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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The aim of this study was to demonstrate that the use of connecting word play can improve the vocabulary mastery of seventh graders of SMP N 10 Metro. The problem identified was that the students had poor vocabulary and no opportunities to practice their vocabulary in the classroom. The study finding showed that the use of puns can improve students' vocabulary mastery and also students' learning activities.

Pada post-test I, nilai rata-rata kosakata siswa adalah 76 dan pada post-test II 85,67. Kemudian peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa dibuktikan dengan hasil lembar observasi siswa. kata kunci: permainan kata sambung, penguasaan kosa kata, penelitian tindakan kelas). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan permainan kata penghubung dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata siswa kelas VII SMP N 10 Metro.

Masalah yang teridentifikasi adalah kurangnya penguasaan kosa kata siswa dan kurangnya kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan kosa kata yang mereka miliki di kelas. Pada posttest I, nilai rata-rata keterampilan berbicara siswa adalah 76, dan pada posttest II 85,67.




  • Background of Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objective and Benefits of the Study 1. Objective of The Study

It can help them to acquire student vocabularies that can make learning English easier. In SMP N 10 Metro, there are many problems that students face to communicate in English, such as the lack of vocabulary, they do not remember. Based on the above pretest, the researcher found the fact that the students' vocabulary mastery was still low.

Based on the explanation above, students need a solution to overcome the problem in order to improve their vocabulary. Students alternately write a word based on the last letter of the previous word. From this game, students will gain new words and will be able to practice their existing vocabulary.

Based on the above statements, the researcher hypothesizes that linking word play seems to be a good alternative way to improve students. In particular, it can give a summary of how doing a word matching game can be one way to improve students' vocabulary mastery.


The Concept of Vocabulary Mastery 1. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

  • The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery
  • Kinds of Vocabulary
  • The Problem of Teaching English Vocabulary

Vocabulary is not only a symbol for ideas, but also part of how to improve language skills in the language target.5. To understand the language, vocabulary is crucial to be mastered by the learner. 6 Mofareh Alqahtani, “The Importance Of Vocabulary In Language Learning And How To Be Taught” in The Importance Of Vocabulary In Language Learning And How To Be Taught (Saudi Arabia: King Khaled Academy), Vol.

Productive vocabulary is the set of words that an individual can use in writing or speaking. Receptive vocabulary is that set of words to which an individual can assign meanings when listening or reading. 11. Receptive vocabulary is words that students recognize and understand when used in context, but cannot produce.

13 Mofareh Alqahtani, "The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to Be Taught" in The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to Learn (Saudi Arabia: King Khaled Academy), Vol. Productive vocabulary is the words that students understand and can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.

Figure 1. An all-round view of vocabulary uses 12
Figure 1. An all-round view of vocabulary uses 12

The Concept of Linking Word Game 1. The Definition of Linking Word Game

  • The Principles of Linking Words Game
  • The Procedures of Using Linking Words Game

Crossword game is one of word games that will build a brainstorming of the students. Link word game is one of word games that will build up a brainstorming of the students. Previewing the vocabulary: Activate students' prior knowledge of the vocabulary by either brainstorming with students or identifying the words they are familiar with.

Print one of the vocabulary words from the Picture Dictionary in the top left corner of the board. Have the first student think of another related word that starts with the last letter of the word on the board and match that word on the board to a staircase. Continue this way with each student linking a word to the end of the previous word.

To warm up, the teacher writes a letter and the first student must write a word that begins with that letter, the next student writes a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. all students try once). In the final stage, the teacher gives each group another word (a word related to the material), and then the group member should write a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word.

Figure 2. The example of linking words game.
Figure 2. The example of linking words game.

Action Hypothesis


  • The Operational Definition of Variable 1. Variable of reseach
    • Research Setting
  • Subject of Study
  • Research Procedure
    • Classroom Action Reseach
    • Action Plan
  • Data Collection Technique
    • Test
    • Observation
    • Documentation
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Analysis Technique 1. Formula
  • Indicator of Success

The research is aimed at improving the mastery of students' vocabulary by using Linking Word Game, so that the researcher uses action research in the classroom. Next, the researcher and the staff member (English teacher) prepare some plans for conducting the class. The researcher prepares the lesson plan, including teaching procedure, media and relevant materials to be applied in the acting stage.

In this phase, the researcher applied the planning of strategy and scenario learning as follows. Furthermore, the researcher also collected the data of the post-test and the result of the student's activity. In the fourth phase, the researcher and the collaborator discussed the data collected from all activities from the acting phase to the observation phase.

In this phase, the researcher and the collaborator also analyzed the teacher's performance during the teaching and learning process and the students' vocabulary mastery to find out whether the implementation of the Linking Word Game was successful or unsuccessful by identifying strength and weakness. In the first phase, before performing the action in the next phase, the researcher repaired the problem found in cycle one. The researcher has revised and prepared the lesson plan based on the problem in the previous cycle, including teaching procedure, media and relevant material to be used in the acting phase.

In addition, researchers have also collected data from the post test and the result of the student's activity. In the fourth phase, the researcher and the collaborator discussed the data that has been collected from all the activities from the acting phase to the observation phase. After observing the subject's activities, the researcher did a pre-test to know the vocabulary mastery level of the students before giving treatments.

In this case, the researcher will use observation to obtain data on the activity or participation of the students and the performance of the teacher in the classroom, which are observed by the observer. The researcher will use the documentation to get data related to the school profile such as the history of the school, the number of teachers and staff and students in SMP N 10 Metro. Therefore, the researcher uses content validity based on the syllabus and materials in the seventh grade of SMP N 10 Metro in the academic year.

Figure 1. The ‘action research spiral’ (based on Kemmis and McTaggart).
Figure 1. The ‘action research spiral’ (based on Kemmis and McTaggart).


Based on the table of pre-test above, it can be concluded that the students' vocabulary mastery is still low. The researcher prepared observation format and also evaluation format to evaluate the student's activity after teaching and learning process. . j) The researcher and the collaborator designed the criteria of success. The common mistake in the teaching and learning process has become a reference to be better so that the use of linking word games can improve the students' vocabulary mastery.

This meant that the use of linked word games was successful in improving students' vocabulary mastery. The result of the students' activity in the teaching and learning process in cycle II. The students' results Activity in the teaching and learning process in cycle II.

Based on the table, it can be seen that on average 89.33% of students are active in the teaching and learning process. The result of students' activities in the teaching and learning process in II. This was evident in the improvement in students' vocabulary scores and student activity.

The percentage of the students' vocabulary score in the Post Test I was 66.67% while in the Post Test II it was 83.33%. In conclusion, the use of a word game with links was successful in improving not only the students' vocabulary mastery, but also the students' activity in the classroom. Using a word game with links caused the students' vocabulary score to be better than the pre-test.

From the above explanation, it could be concluded that there was an improvement in students' vocabulary score from pretest to post-test I. From the above explanation, it could be concluded that there was an improvement in students' vocabulary score from post-test I to post-test II. A recapitulation of the improvement of the student's speaking score from pre-exam, post-exam I and post-exam II can be seen in the following table.

From the explanation above, there was an improvement in students' vocabulary scores from Pre Test to Post Test I to Post Test II. This meant that the use of linked word games also increased student activity in the classroom.


This research can be used as an inspiration to motivate the students to improve their English vocabulary and as information to make the students comfort in learning activities. This research can be used as contributing information to facilitate the learning process especially in the vocabulary subject, and as an alternative activity in the teaching of vocabulary to make the students feel comfortable and enjoy the learning process. As intake and feedback how to use a linking word game in English subject to improve vocabulary mastery so that it can enhance active, creative and fun learning to the students.


The teacher explains about the rule of connecting word play, and the student gives feedback and asks for help to explain more about the rules).

Teacher writes down the vocabulary mentioned by the students and asks them to make a note in their book).


Figure 1. An all-round view of vocabulary uses 12
Figure 2. The example of linking words game.
Figure 1. The ‘action research spiral’ (based on Kemmis and McTaggart).


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