support and prayers for the researcher.


The main point of the statement above is that vocabulary mastery for learners is the main component of learning a language successfully. Since English is the first language taught at all levels of education, it becomes a necessity to know the main objective why English becomes so important. In fact, communication competence includes the ability to understand and produce English spoken and written to be required to achieve four basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Teachers should be able to distinguish the methods they apply in teaching English to young learners. Roestiyah (2008) says that outdoor activities are not only an enjoyable activity, but it is to study or hang the material by seeing the reality. Based on the above description, the researcher was interested in doing a research under the title "Effectiveness of outdoor activities to improve students' vocabulary".

Problem Statement

Objective of the Study

Significance of the Study

Enable the researcher to know the importance of outdoor activities to improve students' vocabulary, develop revision skills and also aim to increase the vocabulary view of the researcher.

Scope of the Research

Previous Related Findings

  • Types of Vocabulary
  • Concept of Noun
  • Concept of Adjective
  • Roles of Vocabulary
  • Outdoor Activities

Danim (2009) states that outdoor activities are teaching learning strategies where teacher and students visit the relevant place to gain some empirical experience. Outdoor activities not only bring students' activities out of the classroom, but they also learn something (visit outside the classroom to do educational activities). Based on the above explanation, we can conclude that outdoor activities are the teaching learning activities that are carried out in the classroom outside to learn something where students can directly observe an object.

Outdoor activities can make students see the event firsthand and enhance the student experience. Link the learning resource to the curriculum, if the outdoor activity resource supports and matches the curriculum requirement. Analyze the purpose of outdoor activities if there are difficulties in these activities, make a note of these outdoor activities.

Conceptual Framework


Research Design

Variable and Indicators of the Research

Each class consisted of 33 students, so the total number of students in six classes was 198 students. The students of the experimental groups were 24 students, while the students in the control group were 33 students. According to Arikunto (2010), a research tool is a type of tool used by the researcher in carrying out a research method.

Procedure of Collecting Data

This test is done after the treatments are given to the students or at the end of the experiment. This was done to know the English vocabulary of the students after they got the treatment. The pre-test was administered based on the schedule of the English lesson before the treatment given to the subjects of the research.

Technique of Data Analysis


The Students‟ Vocabulary through Outdoor Activities in Experimental Group

The graph showed that the mean vocabulary score of pre-test and post-test students has significant improvement from vocabulary. The scale percentages of the students' pre-test scores are shown in the table below. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the rate percentage in the post-test was higher than the rate percentage of the pre-test.

A pre-test was conducted to obtain data on the learners' ability to master vocabulary before the treatment was given. The result of the test showed the progress of the students in terms of vocabulary before the treatment was given. The graph shows that the average score of the students' vocabulary on the pre- and post-test has improved significantly compared to the vocabulary.

Based on the result, it can be concluded that the rate percentage in the post-test was higher than the rate percentage in the pre-test. Mean score and standard deviation of experimental and control group To know whether or not there is a significant difference between experimental groups.

Table 4.1 The Improvement Percentage of Students‟ Score  Indicator   Mean Score  Improvement
Table 4.1 The Improvement Percentage of Students‟ Score Indicator Mean Score Improvement

Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Experimental and Control Group To know whether or not there is significant difference between experimental

Test of Significance (t – Test)


The purpose of this research was to determine whether outdoor activities were effective in vocabulary acquisition and it was expected that the outdoor activity method improved students' vocabulary. We can conclude that the students' score between the pre-test and the post-test had a different meaning. In other words, the result of the students in the experimental group was significantly different from the result of the students in the control group after treatment with the outdoor activity method used.

The result showed that the students' vocabulary improved especially in adjective and noun after applied outdoor activities in experimental group. The students' mean score improved in adjective and noun because extracurricular activities were effective in being used in teaching vocabulary. Through the application of outdoor activities method, the students can learn well, have more fun and students can develop their ideas.

Furthermore, the result of the pre-test in the experimental group showed that the students' adjectives and nouns improved in the pre-test and post-test after treatment. Then the statement that had been stated in the previous results of this research conducted by Rosdiah (2017) outdoor activities method to improve writing skills was the same method as the result of this research. Similarly, implementing outdoor activities was effective in improving students' vocabulary because they were able to generate ideas that affected the adjective and noun.

In another research, outdoor activity method could motivate students to be more active in process teaching and learning with the help of each tutor (Ardiansyah and Desiana, 2017). On the other hand, the use of outdoor activities helped students to improve their English because this method makes them happy to teach learning activities. Based on the previous findings in this research, we find the same statement as using the outdoor activity method made the students look happy and comfortable while learning.

In conclusion, the use of outdoor activities by seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Makassar High School can improve students' vocabulary, especially in components such as adjective and noun.



Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of extracurricular activities method to improve vocabulary at the seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Makassar was effective in improving students' vocabulary. Increasing students' speaking ability with the use of outdoor activities at the seventh year of SMP PGRI 13 Gondangrejo in 2011/2012 Academic year. The use of outdoor learning strategy in teaching writing to the second grade Students of SMKNegeri 1 BentengSelayar.

The influence of outdoor classroom activity in the teaching of writing descriptive text at the first grade of MA Al-Hidayah. Some effects of the nature and frequency of vocabulary instruction on the knowledge and use of words. The use of videos in teaching vocabulary in an elementary school: a bare experimental study of fourth grade students at one school in Bandung.

The use of outdoor activities as an effort to develop social interaction at Pertiwi Sedayu Kindergarten, Kec. Teaching English Vocabulary of the Fifth Year Students of SD InpersMalengkeri II through TPR Method.Athesis UNM Makassar. Using a Direct Method to Improve Student Pronunciation at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Second Semester.

The effectiveness of outdoor learning on students' performance in writing descriptive text on tenth grade students of MA Ma'arif Balong Ponorogo. 2004. A Review of Research on Outdoor Learning. National Foundation for Educational Research and King's College London: Field Studies Council. The Learning Model of Narration Essay Writing Through Outdoor Activities Method (Descriptive Study at The Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Putra, Bandung).

Safirah, Zeni.2016.Improving Vocabulary Mastery through Vocabulary Cards for Grade VII Students at SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta.

Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Pencapaian

Tujuan Pembelajaran Pertemuan 1

Materi Pembelajaran 1. Fakta


A/an digunakan hanya untuk pertama kali menyebutkan nama dan jumlah benda, sedangkan digunakan untuk kedua kali dan seterusnya. Uncountable nouns tidak menggunakan artikel a/an dan tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak. Ini, itu, ini dan itu merupakan determinan demonstratif yang berfungsi sebagai data.Determinatif demonstratif berfungsi untuk menunjukkan bilangan dan letak benda (kata benda) yang dibicarakan berkaitan dengan seberapa jauh jarak benda tersebut dari pembicara.



Sumber Pembelajaran Sumber Belajar

Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran di Luar Kelas (Outdoor Activities) Pertemuan 1

Siswa menanyakan berbagai hal tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang terkandung dalam bertanya dan memberi informasi mengenai nama dan jumlah hewan dan benda di sekitar sekolah. Siswa berdiskusi secara berkelompok untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan guru. Siswa menuliskan daftar nama yang menyebutkan tempat-tempat di sekolah beserta nama-nama benda yang ada di lingkungan sekolah.

Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang materi yang telah dipelajari dan menyimpulkan bersama siswa tentang materi yang telah dibahas. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan gambar yang sesuai tentang nama dan jumlah hewan dan benda di sekitar sekolah. Siswa berlatih menggunakan kata tanya dengan menggunakan nama-nama benda dan binatang yang ada di sekitar sekolah.

Guru mengulangi materi pertemuan sebelumnya dengan cara bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan bersama siswa tentang mata pelajaran yang dimilikinya. Bersama-sama siswa mendengarkan contoh pengucapan dari guru tentang benda-benda di sekitar kita (sekolah). Setiap anggota kelompok secara bergiliran mengucapkan kalimat tentang nama dan jumlah hewan dan benda yang ada di sekolah.


Penilaian Pengetahuan

Penilaian Keterampilan


Read the sentence.Identify the adjectives in the sentences and write it below each of sentences

Answer Key





The rate percentage of pre – test score

The rate percentage of post – test score


Mean Score of Pre-test ̅

Mean Score of Post-test ̅

Mean Score of Control Group 1. Mean Score of Pre-test


  • Improvement Percentage of Experimental Group P (%) = X 100%
  • Improvement Percentage of Control Group P (%) = X 100%
  • Experimental Group
  • Control Group



Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1 Design of The Research
Table 4.1 The Improvement Percentage of Students‟ Score  Indicator   Mean Score  Improvement
Table 4.2: The Rate Percentage of Pre-test and Post-test Score  NO  Classification  Score


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