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It’s not the end yet, no matter we have to do, we have to make it to the end

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Punggur dengan menggunakan Macromedia Flash Animation pada tahun pelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Punggur dengan menggunakan Macromedia Flash Animation tahun pelajaran 2018/2019.



So the researcher can complete this university thesis entitled "Using Macromedia Flash Animation to Enhance Speaking Skills of Eighth Grade Students at SMPN 1 Punggur in the Academic Year of. Hum who have continuously given their approval, time and guidance theirs so that the researcher can complete the diploma thesis.


Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective the Research

Benefit of the Study

Prior Research

The result of his research shows that the use of macromedia flash player is effective in increasing students' vocabulary mastery. 2 Zarkoni, “Using Macromedia Flash Player To Improve Vocabulary Mastery In Seventh Grade Of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga,” Salatiga 05 March 2014.

The Nature of Speaking

  • Definition of Speaking Skill
  • Aspect of Speaking Skills There are five aspects as follow : There are five aspects as follow
  • Function of Speaking
  • Problem in Speaking
  • The Measurement of Speaking Skills

It is sometimes contrasted with accuracy, which refers to the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences, but may not include the ability to speak or write fluently.6. Learning to produce language movements in a vacuum without interlocutors would deprive speaking skills of its richest component: the creativity of conversational negotiation.

Table 3 : The indicator of speaking measurement
Table 3 : The indicator of speaking measurement

Multimedia Learning

The most obvious view is that multimedia means the presentation of material using two or more delivery devices. A second view is that multimedia means presenting material using two or more modes of presentation.

Macromedia Flash Animation

  • Definition of Macromedia Flash Animation
  • The Elements of Macromedia Flash
  • Make a Macromedia Flash
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Macromedia Flash

Macromedia Flash is very useful to support the success of a presentation and help the teacher in the learning process. Macromedia flash is the concept of learning with the audiovisual technology capable of generating new features that can.

Variables and Operational Definition of Variables

  • Dependent variable
  • Independent Variable

Setting of Research

Subject of Research

Research Procedure

  • Cycle I

44 Anne Burns - Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching_ A Guide for Practitioners (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series) (2009). In this phase, the researcher identifies a problem or issue and develops a plan of action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area of ​​the research context.45. The researcher used the classroom data, the individual data or the subgroup data depending on the research questions.

45 Ibid., p.8. into action within an agreed period of time.46 the researcher begins to face the students as participants in this study. The researcher acted as a teacher in the class and taught them the target language using the method. In addition, the researcher also used some techniques and some variation activities to support the method.

At this point, the researcher reflects on the effects of the action, evaluates and describes them to understand what happened and better understand the problem you investigated. In this step, the researcher observes the teaching and learning process through the observation method used to collect the data in Action Plan II. In this step, the researcher's pre-test and post-test scores were compared.

Figure 1. The spiral model of classroom action research  by  Kemmis and Mc Taggart.
Figure 1. The spiral model of classroom action research by Kemmis and Mc Taggart.

Data collecting Technique

The pre-test will be given in the first meeting before treatments are done to know the skill of the students before the action research is done. The post-test will be given in the last meeting after treatments have been done to find out if treatments have made any contribution to the students' performance in class. The increase can be seen if the average score of the post-test is higher than the pre-test.

Documentation is a source of data used to complete research, both in the form of written sources, films, animated images (photographs) and monumental works that give more information to the research process. The researcher used this technique to obtain data about the research environment, the students' speaking skills and its aims to provide factual evidence on the use of macro media flash to improve students' speaking skills. For more accurate collection, the researcher will use a field note that will facilitate data analysis.

Research Instrument

It is done after finishing the teaching and learning process. by researcher and it was recorded. The two observers, they were researchers and the teacher analyzed the result based on the scoring rubric proposed by Weir.

Data Analysis Technique

To get the total score and increase student progress of the implemented treatments, the researcher compares the mean and percentages of pre-test and post-test.

The Indicator of succes

RESULT OF THE RESEACH 1. Description of School

The school has 24 classrooms that are 8 study rooms for class VII with 256 students, 8 study rooms for class VIII with 282 students, 8 study rooms for class XI with 274 students, a computer lab, a library, a science lab, a language lab, a head master's room, an office, a room, an official staff room, a counseling room, a religious room (musholla). The number of the research subject has 34 students, consisting of 16 men and 18 women.

Description of Research

Based on the above table, we can analyze that the number of students who passed the pre-test was 5 students or 15% and 29 students or 85% failed the pre-tests. The highest score in the pretest was 75 and the lowest score was 50, the average score was 60, with the minimum standard criterion for the English subject being 73 in SMPN 1 Punggur. This was the reason why the researcher used Macromedia Flash Animation to improve students' speaking skills.



Macromedia Flash Animation can be an effective media to enhance students' speaking ability because macromedia flash is easy for students to understand and the application of computer and image projector helps students to visualize the learning materials and makes them students to become more curious. , active and enthusiastic during the learning process. Students' speaking ability can be increased using macromedia flash animation from pre-test to post-test II score. It could be seen that in the pre-test the mean was 60, in the post-test I the mean score was 69 and then in the post-test II the mean score was 76.

This survey was successful from the point of view of the performance indicator, because of all the students, 88% or 30 have already passed the criteria with a minimum standard criteria score of at least 73.


Ann Batko, Edward Rosenheim, 2004, When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People: How to Avoid Common English Mistakes. Anne Burns - Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching_ A Guide for Practitioners (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series) (2009). Spool, , Macromedia Flash: A New Hope for Web Applications, (Neck Road 242 Bradford; User Interface Engineering, 2002) Cyril J Weir, 2005, Testing and Validation, New York;Palgrave Macmillan.

Saputra, Macromedia Flash 8 to help English teacher build media to teach reading, Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.1 No.2, Maret 2013, Seri E. Macromedia, Getting Started with Flash, (San Fransisco; Macromedia Inc, 2005 ) Mardhatillah,” The Development of Macroedia Flash-Based Interactive. Multimedia of Indonesia “on language learning in primary school, (Banda Aceh: STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena May.

Pelton, Penelitian Tindakan untuk Calon Guru Menggunakan Data Kelas untuk Meningkatkan Pengajaran, (UK; The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc, 2010). Synthia Kamala, “Penggunaan Flash Macromedia Professional 8 Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas XII 1 SMA Negri 2 Kalianda”, Lampung 07 April 2016. Zarkoni, “Penggunaan Macromedia Flash Player Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosa Kata Di Kelas VII MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga”, Salatiga 05 Maret 2014 .





Di bawah bimbingan guru, siswa merumuskan pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan isi, fungsi sosial dan struktur teks, serta unsur kebahasaan dalam teks bacaan. Di bawah bimbingan guru, merumuskan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana pola kalimat dan struktur bahasa yang digunakan dalam dialog yang dibacakan. Di bawah bimbingan guru, siswa membuat pertanyaan tentang cara membuat kalimat yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka sedang melakukan suatu kegiatan.

Secara berpasangan, siswa mengembangkan satu pertanyaan yang telah diubah menjadi dialog panjang dengan pasangannya. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membuat rangkuman materi yang telah dipelajari pada pertemuan ini. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk membantu mereka melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah mereka lakukan.

Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mempraktekkan atau melafalkan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan dan mencatat saat siswa mengucapkan ungkapan tersebut.

PENILAIAN HASIL BELAJAR 1. Teknik Penilaian : Unjuk kerja

Topik: Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang perbuatan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum.






Siswa membaca dialog singkat tentang kegiatan yang tidak dilakukan, dialog yang menggunakan pertanyaan ya-tidak yang menanyakan tentang apa yang dilakukan, mencari alasan kegiatan yang dilakukan. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa merumuskan pertanyaan tentang isi, fungsi sosial dan struktur teks, serta unsur kebahasaan dalam teks yang dibacanya. Secara individu, siswa mengubah kalimat positif dari ungkapan yang menunjukkan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada pembelajaran sebelumnya menjadi kalimat negatif dan bukan pertanyaan.

Siswa mengisi celah pada teks dengan struktur bahasa yang benar terkait dengan struktur bahasa “sedang” berupa kalimat afirmatif, negatif dan interogatif, mengisi celah pada teks terkait alasan. Siswa bertukar karya dengan temannya dan mengoreksi karya temannya berdasarkan pengetahuannya. Siswa kadang-kadang ragu-ragu dan mengulanginya sendiri, tetapi secara umum mampu mempertahankan aliran bicara, meskipun ia mungkin memerlukan dorongan sesekali.

Most of the students were not confident about their answer when the teacher gave a question. Most of the students were not confident to show their ideas while teaching-learning was in process. Some of the students enjoyed the English process and were active in the classroom.

Most of the students could give the attention and enthusiastic about the media used by the researcher. Most of the students had the confidence to share ideas while the teaching-learning process to the other.


Table 3 : The indicator of speaking measurement
Figure 1. The spiral model of classroom action research  by  Kemmis and Mc Taggart.


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