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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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The Background of Study

In the State Islamic Institute of Metro, especially the fifth semester students, the author found difficulty in learning translation. Data for the translation ability of the students in the fifth semester of the State Islamic Institute in Metro. Data for the students' reading comprehension in the fifth semester in the state's Islamic institute in Metro.

Problem Identification

According to the explanation above, it can be inferred that most students are still confused about reading comprehension. With all explanations and evidence, the writer would like to investigate whether there is a positive and significant correlation between students' reading comprehension and translation ability in the State Islamic Institute of Metro. Therefore, the writer would like to conduct a study titled “The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension and Translation Ability in the Fifth Semester of English Education Department of State Islamic Institute of Metro”.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Conversely, Hatim and Munday define translation as "the process of transferring a written text from source language (SL) to target language (TL)". However, Robinson said that translation is a text from the perspective of "external knowledge", but an activity (aimed at the production of a text) from the perspective of "internal knowledge. 6. Thus, translation is ' a process intended to find meaning equivalence in the target text the term that means equivalence because it is the meaning that is conveyed in the target language The Correlation between Students' Reading Comprehension and Translation Ability in State Islamic Institute of Metro.

There is any positive and significant correlation between students' reading comprehension and translation ability in the State Islamic Institute of Metro. There is no positive and significant correlation between students' reading comprehension and translation ability in the State Islamic Institute of Metro. This is the vision and missions that includes all the students in English Education Department in State Islamic Institute of Metro.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the reading comprehension of the students among the fifth semester students of the Department of English Education in the Metro State Islamic Institute is categorized as good. To measure students' translation ability, the writer tested students to translate a text. Validation of the correlation between students' reading ability and their translation ability in the fifth semester of the students of the Department of English Education in the State Islamic Institute of Metro.

There is a positive and significant relationship between students' reading comprehension and their translation ability in the fifth semester students of the Department of English Education in Metro State Islamic Institute. Based on the table above, it can be concluded that out of 26 students who followed the measurement process, most of the students were included in the good category especially in the independent variable (Reading Comprehension) and also in the good category in the dependent variable (Ability to translation). It means that most of the fifth semester students of Department of English Education in State Islamic Institute of Metro who have attended Reading and Translation 2 have good category.

Based on the analysis of the research data, the researcher can generally summarize the conclusion of this research. This means that the finding of the research is in line with the theories which claim that there is a positive and significant relationship between students' reading comprehension and translation ability.

Tabel 3.  The Translation Assessment Rubric
Tabel 3. The Translation Assessment Rubric

The Objectives and Benefits of the Study


Theoretical Review

  • The Concept of Translation Ability

The Concept of ReadingComprehension

According to Glenda MacNaughton, reading is the recognition and interpretation of the meaning of a printed word or symbol and groups of words or symbols. On the other hand, reading is a neuronal and intellectual circuit act, enriched as much by the unpredictable indirections of a reader's inferences and thoughts as by the direct message to the eye from the text.12. Then reading is also useful for other purposes: any exposure to English (provided students understand it more or less) is a good thing for language learners.14.

However, reading is a remarkable achievement considering the number of levels and components to master. This means that reading is the basis of getting information from the text through reading, human thinking, transferring information and learning something new on a daily basis. Therefore, the purpose of the reading activity is to recognize the meaning of words and phrases in the reading passages.

Processing occurs when linguistic input from the text is compared to the reader's previous knowledge. Types of discourse markers are: (a) Enumerative: first, second, finally, etc. b) Additive: again, then again, additionally, well, etc. Traditional measures of reading comprehension are limited in that they are only a common indicator of how the learner understands. to text, and they are not based on experts' knowledge of what good readers must do to understand text.19.

To know to what extent the students should measure reading comprehension, use the assessment of reading.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

  • Theoretical Framework
  • Paradigm

The Hypothesis

This research was intended to investigate whether there is a positive and significant correlation between students' reading comprehension and translation ability in the State Islamic Institute of Metro. This research was carried out in the State Islamic Institute of Metro and the subject of this research is the fifth semester of the English educational department. To investigate whether there is a positive and significant correlation between student reading comprehension and translation ability at the fifth in State Islamic Institute of Metro.

The number of teachers and official employees of the State Islamic Institute of Metro in academic year 2015/2016 is 152. The reading comprehension score in the fifth semester of the State Islamic Institute of Metro. Therefore, it can be concluded that translation proficiency is in the good category among the fifth semester students of the State Islamic Institute of Metro English Education Study Program.

After applying the test, the writer analyzed the data by using product moment formula correlation to prove whether there is relationship between the students' reading comprehension and their translation ability of the fifth semester students of English education department of State Islamic Institute of Metro. If we interpret it based on the above table, it can be deduced that there is an average correlation between the students' reading comprehension and their translation ability of fifth semester students at the English Education Department in the State Islamic Institute of Metro. Furthermore, the writer measured the level of correlation between the students' reading comprehension and their translation ability in the students in the 5th semester at the English education department.

However, this research does not interpret the entire problem faced by the students and it is only available to fifth semester students of English Education Department of State Islamic Institute of Metro.


Research Design

A quantitative method explains the reduction to a modest set of variables that is strictly controlled by design or statistical analysis, providing measures or observations to test a theory.1 That is, quantitative research is the illustration of a fact by numerical or statistical analysis. Ex post facto research is sometimes called causal comparison because its purpose is to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between independent and dependent variables.2. There are an independent variable (X) and a dependent variable (Y), the independent variable (X) is reading comprehension and the dependent variable (Y) is translation ability.

Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques

  • Population
  • Sample
  • Sampling Techniques

Operational Definition of Variables

In addition, the writer would measure reading comprehension by collecting data that would be obtained through a test, the writer uses a written test consisting of 20 questions. Students would get one mark for answering a question correctly and zero for a wrong answer. A dependent variable is a variable that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable.

To determine the variable, the test result can be seen, the writer would put the text from source language (SL) to target language (TL), English to Indonesian, so students need to understand the translation of the sentence. The writer will test the text from the source language (SL) to the target language (TL), English. Students receive one mark for answering a question correctly and zero for an incorrect answer.

Data Collection Technique

  • Test
  • Documentation
  • Observation

Research Instrument

Research instrument blueprint is a way to get the data that is useful the researcher has done to gather information in the field. Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it purports to measure and, as a result, allows appropriate interpretation of scores.6. From the explanation above, it should be noted that validity is used to get accurate data which has good quality to know the relevance of the test and how well the test samples are being tested.

Reliability is the degree to which a test consistently measures what it measures.7 In other words, it can be said to be a test that can be trusted.

Data Analysis Technique

Ki Hajar Dewantara 15 A, Iring Mulyo, East Metro, Metro City at the request of Metro Society. To support the lecturers and students, the National Islamic Institute Metro has several facilities namely: Lecture Room, Computer Lab Unit & Baitul Mal wa Tamwil, Library Unit, Language Lab Unit, Micro Teaching Lab, Islamic Development Unit, Classroom, Mosque, football pitch, basketball pitch, rock climbing pitch, volleyball pitch, tennis court, hall, Student Activities Unit (USU) room, Student Council office. Indeed, it will be a dynamic, open and respectful relationship between stakeholders in TBI State Islamic Institute of Metro, and the total number of students in 2011-2016 TBI is 1059 students.

Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that the correlation level between reading comprehension and translation ability is 39.32. The research finding clearly concluded that the correlation between students' reading comprehension and translation ability was positive and significant with an observed r of 0.627.


Tabel 3.  The Translation Assessment Rubric


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