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Academic year: 2023



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Thesis title: Problem-based learning strategy for learning English at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. Thesis title: Problem Based Learning Strategy on English Learning at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. Problem-based learning strategy is like a series of learning activities dedicated to the process of solving problems scientifically.

At SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, a problem-based learning strategy has been implemented, but it is not widely known how this problem-based learning strategy activity works and the effect of the problem-based learning strategy on English learning. The purpose of this research is to find out the problem-based learning strategy activities carried out by English teachers in the teaching and learning process and to find out the English teachers and students what is the problem-based learning strategy for English learning. Problem-based learning strategies for English learning at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar are said to be effectively implemented in the process of teaching and learning English, based on the outlook by English teachers and students of problem-based learning strategy for English learning, students are not understanding, listening, taking notes, memorize subject material and think actively, but are also active students in communication using English.

Figure 2.1  Conceptual Framework  18
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework 18


  • Background of the Research
  • Research Questions
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research

One of the learning strategies that can be used in learning English is problem-based learning. According to Waldop, problem-based learning is a learning strategy that focuses on real problems that occur in everyday life. The researcher obtained information from SMAN 1 teacher Wonomulyo that a problem-based learning strategy was introduced.

However, according to Saiful, problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching strategy that can improve students' understanding of learning English. What is the perspective of English teachers and learners on problem-based English learning strategy? To know what students and teachers of English think about problem-based learning strategy regarding English learning.


  • Previous Related Research Findings
  • Some Patient Idea
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Conseptual Defenition

The researcher concluded that the use of problem-based learning strategy improves the student's speaking ability and can be used for better speaking skills.15. The relationship research with previous journals has in common research on learning using problem-based learning strategies. Problem-based learning is interpreted as a strategy learning process that leads students to a problem in a real-world situation.

Problem-based learning prepares students to think critically and analytically, to find and use appropriate learning tools. Problem-based learning is a developmental instructional approach built around an ill-structured problem that is messy and complex in nature; We can be sure that problem-based learning is an instructional strategy where students work in groups to solve a challenging problem.

But this does not mean that problem-based learning can only be applied in a group. 22 Enny Irawati, "Using problem-based learning strategy to improve speaking skill of the seventh grade students of SMPN 21 Malang". Problem-based learning strategies can be interpreted as a series of learning activities devoted to the process of solving problems scientifically.

Because without problems in the Problem-Based Learning Strategy, no learning process can take place. The focus of this study is on the problem-based learning strategies for speaking skills. The researcher must find out the problem-based learning activity based on the data obtained from the respondents who were interviewed.

The researcher then finds out how the problem-based learning perspective on English learning by English teachers and students.


  • Research Method
  • Location of the Research
  • Subject of the Research
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Technique of Collecting Data
  • Technique of Data Analysis

One of the learning strategies commonly used by English teachers at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar is the problem-based learning strategy. The implementation of a problem-based learning strategy in learning English at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar is to make the learning class active. English teachers and students' perspective of problem-based learning strategy for learning English at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar.

There is an influence of the implementation of the problem-based learning strategy on increasing interest in learning English. This problem-based learning strategy has been effectively implemented in English learning at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. But the students face obstacles/barriers in learning English using problem-based learning strategy based on teacher's teaching experience.

Below is the opinion of students about the problem-based learning strategy in English learning used by their English teacher. In English learning activities, implementing a problem-based learning strategy can improve the students' interest in learning English. Then the researcher found that the problem-based learning strategy is effective for implementation by English teachers at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar.

One of the English teachers in SMAN 1, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, says that the problem-based learning strategy has been effectively implemented in English subjects. Students' opinions about the problem-based learning strategy used by their English teacher in learning English. Students who like challenges will be more interested in the problem-based learning strategy implemented by their English teacher.

Jadi saya merasa dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini kak, pikiran saya sudah terbuka kak.



The division into groups of students, orientation of the problem, organization of learning, individual or group investigations, development and investigation of the problem, analysis and evaluation of the process of solving the problem and the conclusion of the material were done.


58 Saiful and others, “Problem-based learning strategy for better speaking skills,” BATARA DIDI: English Language Journal. Learning activities that use problem-based learning strategies can increase activity and depth of understanding of the material and improve communication. All English teachers say that this problem-based learning strategy is effective to implement in English teaching and learning lessons.

One of the English teachers said that the students had barriers/obstacles in learning English using a problem-based learning strategy based on the teacher's teaching experience. It is known that the effect of the problem-based learning strategy is based on the results of prospective interviews with English teachers. Next, students' opinions on the continuity of the English learning process with this problem-based learning strategy are discussed.

Students hope that their teachers will add creativity to teaching by using this problem-based learning strategy. Teachers always try to understand the state/condition of the student class by using problem based learning strategies as learning strategy. Teaching using a problem-based learning strategy has a positive or very good impact on students and also teachers.

Oke, selama belajar bahasa Inggris saya kadang menggunakan strategi, biasanya saya menggunakan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Berkenaan dengan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini, saya berharap kedepannya kreativitas guru dapat ditingkatkan dalam menyampaikan materi dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran tersebut. Menurut saya, strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini sangat bermanfaat bagi saya, karena sedikit demi sedikit saya bisa berbicara.

Speaking saya meningkat dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini kak, karena saya sudah mulai belajar mengungkapkan pikiran sambil berbicara bahasa inggris kak.



In problem-based learning strategies in classroom activities implemented by English teachers at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar by dividing students into groups, problem orientation, learning organization, individual or group investigations, problem development and investigation, process analysis and evaluation, problem solving and conclusion of the material. The researcher found that English teachers and students regarding problem-based learning strategies in learning English believe that students not only understand, listen, remember material and are active in thinking, but students were also active in communicating using English. so that it would produce students who learn English well. Students who are less responsive in terms of adapting and even improving their communication in learning English are helped by their classroom environment or their peers or their English teacher.


Saiful, Ismail Hamid, Rina Asrini Bakri dan Maharida, 'Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Kemampuan Berbicara Lebih Baik', BATARA DIDI: Jurnal Bahasa Inggris. Dan menurut saya strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah merupakan strategi yang diterapkan dengan cukup baik dalam proses belajar mengajar. Dan menurut saya, kemampuan siswa dalam menangkap materi dengan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang saya gunakan terlihat antusias dan ingin tahu.

Nah mengenai pengaruh strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah terhadap kemampuan berbicara itu sendiri, menurut saya sejauh ini sudah efektif untuk pengembangan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Menurut pendapat saya, dari apa yang Anda jelaskan sebelumnya tentang strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah, saya sudah mempunyai gambaran bahwa guru bahasa Inggris saya selama ini menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang disebut pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Sejauh ini saya rasa kemampuan berbicara saya meningkat dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini kak, karena saya mulai terbiasa mengutarakan pendapat dengan berbicara bahasa inggris ya kak.

Dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini, saya bisa belajar bahasa Inggris/berbicara bahasa Inggris sedikit demi sedikit, karena aturan belajarnya seperti ini dan pengaruhnya datang dari teman-teman saya yang memiliki kemampuan dasar. Oke kakak, saya langsung merasa bahwa selama ini guru bahasa Inggris saya mengajari saya menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang disebut pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Pendapat saya tentang cara guru menjelaskan strategi pengajaran atau pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini sudah bagus ya kak.

Contohnya ketika saya menyebutkan speaking, Kak, saya lihat sebenarnya tertulis begini.. Dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini Kak, saya jadi lebih tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris karena kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saya sudah meningkat. Cara guru menjelaskan strategi pengajaran atau problem based learning ini bagus ya kak. Sejauh ini saya rasa kemampuan berbicara saya meningkat dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini kakak, karena saya sudah mulai belajar mengungkapkan pikiran dengan berbicara bahasa inggris ya kakak.

Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, siswi kelas Untuk strategi pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini menurut saya pribadi sangat bermanfaat bagi saya karena sedikit demi sedikit saya bisa berbicara. Menurut saya, pembelajaran berbasis masalah adalah suatu kegiatan di kelas dimana siswa diminta untuk mengungkapkan pendapatnya dalam bahasa Inggris.


Figure 2.1  Conceptual Framework  18


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