• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

The researcher would like to offer some advice regarding this topic to people who are involved in English teaching and learning on a close level. In particular, the researcher believes that teachers, students, and other readers would find these suggestions valuable. The following information is what the researcher would like to share with English teachers and anybody else interested in the subject:

1. For the teacher

The teacher should be able to provide their students with an excellent pronunciation model. A few ideas are put forth to enhance the English reading poetry technique used in school settings. To increase students' attention and give them practice with learning English pronunciation, teachers in senior high school are advised to employ English poems.

2. For the students’

The students have the option of learning English pronunciation independently in addition to what they can learn in class. Using the reading-poetry strategy is one method for learning English pronunciation. Students will be able to hear and watch how each word is pronounced differently. When reading aloud, speak with confidence, perfect your English accent, and do not be timid.

Students' speaking and reading skills in English will improve if they consistently work on their English pronunciation.

3. The Other Researcher

The huge class will allow for better strategy implementation. It is preferable to use a large space because the method requires some moving. It is hoped that the reader will learn something about English pronunciation from the research findings employing reading method. Investigate the information to enhance the consideration of students' pronunciation for future research related to this study, and look up more references.


Aufa Nawal, 2017. “Using Movie to Increase Student’s Pronunciation”

(Thesis: Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Darussalam: Banda Aceh,).

A.S Hornby, 1995. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary. (Great Britain:

Oxford University Press).

Bahar A. Kaharuddin, 2014. “Intractional Speaking a Guide to Enhance Natural Communication Skills in English”, (Yogyakarta: Trust Media).

Beach, R.W. & J.D. Marshall, 1991. Teaching Literature in the Secondary School, (New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc).

Brown JD, 2005. Testing Language Programs: A Comprehensive Guide To English Language Assessment, (New York: Mc Graw Hill).

Cameron, Lyne. 2001. Teaching languages to Young Learners. London:

Cambridge University Press.

Clarke J. Paula, Emma Truelove, Charles Hulme and Margaret J. Snowling,.

Developing Reading Comprehension, 2013. ( United Kingdom: John Wileya &

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Christiane D, & Seidlhofer, B, 1994. Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cohen Joshua, Second-Language Literacy Instruction: Five Principles Effective Fluency Development, Asian EFL Journal. Professional Teaching Articles.

Vol. 54 August 2011. Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan.

Gilbert Judy B. 2008. Teaching Pronunciation Using Posody Pyramid, (New York: Cambridge University Press).

Gower Roger, Diane Philips, Steve Walters, 1995. Teaching Practice Handbook. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy, 2000. The Practice of English Language Teaching.

London: Longman Group Ltd.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching.

London: Longman.

Harmer Jeremy, 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London:


Joana Baker & Westrup, H, 2003. Essential Speaking Skill: A handbook for English Language Teacher., (London: Continuum).

Jones Charles, 2006. English Pronunciation in the Eighteenth Centuries and Nineteenth Centuries, (New York: Palgrave MacMillan).

Kelly, Gerald. 2000. How to Teach Pronunciation. 1st edition. Harlow:


Kristi Merry, Rahayu Apriliaswati, Eni Rosnija, Vol 7, No.5 2018.

Improving student’s English Pronunciation through Reading Poetry of SMA N 1 Toho.

Lado Robert, 1961. “Language Testing”, (Longman).

Lestari Saputri Dwi, 2015. a thesis Reading Poem as a Strategy to Improve English Pronunciation Ability on Segmental Features and Word Stress at the Grade XI of SMA Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2014/2015.

LS Mutiara , Heri Yufrizal, Muhammad Sukirlan, 2013. Implementation of Reading Poem Practice to Improve Students’ Pronunciation at Second Year of SMP N 8 Bandar Lampung.

LS Dwi, 2015, Reading Poems as a Strategy to Improve English Pronunciation Ability on Segmental Features and Word Stress (A Clasroom Action Research at The Grade XI of SMA Walisongo Semarang in The Academic Year of 2014/2015).

Muhammad Vandestra, The Translation of Noble Quran English Edition.

QS. Al-Baqarah: 83.

Moreillon Judi, 2007. Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension, (Chicago: American Library Association).

Neelam Shahwar, 2004. Techniques of Teaching Stress, Rhythm And Intonation Patterns to the Learners Of English in India, Department Of English Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh India).

Nunan David, 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. Boston:

McGraw Hill.

Nunan David, 1995. “Language Teaching Methodology”, (A Texbook for Teacher. NY : Phoenix Ltd.,)

NT Darwin, 1995. Implementing the Common Curriculum in Aboriginal Schools (ICCAS) booklet, What is a Poem? Stage 4 English Book 7.

Paul Guth Hans and Gabrielle L. Rico, 1997. Discovering Literature:

Stories, Poem, Plays, (New Jersey: A Blair Press Book).

Peck John & Martin Coyle, Palgrave, 1984. key concepts: Literary terms and criticism (3rd ed.), (New York: Palgrave Macmillan).

Perrine Laurence and Thomas R. ARP, 1992. Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (Florida: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc).

Ranalli, James M, 2002. Discourse Intonation: To Teach or not to Teach?

Birmingham:University of Birmingham.

Rita W, 1987. Teaching Pronunciation: Focus on English Rhythm and Intonation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

Sahulata, Daniel, 1988. An Introduction to Sound and Sound System of English, (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan kebudayaan).

Score Your Goal, 2019, Reading is to the mind, as exercise is to the Body:

Composition Motivational Notebook Journal for School student Office Home and Class with Inspirational Quote by Bryan Tracy” volume 2. (Independent Published).

Silberstein Sandra, 1994. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading, (New York: Oxford American English).

Sugiyono, 2012. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta).

Stannard Allen, Wilson, 1983. Living English Structure. London: Longman.

Rivers, W, M, 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills (2nd edition)., (Chicago:

University of Chicago Press).

Thompson Clay Michael, 2006. Some Element of Poetry. (Royal Fire Work Press).

Widyaningrum Retno, 2014. Statistika (Yogyakarta: Pustaka felicha).

Wulandari Dessy Andhita, 2016. Aplikasi Statistika Parametrik dalam Penelitian, (Yogya: Pustaka Felicha).

APPENDICES Appendix 01 Tittle Submission Sheet

Name : Nazula Fitriani

NIM : 210917029

Semester : 7

Major : English Education Department

1. Background of the Research

 Identification of Phenomena Found

Speaking is one of the English skills that is very crucial to be learned by the non-native learners, especially in Indonesia, English is treated as a foreign language, as the result; if we want to master this language we should learn it continuously. Even though, English is treated as the foreign language in this country, but as the Indonesian citizen who live in the globalization and digital era, the students have to master that language, so they could face the free market challenged. However, one of the problems faces by the students in Indonesia in learning English is the difficulties in pronouncing English words correctly and accurately.

In learning speaking, sometimes the learners is not really paying attention to the pronunciation.

Pronunciation is a part of speaking component that concern on how human pronounces the word and perceives the sound. As a sub skill of speaking, pronunciation has the prominent factor in English as a Foreign Language, especially in communication. Communication can happen if

there is a relation between speaker and hearer. In speaker utterance, she/he should comprehend in what she/ he hears in the target language and can produce the sounds in the language that she/ he has been learned accurately. When she/he can produce the correct pronunciation, the hearer in target language can receive it well and the communication between both of them can be maintained. In other word, pronunciation is one of great importance for successful oral communication to take place since it is an important ingredient of the communicative competence.

There are several types of text being taught in the school traditional poem and modern poem, and so on. However, in this research, the writer used poetry reading. A poetry reading is a performance of poetry, normally given on a small stage in a cafe or bookstore, although poetry reading given by notable poets frequently are booked into larger venues (amphitheater, college auditoriums, etc.) to accommodate crowds. One of the factors is the technique in students’

pronunciation is low. Most English teacher in the school still uses the traditional technique. They correct the students’ pronunciation ability by themselves. By using this technique, the students do not know the mistakes and how to correct them.

Based on the problems mentioned above, the researcher focused. The appropriate technique which was used by the writer is reading poetry

because reading poetry makes the students are able to learn each other. Poetry reading to give specific and deep comments on their pronunciation. Poetry reading has also been found to be useful to those who provide critiques, helping students to develop pronunciation and their speaking skill become better.

 Description of the Selected Phenomena

The teaching pronunciation for Indonesian students is quite difficult. The difficulties are due to the fact that irregular spelling of the English offers poor guidance to its pronunciation, another due to interference or negative transfer from the mother tongue of the students to the target language. Many factors influence English language pronunciation of non-native speakers when they try to make on excellent pronunciation.

It is relate with the thesis of Nawal Aufa who found that most of students get difficulties to speak English because they have a lot of vocabularies but they do not know how to pronounce it.

In an English lesson, especially in a reading subject, the teacher only explains the material to the students, meaning that the learning model is centered purely on the teacher and the students are just a listeners. In reading class, the learners usually became bored. In other words, they did not take priority reading lessons. The students' problem is that they are unable to understand the idea of their reading material.

Based on the problems mentioned above, the researcher focused on students’

pronunciation by using poetry reading practice. The appropriate technique which was used by the writer is reading poetry because reading poetry makes the students are able to learn each other. Reading poetry to give specific and deep comments on their pronunciation.

2. Literature Review

1) Of the four skills, speaking skill usually gets the first priority in English teaching. In relation to this, Danielson et all in A Lumettu journal state : “ the scientifically valid procedure in language learning involves listening first, to be followed by speaking than comes reading and finally the writing of the language” It means that English teaching in earlier stages should be focused on the development of listening and speaking skills. Here, the written wants to emphasize the teaching of speaking which is, of course, cannot be separated for listening.

(Developing the Students’ English Speaking Ability Through Impromptu Speaking Method A Lumettu and T L Runtuwene 2018 J. Phys.: Conf.)

2) Bailey said that speaking is the productive oral skill, which consists of producting systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. It means that speaking consists of producing systematic verbal utterance to convey meaning which

make other people understand what we are talking about clearly. Moreover, Fulcher states that speaking is the verbal use of language to express ideas, opinion, and feelings.

(An Application of Powtoon as a Digital Medium: Enhancing Students’

Pronunciation in Speaking Asni Syafitri ; Abdul Asib; Sumardi Sumardi Volume 5, Issue 2 April, 2018).

3) Pronunciation plays an important role in delivering speech. In order to be understandable, we should deliver our speech with correct pronunciation. In general, pronunciation is the way in which a language is spoken. According Dalton and Seidlhofer pronunciation in general term as the production of significant sounds.

According to them, sound is significant in two senses. The first, sound is significant because it is used as part of a code of a particular language.

So we can talk about the distinctive sounds of English, French, Thai, and other languages. In this sense we can talk about pronunciation as the production and reception of sounds of speech.

The second, sound is significant because it is used to achieve meaning in contexts of use.

Here the code combines with other factors to make communication possible. In this sense she can talk about pronunciation with reference to acts of speaking.

(Deliana Simarmata, Hilman Pardede Error Analysis Of Students’ Pronunciation in Pronouncing English Vowels And Consonants of SMK Karya Serdang Lubuk Pakam in the Academic Year 2017/2018).

4) Poem or poetry A kind of literary work that expresses ones‟ imaginative thought and feeling in the form of lines, stanza often called as poems. This concept is also stated in Teaching Literature for Secondary School, “Poem or we often call it as poetry is part of a fiction work, so it talks about something imaginary which is written to express the author‟s feeling and entertain readers (if it published).

(Beach, R.W. & J.D. Marshall, Teaching Literature in the Secondary School, (New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,1991), Page 219).

5) The basic unit of English rhythm is the syllable.

A syllable is most simply explained as something with a vowel sound at its center. And while the number of syllables in a word is usually obvious to a native speaker of English, learners accustomed to different phonological rules may not hear the syllable divisions in the same way.

(Judy B. Gilbert, Teaching Pronounctiation Using Prosody Pyramid, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2008), page 2).

1. Research Question and objectives

 Research Question:

Do the students who are taught pronunciation by reading poetry get better score than students who aren’t taught pronunciation by reading poetry strategies?.

 Objectives :

To know whether the students who are taught pronunciation by reading poetry strategies get better score than students who aren’t taught pronunciation by reading poetry strategies.

1. Previous Research

1. The first previous research was done by Merry Kristi, Rahayu Apriliaswati, Eni Rosnija, who did research in the title of

improving Student’s english Pronunciation through Reading Poetry of SMA N 1 Toho”. This reseach is aimed to investigate how the teaching poetry improved the students’ pronunciation on the tenth grade of SMA N 1 Toho. The researcher used observation and measurement test as techniques of collecting the data. The purpose of this research was to improve students’ English pronunciation through reading poetry.

2. The second previous research from Shinta Mutiara Lidya, Heri Yufrizal, Muhammad Sukirlan with the title “Implementation of Reading Poem Practice to Improve Students’ Pronunciation at Second Year of Smp N 8 Bandar Lampung”, the researcher focused on students’ pronunciation by

using poetry reading practice. The appropriate technique which was used by the writer is poetry reading because poetry reading makes the students are able to learn each other. Poetry reading to give specific and deep comments on their pronunciation.

Poetry reading has also been found to be useful to those who provide critiques, helping students to develop pronunciation and their vocabulary and become better able to judge their own reading. In reference to the statements described above, the writer in this research would like to know whether there is any improvement in students’ pronunciation after being taught through reading poem.

3. The third previous research is came from Dwi Lestari Saputri with the title “Reading Poems as a Strategy to Improve English Pronunciation Ability on Segmental Features and Word Stress”. In this research, the writer would like to explain the Segmental and suprasegmental features production like stress as the standard for people learning the spoken English. It is aimed to make the students should be able to join the sounds in a sequence to the next sound without difficulty or stumbling.

Because of that, poems are commonly used to practice and teach pronunciation for English learners. The researcher used

poems because reading English poem is believed to have direct influence on the pronunciation skills.

The differences between the previous researches with this research are the participants of the research, the research area, and the implementation of the actions. The area of the previous research was done in many different areas and subject. By considering the explanation, it could be seen that reading poetry strategy could be used as a strategy to improve the students' pronunciation achievement.

Therefore, the researcher conducted a quasi- experimental research using reading poetry strategies towards the students’ pronunciation achievement at senior high school.

3. Title

Improving Students’ Pronunciation through Reading Poetry at the Eleven Grade of Students’ SMA KA Basyariyah Sewulan.

4. Keywords Speaking, pronunciation, reading poetry strategy.

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Ketua Jurusan

Pryla Rochmahwati, M.Pd, NIP. 198103162011012003

Ponorogo, 18 November 2020

Nama Mahasiswa

Nazula Fitriani NIM. 210917029

Appendix 02 Lesson Plan Experimental Class and Control Class

Lesson Plan Experimental Class


Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMA KA Basyariah Sewulan Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI / Genap Materi Pokok : Speaking

Alokasi Waktu : 4 kali pertemuan (30 menit) Pertemuan Ke : 1

1. Tujuan pembelajaran

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan berbentuk poem dengan pronunciation, intonation & language feature yang benar.

2. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

2.1 Siswa menyimak dan praktik/mengerjakan tugas

 Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, memotivasi peserta didik dan mempersiapkan peserta didik.

 Siswa diminta menyimak dan mendengarkan penjelasan materi yang disampaikan oleh guru tentang poem dan beberapa elemennya.

 Siswa ditunjukkan contoh teks poem yang dibaca oleh model.

 Siswa bersama-sama menirukan membaca poem dengan intonasi, jeda, dan pengucapan sesuai dengan model bersama-sama.

 Guru memberikan teks poem sekaligus soal tertulis yang dikerjakan secara individu.

2.2 Siswa mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok/individu

 Secara individu siswa membaca teks poem dengan intonasi, jeda dan pengucapan dengan baik dan benar.

 Guru memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil kerja siswa.

2.3 Menyimpulkan dan penilaian pembelajaran 2.3.1 Kesimpulan Pembelajaran

 Memberikan penilaian pada hasil kerja siswa secara interaktif.

 Guru menutup pelajaran dengan membaca do’a.

3. Jenis Penilaian

 Penilaian Sikap : Observasi selama pembelajaran berlangsung.

 Penilaian keterampilan : Unjuk kerja melalui soal latihan yang diberikan guru.

Pedoman penilaian No. Aspect of


Scoring Low


Average (60-75)

Good (76-100) 1. Pronunciation

2. Fluency 3. Language

features 4. Content

Total Total score

Madiun, 02 Februari 2022

Nazula Fitriani 210917029


1. Read the following poem carefully!

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud William Wordsworth (1802)

That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.

2. Present the poem in front of the class confidently!

3. Answer the following questions!

a. What’s the message of the poem?

b. How is the writer's feeling?

c. What happened to the writer?

d. 1st line in 1st stanza tells about th writers....

e. What can we conclude from the line 10 & 11?

f. The word cloud in “I wandered lonely as a cloud” is used here to give the readers images of...

g. The word “They” in “In the waves beside them dance, but they” refers to....

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