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Academic year: 2023



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In mastering a language, vocabulary is one of the English components to be taught to the learners because vocabulary plays the most important role in a language. Basically, the first thing to master when learning language, especially English, is vocabulary. Based on the interview with the teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar, the students have a low vocabulary.

In addition, they are difficult to remember and the students are also not very motivated to learn English, because they feel that English is difficult. Therefore, the teacher should use effective vocabulary teaching techniques that make students active and motivated in the learning process. One of the ways in which students can become active, fun and motivated during the learning process is through the use of a game.

Based on the above statements, the researcher concluded that the game can be used in teaching vocabulary, because the games are very motivating for the students in learning.

Problem Statement

Therefore, the researcher uses the Simon Says game to improve the vocabulary of students at SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar.

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Scope of the Research

In some relevant ideas explain the concept of vocabulary, the concept of games and the concept of play Simon says. 2018) found that, there was an increase in students' vocabulary mastery using the Simon Says game. The teacher must be clear about his or her goals in teaching vocabulary to students.

Hangman game is a game used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary which is that students have to guess one letter one by one and make students enjoy and have fun in the learning process (Jurasni 2019:15). According to Sabaena (2014:18) the Bookworm game is a good technique used to improve students' vocabulary by connecting the latter to the screen. Dalimunte (2018) stated that, Simon says game is game is a popular way to learn vocabulary and make students active in the learning process.

Dalimunte (2018) says that by using Simon says games to learn vocabulary, students' responses were more active, enthusiastic, spirited and entertaining. 2) The disadvantages of Simon Say's game.

Conceptual Framework

The researcher introduces the game Simon Says. f) The researcher used the Simon Says game in the learning process. To find the standard deviation of students' pretest and posttest scores using the formula below. Based on the graph above, it can be seen that the percentage and frequency of students before and after the test.

The above table showed that the students' mean score and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test. The average score for the students' posttest was higher than the average score for the students' pretest. The graphic above shows that the students' mean score and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test.

The students' average post-test score was higher than the students' average pre-test score. The graph above shows the improvement of the students' vocabulary between the pre-test and the post-test. The researcher described the meeting one by one as follows. a) The description of the first meeting.

After that, the researcher administered a pre-test and gave the students 80 minutes to answer the question. In this meeting, the researcher greeted the students and invited them to pray together and checked the presence of the students. The researcher teaches the students how to pronounce the given vocabulary.

At the end of the meeting, the researcher and the students concluded the meeting by reciting the Hamdala. When the students understood, the researcher used this game. The students looked happy and enjoying themselves.

Research Hypothesis


  • Research Design
  • Research Variable and Indicators
  • Population and Sample
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Procedure of Collecting Data
  • Data Analysis

In material noun, the researcher gives the students vocabulary in form picture. d) The researcher explains how to pronounce some of the vocabulary given. e). This means that the students' vocabulary at the first grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar was low.



After conducting this research, it was found that there was an improvement in students' vocabulary after using the Simon Says Game in teaching vocabulary in the first grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar. We can conclude that the percentage rate in the post-test was greater than the percentage rate in the pre-test. According to the table above, it can be seen that in the noun the result before the test was 1 student got an excellent result, 1 student got a very good result, 5 students got a good result, 7 students got a fairly good result, there was no student who got a fair grade, 5 students got a poor grade, and 4 students got a very poor grade.

While in the score verb there was not a single student who received an excellent score, there were not a single student who received a very good score, there were 5 students who received a good score, 7 students who received a fairly good score, there were no students who got a fair score, there were 5 students who got a bad score and 4 students got a very bad score. In the post-test score, there were 6 students with an excellent score, 7 students with a very good score, 3 students with a good score, 3 students with a fairly good score, 3 students with a fair score and 1 student with a very bad score. rating. While in the score verb there were 10 students who got an excellent score, 4 students got a very good score, 2 students got a good score, 2 students got a fairly good score, 3 students got a fair score and there was not a single student who got a very bad score.

In order to see whether or not there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores, a t-test analysis was conducted from the students' score on the vocabulary test. It means that there were significant differences between students' vocabulary before and after using Simon Says Game with the vocabulary of first grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar.


Before the researcher gave the pre-test, the researcher greeted the students and asked the students to pray together. After they prayed together, the researcher checked the students' follower list, the researcher introduced herself to the students and asked the students about the researcher's main activity. After the students have done the test and . collected, the researcher asked the students about the material for next time and closed the meeting by reciting Hamdalah together.

The researcher discussed with the students what they learned in the second meeting. In this meeting, the researcher asked the students to mention the vocabulary they have memorized before, related to the topic of this meeting. Before the end of the meeting, the students work on tasks about the material given by the researcher.

In this meeting, the researcher gave the same game to the students, and the activity of this meeting was the same as that of the second meeting. During this meeting, the researcher gave the students the material about the object names in the school and home environment and asked the students about previous material before the researcher gave new material. Before studying, the researcher greeted the students, asked the students to pray together, checked with the student counselor, and asked the students about previous materials.

After that, the researcher gave the students the material about verb and gave the students the same game. The researcher writes example verb 1 on the whiteboard and asks the students to write in their book. In this meeting, the researcher gave the same game to the students and the activity. this meeting the same as the activity in the fifth meeting.

Before conducting the pot-test, the researcher greeted the students and asked them to pray together. After the students took the test and collected it, the researcher asked the students if this meeting was the last meeting and the researcher concluded the meeting by reciting the Hamdala.



Based on the above result, it can be concluded that the percentage rate in the posttest was higher than the rate in the pretest.

Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher found that the application of Simon Says Game in the first grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makasaar, can improve students' vocabulary mastery. English teachers are suggested to apply Simon Says Game in the teaching and learning process, especially in teaching vocabulary. Teachers are suggested to be more creative in teaching English, especially in teaching vocabulary.

Teachers should be more creative in choosing games to use in class. The implementation of Simon Says Game to improve students' vocabulary mastery in learning English at MTS. The effectiveness of using hyponymy games for teaching vocabulary (quasi-experimental study in the first grade of SMP Somba Opu).

The use of mnemonic device to improve students' vocabulary mastery in the second grade of SMP NEG 2 Binamu Kab. Improving students' speaking ability through Token Arends time in the eleventh grade of SMAN 18 Gowa. Using Blinfold Game to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of Grade Five Students in SDN Tertek Tulungangung.

Setelah mengikuti berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran, siswa mampu mengidentifikasi antara kata benda dan kata kerja. Penulis menggunakan permainan Simon Says di kelas untuk membantu siswa mengingat nama-nama hewan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka. Penulis menggunakan permainan Simon Says di kelas untuk membantu siswa mengingat nama-nama bangunan yang telah dibangun.

Penulis menggunakan permainan Simon Says di dalam kelas untuk membantu siswa mengingat nama-nama benda di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah yang telah disediakan. Penulis menggunakan permainan Simon Says di dalam kelas untuk membantu siswa mengingat nama-nama benda di lingkungan rumah dan sekolah yang telah disediakan. Penulis menggunakan permainan Simon Says di kelas untuk membantu siswa mengingat kata kerja yang telah diberikan.

Penulis menggunakan permainan Simon Says di kelas untuk membantu siswa mengingat kata kerja yang diberikan.


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