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Discussion and Interpretation

After knowing the result test previous section, the researcher would discuss more about the use of reading poetry strategies to improve the students’ pronunciation.

Based on the study's findings, it can be concluded that using the reading poetry method has a substantial impact on students' reading pronunciation at SMA KA Basyariyah's XI IPS 1 (experimental) class as opposed to XI IPS 2 (control class), as opposed to using the telling story strategy. It can be seen from students’ mean score increase from 62.24 to 75.000, whereas the mean score in the controlled class XI IPS 2 is 55.33 for pre-test score, and 64.00 for the post-test.

Furthermore, it is supported by the result of the t-test. The result showed Ha is accepted because the value of t-test was 3.465, then Ho is rejected because the value of t-test is higher than t-table (3.465 > 2.01). Thus the value is higher than t-table (3.465 > 2.01). It means there is significant difference between students’ pronunciation achievement who are taught using reading poetry strategy and student who are not taught used the strategies. The interpretation of the data of testing hypothesis is as follows:

Ho : There is no significant difference score in speaking for the students who are taught using reading poetry strategy and who are not taught by using reading poetry strategies.

Ha : There is a significant difference score in speaking for the students who are taught by using reading poetry strategies and who are not taught by using reading poetry strategies.

Based on the interpretation of the hypothesis test above, there was a significant improvement on students’ learning outcomes when given the reading poetry strategy method than those who are not. It means that there is

a significant influence of reading poetry strategy on students’ speaking especially on pronunciation skills.

Through the implementation reading poetry strategies, the students’

pronunciation achievement is increased. This achievement can be seen from the different post-test mean figures between both classes. In the pre-test, the difference in the mean figure is not significant. However, after the XI IPS 1 class as the experimental class being treated, the mean figure was significantly different. The post-test mean figure of the XI IPS 1 is 75.00 while the XI IPS 2 is 64.00. Therefore, in the other word the reading poetry strategies is an effective strategies for improving students’ pronunciation in SMA KA Basyariyah Madiun.

Celce-Murcia, Brinton, and Goodwin in Levis and Grant provide a five-stage model for teaching pronunciation communicatively. Their model generally moves from raising awareness of an aspect of pronunciation, to perception or focused listening, to oral practice.61 Teaching speaking means that the teacher teach the listener to: (1) produce the English speech sound and sound pattern, (2) use word and sentence, stress intonation pattern and the rhythm of the second language.62 In other words, it is important for the teacher to teach pronunciation and to make the students aware of pronunciation features because it can improve their communication competence. Learner is not only a war of sounds and sounds feature in learning pronunciation but also can improve their speaking ability.63

In this research, to face the speaking pronunciation difficulties at the eleventh-grade students of SMA KA Basyariyah Madiun, the researcher used the reading poetry strategies for teaching speaking in the XI IPS 1 class.

Poetry might be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more

61 Marianne Celce-murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin, Teaching Pronunciation, (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1996).

62 David Nunan. Practical English Language Teaching. (Boston: McGraw Hill 2003).

63 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition. Page 187.

intensively than does ordinary language.64 Lafta provides some reasons why poetry is used to teach English:

a. Poetry is the type of English which touches our personal feelings most cosely.

b. Poetry can help us to assimilate the typical rhytms of a language.

c. Poetry are often very easy to remember

d. Poetry stick in our minds without conscious effort.

e. The topics which poetry about are in themselves interesting and important.65

Reading poetry aloud is a great way for learners to practice pronunciation and fluency, as well as a chance for students to play with rhymes and language.66 In order to increase confidence and fluency, have students start by reading some poetry together as a class. This strategy requires the students learning activity.

At the first time, the students still got difficulties in getting along with the activities because they never had such learning activities. However, the activities could run well. On the next meeting, the students could enjoy the learning process anf they felt more relax. They seemed interest and happy in taking parts the activities. It was shown from their willing to do what the researcher asked to do. At the end of learning process, the students still felt enthusiastic and understood the important of pronunciation in speaking.

They become more confident when they were asked to read because they could pronounce the words well. In addition, before and after the learning process, the researcher gave pre-test and post-test to the students by reading vocabulary exercises. The result of the post-test show that the students make improvement on their pronunciation. All of the activities, the researcher also

64 Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. ARP, Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (Florida: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc, 1992), page. 49.

65 Lafta, Nawal Hussein. Literature in Language Classroom. 2009-2010.

66 Robertson, Kristina. Introducing and reading poetry with English Language Learners.

2009. Available at http://www.readingrockets.org/article/31169/. Accesed on 14th November 2022.

used communicative activity, such as: short interview, role plays, games and audio taped, etc, in the classroom to practice the pronunciation.67

Based on the result of pre-test and post-test of experimental class, the researcher concludes that before the students took the strategies, most of students made poor pronunciation. There are 3 students gained score 40 (10.3%), 2 students gained score 45 (17.2%), 3 students gained score 50 (27.6%), 1 students gained score 55 (31.0%). The range of poor pronunciation made by the students is around 5 words up to 12 words. After taking the strategies, there are eleventh students made good pronunciation of all the words. Besides, other students also made improvement on several words.

In the post-test, shows that 1 student gained score 50 (3.4%), 5 students gained score 60 (20.7%), 1 student gained score 65 (24.1%), 5 students gained score 70 (41.4%), 12 students are gained score 80 (82.8%), and 5 students gained score 90 (100.0%). It can be seen there is some students who still have difficulties. From the results above, it can be concluded that poetry are effective to improve the students’ achievement in pronounciation, although not all of the students can pronounce the words well. However, the students’ improvement was also supported by the students’ interest in the reading poetry and their motivation in taking part the activities of the learning process.

The students' pronunciation proficiency improves thanks to the use of the reading poetry technique. The varied post-test mean values between the two courses show this accomplishment. The pre-mean test's figure difference is not statistically significant. However, the mean figure changed dramatically after the XI IPS 1 class was used as the experimental class.

67 Marianne Celce-murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin, Teaching Pronunciation, (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1996), page 7.


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