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Study Program : English Education Study Program Department : Tarbiyah

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Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of the diploma thesis is to find out the impact of using the I see game on students' vocabulary mastery among the fifth graders of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung. This means that I can see that the game has a significant effect on students' vocabulary mastery, especially for the fifth graders of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in the academic year 2012/2013.


  • Background of the Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objectives and Benefits of The Study
    • The objectives of the study
    • The Benefits of The Study

I see play to the students' vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in the academic year. I see play towards the students' vocabulary mastery of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in the academic year.


Theoretical Review

  • Vocabulary
  • Concept of Game
  • Teaching Vocabulary for the Elementary School Students

Meanwhile, according to Vygotsky's theories in Cameron, "the words are a recognizable linguistic unit for children in their first language and so they will notice words in the new language."5 Many children are interested in the new vocabulary in their first language. The classification can be identified by function, role, etc. Cameron explains in her book, "The words of the language roughly split into two groups depending on how they are used to construct sentences". Play is one of the ways to make language learning fun.11 Meanwhile, Suyatno said that “the game becomes more attractive if it contains elements of competition or a race, as well as entertainment.”12 The elements of competition cannot be separated from the game , because many children like a challenge in this.

The researcher assumes that I see game as an action game. Game is a suitable technique to use in teaching vocabulary to primary school students as they can easily keep their mind and feeling optimistic about what they are learning. Therefore, it is suitable for teaching primary school students in the classroom. The procedure to teach English through I see game is as follows:28. The teacher starts teaching English through I see game by moving the furniture to the side of the room if possible, it makes the students' movements easier.

One of the rules of the game "I see" is to make a group and each group tries to win the game. Based on the above explanation, the researcher knows that the stage of students in the fifth grade is at the second level.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

  • Theoretical Framework
  • Paradigm
  • Population
  • Sample and Sampling Technique

Based on the theoretical framework and paradigm above, the researcher formulates "alternative hypothesis (Ha): there is significant influence of using I see game against students' vocabulary mastery in fifth. In this research, the researcher used two classes, the first as an experimental class that receives the special treatments that teach vocabulary by using I see game and the other is control class that does not treat.The research is done to know the effect of using I see game against students' vocabulary mastery, especially in the fifth graders of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung.

Arikunto defines population as the totality of the subjects of the study.5 Furthermore, Population is a number of subjects whose characteristics will be investigated.6 The population in this study is the fifth graders students of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in the academic year 2012/2013 consists of 54 students. One of the classes, the experimental class, would receive the technique that uses I see play in the learning process and the other class, the control class that is without using I see play in the learning process. The sample of the study therefore consists of the students of the VB class, which consists of 27 students as an experimental class.

The Oprational Definition of Variables

  • Independent Variable
  • Dependent Variable

It means that in this research, every member of the population has an opportunity to become a sample, the researcher decided to use VA class as control class and VB class as experimental class as sampling technique in this research. Meanwhile, students in the VA class consisting of 27 students as a control class to find the impact of the variable. Independent variables are variables that (maybe) affect a single dependent variable.10 The independent variable of this research is using the game I see.

The students can use I see games in front of the class based on the rules correctly. Students can name the things or the object after they have seen game. According to Kusnadi, "dependent variable is a variable of research to measure an effect or influence of other variables".11 In addition, Creswell explains "dependent variable is the response or criterion variable that is supposed to be caused by or affected by the independent treatment.

Data Collection Method

  • Observation
  • Test
  • Documentation

After observing the subjects' activities, the researcher conducted a pre-test to know to what extent the students' English language skills were tested before giving treatments. This was done to determine readiness for the instructional program and to diagnose individuals' specific strengths and weaknesses. It was done to learn the vocabulary mastery of the students by using I see game after giving a treatment.

The post-test is held in the last session after giving the treatments to find out if the treatments make any contribution to the students' performance in the experiment. The improvement can be seen if the average score of the experimental group is higher than the control group, or if there is a significant difference between the pre-test scores and the post-test scores of the experimental group. Arikunto defines documentation as the method used to obtain information from written language such as book, magazine, document and.

Research Instrument

Then the researcher would find out if there is an increase in the result between the pre-test and post-test. The test consists of 20 test items, each item test consists of four options which are A, B, C and D the score of each item is 5 for number 1 through 20. The focus of content validity is on the adequacy of the sample and not only on the appearance of the test.

The writer constructed the test instrument based on the subject content of the curriculum of this school for additional information about the curriculum. To obtain content validity, the test is constructed based on a design and must be related to the curriculum. Based on the above explanation, the researcher concludes that reliability is the accuracy of the measurement result.

Table 2 The Criteria of Tests
Table 2 The Criteria of Tests

Data Analysis Technique

The result of pre-test at the fifth B graders (experimental class) SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung. The result of pre-test at the fifth A graders (control class) SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung. Frequency distribution as the result of pre-test at the fifth A graders (control class) SD N 1 Restu Baru.

Post-test result in fifth grade B (experimental class) SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung. Post-test result in fifth class A (Control class) SD N 1 Restu Baru Ampung central in academic year 2012/2013. Frequency distribution as a result of the post-test in the fifth grade A (control class) SD N 1 Restu Baru.


Description of the Data

  • Research Setting
  • Research Data

Source: Documentation of Location Outline of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in Academic Year 2012/2013. Based on the above data, it can be seen that the pretest result of the VB class (experimental class) is as follows: there were 2 students. Based on the above frequency distribution table, it can be concluded that 20 students (84.1%) scored below the value standard which is 60 and only 7 students (15.9%) met the value standard.

The result of the student pre-test at control class can be identified as follows. Therefore, it can be concluded that the students' vocabulary mastery was improved in the post-test. Therefore, it can be inferred that the result in experimental class is higher than control class.

Hypothesis Testing

  • Preparing the Table
  • Compute the Data

Based on the frequency distribution table above, it can be seen that there were 2 students (7.4%) whose score was below the value standard, which is 60. Prepare the table to prove whether there is a difference between the experimental class and the control class in the fifth graders SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in the academic year 2012/2013. The table as the authentication of the difference between experimental and control class in the fifth graders SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung.

Based on the data, the researcher has the toobserved of this research is 6,280 and degree of freedom (df) is 52. After considering the t-test using df 52, the researcher did not find it in the table.


This means that the use of the I see game has a significant impact on students' vocabulary mastery among fifth-graders of SD N 1 Restu Bar in the academic year 2012/2013. During the research, the researcher noticed that the students were interested in learning vocabulary through the game I See. During the learning process, they were enthusiastic, they remembered the vocabulary more easily through the game I see.

The researcher assumed that teaching and learning using I see game can affect the student's vocabulary mastery.


  • The criteria of tests
  • The condition of teachers and employees in SD N 1 Restu Baru Central
  • The condition of SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung Students’ in the
  • Frequency distribution as the result of pre – test at the fifth B
  • Frequency distribution as the result of pre-test at the fifth A graders (control
  • Frequency distribution as the result of post-test at the fifth B graders (experi-
  • Frequency distribution as the result of post-test at the fifth A graders (control
  • The table as authentication of the difference between experimental and con-
  • Calculation T-test by using SPSS 10
  • Critical value of t table
  • Interpolation

In the first treatment, the researcher had no difficulty leading the class, the class seemed quiet, and the students seemed very active in following the lesson. The students didn't have enough vocabulary, they always asked to teach every word they didn't know in English. Based on the data analysis in chapter IV, the researcher concluded that there is a significant influence of the use of I see game on the students.

It means that there is a significant influence of the use of the game I see towards the vocabulary mastery of students in the fifth grade SD N 1 Restu Baru Central Lampung in the academic year 2012/2013. Students should enrich their vocabulary in order to help them in the process of learning English. The English teacher should motivate students to be more active in learning English by helping them to enrich their vocabulary.


Table 2 The Criteria of Tests
Table 12 Interpolation


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Based on the limitation problem above, the writer formulated the problems as follows: “Is cooperative learning effectively used in teaching English for speech at the second Semester