• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


F. Technique of Data Analysis

to find out the documentation data related to the things to be studied.37 Things that can be used as documentation or related to in the form of photos and interviews during research and make evidence that the author actually carries out and becomes evidence that the author actually carries out research on the issues raised in the author's thesis.

4. Triangulation

Triangulation is a data collection technique that combines data collection techniques and existing data sources. There are two kinds of triangulation, namely technical triangulation and source triangulation. Triangulation is a technique in which researchers use different data collection techniques to obtain data from the same source. Researchers used participatory observation, in-depth interviews and documentation for the same data source simultaneously. Then source triangulation means getting data from different sources with the same technique.38 In this study, source triangulation was used, namely by obtaining from different sources with a uniform technique. By interviewing English teachers and students regarding the perspective of problem based learning strategies on English learning.


transforming rough data that emerges from written notes in the field.

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main points, focusing on the important things, looking for themes and patterns.39 Then after all the data has been collected from the previous method, the researcher will reduce the data by grouping, clarifying or providing a special code to adjust according to the research results.

b. Data Display

Data display is a structured collection of information that provides the possibility to draw conclusions and take action. The presentation of qualitative data is usually narrative in nature, equipped with matrices, graphs, charts so that the information is arranged in a form that is easily accessible. The goal is to make it easier to read and draw conclusions. therefore, the dish must be well- organized.40

Data display is part of the analysis, even reaching data reduction. In this process, researchers group similar things into categories or groups of one, group two, group three, and so on. Each group shows the existing typology according to the formulation of the problem. Each typology consists of sub-typologies which can be sequences or priority events. At this stage the researcher also displays the data systematically, so that it is easier to understand the interaction between the parts in a complete context, not segmental or fragmental apart from one another.

In this process the data is classified based on those themes”.

39 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kuantitatif Dan R&D, (Bandung Alfabeta, 2008),

h. 204.

40 Basrowi Dan Suwandi, Memahami Peneltian Kualitatif, (Cet I ; Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2008), h. 209.

c. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

The initial conclusions put forward are still temporary so they will change if no strong evidence is found to support the next stage of data collection. If the conclusions put forward at the initial stage are supported by valid and consistent evidence, when the researcher returns to the field to collect data, the conclusions put forward are credible.41 In this stage, the researcher makes a formulation related to logic, picks it up as a research finding, then proceeds to review repeatedly the existing data, grouping the data that has been formed, and the propositions that have been formulated. The next step is to report the complete research results, with new findings that are different from existing findings.

41 Endang Widi Winarni, Teori dan Praktik Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Research and Development (R&D), Jakarta: Bumi Aksara (PT. Cahaya Prima Sentosa, 2018).p.171-174



This research was addressed to the English Teacher at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar in January 2023. Data collection in the study used structured interview and observation toward ten informants which consist of three English teachers, and seven students at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. Below will be presented the data on the result found:

1. The Activity of Problem Based Learning Strategy

In this research, the researcher researched in one month. The research is conducted from 16th December 2022 until 16th January 2023. The researcher did observation in SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. The researcher took English teachers and students as the subject of the research. To answer the research question, the research presented the database on the result of observation and interview.

In the process of teaching and learning, strategies are no less important than other learning components. The learning plan must be clear and by the subject matter being delivered. Because not all materials can be accepted by students easily. Based on this, the teacher's role is very important in managing learning strategies. The strategy that is always carried out by the teacher is for the convenience of student learning and increasing interest in learning. One of the learning strategies commonly used by English teachers at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar is the Problem Based Learning Strategy.

In my opinion, this problem-based learning strategy is indeed very suitable for managing students' minds, the point is because when the strategy is implemented in the learning class, students will be required to think about

finding solutions to the problems presented. Therefore, students can really understand the lesson that is in progress. .42

Based on the results of these interviews, problem-based learning strategies are considered relevant to be used in the process of learning English, because these strategies are considered to be able to increase students' active ways of thinking.

I use learning strategies in teaching English by adjusting the class conditions of students during class hours. In teaching English, I use problem-based learning strategies to direct my students to fully understand the material presented, and are encouraged to express their opinions by speaking or speaking English. For the learning process using this problem based learning strategy, I divide groups of students and then give problems for students to complete or solve the problem. So, after that students are guided to be able to express their own opinions using English.43

The teacher uses a problem based learning strategy in the teaching process by dividing into groups of students, then presenting problems for students to solve, after which students are guided to express opinions using English. Teachers always use learning strategies by adjusting the conditions in student learning classes.

In terms of implementing the problem-based learning strategy in learning English, the conditions of the students when learning were all active, although there were also students who had difficulty understanding the material with this strategy, this was generally because the students did not have basic English, so students found it difficult to understand the material.

even expressed his opinion in English. For this reason, I usually guide them by giving them an easier understanding or more detailed problems according to their thinking ability so they can follow the lesson and grasp the material well.44

The implementation of a problem based learning strategy in learning English at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar is to make the learning class active. In the results of

42 Rahmadina, S.Pd., M.Si, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 19th December 2022.

43 Rahmadina, S.Pd., M.Si, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 19th December 2022.

44 Mansur, S.Pd, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 4th January 2023.


the interview with the English teacher, Mr. Mansur S.Pd stated that students' learning abilities were different, and not all students could digest English material properly. In the process of learning English, a student certainly has experienced an obstacle in learning.45 This is generally caused by the background of students who have absolutely no basic English.

Well.. for the students' reactions when this problem-based learning strategy was implemented, in my opinion, they were quite responsive to the material presented, and where students were active in expressing their opinions by speaking in English, even though students combined their spoken language in English with spoken language in Indonesia.46

Based on the results of the interview above, Mrs. Martina S.Pd thinks that student reactions are very responsive in the learning process by implementing this problem based learning strategy. The varied learning abilities of students are not a barrier to participating in learning English. Because in the learning process, the teacher provides learning demands to students and ease in learning, namely being able to combine English with Indonesian.

2. The English Teachers and Students Prespective of Problem Based Learning Strategy on English Learning at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar

There is the influence of the implementation of the problem based learning strategy in improving interest in learning English. The English teacher at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, expressed his opinion regarding the effects of problem-based learning strategies in English subjects.

In my opinion how effective this problem based learning strategy is for English subjects and students' speaking skills, well... this learning strategy has been effectively implemented. Because of their position here, students are

45 I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi, ‘Kendala Dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dan Cara Mengatasinya’, Linguistic Community Services Journal, 1.2 (2020), 64–70


46 Martina, S.Pd, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 4th January 2023.

encouraged to be active in thinking besides that students are also encouraged to improve their English speaking skills, because before that I saw students' ability to speak English was very lacking, and after implementing this strategy, students' ability to speak English had increased slightly. where in the learning process when issuing opinions students are required to be able to speak in English with me as a teacher also facilitating students, meaning that if there are students who really can't yahh... that also helps.47

According to Rahmadina S.Pd., M.Si that the problem based learning strategy has been effectively implemented in English subjects. Because the tudents can motivated to be active in thinking and are motivated to express opinions by speaking in English.

So... some students find it rather difficult to grasp material with this problem- based learning strategy because the students themselves do not have basic English. And we know that English is easy for those who know English, but generally, it is considered difficult for those who don't know English at all/have any basic knowledge. However, for this problem, by carrying out/implementing a problem-based learning strategy students can gradually improve their speaking skills due to the influence of their environment and the way of teaching their English teacher itself.48

This problem-based learning strategy has been effectively implemented in English learning at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. But the students' have obstacles/barriers in learning English by using a problem based learning strategy based on the teacher's teaching experience. The problem for less active students is that they don't have basic English at all. Below is the opinion of students about the problem based learning strategy in English learning use by their English teacher.

In my opinion, from what you explained earlier about problem-based learning strategies, I already have an idea that it turns out that all this time what my English teacher taught him used a learning strategy called problem-based learning. Exactly our activity in class, namely students is asked to express opinions in English. And in my opinion about teachers who use this learning

47 Rahmadina, S.Pd., M.Pd., Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 19th December 2022.

48 Mansur, S.Pd., Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 4th January 2023.


strategy... that's already good sis. It's also easy to understand because of the details of how the teacher explains sis.49

From the results of the interview above it is known that students have understood and are aware of the learning that is being followed in English subjects, that the English teacher uses a learning strategy that is problem-based learning and this strategy is already familiar to the student's environment.

My opinion about the teacher's way of explaining this learning strategy or problem based learning is that it's already good sis. It's also easy to understand because of the details of how the teacher explains sis.50

Problem based learning strategy can be well received by students because of the teacher's way of teaching which is easy to understand and detailed during the material explanation process.

So far, I think my interest in learning English has increased with the implementation of this problem based learning strategy, sis, because I have started to get used to expressing opinions by speaking English, sis.51

This opinion is relevant to the results of an interview with an English teacher with the opinions of students at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar.

Eee... for this problem based learning strategy, in my own opinion, it's been very useful for me, sis, because little by little I can speak..52

Based on the results of interviews regarding the benefits felt by students that they have realized that by implementing a problem based learning strategy, it is beneficial for students because students can think actively and improve their interest in learning English.

49 Adelia Rahma Azisah, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.

50 Dwi Rahma Aulia, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.

51 Aditia Ramdan, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.

52 Nurwanda Aulia, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.

It's a bit difficult for me to learn English because I don't have basic English.

However, by implementing this problem based learning strategy, little by little I can blend in with English/I can speak English a little because the learning rules are like that and the influence is from my friends who have basic skills.53 Students who do not have basic English can increase their interest in learning English because of the influence of the classroom environment and also the rules for learning English classes have been set to be able to communicate by speaking English.

Personally, sis, I feel very challenged during the learning process, and I happen to like challenges, sis. So I feel that by implementing this problem based learning strategy, Sis, my mind is open, Sis. Especially in speaking English, I feel that my knowledge is increasing little by little. For example, in the mention of speaking, sis, I can tell that the pronunciation is like that.54 Students who like challenges will be more interested in the problem based learning strategy implemented by their English teacher. Students are aware that the development of their knowledge is increasing from not knowing at all to knowing even that, little by little.

...By implementing this problem based learning strategy sis, I am even more interested in learning English because my speaking English has increased. So I want to know more about English. Well... my hope is Sis about this problem based learning strategy, sis. I hope that in the future the creativity of teachers will be increased in presenting material with this learning strategy.55

Students' interest in learning English has increased to learn more in English because by implementing this problem based learning strategy students are challenged and also motivated to learn English. Students hope that their teachers will add creativity to teaching by using this problem based learning strategy.

53 Sri Anti, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.

54 Selma Adam, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.

55 Rizal Adam, Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar, Sulbar, Interviewed, 12nd January 2023.


B. Discussion

1. The Activity of Problem Based Learning Strategy on English Learning at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar

Based on the data findings of problem based learning strategy used by teacher in teaching English of the students of SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar. The researcher found some the activities carried out by English teachers in the activity of learning English using problem-based learning strategy. There was dividing into groups of students, problem orientation, learning organization, individual or group investigations, problem development and investigation, analysis and evaluation of the problem solving process, and conclude the material.

1) Divide into groups of students

2) Problem orientation, the teacher presents real problems to students.

3) Learning organization, the teacher facilitates students to understand the real problems presented by identifying what they know, what needs to be done to solve the problem. Students share tasks to solve problems.

4) Individual or group investigations, at this stage the teacher guides students to collect data or information in the form of knowledge, concepts or theories through various ways to find alternative solutions to problems.

5) Development and investigation of problems, at this stage students compile reports on the results of problem solving, for example in the form of showing the results of solving problems in English with the help of an English teacher. The teacher guides students to determine the most appropriate problem solving.

6) Analysis and evaluation of the problem-solving process, the teacher facilitates students to reflect or evaluate the problem-solving process that is being carried out.

7) Summarizing the material, the teacher and students together conclude the material that has been studied

Based on this, it is in line with the steps of the problem based learning strategy put forward by David Johnson & Johnson in Sanjaya56,the activity of problem- based learning strategy with several steps, there are five steps to the problem- based learning strategy through group activities.

1) Defining the problem, namely formulating the problem of certain events that contain conflict issues, so that students become clear what problems will be studied. In this activity educators can ask students for opinions and explanations about hot issues that are interesting to solve;

2) Diagnosing problems, namely determining the causes of problems, as well as analyzing various factors, both factors that can inhibit and factors that can support problem solving;

3) Formulate alternative strategies, namely testing each action that has been formulated through class discussions. At this stage each student is motivated to give his opinion about the possibility of every action that can be taken;

4) Determining and implementing the preferred strategy, namely making decisions about which strategy can be implemented;

5) Perform evaluation, both evaluation process evaluation results. Process evaluation is an evaluation of all activities carried out while the evaluation of results is an evaluation of the results of implementing the implemented strategy.

In the activity of problem based learning strategies that are implemented in teaching and learning classes, students generally experience problems in being less responsive to the ongoing subject processes. This can be caused by students who lack interest in learning English, because in general there are two problems students have in pursuing English learning, namely the obstacle in the absence of interest in learning, the second obstacle in the lack of proficiency in English.

56 Sanjaya and Wina, Strategi Pembelajaran Beriorentasi Standar Proses Pendidikan.


According to Sanjaya that students in implementing problem based learning strategies, students do not just listen, take notes, then memorize the subject matter, but also students actively think, communicate, search, and conclude.57 Therefore, this problem based learning strategy is suitable for English teachers to implement.

Problem Based Learning (PBL) strategy as a strategy in learning is very important in learning.58 Teachers use this learning strategy to make students know and understand well the lessons presented by their English teacher. This means that English teachers use many learning strategies for the convenience of student learning. One of them is by using the problem based learning strategy that is used by the teacher because it has a positive influence on students.

Teachers always use learning strategies by adjusting the conditions in student learning classes. In research conducted by Dr. Rusman, M.Pd, that teacher performance is very important and very decisive in the learning process, because for students teachers are often used as examples/role models, even become self- identification figures, therefore teachers should have adequate behavior and abilities to develop their students in an effective manner intact.59 This is done by the English teacher at SMAN 1 Wonomulyo Polewali Mandar in implementing learning strategies to increase student's interest and motivation in learning.

Use of problem based learning strategies is very helpful in the learning process and is quite effective for educators and students. This learning strategy is already familiar to students when the English learning process takes place. In English learning activities implementing a problem based learning strategy can improve the students' interest in learning English.

57 Sanjaya and Wina, Stretagi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendikan (Jakarta:

Kencana, 2006).

58 Saiful and others, ‘Problem Based Learning Strategy for Better Speaking Ability’, BATARA DIDI: English Language Journal, 1 (2022), 20–23.

59 Dr. Rusman M.Pd, Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan, Pertama (Jakarta: Kencana, 2017).

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