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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Penelitian ini dilakukan bekerja sama dengan seorang guru bahasa Inggris di SMP Gula Putih Mataram. Menunjukkan bahwa teknik peer assessment memiliki hasil yang positif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa SMA Gula Putih Mataram. MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK PEER ASSESSMENT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KINERJA BERBICARA SISWA SMP GULA PUTIH MATARAM TAHUN PELAJARAN 2019/2020.

Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggunakan teknik peer assessment untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa di SMP Gula Putih Mataram.





Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objectivites of The Study

Benefits of The Study a. For the students

Prior Research

  • Speaking
  • Teaching Speaking
  • Peer Assessment
  • Classroom Action Research

According to Chaney, speaking is "the process of constructing and sharing meaning using verbal and non-verbal symbols in different contexts"6. This means that students respond briefly to the teacher's or teacher's questions or comments. In another definition, Robert (2006, p. 80) declares peer assessment as “a process in which readers think critically and perhaps suggest assessments for the learning of their peers”.

The first is from a professional aspect to help the teacher to produce new relevant knowledge to increase the quality of teaching and learning process.

Table 2. Analytic speaking criteria 17
Table 2. Analytic speaking criteria 17

Action Hypotesis

  • Independent Variabel (X)
  • Dependent Variabel (Y)
  • Subject of the Study

The independent variable of this research is the use of clustering as a technique which can be defined as a cluster, plan or design used to explain or illustrate something in a general way. The independent variable of this research is the use of peer assessment as a method that can be defined as a tool to help students' speaking performance and their learning activity. This variable will be measured by observation. The dependent variable of this research is the variable that is observed to determine the effect of the independent variable.

To measure the students' speaking performance, the writer will conduct the speaking test in the form of an oral test. The writer will take place in the eighth grade of Gula Putih Mataram Junior High School which is located in Mataram Udik, Bandar Mataram Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung 34169. The subject of this research is the eighth grade students of Gula Putih Mataram Junior High School. in the academic years 2019/2020.

There are six class and classroom action research is the choice of class VIII D which consists of 25 students. The author chooses this class, because it has the lowest English ability, especially speaking performance.

Object of the Study

Action Plan

  • Cycle 1
  • Cycle II a) Planning

The figure describes the sequence of research that plans, acts, observes and reflects what is implemented in each cycle. The assumption is that the target set in the first cycle cannot be achieved, so it will probably continue. If the first cycle cannot be reached, it will continue to the next cycle that has the same phase as the first cycle.

In this research, the writer will teach narrative text in the teaching and learning process using the peer assessment method. In this cycle, the writer will go through four steps such as planning, acting, observing and thinking. In this step, the researcher explains what, why, who, where and how the action is being implemented.

In this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning through formal observation. Outline the observation in this step, such as the student's speaking performance, the student's good participation, and the student's failure to speak the material in front of the class. The researcher analyzes and discusses the result of the observation during the teaching process, such as the weakness and strength of the performance in this step, the researcher uses the data from the evaluation to make improvements for the second cycle.

In this step, the researcher observes the teaching-learning process using format observation to collect the data in action plan II. d) Reflecting. The researcher examines and reflects on the students' activity and the teacher's performance, whether it is positive or negative, the second cycle is sufficient or should be continued in the next cycle.

Figure 1. Kemmis and Mac Taggart Model    (Modified by the writer)
Figure 1. Kemmis and Mac Taggart Model (Modified by the writer)

Data Collecting Technique

  • Observation
  • Test
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

The purpose of observation is to explain the situation being investigated: the activities, people or individuals involved in an activity and the relationships between them. The test is a set of questions and exercises that are used to measure the achievement or capacity of the individual or group.26 In this research, the researcher will use a test that is a post-test. Documents are an accessible source of data in action research, as many already exist in the institutional system.

Documentation as a method of obtaining information from the written source or document (for example: books, journals, notes and others) of information.27 It means that generally the documents are important to collect data that the writer needs. The writer used the documentation to get the data about the story of the school, the sum of the teacher, employers, facilities and students of Junior High School Gula Putih Mataram. Field Note is an observation used in CAR to record what happens during an observation, including descriptions of places, people, objects, actions, activities, events, goals, time, and feelings.

In this research, the author will use field notes to record the students' activity during the learning process. In this research, the author will do the field note to get the complete data of the eight graders of Junior High School Gula Putih Mataram about the students' activities, events in each learning steps, learning purposes, learning time and feelings of the students in the learning process.

Data Analysis Technique

  • The Description of SMP Gula Putih Mataram
  • Vision and Mission : “ Recognized as a Leading Sekolah Indonesia Sejati”
  • Pillars of School Character : (1)A sense of belonging and responsibility to community, (2) Model citizenship, (3) Self-
  • Total of the students SMP Gula Putih Mataram in Academic Year of 2019/2020

The minimum cycle in classroom action research is two cycles, so it will not be continued if in Cycle II the 70% of students pass the minimum standard criteria. Classroom action research (CAR) is considered successful if I can pass the criteria set and fail if it cannot meet the criteria. The indicators of student success in speaking about the use of peer assessment can be seen in the criteria for improving student learning through the use of peer assessment.

The location of SMP Gula Putih Mataram is on Bandar Mataram, Mataram Udik, Central Lampung. SMP Gula Putih Mataram has a rich and proud history, dating back to its humble origins in 2005. SMP Gula Putih Mataram has the facilities and the soul to make every day an exciting one.

In class VII there are 100 students, in class VIII there are 95 students and in class IX there are 90 students.

The Recount of Research Data

  • Cycle 1 a. Planning
  • Cycle II

In addition, the researcher has prepared an observation sheet consisting of a list of the students' names and a list of the activities of the students that will be observed during the teaching-learning process. The steps of the learning activity in the first meeting were: preparing the descriptive material, preparing the lesson plan, making a data collection tool which is the observation sheet of the teacher's activities and the students' activities . The researcher greeted the students and they responded kindly. The researcher asked the students to work in pairs to learn about descriptive text. The students took it seriously and the student practiced in front of the class.

Then the author gave post-test to the students to speak monologue about descriptive text. In posttest 1, the result of the student test was better than the students' test before treatment. Here the researcher was the teacher, and the English teacher was like a collaborative partner who observes the students' activities during the teaching learning process.

In this research, the writer conducted a pre-test and a post-test, the aim of which was to know the students' speaking performance. The researcher found that the students' problems were low vocabulary and lack of awareness to speak in front of the class. Next, the researcher gave an example of a descriptive text. The students looked very excited in the class.

From the table above, it can be seen that the activity of the students is better than before and there was an increase from cycle 1 and cycle 2. It can be concluded that the learning process went well and the students were active in the classroom. than cycle I.

Table 5. Frequency of Students Score at Pre-Test
Table 5. Frequency of Students Score at Pre-Test


  • Action and Learning Result at Cycle 1
  • Action and Learning Result at Cycle II

Based on table 18 above, it can be concluded that there was an improvement in post-test 1 and post-test 2. Based on the table and graph above, it can be concluded that there was an improvement in student activities during the learning process of cycle I and cycle II through the use of technique. This means that the technique of peer evaluation has had a positive effect on the improvement of the teaching-learning process. This research related to the II cycle, the result and the result of the students' activities, the target was achieved, which was set in the success indicator 70% of the students received the minimum. score 70.

So, it can be said that this research has been completed and there was no need to continue in the next cycle.

Table 19 The Result Score of Students’ Pre-test, Post test I and Post test II
Table 19 The Result Score of Students’ Pre-test, Post test I and Post test II





Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi pembelajaran

Metode pembelajaran 1. Peer Assessment

Media, Alat dan Sumber pembelajaran 1. Media

Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran PERTEMUAN

  • Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana
  • Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

Orang, hewan, benda sekitar dan relevan dengan kehidupan siswa dengan memberikan contoh perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, kerjasama dan tanggung jawab. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk melakukan peer assessment di kelas dan kelompok. Siswa ragu-ragu dan mengulangi dirinya sendiri pada waktu-waktu tertentu, tetapi umumnya dapat mempertahankan alur bicara.

Mostly effective use of vocabulary for the task with some examples of appropriate ones. Some errors in the use of sentence structures and grammatical forms, but these do not interfere with understanding. Use of interactive strategies is generally adequate, but at times experience some difficulty in maintaining interaction consistently.

Berdoalah untuk mulai belajar (Nilai yang tertanam: kebaikan dan kepedulian). Nilai-nilai memperkenalkan disiplin dan ketekunan). Siswa ragu-ragu dan mengulangi dirinya sendiri pada waktu-waktu tertentu, tetapi secara umum dapat mempertahankan aliran bicara, meskipun ia mungkin memerlukan dorongan sesekali. Penggunaan strategi interaktif umumnya memadai, namun terkadang ada beberapa kesulitan dalam menjaga interaksi.

It loves me and shows it's love by licking me when I come home from school.


Table 2. Analytic speaking criteria 17
Figure 1. Kemmis and Mac Taggart Model    (Modified by the writer)
Table 3. The students quantity of SMP Gula Putih Mataram in  the academic year of 2019/2020
Table 4. The Students’ Pre-test Result of Speaking performance


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