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the effectiveness of reading poetry in teaching

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING POETRY IN LEARNING PRONOUNCEMENT IN THE ELEVENTH CLASS OF STUDENTS SMA. Judul: The effectiveness of reading poetry in teaching pronunciation in the eleventh grade of students SMA KA Basyariyah Madiun. The effectiveness of reading poetry in teaching pronunciation in the eleventh grade of improving students'.

Dit proefschrift getiteld "The Effectiveness of Reading Poetry in Teaching Pronunciation at the Eleventh Grade of Students' SMA KA Basyariyah Madiun".

  • Background of the study
  • Limitation of the study
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Objective of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Organization of the thesis

We must be aware of the sounds' production processes in order to pronounce the words correctly. Every word that is pronounced correctly taking into account syllable, stress, etc.18 Poor pronunciation among students is one of the contributing reasons. Based on the statements above, the researcher would like to conduct research title “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING POETRY IN TEACHING PRONUNCIATION AT THE ELEVENTH GRADE OF SMA KA BASYARIYAH MADIUN”.

We hope that the result of the study can be one of the references in the theory of learning to read.

  • Theorical Background
  • Relevant Research Studies
  • Conceptual framework
  • Hypothesis

Poetry readers are able to convey to the audience the same emotional environment that exists in the real world. The other previous research of Shinta Mutiara Lidya, Heri Yufrizal, Muhammad Sukirlan titled "Implementation of Reading Poem Practice to Improve Students' Pronunciation at Second Year of Smp N 8 Bandar Lampung", the researcher focused on students' pronunciation by using poem reading practice. Students must be able to speak English to participate in the free market, despite it being considered a foreign language in this nation.

To make learning poetry interesting when the poetry reading approach is included in the learning activities.

  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Collection technique
  • Data Analysis technique

All eleventh graders of SMA KA Basyariyah Madiun during the academic year 2021/2022 constitute the population of this study. It was intended to avoid false sampling and to get the representative of the population. In conducting this study, the type of test was the pronunciation practice test, taken from the English subject provided in the 2013 curriculum and used by the eleventh grade English teacher. It was taken orally.

To collect data for this study, the researcher used a pre-test and a post-test. The aim of the exam in this study was to assess students' ability to pronounce words correctly. The researcher used pretesting by giving the students a test before the treatment.

The median is an explanation based on the middle value of the data which is organized from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest. In this part, the researcher described the normality test and the homogeneity test of the research. If the value of the statistic is lower than the value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov table for the 5% level of significance, it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed.

The hypothesis is a temporary answer about the problem statement. 58 The hypothesis to be tested is called the alternative working hypothesis (Ha) while the opposite is the null hypothesis (Ho). To decide whether Ha is rejected or accepted, it is necessary to calculate the data, therefore the conclusion about the hypothesis can be drawn based on the calculation result.

Table 3. 1  Research Design  C1 01 X 02 C2 03 – 04
Table 3. 1 Research Design C1 01 X 02 C2 03 – 04

Data Description

Research procedures

The researcher provided definitions, general explanations of linguistic aspects, examples of poetry and examples of generic structures. In the first meeting, after the students attend class, the researcher explains the material the students will learn. Then the researcher administered a pre-test to them to determine their spoken pronunciation ability.

In the pre-test, the researcher used a vocabulary exercise from an English book, and then took the pre-test individually. After completing the pre-test, the researcher explained the subject of pronunciation to the students using poetry. The students learn the poetry by heart, then the students recited the poetry aloud, individually.

At the end of the lesson, the researcher gave the conclusion and narrated the material to the next meeting. In the second meeting, the researcher explained to the students about the material of the statement using the reading of poetry, then asked them to create a poetry individually for thirty minutes, asked them to bring the task in the next meeting, and at the end of the lesson, the researcher gave the conclusion and passed on the material to the next meeting. The third meeting, after checking the attendance of the students, the researcher asked for the task yesterday and discussed the poetry task they made in the second meeting, then asked them to show their poetry and present their result in front of the class.

The fourth meeting, after checking the student's attendance, the researcher reviews the material on pronunciation by reading poetry yesterday. Then the researcher administered the post-test individually to them to find out their pronunciation ability after the treatment.

The Score of Pronunciation test in experimental class

According to table 4.3, the highest pre-test score is 80, while the lowest pre-test score is 40. The table below is the description of the students' score of post-test in the experimental class. According to table 4.6, the highest post-test score is 90, while the lowest post-test score is 50.

The values ​​in Table 4.8 above are the student's post-test score in the experimental class.

The Score of Pronunciation test in Control class

Data Analysis

One of the most crucial aspects of language learning is pronunciation, especially from a communication point of view. One of the most crucial parts of learning a second language or a foreign language is pronunciation. For non-native English speakers, speaking is one of the most crucial English skills to develop.

Pronouncing English words correctly and accurately is one of the challenges Indonesian students have when learning the language. The SPSS 23 version of this study was used to calculate the results of the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula. Based on Table 4.15, the result of the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the output value of significance (2-tailed) was 200, which is smaller than the value of t-table Kolmogorov-Smirnov (200 < 0.264).

Discussion and Interpretation

Therefore, in other words, poetry reading strategy is an effective strategy to improve students' pronunciation in SMA KA Basyariyah Madiun. Their model generally moves from awareness of the aspect of pronunciation to perception or focused listening to oral practice.61 Teaching speaking means that the teacher teaches the listener to: (1) produce English speech sound and sound pattern, (2) use the word and sentence , the intonation pattern of the accent and the rhythm of the second language.62 In other words, it is important for the teacher to teach pronunciation and introduce students to the features of pronunciation, as it can improve their communicative ability. For the first time, the students still had difficulty in accepting the activities because they had never experienced such learning activities.

At the next meeting, the students were able to enjoy the learning process and feel more relaxed. At the end of the learning process, the students were still enthusiastic and understood the importance of pronunciation in speaking. In addition, the researcher gave the students a pre-test and a post-test by reading the vocabulary before and after the learning process.

The results of the post-test show that the students improve their pronunciation. Based on the result of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental class, the researcher concludes that most of the students had poor pronunciation before the students took the strategies. The range of poor pronunciation made by the students is about 5 words to 12 words.

From the above results, it can be concluded that poetry is effective in improving the pronunciation performance of students, although not all students can pronounce the words correctly. However, the students' improvement was also supported by the students' interest in reading poetry and their motivation to participate in the activities of the learning process.



Speaking is one of the English skills that is very important for foreign students to learn, especially in Indonesia, which makes English considered as a foreign language; if we want to master this language, we have to learn it constantly. Although English is considered a foreign language in this country, as Indonesian citizens living in the globalization and digital age, students need to master this language in order to face the challenges of the free market. However, one of the problems faced by students in Indonesia in learning English is the difficulty in pronouncing English words correctly and accurately.

In other words, pronunciation is one of great importance for successful oral communication, as it is an important ingredient of the communicative competence. The difficulties are due to the fact that irregular spelling of English provides poor guidance for its pronunciation, another due to interference or negative transfer from the students' native language to the target language. In relation to this, Danielson et al. in A Lumettu journal: "the scientifically valid procedure in language learning involves listening first, followed by speaking, then comes reading and finally writing the language".

Deliana Simarmata, Hilman Pardede Error Analysis of Students' Pronunciation in Pronunciation of English Vowels and Consonants of SMK Karya Serdang Lubuk Pakam in the Academic Year 2017/2018). The first previous research was done by Merry Kristi, Rahayu Apriliaswati, Eni Rosnija who researched the title. The other previous research of Shinta Mutiara Lidya, Heri Yufrizal, Muhammad Sukirlan titled "Implementation of Reading Poem Practice to Improve Students' Pronunciation at Second Year of Smp N 8 Bandar Lampung", the researcher focused on students' pronunciation by.

The differences between the previous studies with this study are the participants in the study, the research area and the implementation of the actions. In the beginning of spring you will hear many birds singing. They just let you know, the rest of us know. Over the hill First sight of the sea Laying sunlit and still Just waiting for me.

Woman: We'd better tell our teacher we're going to be late because of the traffic.

Tittle Submission Sheet

Lesson Plan Experimental Class and Control Class

Test Pronunciaton

Surat Izin Penelitian


Curriculum Vitae


Table 3. 1  Research Design  C1 01 X 02 C2 03 – 04


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