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Academic year: 2023



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Pallangga, Gowa)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

SYAMSIR IDRIS 10535 4645 10






Reg. Number : 105 35 4645 10

Title :

Improving the Students’ Writing Ability by Using Calibrated Peer Review Method ( A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa )

Consultant I : Dr.H.M.Arif Paturusi,M.Pd

Day/Date Chapter Note Sign

Makassar, November 2014 Head of English

Education Department

Erwin Akib,S.Pd.,M.Pd

NBM : 860 934



Reg. Number : 105 35 4645 10

Title :

Improving the Students’ Writing Ability by Using Calibrated Peer Review Method ( A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa )

Consultant II : Nunung Anugrawati,S.Pd.,M.Pd

Day/Date Chapter Note Sign

Makassar, November 2014 Head of English Education Department

Erwin Akib,S.Pd.,M.Pd

NBM : 860 934


Title : Improving the Students’ Writing Ability by Using Calibrated Peer Review Method (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa)


Reg. Number : 10535 4645 10


After being checked and observed this thesis had filled qualification to be examined.

Makassar, November 2014 Approved by

Consultant I

Dr.H.M.Arif Paturusi,M.Pd

Consultant II

Nunung Anugrawati,S.Pd.,M.Pd

Head of English Education Department

Erwin Akib,S.Pd.,M.Pd

Dean of FKIP Unismuh Makassar

Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum


Nama : Syamsir Idris NIM : 10535 4645 10

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

JudulSkripsi :Improving the Students’ Writing Ability by Using Calibrated Peer Review Method (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga,Gowa)

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Makassar, November 2014 Yang membuat perjanjian

Syamsir Idris

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Ketua Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M. Pd NBM. 860 934


Nama : Syamsir Idris NIM : 10535 4645 10

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

JudulSkripsi : Improving the Students’ Writing Ability by Using Calibrated Peer Review Method (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga,Gowa)

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Makassar, November 2014 Yang membuat pernyataan

Syamsir Idris






Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa). A thesis of English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University (supervised by Arif Paturusi and Nunung Anugrawati).

The method of this research was Classroom Action Research that consisted of two cycles. One cycle consisted of four meetings. It means that there were eight meetings for two cycles. This classroom action research was done at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa for English subject. As subject in this research was class VIII.6 academic years 2013-2014, which consisted of 40 students, with 21 women and 19 men. The instruments used were writing test and observation sheet. The objective of the research was intended to know the improvement of the students’ writing ability after using Calibrated Peer Review Method at the students of the eighth grade of class VIII.6 SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa.

The findings of the research were the improvement of the students’ writing ability that coped with content and organization. In D-Test students’ mean score was 5.49 In the cycle I the students’ mean score had improved become 6.62 and in the cycle II the students’ mean score became 7.56. It meant that the improvement of students’ writing ability from D-Test to cycle I was 20.59%, cycle I to cycle II was 14.2% and D-Test to cycle II was 37.71 %.

Calibrated Peer Review was one of writing teaching methods that could improve the students writing ability in case of content and organization at the students of the eighth grade of class VIII.6 SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa.



Alhamdulillah Robbil A’lamin, I express my sincere gratitude to the almighty God, Allah S.W. T, who has given guidance, mercy, and good health. So that she could finish writing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are delivered to the final, chosen, religious messenger, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

I realize that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many people had contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore I would like to thank them:

1. Dr. Irwan Akib, M. Pd, the rector of the Makassar Muhammadiyah University for his advices during I study at the University.

2. Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum, the dean of teacher training and education.

3. Erwin Akib, S.Pd, M.Pd, the head of English education department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave me valuable authorities and suggestion in doing thesis.

4. My greatest thanks are due to my first consultant Dr.M.Arif Paturusi,M.Pd and Nunung Anugrawati,S.Pd.,M.Pd as the second consultant who had given their valuable time and patient, to support assistance and guidance to finish this thesis.

5. The staff and all lecturers of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the lecturers of English Department who taught me for many years.


ix academic year 2013/2014.

7. The biggest thanks especially to my lovely mom Nurhayati as the best mom ever in this world and my lovely dad Muh.Idris who always pray, encouraging, giving love and compassion, giving material I need, working hard, always trying to do the best, to accompany me the day by day, support me all the time and given a smile and happiness in my life.

8. My sister Nurlina Idris,S.Pd, thanks to always support and company me whenever I need her. My brother Faisal Idris,S.E, great thanks to them for their support through giving me spirit and material also.

9. Special thanks to my close friends (Tasdir, Andi Tapriani, Arham, and all my friends in E class English Department 2010). Thanks for my family from CV.THENET.corp special for Ka’ Zia, Ka’ Eda, Muh.Thariq, Muh.Syatir, Ka’

Mail, Ka’ Wildan and Ka’ Ian, and also my great thanks for my brother and sister (Mathematic Education 2010) Awaluddin, Ikha, and Sarwedi.

10. Finally, for all everybody that could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah almighty bless us now and forever.

Makassar, November 2014

Syamsir Idris




APROVAL SHEET ………... iii



MOTTO ... vi

ABSTRACT ... vii







A. Background ... 1

B. Problem statement ... 2

C. Objective of the Research ... 3

D. Significant of the Research ... 3

E. Scope of the Research ... 3


A. Previous Related Research Findings ... 4

B. Some Pertinent Idea ... 6

1) Concept of Calibrated Peer Review ... 6



5) Easy Step in Writing ... 20

6) Conceptual Framework ... 22


A. Research Design... 24

B. Research variable and Indicators ... 24

C. Research Subject ... 25

D. Research design in Action Research ... 25

E. Data Instrument ... 30

F. Data Collection ... 30

G. Data Analysis ... 34


A. Findings... 35

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Content through CPR ... 35

2. The Improvement of the Students’ Organization through CPR ... 37

B. Discussion ... 42


A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestion ... 49





2. Graphic 2. The Students’ Improvement in Organization ... 38 3. Graphic 3. The Students’ Improvement in Writing ... 40



2. Appendix B. Lesson Planning ... 56

3. Appendix C. Instrument Test ... 85

4. Appendix D. Diagnostic Test ... 86

5. Appendix E. Attendance List ... 89

6. Appendix F. The Result of the students Writing D-Test ... 90

7. Appendix G. The Result of The Students Writing Test in Cycle I ... 92

8. Appendix H. The Result of The Students Writing Test in Cycle II ... 94

9. Appendix I. The Result of The Students Activeness In Cycle I ... 96

10. Appendix J. The Result of The Students Activeness in Cycle II ... 100

11. Appendix K. Documentation Pictures ... 102



2. Table 2. The Students’ Improvement in Organization ... 37

3. Table 3. The Students’ Improvement in Writing ... 39

4. Table 4.The Students’ Improvement Percentage in Content ... 45

5. Table 5. The Students Improvement Percentage in Organization ... 47



Language is one of prominent roles in almost all aspect of our life. It is used as tool to convey ideas, thought, and feelings. English is one of the language play important role in absorbing and developing science, technology, culture economy and tourism, even in establishing relationship with other nation (GBPP of English in Asdar: 1993). Besides, many people use it means of international language that is widely used all over the world. (Broughton: 1980). In this sense the researcher does not discuss all language skills but he limits to discuss writing especially on writing paragraph.

There are four skills should be mastered in learning English; speaking, reading, listening and writing. Writing will provide a basis for development of other language skills. In this study, the writer will focus on teaching writing in junior high school because the students of junior high school still difficult to write in English even though they are have knew many of vocabularies, but they have sometimes find the difficulties ln finding ideas, and they also do not know how to arrange and make it into good sentences. It happens because they were shy to ask their teacher about the writing especially for making paragraphs. Therefore, a calibrated peer review is very suitable for them because in this activity they will work together with their peers in the class, so they can share each other about what are want to write in their paragraphs. Considering that, in learning language writing is the skill that students acquire in first to write something. Writing is important to support learning English especially in enriching vocabulary and


gaining a large portion of their education. Therefore the writer considers that writing can be taught at junior high schools.

There are many reasons for getting students to write, both in and outside class. Writing gives the students more thinking time then they attempt spontaneous conversation. By writing allows them more opportunity for language processing, that is thinking about the language. When thinking about writing, it is helpful to make a distinction between writing for learning and writing for writing. In the case of the former, writing is used as a practice tool to help students practice and work with language they have been studying. In giving example, ask a class to write five sentences by using a given structure, or using five of the new words they have been learning. Writing activity like this are designed to give reinforcement to the students. This is particularly need a mix of visual and kinesthetic activity.

Based on the fact above, the researcher use Calibrated Peer Review method to improve the student ability in writing so that the score target can be achieved.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the research problem as follows:

1. How is the improvement of the students‟ writing ability dealing with the content through Calibrated Peer Review method at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pallangga?

2. How is the improvement of the students‟ writing ability dealing with the organization through Calibrated Peer Review method at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pallangga?


C. Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to know the ability of the students in writing descriptive text viewed from its content and organization using Calibrated Peer Review method, as detailed below:

1. To explain the improvement the students‟ writing ability dealing with the content through Calibrated Peer Review method at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pallangga.

2. To explain the improvement the students‟ writing ability dealing with the organization through Calibrated Peer Review method at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pallangga.

D. Significance of the Research

By using Calibrated Peer Review Method, it is hoped that the teacher will be able to motivate the students to learn especially in writing subject, so that the writing ability of the students can be improved. The results of the research is expected to be valuable information and give a meaningful contribution for teachers in learning process to create a good strategy and to motivate the students to be interested in learning English.

E. The Scope of the Study

In this research, the researcher was observe the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pallangga,Gowa. The researcher was focused on the descriptive text restricted to the content and organization to improve their writing ability through Calibrated Peer Review.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

Many Researchers have expose the identification of the students ability in learning English to make the teaching and learning process more effective, especially in teaching writing. Some of the findings are cited briefly below:

Sabarun (2011) conducted a research entitled “Improving Writing Ability through Cooperative Learning Strategy”. He concludes that students writing ability in learning English could improve through Cooperative Learning Strategy.

Richard (2010) conducted a research entitled „Improving Students‟

Performance and Writing Skill by Using Photography, Autophotography and Music‟. He concludes that by Using Photography, Autophotography and Music could improve the students writing ability in learning English.

Halimatus (2007) conducted a research entitled „ Improving Students‟

Writing Ability in Writing Descriptive texts through a Picture Series Aided Learning Strategy „. He was found from the observation data that the students participated actively in the learning process. Finally, the study also proved that the strategy improved the students‟ writing with their average score increased from 56.86 (0-100 scale) prior to the teaching-learning process to 77.87 at the end of the treatment.

Rezky (2011) conducted a research entitled „Improving the students‟

writing ability through Calibrated Peer Review Method in term of Narrative text‟.

He found that the students‟ writing achievement in cycle I, the data obtained from


the test. The result of the students‟ mean score in narration text in cycle I was 5.93 and 6.68 in cycle II. The result of data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between cycle I and cycle II. It was concluded that teaching writing ability through Calibrated Peer Review Method can improve the students writing ability especially in terms of narrative text.

Susan (2011) conducted a research entitled „Improving the students‟

writing ability through Calibrated Peer Review Method in terms of vocabulary and language use „. She found that using CPR help the students‟ to improve their listening ability. The students‟ mean score in cycle I was 5,39. It was higher than the mean score at D-test 5.03. Then improved to be 7.08 in cycle II. The students‟

achievement showed a significant improvement. The students‟ improvement from cycle I to cycle II was 31.35 % Classified as good.

The researches above had similarity with this research because all of them had the same objective to improving the students writing ability in learning English but some of them had different method ,term, and sample. They are (CLS) Cooperative Learning Strategy, Photography, Autophotography and Music, Picture Series Aided Learning Strategy. Terms of different are Narrative text and vocabulary and language use. And sample of the research‟ are SMAN 3 Makassar, SMPN 1 Takalar, SMA 1 Gowa, SMP 1 Sungguminasa, SMA Samata. This research using Calibrated Peer Review Method with terms of this research is descriptive text viewed from content and organization and the sample is SMPN 1 Pallangga,Gowa.


B. Some Pertinent Idea

To understand the title of the research, the researcher would like to explain them as follows:

1. Concept of Calibrated Peer Review a. Definition of Calibrated Peer Review

Calibrated peer review, a discipline, independent, instructional management tool, enable a teacher to make frequent writing-reviewing assignment that clarify students‟ knowledge of concept through writing and refine their depth of understanding through in a calibrated peer review assignment the students write short essays on a specific topic guiding questions focus both the direction that students shoot take in organizing their thoughts for the essay and courage critical thinking about the topic (Carlson, 2005 : 269).

Calibrated Peer Review works together. In addition, Falchikov and Goldfinc, (287-322) states that calibrated peer review is a program that allows teacher to incorporate frequent writing assignments into their courses, regardless of class size, without increasing their grading workload.

According to the Carlson (2005) that Calibrated Peer Review is proving a very effective tool for presenting an engineering design process, teaching multi- staged writing, encouraging students. Reading the good (or bad) writing of others helps us too improve our own writing. As teachers, we also know the challenges we face in explaining the difference between a good paper and a mediocre paper.

The best tactic is often to let the students read a good paper and try to figure out the differences for him/ herself. (Takao, 2002)


During the winter quarter of 2005, EarthEd was modified to allow students to review each other papers according to the calibrated peer review method. With this method, students score 3 instructor prepared papers, 3 of their peers‟ papers and their own paper. The Following outline describes the elements of a peer review writing assignment, as implemented in the EarthEd:

1) Element of the assignment:

a) The assignment description

b) A scoring rubric that students will use to score papers

c) Three reference (or “calibration”) papers, scored by the instructor.

d) Other resources, instructions, etc. that students need to complete the assignment.

e) For data intensive explorations, a list of links or resources to allow acquisition of data or data representations.

2) To do the assignment, the student:

a) Begin to write.

b) Begins review of reference papers. (students are prompted if their average item grade for a “heading” differs from the instructor set value by more than a preset range, and are allowed to revise their scores) c) Reviews 3 peer papers (randomly assigned and anonymous) d) Review own paper.

The system encourages students to score their peers carefully because they get points for the quality of their reviews. It also reduces the effect of students who do a sloppy job of grading. This will show up in errors in their reference paper


score sheet item grades, thereby down weighting the effect on their review on peers‟ grade.

The results of the repeated measure analyses presented above reinforce the idea that repeated practice of the type facilitated by CPR is an effective way to help all students-especially those who are initially lower performing-develop their ability to write and review. (Furman and Rabinsons, 2003).

b. Teaching English Writing by Using a Calibrated peer review

Ferris and Hedgcock (1998) states that peer review writing technique is very suitable for the students of Junior High School, because the students of Junior High School still difficult to write in English even though they are have knew many of vocabularies, but they have sometimes find the difficulties in finding ideas, and they also do not know how to arrange and make it into good sentences.

It happens because they were shy to ask their teacher about the writing especially for making paragraphs. Therefore, a calibrated peer review is very suitable for the students because in this activity they will work together with their peers in the class, so they can share each other about what they want to write in their paragraphs.

In this activity, a more proficient student is paired up with a less proficient with the intention of utilizing the knowledge and experience of the former to assist the latter in writing. In addition, this activity was based on a balanced approach, which emphasizes teacher‟s explicit instruction on both meaningful communication such as content and organization and specific features of the English language such as grammar and mechanics.


Since writing a complex problem-solving process, teachers are recommended to intervene at points in the writing process that can most benefit the writers. Thus, in the final step, the teacher evaluates of this activity, the teacher meets with each pair and comments of the writing.

A peer review writing technique is also suitable for any grade levels, such as the students in an English course. Nevertheless, the materials that were given must be suitable with the students‟ knowledge or based on curriculum.

In order to create CPR assignment, teacher produces the following components:

1) Instructions for writing.

Instructions include suggested resources, questions to guide students thinking, and a “writing prompt” that tells students such as things as the topic, format and audience for their writing.

2) Three sample essays.

The high, average, and low quality sample essays are responses to the assignment and that have been evaluated by the instructor using the calibration questions.

Students work on a CPR assignment occurs in three phases there are 4 stages they are:

1) Text entry phase

Students read instructions, access suggested resources, and write and submit their essays.


2) Calibration phase

Students are presented with the three sample essays, along with the calibration questions. For each essay, students answer the calibration questions and assign a rating. CPR assign a reviewer competency index based on a comparison of the student review to the instructor review of each essay.

3) Review phase

Students are presented first with three classmates‟ essays (randomly assigned and anonymous) and then with their own essay, all of which they review and rate using the same set of calibration question.

4) Self assignments

As a final activity, students evaluate their own essay their own essay. As with calibration and peer review, students use the same rubric (set of performance standards for the task). Having trained on benchmark samples, and then applied their expertise in evaluating peer text, students now engage in a reflective, final activity by assessing their own submission.

Students are encouraged at this time to make comments to themselves (and also available to the instructor) that capture the evolving insights they have gained in the previous two segments. They are also invited to reflect on whether they have gained a deeper level of understanding for the assignment and its outcomes.


2. Concept of Writing a. Definition of Writing

The meaning of writing according to the Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary (2005:502) is produce something in written form so that people can read. According to Oshima and Hogue (1997: 2) states‟ writing is developing of the activity. It means that when we want to write down for the first time, we should know about what will we want to write.

The process of the written is how to create the creative idea and write down it into essay form Gebhard (1996:222). According to Smalley and Rutten in AstutiAzis (2004: 5) states that characteristic of the good paragraph will be started with developing of main ideas or fundamental of the sentence.

Random House in Nurhawaeni (2004: 35) states that in improving the students‟ proficiency there are many aspects in developing ideas and concept.

When the students are writing for writing, we will want to involve them in the process of writing. In the real world, this typically involves planning what we are going to write, drafting it, reviewing it, and editing what we have written and then producing a final version.

Writing is complex, in addition to the knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, writer must also has a good knowledge of other writing mechanics such as the use of punctuation, capitalization, question mark, and etc. these mechanic are used to reveal syntactic structure Fromkin ad Rodman in Fatmawaty ( 2009: 25).


b. Components of Writing

Jacobs et al (1981:31) in Anita state that point out the five significant components in writing. These are content, organization, language use, and mechanics or eligibility form.

1) Content

The content of writing should be clear for the readers so that the readers can understand the message conveyed and gain information from it. In order to have a good content of writing, its content should be well unified and competed.

This term is usually known as unity and completeness, which become characteristic of good writing.

The good paragraph has unity, which means that in each paragraph; only one main idea is discussed. If we start to discuss a new idea, should begin a new paragraph. Furthermore, every supporting sentence in the paragraph must be directly related to the main idea. Do not include any information that does not directly support the topic sentences.

The complete paragraph means that the main idea must be explained and developed fully completeness as comments out that the controlling idea which is developed thoroughly by these of particular information. It is relative to know how complete writing. it is expected that the content of writing will be clear and understandable for the readers.

2) Organization

Organization of the writing is the writer focuses on how to arrange and organize the ideas chronologically. The writer should present their ideas based on the order which flow from the beginning to the end. There are many ways


used to organized or arrange the writing. This organization is mainly recognized as order.

Spatial order in composition, a method of organization in which details are presented as they are (or were) located in space--such as, from left to right or from top to bottom. Descriptions of places and objects commonly rely on spatial order.

Coherence in writing means that sticking together and in coherent essay, all the idea sticks together. A coherence paragraph is paragraph that all of the idea are put in right order and never confused. This makes the writer‟s thought is essay to follow sentence and paragraph.

Cohesion and coherence aren't too difficult to explain. Cohesion refers to connectivity in a text. Coherence refers to how easy it is to understand the writing.

Cohesion &Coherence example:

"My favorite color is blue. I like it because it is calming and it relaxes me. I often go outside in the summer and lie on the grass and look into the clear sky when I am stressed. For this reason, I'd have to say my favorite color is blue."

Cohesive and coherent: Blue >Relaxes>Clear Sky> Blue Cohesion with NO Coherence example:

Now, here is a sentence that has cohesion but is not coherent.

"My favorite color is blue. Blue sports cars go very fast. Driving in this way is dangerous and can cause many car crashes. I had a car accident once and broke my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss a holiday in Europe because of the injury."


Cohesive NOT coherent: Blue >Sports Car> Fast Driving>Car Crashes>Broken Leg> Holiday in Europe

As you can see, there is plenty of cohesion here. The sentences connect clearly together but if you read the paragraph, it really makes no sense - I start talking about blue and I finish talking about a holiday in Europe. There is no coherence in this sentence.

Coherence with NO Cohesion example:

Now, let's take a look at a sentence that is coherent but not cohesive.

"My favorite color is blue. I'm calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass and look up."

Coherent NOT cohesive: Blue - Calm & Relaxed - Looking Up

This is more difficult to understand but basically this lack of cohesion means a lack of sufficient connectors to join the ideas together. If I try hard I can understand what the person is saying: a short answer, an explanation, an example; however the sentences don't fit together.

3) Language use

Language use in writing involves correct usage of the rules of language or grammar. It focuses on verbs, noun, and agreement. Specific noun and strong verbs give a reader a mental image description. This specific noun can be characterized by using modifier of adjective, adverbs, and participle forms. A modifier can be phrase. There are many opportunities for errors in use of verb and mistake in arrangement are very common. Mistake in written work and however, are much serious, and science we have an opportunity to re-read and to correct what we have written. We should avoid errors in verbal forms,


subject- verb agreement, and pronoun antecedent agreement in a case of noun and pronoun.

In this part also the writer should care about vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the language aspects dealing with the process of writing study. In the process of writing, the writer always thinks about putting words into sentences and then putting sentences into paragraphs until they can create a piece of writing. So, mastering word choice can help us to develop our writing.

4) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects dealing the process of writing. The writers always think about putting words into the sentences and putting the sentences into the paragraph until they can create a piece of writing.

It is clear now that we cannot write or express if we do not have vocabulary. Therefore, we cannot understand the writing passage without having a lot of vocabulary.

5) Mechanic

Mechanics in writing deal with capitalization, punctuation and spelling appropriately. This aspect is very important since it leads reader to understand or recognized immediately what the writer means to express definitely. The use of favorable mechanics in writing will make reader easy to understand the conveying ideas other message stated in the writing.

a) Capitalization

The use of capitalization in the writing can clarify the ideas. If the sentences are capitalized correctly, ambiguous meaning and


misunderstanding would be appeared. Besides, correct capitalization also helps the reader to differentiate one sentence to others.

b) Punctuation

It can be used as a unit of meaning and suggest how the units of its relation to each other

c) Spelling

There are three important rules followed in using spelling appropriately.

They are suffix addition, plural addition, and handling error within the words.

3. Types of Writing a. Narration

Oshima (1997: 27) explains that Narration is story writing. When you wrote a narrative paragraph or essay, you write about events in the order that they happened. In other words, you use time order to organize your sentence. In the model essay, the writer uses time order to divide the essay into paragraphs. An outline of the essay narration would like this: orientation, complication, and resolution.

b. Descriptive

Descriptive reproduces the way things look, smell, taste, feel, or sound. It may also evoke moods, such as happiness, loneliness, or fear. It is used to create a visual image of people, places, even of units of time-days, times of day, or seasons. It may be used also to describe more than the outward appearance of people. It may tell about their traits of character or personality.


Good description usually has three important qualities. These have a dominant impression supported by specific details, a clearly recognizable mood, and logical development (Wishon and Burks 1980: 128-129).

Oshima (1997: 50) explains that descriptive writing to the senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description is like a “word picture”, the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind. A writer of a good description is like an artist who paints a picture that can be “seen” clearly in the mind of the reader. In a description, writers often use spatial order to organize their ideas. Spatial order is the arrangement of items in order by space. An outline of description would like this: introduction, body, and conclusion.

c. Explanatory

There are three kinds of explanatory composition, they are:

1) Explaining a process

To write an explanatory composition that explains a process, rely on the same skills you have used in everyday situations. Explain the steps in the process briefly and clearly. Start with the first step and proceed through all the steps in the order in which they must be completed. It is essential that the steps be presented in the correct sequence and that they be accurate and complete. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that explains a process is to follow this plan: introduction, steps in the process, and conclusion.


2) Stating an opinion

An explanatory composition may express an opinion and explain why others should explain why others should accept that opinion. In an explanatory composition, you need to present strong, specific reasons or facts.

An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that stating an opinion is to follow this plan: introduction (express your opinion, as directly as possible), body (supporting opinion), and conclusion (summarize your argument as forcefully as you can).

3) Stating a definition

To write a good definition, you must do three things. First, name the word to be defined. Second, name the general class to which the subject belongs. Third, name the particular characteristic of the subject. By defining a subject you will be able to present a complete and informative picture of it.

An effective way to organize an explanatory composition that stating a definition is to follow this plan: introduction (your definition serves as the topic sentence for the composition), body (the most informative way to develop a definition is with or with facts and figures), conclusion (the sums up the main idea of your definition).

d. Recount

Recount is a text which retells events or experience in the past. Its purpose is to retell events. The generic structures of recount are orientation-events-re- orientation. It has a similarity with the generic structures of narrative. The differentiated of recount text with narrative text only is in events. There is no complication in recount.


e. Main Part of Paragraph

Oshima and Houge (1997: 71) classify three main parts of paragraph they are: topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences.

1) Topic sentences

The topic sentence is the most general statement of the paragraph. It is the key sentences because it names the subject and the controlling idea, the writer‟s main idea, opinion, or feeling about that the topic. The topic sentence is a complete sentence. It has three parts: a subject, a verb, and a controlling idea. The topic sentences will tell the reader what the paragraph is about.

a) Supporting sentences

The supporting sentences develop the topic sentences by giving specific details about the topic. The supporting sentences that follow the topic sentences should develop the main ideas of the paragraph. The topic sentences can supported by supporting sentences to develop and explain the topic sentences by giving definition, reason, example, fact, comparison and effect.

In order to choose detail to support the topic sentence, rephrase it as a question, and answer that question with your supporting sentences. The supporting sentences follow the topic sentences and make up of paragraph.

b) Concluding sentences

This sentence tells the reader that the paragraph is finished, and it completes the development of the subject of the paragraph. The concluding sentences remind the reader of the topic sentences. When the writer writes a concluding sentence, you can state the topic sentences in different word or summarize some of the main points in the paragraph.


4. Advantage of calibrated peer review in writing

Using calibrated peer review can provide substantial advantages to projects ranging from increased user commitment to easier, more effective and efficient work processes. (Salma thesis, 2005 : 7).

a. Teacher as not as main of prepare the knowledge.

b. It is often the case that when the students can directly contribute to an effort and feel that they've made a difference,

c. They become more involved with and attached to the outcome of the project.

d. The students then feel more comfortable contributing time, effort, and personal pride into the final product, resulting in a better final outcome.

e. Calibrated peer has made it easier to design better work processes.

f. The students will be active in process of writing learning.

g. It will rise up the students‟ creative in developing their idea.

5. Easy step in Writing

There are many ways to start the written. In these steps, we can start our written with easy steps:

a. Take a piece of your writing. It doesn't need to be long, just writing. Go through it and look for non-descript words, such as 'nice', 'beautiful' and 'wonderful'. List these words, and detail what they are actually supposed to be describing.


b. This is one of easy step. List tangible nouns on the right side of the page, list intangible nouns. Respect, desire, hunger, flight. Now combine them in a phrase.

c. Open up a dictionary. Choose a word and write about it for 10 minutes, non-stop. Choose another word and do the same. Choose a third and write 10 more minutes. Although you have three different words, there may be a common thread running through them. Look for it. The day I did this, the rainy weather permeated my three pieces of random writing. If a thread is not there, try and connect these three separate pieces of writing.

d. Make a list about something. Choose something ordinary and make a list of things about it or related to it. Do it off the top of your head, taking just 10 minutes or so.

e. Find a picture in a magazine. Make sure it interests you. Look this picture over carefully for just a minute and write about it for at least 10 minutes.

Describe the detail, the light, the subject matter. Are there people? What are they thinking? How did they get there? Who are they? You could do the traditional 'Who What When Where Why' routine. You'll be surprised at how much you can see in a picture.

Learning process is the main activity in the school. There is interaction between teacher and students. In this classroom action research there are including two cycles. Teaching and learning process is done and guided to reach the maximal result. To reach the maximal result, the teacher must be able to design the learning model based on the material subject and to practice the students‟ thinking.


Many factors can improve the students‟ ability in writing; one of them is using calibrated peer review. The one of factor is the suitable process oriented approach. The wrong strategy in teaching can make the students lazy and raise impression that subject is not important so their motivation less and they consider that learning is the fact of being forced.

Optimizing the students‟ can be reached with the development of action by English teacher. Development of action is done by teacher as her responsible appearance. The process oriented approach improved by the teacher, hoped can help the students‟ ability in writing. The aims of the lesson plan are hoped able to be reached by applying the process oriented approach the process oriented that the researcher mean is the students‟ proficiency in writing through calibrated peer review.

6. Conceptual Framework

Calibrated Peer Review is an alternative writing-reviewing. This requires the students to write descriptive text in calibrated question, a discipline, independent, and instructional management tool. Students will follow those steps to conduct calibrated peer review. In implementing this method research will apply it in classroom action research. The research will conduct two cycles. In cycle I teacher will lead students to follow five steps in calibrated peer review to write descriptive text. It would like to be continued to the next cycle if teacher gets weakness or target of the students do not achieve yet. The framework of Calibrated Peer Review as follows:


Writing Material

Calibrated Peer Review

Classroom Action Research


Reflection Cycle I



Cycle II

Revised Planning




Writing Ability

Organization Content



A. Research Design

This research applied a classroom action research (CAR). It was conducted through two cycles to observe the students‟ skills to write English through Calibrated Peer Review. Where, the realization of the second cycle was continued and repaired from the first cycle. It consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The classroom action research was carried out by researcher and English teacher as collaborator.

B. Research Variables and Indicators 1. Variables

In this research used two variables, they were:

a. Independent variable

The independent variable in this research was implementation of calibrated peer review. It was as the method used by the teacher when teaching the material in the class.

b. Dependent variable

The dependent variable was the students‟ writing skill in descriptive paragraph with the indicators was content and organization.

2. Indicator

a. Indicator of content consisted of unity and completeness of the writing.

b. Indicators of organization were the coherence and the spatial order of the writing.


C. Research Subject

The research subject in this action classroom research was students of the eighth grade of class VIII.6 SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa. That consisted of 40 students, 19 men and 21 women.

D. Research design in Action Research

This classroom action research conducted of cycle 1 to observe the students‟ competence in writing through calibrated peer review. The researcher was continuing Cycle 2 to improve the result of student competence in writing through calibrated peer review. The concept in cycle I was:

1. Cycle 1

The cycle 1 in this classroom action research consisted of planning, action observation, and reflection as follow:

a. Planning

1) The teacher made lesson planning of calibrated peer review of writing.

2) The teacher made instrument evaluation for classroom action research cycle.

3) Preparing check list form for observation.

b. Action

This research conducted of two cycles. In one cycle included of four meetings.

1) The First meeting

a) The teacher explained briefly about the mechanism of Calibrated Peer Review.


b) The Teacher gave an example about writing in calibrated peer review method.

c) The teacher ordered the students to make a writing based on the given topic.

d) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submit their assignment.

e) Having the others students to read the paragraph written by the others students or ask them to read aloud the paragraphs by them self.

2) The Second meeting

a) The teacher was given three calibrations consisted of a good paragraph, a fair paragraph and a poor paragraph in on the topic.

b) The teacher controlled the students in the writing process so they can be a fair reviewer

c) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submitting their assignment.

3) The Third meeting

a) The students reviewed three of their pairs just like they did the calibrations.

b) The students gave or to the three of peers review

c) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submitting their assignment.

4) The Fourth meeting

a) The students made self assignment to their paragraph.


b) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submitting their assignment.

c) The teachers collected all of their assignments d) the teacher checked and evaluated their assignment c. Observation

1) The situation of teaching and learning activity.

2) The students‟ activeness in learning by using check list.

3) The students‟ competence in applying “Calibrated peer review method”.

d. Reflection

The result of evaluating analyzed in cycle I was reflected to the cycle II. The teacher analyzed first cycle to know whether the action of its cycle research success criteria based on the test result of the first action. Based on result in cycle I, the students‟ proficiency in writing was less in cycle I, the researcher continued to the cycle II.

2. Cycle II

The teacher continued the research to cycle II to make complete the result in cycle I and also more additional that less in cycle I. The researcher revised the lesson plan in the cycle II. In this classroom action research of cycle II consisted of planning, action observation, and reflection as follow:

a. Planning

1) The teacher revised lesson planning of Calibrated peer review.

2) The teacher made instrument evaluation for classroom action research cycle.


3) Preparing check list form for observation.

b. Action

The cycle II was revised from the cycle I that conduct with four meeting. In one cycle included of four meetings.

1. The First meeting

a) The teacher explained briefly about the mechanism of Calibrated Peer Review.

b) The Teacher gave an example about writing in calibrated peer review method.

c) The teacher ordered the students to make a writing based on the given topic.

d) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submit their assignment.

e) Having the others students to read the paragraph written by the others students or ask them to read aloud the paragraphs by them self.

2. The Second meeting

a) The teacher was given three calibrations consisted of a good paragraph, a fair paragraph and a poor paragraph in on the topic.

b) The teacher controlled the students in the writing process so they could be a fair reviewer

c) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submitting their assignment.


3. The Third meeting

a) The students reviewed three of their pairs just like they do the calibrations.

b) The students gave or to the three of peers review

c) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submitting their assignment.

4. The Fourth meeting

a) The students made self assignment to their paragraph.

b) The teacher asked them to check for content and organization problems before submitting their assignment.

c) The teachers collected all of their assignments d) the teacher checked and evaluated their assignment c. Observation

1) The situation of teaching and learning activity.

2) The students‟ activeness in learning by using check list.

3) The students‟ competence in applying “calibrated peer review method”.

d. Reflection

The reflection was done to know the result of the students‟ ability in applying calibrated peer review after giving revision. The reflection meant for making conclusions. The teacher used cycle II as consideration things for measure the students‟ ability accordance with the result of cycle I.


E. Data Instrument

In this research data instrument consisted of some test writing and observation the researcher used those to get data about their ability and attitude in the learning writing through calibrated peer review. Collecting data in this classroom action research as follow:

1. Test : used to measure the students‟ ability in writing

2. Observation: used to measure the students participation in learning.

F. Data Collection

To collect the data was done with the following procedures:

1. The researcher used observation sheet to find out the students‟ participant in teaching learning process through calibrated peer review. It was done in every cycle. It was summed at the end of cycle one and two.

2. The researcher gave test to students to find out their improving the students‟ writing ability by using calibrated peer review in learning and teaching process. Researcher gave test to students by following the step below:

Researcher prepared test material or topic for students.

Researcher asked students to follow all steps in calibrated peer review to make writing.

Researcher gave correction to their writing base on their mistakes.

There were two components that concerns of the researcher in this research to measure. Those were content and organization which use criteria as follows:

a. Scoring students‟ writing skills


The assessment of students‟ writing skill competence for the content‟s component.

Score Range Indicators of unity and completeness

A (9-10)


1. The ideas are about the topic selected 2. The ideas are clearly stated.

3. The ideas are clearly supported.

4. The ideas are comprehensible 5. The ideas are well developed 6. The ideas are relevant

7. The ideas fluently expressed

B (7-8 )

Very good

1. The ideas are about the topic selected.

2. The ideas are clearly stated.

3. The ideas are clearly supported.

4. The ideas are quite comprehensible 5. The ideas are generally well-


6. The ideas are adequate relevant.

7. The ideas are adequately expressed

C (5-6) Good

1. The ideas are about the topic selected 2. The ideas are rather clearly stated.

3. The ideas get enough supports.

4. The ideas are quite comprehensible.

5. The ideas are generally developed.

6. The ideas are quite relevant.

7. The ideas are sufficiently expressed.

D (3-4) Average 1. The ideas are about the topic selected.


2. The ideas are not clearly stated.

3. The ideas get limit to support.

4. The ideas are not comprehensible 5. The ideas are not quite relevant.

6. The ideas are lack of developing.

7. The ideas are non-fluent expressed.

E (1-2)


1. The ideas are about the topic selected 2. The ideas are not clearly stated.

3. The ideas are not clearly supported.

4. The ideas are incomprehensible.

5. The ideas are irrelevant.

6. The ideas have very poor development.

7. The ideas are not communicative.

(Depdikbud, 2004) The assessment of students‟ writing skill competence for the organization‟s component.

Score Range Indicators of coherence and spatial order

A (9-10) Excellent

1. The ideas are-well organized.

2. The organization is concise.

3. The ideas are cohesion.

4. The ideas are coherent

5. The ideas are relevant to outline.

6. The ideas are presented in logical sequencing.

B (7-8 )

Very good

1. The ideas are adequate organized.

2. The organization is adequate concise.

3. The ideas are adequate cohesion.


4. The ideas are adequate coherence.

5. The ideas are relevant to outline.

6. The ideas are sufficient sequencing

C (5-6) Good

1. The ideas are generally organized.

2. The organization is quite concise 3. Few ideas are a break out cohesion.

4. The ideas are generally coherent.

5. The ideas are mostly relevant to outline.

6. The ideas are in some logical sequencing.

D (3-4) Average

1. The ideas are almost loosely organized.

2. The organization is not concise 3. The ideas are inadequate cohesion 4. The ides are inadequate coherent.

5. The ideas are somewhat relevant to outline.

6. The ideas are lack logical sequencing.



1. The organization are loosely organized 2. The organization is not concise

3. The ideas are confuse and disconnected.

4. The ideas are incoherent.

5. The ideas are not or almost not relevant to outline.

6. The ideas are not or almost not presented in logical sequencing.

(Depdikbud, 2004)


G. Data Analysis

1. Calculating the means score of the students‟ writing test by using the following formula:

X = N



X = Mean score for sample

∑X = Total new Score

N = Total Number of students

(Gay in Edha thesis, 1981:298) 2. Computing the frequency and rate percentage the students‟ score.

P While:

P = Percentage F= Frequency

N= Total number of teaching material

(Gay in Edha thesis, 1981:298) 3. Calculating the percentage of the students‟ improvement writing skills.

P = x 100%


P = Percentage X1 = Cycle I X2 = Cycle II




This chapter particularly presents the finding of the research cover with the description of the students’ improvement in organization and content. In the discussion part, the writer described the findings in detail.

A. Findings

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Content Through Calibrated Peer Review Method.

The use of Calibrated Peer Review Method in the form of teaching strategy of English Writing skills could improve the students’ content. It was proved by the writing test as indicated by the significant difference between the score of the diagnostic test and the result of cycle I in the following table.

Table 1. The Students’ Improvement in Content





Score Score Score DT-CI CI-CII DT-CII

Content 5.48 6.67 7.57 21.72 13.49 38.14

The data in the table above shows the students’ writing skill in content as the result of calculating of the diagnostic test and students’ test at the students’

writing skill by using calibrated peer review method, where the students’ score in diagnostic test is different from the students’ test in cycle I. The mean score in



diagnostic test is 5.48, in cycle I is 6.67 and in cycle II is 7.57. The assessment of cycle II is greater than cycle I and diagnostic test (7.57 > 6.67 > 5.48) and classified as good. And then, improvement from D – test to cycle II is greater than D – Test to cycle I (38.14% > 21.72%) and classified as average to good.

Based on the percentages above there are significant improvements of the students by calibrated peer review. To see clearly the improvement of the students’ writing content, the following graphic is presented.




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

The Students' Improvement in Content

D - T Cycle I Cycle II

Graphic 1. The Students’ Improvement in Content

The graphic above shows the significant difference of the students’

improvement in the diagnostic test to the cycle I, and from cycle I to cycle II. The students’ mean score in diagnostic test is 5.48, while the students’ mean score in the result of cycle I is 6.67 and 7.57. In cycle II. So, it means that there is


improvement from the diagnostic test to the cycle 1 and from cycle I to cycle II by applying calibrated peer review.

2. The Improvement of the Students’ Organization through Calibrated Peer Review Method.

The application of calibrated peer review as one of teaching method of English writing can assess the students’ progress of writing skill to the good organization with the writing test as indicated by the significant difference between the mean score of the diagnostic test and the result of the cycle I to cycle II as shown in the following table.

Table 2. The Students’ Improvement in Organization





Score Score Score DT-CI CI-CII DT-CII

Organization 5.5 6.57 7.55 19.45 14.91 37.27

The data in the table above shows the students’ writing skill in organization as the result of calculating of the diagnostic test and students’ test at the students’ writing skill by using calibrated peer review, where the students’

score in diagnostic test is different from the students’ test in cycle I and cycle II.

The mean score in diagnostic test is 5.5, the students’ test in cycle I is 6.57 and cycle II is 7.55. The achievement of cycle II is greater than cycle I and diagnostic



test (7.55 > 6.57> 5.5) and classified as good. And then, improvement from D – test to cycle II is greater than D – Test to cycle I (37.27% > 19.45%) and classified as average to good.

Based on the percentages above there are significant improvements of the students by using Calibrated Peer Review. To see clearly the improvement of the students’ writing organization, the following chart is presented.




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

The Students' Improvement in Organization

D-T Cycle 1 Cycle II

Graphic 2. The Students’ Improvement in Organization

The in the graphic above shows the significant difference of the students’

mean score in the diagnostic test and result of cycle I to cycle II. The students’

mean score in diagnostic test is 5.5, while the students’ mean score in the result of cycle I is 6.57 and cycle II is 7.55. So, it means that there is improvement form the diagnostic test to the cycle I and from cycle I to cycle II by applying Calibrated Peer Review.


The result of the reflection in the cycle II shows that there is a significant improvement from the cycle I to the cycle II, where the students’ mean score increase from 5.5 in the d-test to be 7.55 in the cycle II. So, the researcher concluded that the indicator in writing could be achieved; it means that the researcher didn’t need to do next cycle. It can be seen by the following table:

Table 3. The students’ Improvement in Writing

No Indicators

D – T Cycle I Cycle II Improvement %

Score Score Score DT-CI CI-CII DT-CII

1. Content 5.48 6.67 7.57 21.72 13.49 38.14

2. Organization 5.5 6.57 7.55 19.45 14.91 37.27

∑X 10.98 13.24 15.12 41.17 28.4 75.41

5.49 6.62 7.56 20.59 14.2 37.71

The table above indicates that there is improvement of the students’

writing skills from D-Test to cycle I and cycle II, which in D-Test the students’

mean score (5.49) and categorized as poor achievement. After evaluation in cycle I the students’ writing skill becomes (6.62) and categorized as average and cycle II (7.56) which categorized as good. The improvement of students’ writing skill achievement from D-Test to cycle I (20.59%). There is also significant improvement of the students’ writing skills from cycle I to cycle II (14.2%) and in D-test to cycle II (37.71%).

The table above proves that the use of calibrated peer review in teaching and learning process is able to improve the students’ writing skills after taking



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