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Repositori Institusi | Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana: Students' Motivational Startegies In Online Learning


Academic year: 2023

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Motivation is one of the factors influencing learners' success when learning a second language (L2). A person's conscious need to act with a particular goal is known as motivation, and it is a psychological phenomena (Prihartanta, 2015). Likewise, Dornyei (1998) emphasizes the importance of motivation, which is seen as a prerequisite for learning a second language (L2) and one of the most important variables influencing language learners' performance. In other words, motivation helps learners focus on what they are doing until their goals are achieved.

Masgoret and Gardner (2003) mention that a motivated learner "expends effort, is persistent and attentive to the task at hand, has goals, desires, and aspirations, enjoys the activity, makes attributions concerning success and/or failure, is aroused, and makes use of strategies to aid in achieving goals." Thus, they considered that motivated students would design the strategies in such a way by considering the possibilities that will occur to achieve their purposes. According to Wolters (2003) motivation strategies are behaviors that people purposely engage in to begin, sustain, or enhance their willingness to begin or complete a given goal. Also, motivational strategies can influence learners' effort for academic work, so it will impact learners' outcome.

One of the strategies that learners can do is self-regulation learning. Self-regulation learning is when students define the goals they want to achieve and control, monitor, and regulate their own thinking, acting, and emotional responses in order to accomplish those objectives. When faced with difficulties in language learning, self-regulated learners can employ a variety of tactics and alter their behavior (Zimmerman, 2008). So, it is important to introduce motivational strategies to students in English language learning because it helps students attain learning a language and determine their ultimate success.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indonesian Minister of Educational and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A., brings the online teaching and learning process as one of the solutions to suppress the pandemic outbreak. Online learning, enabled by technology, allows learners to engage in distance education from their own environments, separate from the central source of education (Hartnett, 2016). The sudden transformation of Indonesia's teaching and learning process in the pandemic era has caused some struggles for learners, such as the number of assignments they receive each day affecting their health problems. Also, some students face a financial problem because they had to buy quite a big credit for the online quota (Simamora, 2020). On the other hand, there were reports on online learning which mentioned that Online learning proved advantageous for students due to their access to abundant learning resources and the flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere. Additionally, they had ample opportunities to engage with digital learning programs (Firman and Rahayu, 2020; Hidayat and Noeraida, 2020; Simamora, 2020). One thing that we cannot deny, both the advantages and disadvantages of online learning surely influence students' motivation. Students who depend on performance motivation are prone to being easily distracted by external factors such as noise and other elements in their surroundings (Hanrahan, 1998). Therefore, positive thinking, creative, and innovative ways can help students or lecturers overcome online learning problems to make the distance-learning process more fun so that it can become a good quality learning process (Jaelani, Fauzi, Aisa, and Zaqyah, 2020).

The previous studies have addressed the effectiveness of motivation in language learning and the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, what is lacking in the existing literature is the kind of motivations that the students use in their online classes. Thus, this study aims to explore the senior high school students’ motivational strategies during their online learning. The


research question that is addressed by this study is “What are some motivational strategies that students use during their online learning?”

The benefits of the findings of the study can help scholars who are interested in this issue if each student has unique motivational strategies during online learning.


Numerous experts have attempted to define online learning. According to Bates (2005), online learning utilizes the internet and web technologies as tools for educational purposes.

Furthermore, Ally (2008) mentions that online learning can be defined as:

… the use of the internet to access materials, interact with the content, instructor, and other learners, obtain support during the learning process, acquire knowledge, construct personal meaning, and grow from the learning experience.

So, the teaching and learning activities which are carried out online are delivered via various digital conference platforms likeZoom Cloud Meeting, Google Meet, etc. It is also supported by Khalil, Mansour, Fadda, Almisnid, Aldamegh, Al-Nafeesah, Alkhalifah and Al-Wutayd (2020) who said that online learning can be delivered through a computer-based system which are implemented in the working of assignments, exercises, assessments, or examinations. Further, based on this finding, there are several characteristics of online learning that can affect learners’

motivation positively and negatively. The positive characteristics of online learning that can enhance learners’ motivation such as flexibility because online learning offers flexibility in terms of time and location which are allowing learners to access materials and participate in activities at their convenience. This flexibility can make them feel more empowered and in control of their


learning which can impact their motivation to engage in the learning process. The second, online learning gives learners access to a wide range of resources, such as online libraries and educational websites which they can use to enhance their learning experience. It also connects them with teachers and learners from different places, exposing them to diverse perspectives.

This access to resources and diverse viewpoints increases engagement and knowledge acquisition, boosting motivation in the learning process.

Problems Faced by Secondary School Students during Online Learning

During online learning, there are many barriers that students face. In teaching and learning activities, misunderstanding might happen while the students process the information.

According to Davis, Gough, and Taylor (2019), online learning can lead to misunderstandings in terms of expectations, time management, and interpersonal communication. Mahmud (2010) also discovered communication challenges in his study, where university students perceived interaction difficulties as a hindrance to distance education. Plus, online learning can have an impact on students' health. According to Simamora (2020), the students participating in her study expressed that online learning had resulted in certain health issues such as fatigue, headaches, and fever. This was attributed to the high volume of assignments they had to complete within limited time frames. Some students also reported experiencing impaired eyesight due to prolonged periods of staring at phone or computer screens. Also, the students faced some financial issues, such as difficulties in buying an internet quota for their online classes. Apriyanti (2020) similarly pointed out that the absence of internet connectivity and digital resources in rural or village areas posed a significant obstacle to participating in online courses.


Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction (ARCS) Theory

The ARCS Theory was explored by John M.Keller in 1983. This Keller’s (1983) ARCS Theory offers an approach to enhance motivation. This theory suggests that motivation can be increased by addressing four important components : Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction.


The ARCS theory's Attention component aims to pique students' attention and arouse their curiosity. Keller (1983) suggests a number of attention-getting techniques, including the use of novelty, surprise, comedy, or multimedia components. Gaining students' concentration and keeping them open to the lesson material requires attention.


The perceived worth and significance of the learning information are referred to as Relevance. The ARCS hypothesis states that students are more motivated to study when they believe the material is relevant to their objectives and areas of interest. Keller (1983) proposes methods to increase relevance, including using real-world examples, stressing applications in the actual world, and highlighting the advantages of learning.


The belief that a student has in their capacity to complete the learning activity is referred to as Confidence. According to ARCS theory, students are driven when they believe they are competent and capable of attaining their objectives. To boost students' confidence and self-efficacy, Keller (1983) advises introducing chances for skill improvement, delivering feedback, and providing assistance.



Learners' feelings of achievement and enjoyment related to the learning process are addressed through Satisfaction. The ARCS theory places a strong emphasis on the value of offering reinforcement, recognition, and incentives to increase pleasure. With this element in place, students will feel as though their efforts were meaningful, which will boost their desire and attitude toward learning.

Kinds of Motivation

Ryan and Deci (2000a) identified and categorized several key types of motivation, which are outlined as follows:

Intrinsic motivation

Drawing from Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory (1985), intrinsic motivation in learning can be characterized by several factors, including :

1. Motivation for learning and acquiring new knowledge encompasses the joy of exploring unfamiliar concepts and encourages active engagement in the learning process.

2. Motivation is driven by seeking encouragement and experiencing the pleasure of engaging with interesting learning materials.

3. Motivation to tackle challenging learning tasks, such as successfully completing difficult assignments.

Intrinsic motivation is shaped by factors such as personal interest, ambition, aspirations, self-awareness, competence, and both physical and psychological well-being. These factors play a significant role in driving to engage in activities and pursue goals that align with their internal desires and needs.


Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a type of motivation that comes from outside. It is defined as a concept that applies whenever an action is carried out to achieve a specific result and is influenced by factors such as the student's academic situation, social situation, domestic situation, and supporting facilities (Ryan and Deci, 2000a). Expecting things from others, such as prizes, bonuses, or recognition, is external (Hartnett, 2016).

Extrinsic motivation is connected to several factors, including:

1. Extrinsic motivation involves being driven by the desire for rewards or to avoid punishment, such as aiming for a high grade on a challenging project. The desire to be rewarded with good results, in this case high marks, can encourage students to put forth their best efforts, study research thoroughly, and demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

The supported theory from Skinner (1974) that rewards, such as awards, have been shown to strengthen desired actions. This theory also discusses the same thing about avoiding punishment.

2. Extrinsic motivation in the form of introjected regulation is driven by the desire to avoid negative outcomes or feelings of guilt, such as demonstrating one's competence in accomplishing difficult tasks.

3. Extrinsic motivation in the context of identified regulation is fueled by the aspiration to acquire recognition and fulfill a perceived necessity upon completing a learning activity, such as mastering a particular subject.


Amotivation is the lack of internal and external motivation. It shows when students are unwilling or unmotivated to learn. According to Harnet (2016), amotivation is linked to a lack of


self-efficacy and a feeling of inadequacy or inability. The study process will provide no desired results, and completing the assignment will be of no use.

The Factors Influence Motivation

Motivation plays a vital role in the direction of behavior and influence on individual performance and success, is a complex psychological construct. In all areas, including education, employment and individual development, there is a need to understand the factors that influence motivation. Especially the factors that influence students' motivation. The factors reviewed in this literature review, including:

Goal Setting Theory

Establishing goals is a fundamental part of human motivation and is essential in many areas of life, such as education, work, and personal growth. The goal-setting theory proposed by Locke and Latham emphasizes the impact of setting specific and challenging goals on motivation and performance. According to their research, setting clear goals that are relevant and attainable enhances individuals' motivation levels. Specificity in goal setting provides individuals with a clear direction and a concrete target to strive for. When goals are clearly defined, individuals have a better understanding of what they expect and can focus on their efforts accordingly. This clarity helps create a sense of purpose and increases motivation. Furthermore, feedback on progress toward goals plays a crucial role in maintaining motivation. Regular feedback helps individuals track their performance, assess their progress, and make necessary adjustments.

Feedback can be in the form of constructive criticism, positive reinforcement, or information about performance relative to a goal. This feedback loop allows individuals to gauge their


success and adjust their strategies accordingly, thereby increasing their motivation and fostering continuous improvement.

Self efficacy

Bandura's Social Learning Theory (1977b) supports this finding by emphasizing the role of observation, imitation, and modeling in the learning process. Students learn not only through direct instruction but also by observing and imitating the behaviors and actions of others. By witnessing their peers engaging in helping behaviors and experiencing the positive outcomes associated with them, students are more likely to be motivated to engage in similar behaviors.

Personal Value and Interest

Personal values and interests have a large impact on motivation. When individuals find themselves engaged in tasks that are aligned with their core values and serve their personal interests, they experience a strong internal drive to excel. Deci and Ryan (2000b) mentions that individuals get motivated when their activities are relevant to them and align with their interests and values. Additionally, personal value and interest can acknowledge the influence in the process of personal growth and perspective expansion (Mezirow,1997). Personal values shape the way individuals reflect on their assumptions while personal interests fuel intrinsic motivation and curiosity.

Social Support and Collaboration

Motivation is a key factor in students' academic achievement and involvement in the learning process. Numerous elements contribute to students' motivation, with social support and collaboration being a major factor. Ryan and Deci (2000b) suggest that appreciation and recognition from others can create a sense of belonging and support, which in turn can lead to increased motivation and engagement in learning activities. When students are given recognition


and appreciation for their hard work, they tend to be more motivated and invested in their education. Further, Bandura (1977b) highlighted that collaborative group activities give students the chance to watch and learn from their classmates. By engaging in shared experiences and receiving social support, students can increase their motivation and improve their learning outcomes.


Research has consistently shown that providing specific and timely positive feedback to students is an effective strategy for enhancing their motivation and engagement in the learning process. Deci and Ryan (1985) that giving specific and timely positive feedback to students during online learning can boost intrinsic motivation and provide a positive learning experience.

Specific feedback refers to providing detailed and clear information about students' performance, progress, or achievements. It highlights the specific strengths, improvements, or areas where students have excelled, enabling them to understand their own capabilities and competencies.

This specificity helps students develop a sense of competence and self-efficacy, which are key components of intrinsic motivation. Hattie and Timperley (2007) conducted a meta-analysis and found that feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on a task significantly enhances student learning outcomes. Similarly, Shute (2008) emphasized the importance of immediate feedback in online learning environments, stating that it positively influences motivation and engagement.


The learning environment plays a crucial role in shaping student motivation. Mentions from Wigfield and Eccles (2000) emphasize the significance of establishing a classroom atmosphere that is characterized by individual attention and a genuine concern for students'


learning. When teachers show personalized support and a genuine concern for students' advancement, it creates a motivating atmosphere. This kind of environment boosts students' enthusiasm and involvement, resulting in better academic achievement.One of the activities that can create a motivating atmosphere is to create a fun learning atmosphere. According to Berk (2002) says humor can improve student engagement, foster a positive classroom environment, and facilitate learning. Berk's assertion that humor can enhance student engagement, create a positive classroom atmosphere, and facilitate learning is supported by research. Utilizing humor in instruction can capture students' interests, make the learning process enjoyable, and establish a relaxed and positive learning atmosphere. Additionally, creating a fun learning atmosphere is very necessary, so using a variety of activities can help improve the learning environment to be more fun and increase student motivation in learning. Likewise, Prince (2004) mentions that involving students in a range of activities can enhance motivation and facilitate deeper learning.

The activities such as games or stimulating can help increase motivation and make the learning environment more enjoyable. The theory from Deci and Ryan (1985) supports that games or stimulation activities can boost students’ motivation.

Previous Relevant Study (Secondary School Students’ Learning Motivational Strategies)

A study about motivation in learning English was conducted by Arfian in 2021. In this study, he was looking for the level of motivation during online learning in pandemic situations.

This study used three instruments such as the first instrument employed in this study was a questionnaire. The questionnaire utilized the Design-Based Research (DBR) approach to examine the motivational aspects by employing Keller's ARCS model (1983), which includes Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. The questionnaire was divided into three


sections. Section A was made up of general demographic questions. Section B contained 36 tasks designed to assess pupils' motivation. Section C included a single open-ended question that gave students the opportunity to share their thoughts on enhancing their motivation in online learning and provide any additional details or perspectives they deem necessary. The second instrument was an interview. The certain questions were designed to evaluate potential interviewees in order to obtain trustworthy data and to identify what hides behind a question's replies. The final instrument was a peer-observation. A peer-researcher steps through the implementation of research using an observation form. The data were recorded by using the Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS). For the participan, there were 180 respondents in total, with varying degrees of study, gender, and academic achievement. According to the study's conclusions, it was found that pupils with moderate levels of education showed the greatest levels of motivation throughout the epidemic. Furthermore, the findings showed that there was no relationship between gender and online learning motivation. The study found that gender does noy affect students’ motivation in online learning. It means that whether someone is a boy or a girl does not make a big difference in how motivated they are to learn online. Also, the study also found that students had lower Satisfaction and Attention levels in online learning. Some students experienced anxiety during online classes, which was confirmed in the interview. To improve student motivation, the teachers should create online activities that address these issues.

Specifically, teachers should focus on designing learning materials that capture students’

curiosity and amazement, as the item “Some topic makes me amazed” received the lowest score.

By making the learning materials interesting and captivating, students’ motivation can be enhanced.


RESEARCH METHOD Context of the Study

The study was conducted at SMA Kristen Satya Wacana which was located in Salatiga, Central Java. I chose SMA Kristen Satya Wacana to collect the data because this school is part of the Satya Wacana educational system. Additionally, there are collaborative initiatives, research projects, and academic partnerships between the faculty members and students of both institutions. This study was guided by the following research question “What are some motivational strategies that students do during their online learning?”. The study was conducted in Semester I (2022-2023) involving all students of Grade 12 at the school because they had already experienced the English online teaching-learning process and students ages 17 up to 18 years old are more critical.

Participants of the Study

The research participants consisted of third-grade students from SMA Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga during the first semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The selection of third-grade students was based on their prior exposure to online English learning, which allowed them to provide reflective and critical responses. A total of 73 students participated in the research, with 15 students involved in the piloting procedure of the research instrument. The piloting process helped refine and validate the research instrument before its full implementation.

By including students who had experienced online English learning and could provide insightful answers, the study aimed to gather meaningful data for analysis and interpretation.


Data Collection Instrument

The data had been collected through a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The questionnaire was distributed to and completed by a total of 73 participants, who provided valuable insights into their motivation experiences during online learning. The questionnaire was divided into two parts, which can be found in the appendix section. The first part contains four Likert-Scale items where students had to read the statements and indicate their situation or condition by choosing one option from the four options provided. To accomplish this, data was collected through a questionnaire comprising 32 items. Participants were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each item using a 4 point scale consisting of Strongly Agree, Agree, Strongly Disagree and Disagree. This part consists of four sections that refer to the ARCS model strategies. Each section contains several statements related to each strategy. By using Likert-Scale questions, the researcher can gather quantitative data to understand participants’ attitudes on a specific topic. The second part of the questionnaire contained open-ended questions. This part consists of 2 question items. The participants were asked to fill in whether there were any additional motivational learning strategies that they used apart from the learning motivation strategy statements in the previous section. The open-ended question gives students a chance to elaborate their chosen option in the first part of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was adopted from Keller's (1983) Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) model.

Data Collection Procedures


Before distributing the questionnaires to the participants of the study, the researchers followed a meticulous procedure to ensure the necessary permissions and approvals were obtained. The first step involves seeking authorization from the Faculty, demonstrating the researcher's commitment to conducting data collection ethically and responsibly. Subsequently, the researcher visited the school where the study would take place, submitting a comprehensive proposal for data collection. The proposal was conveyed through the school's secretary, who would then forward it to the school principal for final approval.

Once the necessary permissions were granted, the researcher proceeded to collaborate with the respective subject teacher who would act as supervisor during the data collection researcher process. The researcher initiated contact with the assigned supervisor teacher, engaging in consultation regarding the number of students involved and discussing the logistics of the data collection process. The consultation session with the teacher supervisor was held on March 15, 2023, ensuring that both parties were on the same page and that the research process would proceed smoothly.

After conducting the meeting with the teacher supervisor, the researcher discovered that there were a total of 88 students in the third grade of SMA LAB. These students were divided into four different classes: IPA 1, IPS 1, IPS 2, and Bahasa. To facilitate the piloting and data collection process, the researcher decided to utilize a Google Form as the means of questionnaire distribution. To ensure smooth piloting and data collection, the researcher enlisted the assistance of Mrs. Andri, who served as the supervisor teacher. Mrs. Andri's role was to coordinate with the class teachers and oversee the students' completion of the questionnaire. With her guidance and support, the researcher aimed to maximize the participation rate and ensure accurate data collection from all students.


On March 16, 2023, a piloting session was carried out involving 15 students who participated in the study using Google Forms. The researcher selected 15 students as the piloting participants based on the class with the smallest number of students. Following the distribution of the piloting questionnaire, the researcher patiently awaited responses for a period of three days. The purpose of this piloting phase was to assess the effectiveness and clarity of the questionnaire. After analyzing the piloting results, it was identified that out of the 32 close-ended questions, two questions required revision. To enhance clarity and comprehension, modifications were made to question number 1 by incorporating examples that would provide a clearer understanding of the statement. Additionally, in question number 2, the researcher included the phrase "(pictures, cards, videos, etc.)" to further elucidate the intended meaning of the sentence.

These revisions aimed to ensure that participants would interpret and respond to the questions accurately. In contrast, the two open-ended questions did not require any revisions as they were appropriately constructed and yielded the desired responses. These questions allowed participants to express their thoughts and opinions freely, providing valuable qualitative insights.

On March 20, 2023, the researcher proceeded to distribute the questionnaire to a total of 73 students in the 12th grade, excluding those who had previously participated in the piloting phase. The revised version of the Google Form, based on the feedback received during the piloting process, was shared with the students. In order to streamline the distribution process, the researcher entrusted Mrs. Andri with the responsibility of disseminating the questionnaire link to the respective homeroom teachers of the 12th-grade students. To allow sufficient time for completion, the deadline for submitting the questionnaire responses was set for one week after the distribution. However, during this waiting period for the questionnaire results, the researcher encountered a few challenges. One of the challenges arose when it became necessary to extend


the questionnaire submission deadline by an additional four days. In response to this, the researcher promptly communicated with the class teachers to ascertain which students had already completed the questionnaire and which ones were yet to do so.

Another challenge emerged due to the transition from traditional paper-based methods to using Google Forms for data collection. This shift was prompted by the ongoing exams being conducted for the third grade of senior high school students. By utilizing Google Forms, the researcher aimed to provide students with greater flexibility in completing the questionnaire, accommodating their exam schedules while ensuring their participation in the study. Throughout these challenges, the researcher maintained effective communication with the class teachers and Mrs. Andri to ensure a smooth data collection process. By adapting to the circumstances and leveraging technology, the researcher sought to maximize participation and minimize any disruptions caused by the timing and mode of data collection. These efforts were undertaken to facilitate an efficient and convenient data collection process, enabling the researcher to gather comprehensive responses from the 12th-grade students and contribute to the successful completion of the study.

Data Analysis Procedures

After collecting the data, the researcher inputted it into Excel for further analysis. the researcher grouped each data into several categories to facilitate the writing of results. For the close-ended data, the researcher used Excel formulas to calculate the percentage of the ranking scale and converted it into a percentage format. As for the open-ended questions, the researcher categorized them based on the theory the researcher adopted, namely Keller's (1983) theory, by


grouping each response into four categories: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction.

Then, the researcher narrated the processed data in the Findings and Discussion sections.


The primary objective of this study was to investigate the strategies used by the students to maintain motivation during online learning. With the increasing use of online education, it is important to understand how students stay motivated and how students navigate in this new learning environment. This study seeks to explore the different strategies used by students and their implications for promoting motivation and engagement in online learning. In this section, the researcher presents the findings in two sub-heading.

Students’ Online Learning Motivation Strategies

Table 1

Students’ Online Learning Motivation Strategies

Categories Occurrences Percentage

Satisfaction 18 38%

Attention 14 30%

Relevance 8 17%

Confident 7 15%

Total Participants 47

Table 1 above informs the students' motivational strategies during their online English learning. From the total of 73 students who became the participants of this study, there were only 47 students who answered the open-ended question asking about their online English learning


motivation strategy. The student’s answers to the open-ended item can be categorized under the four categories of students’ motivational strategies suggested by Keller (1983). According to Keller’s (1983) study, there are four categories of students’ motivational strategies. These four motivational strategies are Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS).

The highest motivational strategy stated by the students was the Satisfaction Strategy, which was initiated by 18 students (38%).

Excerpt 1:

“Strategi yang saya buat adalah selalu belajar di malam hari.”

(The strategy that I do is always studying at home at night.) (P2’s statement, Questionnaire on March 21, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 2:

“Mengatur waktu”

(Setting time) (P1’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 3:

“Mengatur waktu dan jadwal biar lebih efektif.”

(Setting the time and schedule to make it effective. (P25’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

The first strategy under the Satisfaction Strategy implemented by the students was learning by managing the time or schedule. The participants expressed that effective time management and scheduling strategies positively influenced their motivation and learning outcomes during online learning. This is similar to what Lock and Lackham (1990) stated in their book, Goal Setting Theory, which found that individuals are motivated when they set specific and challenging goals for themselves. By effectively managing their time and scheduling activities, students can align their efforts with their goals, leading to increased motivation.

In both conventional and online learning settings, students can manage their time by following a schedule, attending classes, and completing assignments on time. They can use tools like calendars or planners to organize their tasks and prioritize them. In-class reminders and discussions help students stay on track in conventional settings. In online learning, students have


more flexibility. They can create their own schedules based on their availability. Online platforms offer tools for organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and sending notifications. Digital calendars, to-do lists, and time management apps can be used to plan and track progress.

Creating a distraction-free study environment at home is important. Online learning requires additional self-discipline. Students need to allocate time for lectures, discussions, and assignments on their own. They must manage their time effectively, especially in asynchronous learning, where tasks have specific timeframes. Overall, time management and scheduling are important in both settings. Online learning requires self-discipline and adaptability to make the most of the flexibility it offers.

Excerpt 4:

Adanya reward bagi yang memenangkan quiz

(there is a reward for who wins the quiz) (P37’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 5:

“Jika pelajaran cepat selesai, maka sisa waktu dapat saya gunakan untuk bermain game.”

(If the lesson is quickly over, then I can use the rest of the time to play games.)(P17’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 6:

“(adanya) point tambahan saat belajar di kelas saat pembelajaran daring.”

(additional points when studying in class during online learning.) (P43’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher) Excerpt 7:

“ member reward menonton Netflix saat selesai belajar”

(rewards watching Netflix when finished studying) (P22’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Secondly, the strategy that students use for Satisfaction Strategies that were done by the students is learning by rewards. The participants expressed that the prospect of receiving rewards, such as recognition or giving a present, positively impacts their motivation to engage in the learning process. One theory that supports the idea that rewards can boost students’ motivational strategies is Skinner (1974) in his Behaviorist theory. According to behaviorist theory, when


students receive rewards for desired behaviors, such as completing assignments or actively participating in class, those behaviors are more likely to be repeated in the future. Positive reinforcement is provided by rewards, which strengthen the link between behavior and the intended outcome. As a result, students are more motivated to engage in desired activities.

The implementation of the rewards strategy, providing incentives to students for desired behaviors, can be similar in both conventional and online learning settings. In conventional settings, teachers can use praise, certificates, or tangible rewards to motivate students. In online learning, virtual rewards like digital badges or gamification elements can be employed. Teachers can also provide personalized feedback and recognition through online channels.

Excerpt 8 :

.... ada apresiasi ketika berhasil melakukan/mengerjakan sesuatu.”

(there is appreciation when successfully doing/doing something.) (P19’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

The third strategy that students use for Satisfaction Strategies that were done by the students is learning by appreciation. Learning by appreciation has several implications for student satisfaction and the overall educational experience. The participants expressed that receiving appreciation and positive feedback positively affected their motivation and overall learning experience. The theory that supports this is from Ryan and Deci (2000a) theory that appreciation and acknowledgment from others can create a feeling of belonging and assistance, which in turn boosts individuals’ motivational and active participation in learning activities.

The implementation of the appreciation strategy, which involves acknowledging and appreciating students' efforts and contributions, can have similarities and differences between conventional learning settings and online learning settings. In conventional classrooms, teachers can show appreciation through verbal praise, recognizing individuals or groups, and giving


constructive feedback. Classroom interactions provide immediate opportunities for appreciation, fostering motivation and a sense of belonging. In online learning, appreciation can be expressed through written or verbal feedback on digital platforms, like discussion forums or video conferences. Teachers can send personalized emails or messages to acknowledge students' efforts. Online communities can also be created for peer-to-peer appreciation and support.

Appreciation is valued in both settings as it boosts motivation and the overall learning experience. Ryan and Deci's (2000b) theory supports this, emphasizing how acknowledgment and appreciation create a sense of belonging and assistance, promoting active engagement. While the core principle of appreciation remains the same, the methods and channels of expressing it may differ. The goal is to make students feel valued and recognized, fostering a positive learning environment and motivation.

In this study, the second category that emerged as a dominant strategy in this study was Attention Strategies. This strategy was observed in 14 of the 47 participants, which accounted for approximately 30% of the total occurrences. The Attention Strategies were further analyzed and separated into various statements based on the participants' responses and behaviors.

Excerpt 9:

"Mungkin menggunakan media atau cara lain seperti menulis materi atau PPT dengan gambar-gambar lucu atau dengan hiasan yang indah"

(Maybe use other media or methods such as writing materials or PPT with cute pictures or with beautiful decorations) (P60’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 10:

“Jika belajar menggunakan video atau cerita.”

(If learning using videos or stories.) (P27’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Under the category of Attention Strategy, the most stated statement by the students was that they were using media, such as PowerPoint presentations, pictures, and other visual aids, which can positively impact their motivation for learning. The participants expressed that these media make


the learning process more enjoyable and engaging, which may lead to increased motivation.

Mayer (2001) stated that the incorporation of multimedia elements, such as visuals, animations, and narration, can improve learning outcomes and motivation. In other words, images, animations, and narration are just a few examples of how multimedia concepts may improve learning outcomes and motivation.

In both conventional and online learning settings, using media like PowerPoint presentations, pictures, and visual aids can improve students' attention and motivation. On the other hand,in traditional classrooms, teachers use visuals to support their lessons and make learning more enjoyable. They may use projectors, charts, and videos to engage students and help them understand the content better. Then, in online learning, multimedia elements are also used to create an engaging experience. Platforms offer slideshows, videos, and interactive graphics that students can access at their own pace. These visuals make learning more interactive and stimulate students' interest and motivation. Both settings recognize the benefits of using media to enhance motivation and learning outcomes. Research shows that visuals, animations, and narration can improve understanding and motivation by presenting information in a captivating and memorable way. Although the core principle of using media is the same, the delivery methods differ. In classrooms, teachers may use physical materials and project visuals, while online learning relies on digital platforms and resources.

Excerpt 11:

“Belajar sambil mendengarkan lagu”

(Study while listening to songs.) (P34’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 12:

“Strategi seperti bermain game.”

(Strategy such as playing a game.) (P4’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)


The second Attention Strategy that students used was learning by listening to songs and playing games to boost their motivation. Because music may generate feelings and provide a more immersive learning environment, listening to songs allows students to interact uniquely with the material. The enjoyment and interaction that comes with playing games, on the other hand, gives students a sense of challenge and achievement. The participants expressed that these activities contributed to a more enjoyable and interactive learning experience, leading to increased motivation.

The implementation of the Attention Strategy involving listening to songs and playing games to boost motivation can have similarities and differences between conventional learning settings and online learning settings. In a regular classroom, teachers can play relevant songs, encourage students to create their own songs, or use games to make learning fun. In online learning, students can listen to educational songs on their own, play interactive educational games online, and discuss music and games with their peers. The main idea is the same in both settings: music creates an immersive environment and games provide a sense of challenge and achievement, leading to a more enjoyable learning experience and increased motivation.

However, the way students access and interact with songs and games may be different. In regular classrooms, teachers usually provide the materials and facilitate activities. In online learning, students have more independence in choosing their own songs and games, and they can engage with others through virtual communities and discussion boards.

Excerpt 13:

“Saya perlu mencari suasana baru dan membagubn mood yang tepat. Saya suka belajar di ruangan saya tanpa gangguan dengan biasanya menyediakan snack dan mendengarkan musik agar tetap rileks dan fokus”

(I need to find a new atmosphere and set the right mood. I like to study in my room without distractions by usually providing snacks and listening to music to stay relaxed and focused) (P40’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)


The third Attention Strategy that students use is learning through icebreaker activities. By creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, these activities help students feel comfortable and engage in the learning environment. The participants expressed that these activities create a relaxing atmosphere that contributes to increased motivation in the learning process.

In both conventional and online learning settings, icebreaker activities can be used to create a friendly and inclusive learning environment. In conventional settings, teachers can use face-to-face techniques like group discussions and interactive games. In online learning, virtual icebreakers can be conducted through platforms like discussion boards and video conferencing, or by using online collaboration tools and multimedia presentations. The main difference is the mode of interaction, with face-to-face in-person interactions in conventional settings and virtual interactions in online learning. However, the goal of fostering connections and enhancing student engagement remains the same. Icebreaker activities help students get to know each other, build connections, and feel comfortable in the learning environment.

Excerpt 14:

“Mengkonsumsi bacaan atau tontonan bahasa inggris secara online”

(Consuming English reading or viewing online) (P8’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

Excerpt 15:

“menonton film berbahasa inggris”

(watch movies in English) (P4’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

The fourth Attention Strategy that students used was learning by reading online texts, watching movies and using Youtube. The participants expressed that these activities provided opportunities for self-directed learning and exploration, leading to increased motivation. In other words, the findings showed that combining online texts, movies, and YouTube videos as learning resources can be an effective way to increase student motivation. By providing opportunities for


independent learning and exploration, these activities tap into the students' intrinsic motivation and curiosity, leading to increased engagement and enthusiasm for learning.

The implementation of Attention Strategy, which involves learning through reading online texts, watching movies, and using YouTube, can be used in both conventional and online learning settings. In a conventional setting, students can read physical textbooks, use classroom libraries, and watch movies related to the subject. They can participate in class discussions and receive guidance from teachers to enhance their understanding and motivation. Besides, in an online setting, students can access digital resources like e-books, online articles, and educational videos on platforms like YouTube. They can independently read online texts, watch relevant movies or videos, and engage in online discussions or assignments. Online platforms may also offer interactive features like quizzes or forums to keep students engaged. The main difference is how students access and use these resources. In conventional settings, physical materials are provided, while in online learning, students rely on digital resources accessed through devices.

Online learning offers flexibility, allowing students to access resources anytime and anywhere.

Using online texts, movies, and YouTube videos as learning resources can effectively promote self-directed learning, exploration, and independent thinking in both settings. These activities tap into students' intrinsic motivation and curiosity, increasing their engagement and enthusiasm for learning.

Excerpt 16:

“Lebih fokus saat belajar”

(Focus more when studying) (P1’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

The fifth Attention Strategy that students use involves learning by focusing on attention when learning. The participants described how full engagement and attention to learning tasks helped them absorb and understand the content more effectively. They stated that when they dedicated


their full attention, they were able to connect better with the course material, understand complex concepts, and retain information more efficiently. In Addition, the participants expressed that being able to concentrate and direct their attention to the learning materials and tasks enhanced their motivation and improved their overall learning experience.

However, there might be some differences in how it's used in each setting. In a traditional classroom, students can concentrate by avoiding distractions, participating actively in discussions, and doing hands-on activities. Teachers can create an engaging environment using interactive teaching methods. For online learning, students should minimize distractions at home, set up a dedicated study space, and manage their time effectively. Using multimedia, interactive exercises, and quizzes on online platforms can improve attention. The teachers can provide clear instructions and guidance to help students stay focused during online classes.

According to Keller's (1983) theory, the next category of motivational strategies is Relevance Strategies. In this study, 8 students, which accounts for 17% of the participants, identified and expressed the importance of employing relevance strategies to enhance their motivation in online learning.

Excerpt 17:

“mengingat cita-cita saya adalah lancar berbahasa inggris. Membuat saya lebih bersemangat dalam belajar bahasa inggris.”

( My goal is to be fluent in English. Makes me more enthusiastic about learning English.) (P10’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

The Relevance Strategy that participants claim can boost their motivation is to learn by achieving a goal. The participants highlighted the importance of regularly reminding themselves of their goals. It describes how setting reminders or even setting up a goal-tracking system helps keep goals focused. How regularly they remain dedicated to specific goals keeps them at the


forefront of consciousness, fostering motivation and increasing the likelihood of achieving those goals. Furthermore, in a traditional classroom, reminders of the goals can be through class discussion, visual aids like posters and face-to-face interactions with teachers and classmates.

Students can receive feedback and assistance from their teacher to stay focused on their goals and track their progress. Beside, in an online learning setting, some adjustments may be needed to apply these strategies effectively. Online platforms can provide tools for setting goals, monitoring progress and sending reminders. Virtual discussions and forms allow students to share their goals and support each other, creating a sense of accountability and motivating.

Teachers can offer feedback and guidance through online communication channels like email.

The essence of the Relevance Strategy remains the same in both traditional and online learning, the methods and tools used to implement it may vary. Online learning requires the use of digital resources and platforms to ensure student engagement, motivation, and goal-oriented learning.

Among the four different motivational strategies discussed by Keller (1983), the Confident Strategy was found to be less frequently mentioned. Specifically, 7 students, accounting for 15% of the participants, identified this strategy as being less prominent in their approach to online learning.

Excerpt 18:

“Saya bisa lebih banyak belajar karena saya bisa mencari semua materi, ataupun hal-hal baru yang ada di internet..”

(I can learn more because I can search for all material or new things on the internet.) (P 14’s statement, Questionnaire on March 30, 2023, translated by the researcher)

This statement refers to the Confident Strategy’. The participant believes that learning to add general knowledge is one of the reasons for boosting motivation. They enjoy the process of discovering new facts, exploring different perspectives, and expanding their intellectual


repertoires. This internal drive, known as intrinsic motivation, is fueled by students' genuine curiosity and serves as a catalyst for their continuous learning and pursuit of knowledge. When students are intrinsically motivated, they possess an innate desire to explore and understand the world around them, propelling them to actively engage in their educational journey.

In this study, the researcher wanted to understand how students use different motivational strategies in online learning. The researcher asked specific questions for each strategy, like Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction, using Closed-Ended items. A total of 73 students answered these questions, giving more structured responses. For the Open-Ended question, only 47 students provided answers, as mentioned before. Now, the researcher will share the students' responses to the Closed-Ended questions in the following sections. This will give us a better idea of how students use these motivational strategies to stay engaged and motivated while learning online.

Attention Strategies

Table 2

The Positive Average Percentage of Attention Strategies


Average Percentage of

Positive Responses I am more interested to learn when my teacher uses various media (videos,

pictures) during my English class. 50%

I enjoy it when there are jokes or a friendly atmosphere during English online

learning. 47.95%

Games or simulations during English online learning make me more excited to

learn. 47.26%


I am motivated if the teacher provides an explanation through images or stories. 45.21%

I am more motivated if a teacher uses real or authentic materials in online

learning. 43.84%

The variety of classroom activities (e.g. Quizzes) helped keep my attention. 42.47%

I am excited when the teacher asks me to explore some topics in-depth and

debate during online classes. 38.36%

During my online class, I understand the material better when I am working in a

group. 35.62 %

I enjoyed the online class when my teacher asked me to do role plays. 34.25%

Based on the findings presented in Table 2 above, from the 10 statements asking about the Attention Strategies used by the students, 7 statements have positive responses of ‘Strongly Agree’ and ‘Agree’ from the students. These 7 statements have a percentage of above 40%.

Those 7 statements are ‘I am more interested to learn when my teacher uses various media’, ‘I enjoy when there are jokes or a friendly atmosphere during the English online learning.’,

‘Games or simulations during English online learning make me more excited to learn.’, ‘Bad internet connection makes it hard to keep my attention, ‘I am motivated if the teacher explains images or stories.’, ‘I am more motivated if a teacher uses realia or authentic materials in online learning.’ and ‘The variety of classroom activities (e.g. Quizzes) helped keep my attention’.

The statement that received the highest positive responses with a percentage of 50% was the statement about teachers using various media into online learning to raise students’

motivation. This suggests that incorporating different types of media in the online learning environment can have a positive impact on a student's motivation levels. By analyzing the responses of the participants, it was found that half of them reported an increase in motivation when exposed to various media during their online learning experiences. Mayer (2009) supported the finding that using multimedia content in online learning settings increases student


engagement and motivation. The second statement about enjoying jokes or a friendly atmosphere during online learning had the highest positive response 47.95% of the participants. The participants expressed that their motivation would increase if jokes or a friendly atmosphere were incorporated into the English online learning environment. This indicates that creating a positive and light-hearted atmosphere during online English classes could enhance students' motivation levels. The findings suggest that humor and a friendly learning environment can positively impact student engagement and willingness to participate in online English learning activities. Similarly, Berk (2002) stated that humor can improve student engagement, foster a positive classroom environment, and facilitate learning. By incorporating jokes and humor and fostering a friendly atmosphere, educators may be able to create a more enjoyable and stimulating learning environment for their students. The third highest percentage of attention strategies was about the use of games or stimulation during online learning, where 47.26%

agreed with the participants. This suggests that utilizing interactive and gamified elements in the online English learning environment can garner support from a significant proportion of the participants. The findings indicate that incorporating games or simulations can enhance engagement and motivation among learners in online English classes. Deci and Ryan (1985) support that games or stimulation can boost students’ motivation. Therefore, by incorporating interactive activities, educators can create a more dynamic and immersive learning experience that promotes active participation and the practical application of language skills. The fourth highest percentage of attention was distracted by bad Internet connection, with a percentage of 46.58%. In general, external factors, including technical difficulties, can hinder students' motivation and engagement in online learning. However, suggesting technical issues such as bad internet connection, can potentially disrupt students’ motivation in an online learning


environment. The fifth highest Attention Strategy was that the teacher explained images or stories with a percentage of 45.21%. Although the percentage obtained in this statement is not as much as in statement 1 regarding the use of various types of media during online classes, the use of images or stories by teachers to provide explanations can also affect student motivation.

Mayer (2001) also stated that the use of visual aids and explanations including images or stories can facilitate meaningful learning and increase motivation. Then, the sixth highest Attention Strategy use is realia or authentic materials in online learning got 43.84% agreement from the participants. In this statement using realia materials, which are authentic or real-world objects, can enhance the authenticity and practicality of online learning experiences. By incorporating realia materials, educators can create a more immersive and contextually relevant learning environment that allows students to connect theoretical concepts with real-life applications.

Meanwhile, 42.47% of the participants agreed that using activities such as quizzes or discussions in online learning was beneficial. The finding indicates that incorporating interactive activities like quizzes or discussions in online learning can promote engagement and active participation among learners. These activities provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.

From 10 statements in Attention Strategies, 7 of them got the highest positive percentage above 40% which had been explained. Then, 3 statements that get a positive percentage below 40% are ‘I am excited when the teacher asks to explore some topic in-depth and debate during an online class.’, ‘During my online class, I understand the material better when I am working in a group. ’ and ‘I enjoyed the online class when my teacher asked me to do role plays.’

The statement which gets the low positive responses with a percentage of 38.36% is the statement about the teacher asking to explore some topic in-depth and debate during online class


to raise students’ motivation. The findings suggest that exploring a topic in-depth and engaging in debate activities may be more impactful in terms of motivation. These approaches likely encourage critical thinking, analysis, and the development of persuasive arguments, which can create a more intellectually stimulating and engaging learning environment. The second statement which gets the lowest positive response is working in group activities during online learning impacts students' motivation which gets a positive percentage of 35.62% from the students.

During online learning, collaborative group activities can allow students to observe and learn from their peers, building motivation through shared experiences and social support which had been discussed by Bandura (1977b). The last statement of attention strategies that gets the lowest percentage (34.25%) is the role-play activity to boost students’ motivation. The use of role-play activities during online learning did not boost the participants' motivation more than exploring some topics in-depth and debate activities. This suggests that when it comes to motivation, delving into a subject extensively and participating in debate activities may be more effective than utilizing role-play activities. The finding challenges the assumption that role-play activities inherently enhance motivation in the online learning context. While role play can be a valuable instructional strategy for promoting active learning and the practical application of knowledge and skills, it may not always result in a notable increase in motivation among participants. Also, this highlights that different types of activities can have varying effects on students' motivation.

As mentioned by Prince (2004), involving students in a range of activities can enhance motivation and facilitate deeper learning.

Relevance Strategies


Tabel 2.1

The Positive Average Percentage of Relevance Strategies


Average Percentage

of Positive Responses I keep in mind that if I want to study abroad, I have to work hard in studying

English during online learning. 48.63%

I keep in mind that learning English will make it easier for me to communicate

with people from other countries. 47.95%

I believe in this era, learning English is important to get a job. So, I am motivated

to learn English through online learning. 47.95%

I think learning English during online learning helps me to operate the media

digitally 44.52%

The materials in the English lesson are relevant to my interest. 40.41%

Learning English during online classes will be useful to me 39.73%

According to Table 2.1, from 6 statements asking about Relevance Strategies used by the students, 5 statements get a positive percentage above 40%. The 5 statements are ‘I keep in mind that if I want to study abroad, I have to work hard in studying English during online learning.’, ‘I keep in mind that learning English will make it easier for me to communicate with people from other countries.’, ‘I believe in this era, learning English is important to get a job. So, I am motivated to learn English during online learning.’, ‘I think learning English during online learning helps me to operate the media digitally’ and ‘The materials in the English lesson are relevant to my interest.’

The statement which gets the highest positive responses with a percentage of 48.63% is the statement about having a dream to study abroad during online learning to raise students’

motivation. This indicates that a considerable proportion of the participants recognized studying abroad as a compelling reason to dedicate themselves to English language learning. The finding


highlights the importance of international educational opportunities in driving students' motivation to acquire English language skills. Studying abroad offers various benefits such as exposure to diverse cultures, immersive language experiences, and enhanced intercultural competence. These factors contribute to personal growth and expanded perspectives, aligning with the transformative learning theory proposed by Mezirow (1997).

The second highest statement 47.95% of participants agrees that English helps them to communicate with people around the world and also has the same result of the statement that in today's era, English has become the one of job requirements. This suggests that a significant proportion of the participants recognize the importance of English as a means of global communication and its relevance in the contemporary job market. The finding underscores the significant role of English as a lingua franca in facilitating effective communication across borders. English proficiency enables individuals to interact with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, both in personal and professional contexts. The ability to communicate in English enhances intercultural understanding and opens up opportunities for collaboration and networking on a global scale. Furthermore, the finding highlights the increasing demand for English language skills in the job market. The participants' agreement indicates an awareness of the importance of English proficiency in securing job opportunities and advancing one's career prospects. On the other hand, the statement regarding learning English to operate digital media received 44.52% agreement, suggesting a relatively moderate impact on motivation. This indicates that there was a relatively moderate impact on motivation regarding the importance of learning English specifically for operating digital media. The finding suggests that while a significant portion of the participants acknowledged the relevance of English proficiency in navigating digital media platforms, it did not have as strong of an influence on their overall


motivation to learn English compared to other factors. The relatively moderate agreement percentage indicates that while learning English for digital media purposes is recognized as valuable by some participants, it may not be as universally motivating as other reasons such as studying abroad or global communication.

Lastly, the high percentage of agreement (40%) regarding the relevance of English materials to students’ interests suggests that aligning the content with students’ interests can positively impact their motivation to learn English. According to Deci and Ryan (2000), individuals get motivated when their activities are relevant to them and align with their interests and values. Teachers can increase students' participation in the learning process by introducing English materials that are relevant to their interests.

From 6 statements in Relevance Strategies, 5 of them got the highest positive percentage above 40% which has been explained. Then, 1 statement that gets a positive percentage below 40% is ‘Learning English during online class will be useful to me’. The statement highlighting the usefulness of learning English during online classes to rich students' motivation received 39.73% agreement. The usefulness of learning English in an online class setting, this factor may not have had a strong impact on their overall motivation to learn English compared to other factors examined. However, the usefulness of learning English during online classes to enrich students’ motivation suggests that students recognize the positive impact of learning English at an online learning motivation level.

Confidence Strategies

Tabel 2.2

The Positive Average Percentage of Confidence Strategies



Average Percentage

of Positive Responses If I try hard enough, I will understand the course material. 48.63%

After working on a few English materials for a while, I am confident that I can

learn this course. 43.15%

I believe that I can get excellent grades in my online class. 41.78%

I like to challenge myself, so I can learn new things during my online learning. 41.10%

Even if I have trouble learning the materials online, I force myself to do the work

on my own without asking for help from anyone. 39.04%

The first time I look at the English material, I have the impression that it will be

easy for me. 28.77%

Based on Table 2.2 the findings of Confidence Strategies there are 6 statements. The 4 statements get a positive percentage above 40%. The 4 statements are ‘If I try hard enough, I will understand the course material.’, ‘After working on a few English materials for a while, I am confident that I can learn this course.’, ‘I believe that I can get excellent grades during my online class.’ and ‘I like to challenge myself, so I can learn new things during my online learning’.

The statement that received the highest average positive percentage (48.63%) is the participants' agreement that they will recognize the course material as long as they work hard enough. This finding suggests that when students put in the effort and work diligently, they develop confidence in their ability to understand and grasp the course content. This aligns with the studies conducted by Keller (1983), which emphasize the importance of confidence in encouraging students. Learners who are confident in their skills are more likely to actively engage in learning and persist when faced with challenges. The next statement is ‘After working on a few English materials for a while, I am confident that I can learn this course.’ with 43.15%


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