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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

1Siregar Masitowarni & Ade Suryani Nasution, "Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Tugas Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Menulis Teks Prosedur", (UNIMED), p.1. 2PramadithaTia, “Menggunakan Pembelajaran Berbasis Tugas untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas Lima Setidaknya 1 Kasus Palembang”, dalam Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (UIN Raden Fatah Palembang), hal.69.

Intensive Reading

Extensive Reading

Based on the above theories, extensive reading is the reading of large amounts of second language (L2) material for personal enjoyment or interest. The process of reading is what we mean by reading, the communication between the reader and the text.

The Concept of Ability

According to Williams, reading skills learned in the first language are transferable to the second language. In terms of reading skills, the first language learner is transferable to the second language or the learner can easily transfer their first language reading skills to the new learning context.

The Concept of Reading Comprehension

She revealed that standard comprehension education was not very attractive or likely to improve reading comprehension. Based on the above theories, reading comprehension is a basic skill, specifically the process of producing meaning.

Cognitive Process Reading Comprehension

Elaborative processes are when we read, control the tool in our prior knowledge and draw conclusions beyond the points that are clearly described in the text. Metacognitive processes are the metacognitive processes that a reader uses are those that are complex in monitoring comprehension, choosing what to remember, and changing strategies to use when reading.

Stategies for Reading Comprehension

Skimming gives readers a head start, as they can anticipate route objectives, a main theme or message, and perhaps some developmental or supporting ideas. The purpose of scanning is to obtain specific information without reading the entire text.

Reading Comprehension Assessment

To know the achievement of reading comprehension should be measured using the reading assessment. 19Simon Grenall and Michael Swan, Effective Reading: Reading Comprehension for advanced students: Teacher's Book, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p.34.

Concept of Task-Based Learning 1. The Definition of Task

  • Definition of Task-Based Learning
  • The Process of TBL
  • Advantage of Task-Based Learning
  • Disadvantage of task-based learning

29Kagan Buyukkarci, "A Critical Analysis of Task-Based Learning" in Kastomanu Education Journal, (Academic) Vol.2/ January 2009, p. According to Willis Jane, the advantage of task-based learning is useful in shifting the focus of the learning process from the teacher to the student.

Teaching Reading by Using Task Based Learning

Learner goals are said to be distributed along a continuum between achievement orientation and survival orientation. If the learner perceives that a task is closely related to his/her needs, they tend to adopt an achievement orientation. g) Neglected learners' needs: Most language learners have specific needs. In the task cycle, the teacher sets a communication task that they are encouraged to do using the language they already know and then improve their language under the teacher's guidance.

Once they understand the text, they prepare to report what they discovered in the text and then compare the result with other groups. The teacher analyzes the linguistic structure of the text and then practices them. Because in the TBL method, the teaching and learning process is not centered on the teacher, so the student is active in learning reading comprehension.

Action Hypothesis

In the last phase, in the language focus, students have a closer look at the language structure, which they already know during the cycle of tasks.

Variable and Operational Definition of Variables

Dependent Variable

Independent Variable

Setting of the Research

Subject of the Research

Procedure ofthe Research

In addition, Jean McNiff suggested that action research be conducted with a critical partner.36 It means that the researcher would conduct the research with a friend. The researcher used Jean McNiff and Jean Whitehead's Classroom Action Research (CAR) cycle like the figure below:37. In this step, the researcher observed the learning process through observation.

In reflection, the researcher and the teacher would realize the strength and weakness of the action that the researcher and . made by the teacher. Planning was the first step in any activity without planning an activity that the researcher did not focus on. In this step, the researcher would compare the pre- and post-test score.

Data Collecting Methode

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

In the context of science, observation means more than just observing the world around us to get ideas for research.39 Furthermore, the research passed and investigated activities to learn in the class whether or not they get bored with that activity. which is not given. This technique is used to collect the data about the use of task-based learning and students' reading comprehension ability. In the third phase, the observer takes the student's activity, their participations, classification during teaching and learning process, and teacher (researcher) observation through the use of structure observation form and takes note of the overall activities.

In addition, the researcher also collected data from the post test and the result of the student's activity. The researcher used the documentation method to obtain detailed information about the history of the school, the total number of teachers. A field note is an observational instrument used in CAR to provide a record of what happens during observation, which includes descriptions of places, people, objects, actions, activities, events, intentions, time and feelings.40 In this research, the researcher used field notes to record the student's activity during the learning process in the form of storytelling.

Data Analysis Technique

Indicator of Success

  • The History of Senior High School 1 Sekampung
  • Building Condition and School Facilities
  • Total of the students at SMA N 1 Sekampung
  • Vision and Mission of SMA N 1 Sekampung a. Vision
  • Organizational School

This research is passed if 75% of the students achieve a score of ≥75 and 75% of the students are active in the teaching and learning process. It is subjectively concerned with the state of the school, namely the history of the school, the geographic location of the school, the structural condition of the school and the structure of the organizational school. This school was founded in 2004 by a civic figure from East Lampung on a 14,175 m2 site in Sekampung district.

The name of State Senior High School 1 Sekampung has been changed due to the division of districts in Sekampung.

Description of the Research

Source: The result score of reading pre-test at X IPA class of SMA N 1 Sekampung on 19 July 2018. The successful students were those who achieved the minimum mastery criteria at SMA N 1 Sekampung at least 75. From the pre-test result, the researcher got the average of 62, so the result was unsatisfactory.

Therefore, the researcher used Task Based Learning Methode to improve students' reading comprehension ability.

The researcher also planned to provide evaluation to measure students' mastery of the given materials. In this phase, the condition of the class was effective because the collaborator gave the researcher to ensure that of the students. The researcher asked the group members to read and discuss together about the given text.

Then the researcher asked the students to find difficult words and asked them to her. The researcher started the lesson by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students' condition. The researcher broke the ice and briefly reviewed the last material and then gave posttest 1.

Cycle II

The researcher and collaborator prepared the lesson plan, observation sheet of the students' activities, identified the problem and found the causes of problem at the first and the last of learning activities. The researcher started greeting the lesson, prayed, checked the attendance list and asked the students' condition. Next, the researcher gave the tasks to be discussed by the group and all the members should know the answer.

The good condition of the classroom environment has helped a lot in the teaching learning process. Then, the researcher discussed and gave explanations to all students about the problem of reading comprehension ability that students often encounter through the effective method;. Source: SMA N 1 Sekampung Grade X IPA Reading Score Result Post Test 2 on 27 July 2018.

Post-test 2

  • Interpretation
    • Action and Learning Result in Cycle I and Cycle II
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion
    • For the teacher
    • For Students
    • For the Headmaster

There was an improvement in the students' pretest, posttest 1 and posttest 2 in cycle I and cycle II. The researcher concluded that task-based learning was an alternative method that had improved students' reading comprehension. More precisely, there is a positive and significant improvement of using task-based learning on students' reading comprehension in retelling text after treatment.

Task-based learning improves students' reading comprehension in the tenth graders in SMA N 1 Sekampung. As a result, students' reading comprehension in tenth grade in SMA N 1 Sekampung could be improved by implementing task-based learning method. As a result, the Task Based Learning method could improve students' activities in the teaching learning process at the tenth grade level in SMA N 1 Sekampung.


  • Core Competence
  • Basic Competence
  • Indicator
  • Learning Objective
  • Learning Material
  • Learning Method
  • Learning Procedure
    • Whilst Activity (65’) a. Observing
    • Post Activity (15’) a. Summing up
    • Post Activity (15’)
    • Evaluation 1. Instrument
    • Evaluation 3. Instrument

With the guidance of the teacher, students have the opportunity to ask anything related to the renumbering of the text. Jan Koum was born on February 24, 1976 in the area called Part Fastiv Kiev, Ukraine. The Jan Koum family decided to move to America in 1990 to avoid the conflict that occurred in their region.

Jan Koum tried to apply for a job at Yahoo on the recommendation of Brian Acton and he was accepted there. After seven years of working for Yahoo, Jan Koum and Brian Acton decided to resign from Yahoo in 2007. Afterwards, Jan Koum and Brian Acton tried to apply for jobs at Facebook, but they were both rejected by Facebook.


Reading Comprehension of Recount Text

Back in Cupertino, he returned to Atari, where his old friend Steve Wozniak still worked. Wozniak was building his own computer, and in 1976 Jobs sold 50 of the not-yet-manufactured computers to a local store and managed to buy the components on credit solely because of the order, allowing them to build the Apple I without any form of financing. at all. By the time production of the Apple II ended in 1993, it had sold over 6 million units.

Their first title under the Pixar name, Luxo Jr. 1986) won critical and popular acclaim, and in 1991 Pixar signed a deal with Disney, with whom it already had a relationship, to produce a series of feature films, beginning with Toy Story (1995). ). Building his unique computer C. What Steve did when he was fired from Apple. Joined video maker Atari C. Signing a deal with Disney D. Producing a series of feature films E. The group where it started producing innovative computer animation is.

Post Test 1

Post Test 2


Answer Key

Answer Sheet



Post-test 1


Post-test 2



Dokumen terkait

Based the data research above, the researcher concluded that thelearning processin English recount text comprehension by usingspeed reading technique could improve the students’ reading