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Academic year: 2023



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This study aims to find out whether the out-of-class method is effective in increasing students' ability to write descriptive texts. The study results indicated that the application of the outdoor classroom method was significant in improving the students' writing performance in terms of content and organization. This showed that the average score of the post-test of the students was higher than that of the pre-test.

Praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT for all his grace and guidance for the researcher to complete the thesis titled "The Effect of Outdoor Class on The Students' Writing Skills at The First Grade in SMA Negeri 5 Selayar". English is one of the subjects that students learn at every level of education. Based on the above explanation, the researcher formulates a topic for the research as follows "The effect of outdoor education on students".

Based on the above explanation, the problem statement is: Does outdoor instruction improve students' writing skills. The aim of the research is to determine whether outdoor lessons can improve students' writing ability. The focus of this research is to know the effect of outdoor lessons on students' writing skills.

Figure 2.1  Conceptual framework.......................................................................
Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework.......................................................................


  • Background1
  • Problem Statement
  • Objectives of The Research
  • Significance of The Research
  • Scope of The Research

After some activities, the researcher completed a post-test to determine the improvement of the students' writing skills. The result of the data analysis t-test of the students' writing on descriptive text by out-of-class method as media in table 4.3. The average score of the students in pre-test was 64.25 and post-test with the average score 75.

The result showed that the outdoor teaching method could influence students' writing on descriptive text. Improvement in students' writing skills in terms of content and organization can be observed during the pre-test and post-test. Students' assessment of content in the pre-test and post-test Sample Pre-Test Post-Test.

Pre- and post-test organization term scoring classification of students (Descriptive text).


Previous Research Finding

This means that the use of pictorial media to write paragraphs improves students' writing skills. The second research was conducted by Suharmi (2015) on improving students' writing skill in descriptive text by using outdoor activity. The result of this research that is outdoor activity can improve students' descriptive writing ability.

It is proven with the students' improvement scores of the tests, because the average of the post-test in cycle I is higher than the pre-test. Ardiyansya (2017), the result of his research is that the outdoor learning strategy was able to improve students' writing skills by the result of the t-test being higher than the t-table. The differences in this research are the place because from this situation outdoor class can not be able to.

The location of this school away from the crowd so that students cannot be disturbed in learning.

Some Pertinent Ideas

This method does not only focus on the concept of knowledge itself, but more importantly, it connects the concept to an environment or situation where students can be motivated to learn. External learning could also expand the idea reinforcement that would be given to students. Based on the above statement, the researcher can conclude that outdoor education is learning behavior outside the space such as gardens, parking lots, fields, etc.

Outdoor classroom site or location can be taken from: School garden, field school, library and mosque. The path to learning in the outdoor learning method can generally be concluded that the method takes students out of the classroom. Writing is one of the four basic skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking (Javed as cited in Artanti.

The purpose is to communicate the writer's feelings or encounters to depict, establish or condemn. Explanation: talking or elaborating on how or why things occur, the intent is to narrate each progression of the interaction (how) and provide a rationale (why). Discussion: talk or explain a theme and incorporate both sides of the case we are making.

The intent is to respond to a creative work by providing a representation of the work and a judgment. Prescribing, or planning what will be written, is an essential step in the writing process and should make up 70% of the writing time. At this stage, students are aware of the technical aspects of the text used in the play.

Rewriting is the final stage of the writing process where students submit the completed paper after rewriting it. Argumentation is called powerful composition as it plans to persuade the reader of the composition's perspective on specific issue.

Conceptual Framework

The dependent variable in this research was students' writing ability in terms of content and organization. The average score of students is classified in 5 levels as follows Table 3.3 Classification of points. The findings of this research showed the description of the research result through the average grade of the students in the pre-test and post-test in terms of content and organizational achievements using the outdoor classroom as a method in teaching descriptive text.

Students' writing about descriptive text in terms of content aspect using otudoor class as teaching method was different in pre-test and post-test. The research findings indicated that the students' writing on descriptive text through the use of otudoor class method showed the improvement of the students writing on descriptive text in terms of content aspect. When measuring the students' performance between pre-test and post-test in terms of content, the results in pre-test were poor (64,25) because the students have a deficiency in describing the topic to write their descriptive text.

At first, students' writing skills were poor and students' pre-test scores were low. The classroom situation before the researcher gives a treatment is that the students are not excited to learn about the descriptive text. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that teaching using the outdoor classroom method can improve students' writing skills.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Outdoor Learning Strategy can improve the students' writing skills in Organization. This can be seen on the students' organization in writing in Post-test is better than Pre-test. The students' score of pre-test (X₁ ) and post-test (X₂ ), gain/difference between the corresponding pairs (D) and square of the gain (D²) in terms of content.

Figure 2.1 Comseptual framework
Figure 2.1 Comseptual framework



  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Variables
  • Instrument of The Research
  • Procedure of Data Collection
  • Technique of Data Analysis

After applying the pretest, the researcher gave the treatment four times to the students using the outdoor classroom method. This means that using the outdoor classroom method can have a positive effect on students writing tests in terms of content.

Table 3.2 Classification Score of Content
Table 3.2 Classification Score of Content



In the pre-test, none of the students can achieve an excellent and very good score, but most of the students achieve a fair score. It proved that the outdoor classroom method can help students improve dwscript text writing, especially in organization. The following table shows the distribution of the main points in the pre-test, post-test and the improvement of the students' organization.

Therefore, most of the students were easy to get information and could also organize their ideas better. The improvement of the classroom situation before and after the treatment, the students were more enthusiastic, motivated and interested in participating in the teaching and learning process.

Table  4.2  show  that  before  giving  treatment  in  terms  of  organization  by  using outdoor class method, in pre-test most of the students only achieved a  fair  score  and  no  one  of  the  students  can  achieve  an  excellent  or  very  good  sco
Table 4.2 show that before giving treatment in terms of organization by using outdoor class method, in pre-test most of the students only achieved a fair score and no one of the students can achieve an excellent or very good sco





Improving students' writing skills using research technique in eighth grade students of Mts Negeri 2 Palembang. Teaching descriptive text through PPP technique to the eighth grade students of SMP Dharma Wiweka in the academic year 2012/2013. The effect of outdoor education on the development and engagement of students' social emotional competences in the classroom.

The Effectiveness of Realia Outdoor Courses to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of Grade Five Pupils of Sd Negeri Kroyo Kulon Students in the Academic Year 2013/2014. Conducting outdoor activities to improve vocabulary mastery in seventh grade students of Smp N 1 Pakis Magelang during the academic year. The use of picture paper to improve the writing skills of tenth grade students of SMK Diponegoro in the academic year 2011/2012.

The effectiveness of outdoor learning on students' achievement in writing descriptive text in tenth grade students of MA Ma’arif Bolong Ponorogo. Improving writing skills through diary writing of tenth grade students of Sma N 1 Ngemplak. Write two short paragraphs of descriptive text about your idol, each paragraph consists of 5 sentences.

Tulislah dua paragraf pendek teks deskriptif tentang lingkungan sekolahmu, masing-masing paragraf terdiri dari 5 kalimat. 5 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal yang dilengkapi dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan konteksnya. Mengkomunikasikan teks deskriptif tertulis tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan konteks.

Siswa mampu menulis teks deskriptif dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan konteks. Kegiatan inti (70 menit) - Guru menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks deskriptif, khususnya isi dan organisasi. Guru meminta siswa keluar kelas dan berkumpul di taman sekolah, masing-masing siswa menunjuk suatu benda yang akan mereka gambarkan.

Guru meminta siswa untuk kembali dan duduk di taman sekolah kemudian menulis teks deskriptif sederhana berdasarkan daftar yang telah mereka tulis.


Figure 2.1  Conceptual framework.......................................................................
Figure 2.1 Comseptual framework
Table 3.2 Classification Score of Content
Table 4.1 The classification of content in pre-test and post-test  Classification Score


Dokumen terkait

Limitation of The Problem This research only focused on using climbing grammar mountain game, as mean to compare the score of writing skill post test students taught with climbing