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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

This dissertation titled “The Use of Poetry Reading Strategies to Enhance Intonation Abilityat Eleventh Grade of the Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro” is presented to fulfill one of the requirements for completing S-1 Degree at State of Islamic Studies of Metro . Can Poetry Reading Strategy Improve The Intonation Ability Of The Eleventh Grade Of The Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro?”.


The Concept of Intonation Ability 1. The Definition of Intonation

  • The Types of Intonation
  • Elements of Intonation
  • Intonation in Speaking Assesment

A high fall is a type of intonation symbolized by the pitch drop from very high to very low. A low rise is a form of intonation symbolized by the pitch drop from very low to mid.

The Poetry Reading Strategy

  • The Concept of Poetry Reading Strategy
  • The Principles of Poetry Reading Strategy
  • Benefits of Poetry Reading Strategy
  • Implementation of Poetry Reading Strategy in Teaching Intonation in Speaking Ability

The use of poetry reading strategy for teaching intonation in classroom activities is as follows:19. Implementation of poem reading strategy makes a variation activity and new strategy for teaching learning in the classroom.

Action Hypothesis


The Subject of the Research

Research Procedure

  • Cycle II a. Planning
  • The researcher continued the activities that have done in the first cycle
  • The researcher prepared the lesson plan, media of learning, and material
  • The researcher prepared the instrument of observation
  • The researcher determined the evaluation instrument of the test (pre-test and post-test)

The researcher started the lesson by greeting the students, praying together and checking the students' attendance list. The researcher started the lesson by greeting the students, praying together and checking the students' attendance list.

Figure 1. Cycles In Action Research, Zina O‟Leary Model 21 1.  Cycle I
Figure 1. Cycles In Action Research, Zina O‟Leary Model 21 1. Cycle I

Data Collecting Technique

  • Observation
  • Test
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

The researcher used pre- and post-test forms to see their ability before and after the treatment. The researcher used this method to get the data about the history of the school, the sum of teachers and students at the Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro.

Research Instrument

  • Intonation Test
  • Observation Sheet
  • Documentation Sheet
  • Field Note Sheet

Siswa dapat menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk meminta, meminta, dan menjawab ungkapan saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks, meliputi tata bahasa, kosa kata, pengucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan. Siswa dapat menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk bertanya, meminta, dan menjawab ungkapan saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Data Analysis

  • Description of Research Location
  • Description of the Research Data

The establishment of Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro was as the continuing institution of Pendidikan Guru Agama (PGA) established in 1982. In addition, the Islamic dormitory of Darul Arqom is part of MA MuhammadiyahMetro, so the students of MA Muhammadiyah Metro were the students in Darul Arqom's cottage. Hi Sugeng Siswoyo, M.Pd as head of the Madrasah, tried to revive the role of the Islamic residence of Darul Arqom in strengthening MA Muhammadiyah Metro especially in the field of Islamic Education and later in 2011 efforts to the Islamic boarding school of Darul Arqom was resumed by mr. Mustoto, M.Pd.I, who was Principal of MA Muhammadiyah Metro at that time.

Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro accepts new students and new male students, especially at Darul Arqom Islamic Boarding School, which at that time is still deposited in Ma'had Aly. Ahmad Dahlan 01 Imopuro Metro, which was originally the building of Ma'had Aly Muhammadiyah Metro. The amount of students at MA Muhammadiyah Metro There are 113 students at MA Muhammadiyah Metro.


At this stage, the condition of the class was effective because the collaborator handed over the researchers to make sure that the students' . effectiveness before the researchers conducted research in the classroom. Researcher asks the students to pair up for practice of short conversation based on the topic. Next, the researcher gave the students an oral test and asked the students to perform with their pair.

Then, in this phase, the students actively monitored .. teaching the learning process, as they perform it to their pair to think when they find problems. For example, some students were not confident to perform in class because they were confused whether their score was true or false, and also due to some students' lack of desire to read English text, they lost time to work. The researcher started the lesson with a prayer, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking how the students were doing.

Post-test 1


While the treatment was carried out, the students' activities during the learning process were also observed by the observer. The students who were active in the discussion would get the point by ticking the observation sheet for meeting 1 and meeting 2. Some of the students still had difficulty in identifying the meaning of words and the information of the text (material).

Source: Activity of students in Class XI MIAN of MA Muhammadiyah Metro on August 23, 2018.


The Student's activity

Improving Explanation

  • Planning
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

The researcher and the collaborator prepared the lesson plan, the observation sheet of the students' activities, identified the problem and found the causes of the problem in the first and last activities of the lesson. The researcher also planned to give assessment to measure students' mastery of the given materials. The researcher started the lesson by greeting, praying, checking the attendance list and asking about the condition of the students.

In learning process there were also four indicators that were used to know the students' activities as in the learning process before. Source: The students' activity at XI MIA II class of MA Muhamadiyah Metro on August 26, 2019. Based on the result above, the researcher indicated that the learning process in cycle II was successful because the students'.

Learning activities


  • Result of Students Learning a. Result of students Pre-Test Score
  • Comparison of Score in Pre-Test, Post-Test I in cycle I, and Post- Test II in Cycle II

In this phase, the researcher presented the pre-test to measure the students' ability before the implementation of the treatment. In this research, to know the students' intonation ability after the implementation of the treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test I. In this phase, the researcher continued with cycle II because the score of posttest I in cycle I did not meet the MMC. but it was only 80% passed the MMC.

The researcher presented a posttest II to measure the students' ability after the treatment was administered. Comparison of results in the pre-exam, after exam I in cycle I and after exam II in cycle II. Comparison of students' results before the test, result I after the test in cycle I and results after cycle II. cycle II.

  • The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II The students‟ learning activities data was gotten from the whole
  • Suggestion

Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it was known that there was a positive significant increase in the students' scores. A graph of the comparative scores of the students' intonation ability in the pre-test, after the test I in the cycle I and after the test II in the cycle I. It is supported by the increasing score of the students from the pre-test to the post-test I and from the post-test I to the post-test II. 3. The result of the learning activities of students in I. and II. learning activities on the observation sheet.

From graph 10, we could see that there was an improvement in the average score and total of the students who passed the test from pre-test, post-test I to post-test II. Based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it can be shown that the use of poetry reading strategy can improve the intonation of the students. We can see that this is an improvement over the student's full score and the total score of the least successful students from pre-test, post-test I to post-test II.


Kompetensi Inti

Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, bertanggung jawab dan proaktif serta menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari pemecahan berbagai masalah dalam interaksi yang efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam membangun dirinya sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam masyarakat dunia. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari apa yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak efektif dan kreatif serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan pengetahuan tentang kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kewargaan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta penerapan prosedural pengetahuan dalam bidang studi tertentu sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. Menjelaskan penggunaan elemen bahasa termasuk tata bahasa, kosa kata, pengucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan. Penggunaan ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran dalam konteks komunikasi yang wajar di dalam dan di luar kelas, berupa percakapan/simulasi dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, ungkapan dan unsur kebahasaan serta strategi yang benar dan sesuai konteks .

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

  • Inti Mangamati

Ikuti contoh interaksi dengan memberikan saran dan tawaran serta jawaban dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pengucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi dan sikap yang benar. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, identifikasilah ciri-ciri (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan) interaksi pemberian saran dan tawaran serta tanggapannya. Bersama-sama, cobalah menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk membuat saran dan penawaran serta jawaban dalam konteks pembelajaran, simulasi, permainan peran, dan kegiatan terstruktur lainnya.

Perbandingan ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran serta tanggapan yang telah dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut di atas. Bandingkan ungkapan memberi saran dan penawaran serta tanggapan yang dipelajari di atas dengan yang ada di sumber lain atau dengan yang digunakan dalam bahasa lain. Penggunaan bahasa Inggris setiap kali ada kesempatan untuk memberikan saran, tawaran dan jawaban, di dalam dan di luar kelas, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya.

Penilaian Hasil Belajar

  • Instrumen

Sumber Belajar

Pendirian Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro merupakan lembaga lanjutan pendidikan guru agama (PGA) yang berdiri sejak tahun 1982. Selain itu, Pondok Pesantren Darul Arqom merupakan bagian dari MA Muhammadiyah Metro, sehingga santri MA Metro Muhammadiyah adalah santri Darul Pesantren Arqom. Selain itu, pada tahun 2008, madrasah Muhammadiyah Metro Aliyah yang saat itu ditandatangani oleh Bpk. Hi Sugeng Siswoyo, M.Si. Pd selaku kepala Madrasah, mencoba menghidupkan kembali peran Pondok Pesantren Darul Arqom dalam penguatan metro MA Muhammadiyah khususnya di bidang pendidikan Islam, maka pada tahun 2011, upaya menghidupkan kembali Pondok Pesantren Darul Arqom dilanjutkan oleh Mr. Mustoto, M.Pd.I yang saat itu menjabat Kepala Sekolah MA Muhammadiyah Metro.

Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro menerima santri muda dan santri putra khususnya di Asrama Darul Arqom yang pada saat itu masih bertempat di Ma'had Aly. Asrama putra Pesantren Darul Arqom dipindahkan ke gedung lama Pesantren oleh UM Metro yang saat itu menjadi pemilik baru. Saat itu, sebagai mudir dan ketua MA Muhammadiyah Metro, Pesantren Darul Arqom memperluas kiprahnya dengan mendirikan asrama Pesantren Darul Arqom yang berlokasi di Raden Imba Kusuma Imopuro Metro dengan status sewa sekitar 4 tahun.

Source: Syllabus of the subject of English given in the 2013 syllabus used by the eleventh grade English teacher of Madrasa Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro. Source: Syllabus of the subject of English given in the 2013 syllabus used by the eleventh grade English teacher of Madrasa Aliyah Muhammadiyah Metro.


Figure 1. Cycles In Action Research, Zina O‟Leary Model 21 1.  Cycle I


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