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Academic year: 2023



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Background of the Problem

Therefore, students must also pay attention to the grammatical language, including what kinds of tenses should be used in their writing, how the sentences are structured, and also what about the appropriate words used in their writing. To make them easy to learn descriptively, the strategy used to help the writing process is using Quick Writing Method because students usually write about something around them that is interesting to them. Because when the students put their writing according to all things of their rounding, it will be the useful way for the students.

Moreover, the strategy is very useful because it helps students to make a narrative paragraph so that they know about the deficiency and excess in their writing. Based on the preliminary survey result in SMP Negeri 2 Batanghari East Lampung, students often get narrative paragraph writing with problems when asked to form a sentence correctly, especially first grade students. To increase the condition, some actions should be done in the classroom by creating and implementing an appropriate approach to make students interested in learning English.

The researcher hopes that the students can actively learn narrative paragraph writing and the drawing label captions (DLC) strategy can easily increase narrative paragraph writing.

Problem Identification

The researcher assumed that this is because the teacher did not provide variety in his learning process through the use of media. Based on the above statement, the researcher decided to use DLC (Draw Label Caption) strategy to increase narrative paragraph writing skills in seventh graders of SMP Negeri 2 Batanghari Lampung Timuras as the title of the proposal.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefit of Study 1. The objective of study

The result of this research is expected to increase their narrative paragraph writing skills. They can take some information to identify their difficulties in mastering writing skills, especially the narrative paragraph. We hope that this research can provide information about the importance of using drawing sticker labels in the learning process of teaching.

Concept of Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability 1. The Definition of Writing Ability

The Kinds of Paragraph

Based on the definition above, the writer concluded that the definition of paragraph is a group of sentences or the smallest prose unit containing relevant information about one mind or central idea. When the writers write a descriptive paragraph, they should use words that help their readers see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what they are describing. The writers should tell their readers what colors things are, how big things are, what things sound like, etc.

A persuasive paragraph gives the writers opinion on the topic and tries to get the reader to agree with it. When writers write a persuasive paragraph, writers must provide facts and examples to support their opinions. An expository paragraph is also called an expository text which aims to provide information about something that happens to the readers.

The Characteristics of Narrative Paragraph

Moreover, Furaidah, et.al define narrative as a present story such as your daily activities, or a past one such as your memorable experiences and all other events that happened in the past11. They are written in such a way as to place the author, the reader, or both right in the center of the action. When written in the third person (“he, “ “she,” etc.), the reader follows the character around, mentally visualizing the events and should always be written in an active voice and normally cover the past tense.

Descriptive language is used to enhance and develop the story by creating an image in the reader's mind. It can be written in first person (I, We) or third person (he, she and they). As mentioned before, stories have several processes that exist in the story to draw out the character's experience.

The crew landed on the moon in the Sea of ​​Tranquility a day before the actual walk.

The Nature Draw Label Caption Strategy 1. Definition of Draw Label Caption Strategy

The Principles of Draw Label Caption Strategy

If the student is older than seven or eight, we might consider drawing a picture before writing. Even if the student is not the greatest artist in the world, drawing a picture in preparation for writing can really help. And finally, while the student is drawing, the student spends a few minutes thinking about what the student wants to say.

The student builds sets of modifiers: adjectives, adverbs and phrases that make the writing more descriptive and specific. If a student wants to learn a lot about sentence correction, he should devote a little time to writing. See how many different ways a student can change the word order and still have it make sense.

As the student reworks our caption, try to make it more and more interesting, not just longer.

The Pros and Cons of Draw Label Caption Strategy One of the pros of this strategy is that any kid can do it.

The Use of Draw Label Caption Strategy To Increase Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability

The character label caption is a pre-writing strategy that can help students generate their ideas before writing a narrative paragraph, fictional story, or personal story. In conclusion, the drawing label caption is a pre-writing strategy that has three procedures, namely: drawing pictures, labeling the picture, and turning the label into a sentence. The drawing label caption can really help a student to focus more on their writing subject.

The teacher asks the students to make a quick pencil sketch of their scene related to the topic given by the teacher. The teacher asks the students to write a single sentence below the picture that tells what is happening. This strategy is supposed to be able to help students explore their ideas in narrative paragraph writing.

So, drawing sticker writing is a strategy that can help both teachers and students in teaching and learning a narrative paragraph.

Action Hypothesis

The teacher asks the students to create a text label (phrase) of one or two words for each item in their drawing.

Setting of the Research

Subject of the Research

Procedure of the Research

The researcher observes the students in this research to know the problems in the learning process. A pretest is given to the students to know the early learners' . ability before treatment and give a post test to know the students' ability after they have been taught using the drawing labeled caption strategy narrative paragraph. This is to know how far the students' writing skills using the drawing label caption strategy narrative paragraph.

After comparing the score distribution before and after the test, . the researcher examines and reflects on the attitude and performance of the students whether it is positive or negative. The researcher observes the students in this research to know the problems in the learning process. Students are given a pre-test to learn about early learners' abilities before treatment and a post-test to learn about students' abilities after they are taught using a learner-centered teaching approach.

This is to know how far the students' writing ability is using the tag writing strategy narrative paragraph.

Data Collection Method

A pre-test will be given before the discussions are presented to determine how far the students' speaking skills are. The students will present themselves in front of the class, and the researcher will evaluate their performance. There are four aspects to assess students' speaking ability, namely: fluency, pronunciation, confidence and sound.

A post-test will be administered to determine the progress of students' speaking skills using the strategy of drawing sticker labels after the sessions. The type of post test is an objective test in the form of an oral test as a pre-test. Documentation is a method used to obtain information from written sources or documents such as books, journals, regulations, meeting notes, and daily reports.28.

The researcher uses this method to obtain data about the history of the school, the number of teachers, employed officials and students in SMP N 2 Batanghari.

Instrument of the Research

Data Analysis Technique

Indicator of Success

Result of the Research

  • Description of Research Setting
  • Description of Research Result
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

The observation sheet was completed by the collaborator, who is the English teacher, to know the students' activities in the learning process. Based on the table above, it can be seen that all students were not successful. Additionally, the drawing tag title was used by the students to make the narrative paragraph.

The employee's job was to observe the activities of the students during the learning process. The class observation table shows that during the first meeting the percentage of active students was 36% (8 students) and 64% (14 students) were inactive. b) The second meeting. The result of the students' activity in the third session was 64% (14 students) as active and 36% (8 students) were still passive. 3) Reflect.

However, the result was unsatisfactory enough as the students who passed the minimum passing mark were only 8 students (37%) in the pre-test and 9 students (41%) in the post-test 1. The researcher taught when the teacher and the staff member followed the class by observing the activities of the students. After giving a treatment in the first meeting that consisted of giving material and giving exercises, the researcher handed the students post-test 2.

The students were supposed to understand about the topic and then they made a narrative paragraph about it. The average score was 77.27 which can be said that the students passed the material successfully. In cycle 2, the researcher still worked with the collaborator to observe the students' activities during the learning process.

From the table above, it can be seen that in the first meeting the percentage of active students was 64% (14 students) and 36% (8 students) were inactive. b) Second Meeting. After passing the cycle 2, the researcher decided not to continue the cycle forward because the result showed that the students' score had increased more and more.


Cycle 1


Cycle 2


Result of the Study




Dokumen terkait

Then, from the computation exists in the previous section; the researcher concludes that the use of Draw Label Caption (DLC) technique in teaching writing of descriptive text