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Strategy tersebut adalah Gallery Walk Strategy and Stick Debate Strategy

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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**) Herfyna Asty, M.Pd Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Bahasa inggris adalah mata pelajaran yang wajib di pelajari oleh siswa karena tercantum dalam sebuah kurikulum. Tujuan dari bahasa inggris adalah siswa di harapkan mampu menguasai bahasa inggris dengan baik, sehingga berdasarkan kurrikulum di indonesia belajar bahasa inggris di mulai dari SMP dan SMA. Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat empat skill yang harus di kuasai oleh siswa antara lain Mendengarkan, Berbicara, Membaca dan Menulis. Speaking adalah salah satu dari empat skill dalam bahasa inggris yang harus di kuasai oleh siswa dan speaking termasuk skill yang paling sulit, karena dalam speaking siswa harus mampu berbicara mengeluarkan ide atau pendapat mereka. Namun demikian, masalah yang di temukan adalah siswa tidak mampu mengeluarkan ide atau pendapat mereka karena mereka merasa bosan, tidak tertarik dalam pelajaran speaking dan strategi yang di gunakan oleh guru tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.Dalam makalah ini, penulis mencoba memberikan solusi tentang permasalahan yang di hadapi siswa dalam pembelajaran speaking. Penulis mencoba menggabungkan dua strategy yang bisa membuat pelajaran speaking semakin menarik dan tidak membosankan sehingga siswa dapat mengeluarkan ide atau pendapat mereka. Strategy tersebut adalah Gallery Walk Strategy and Stick Debate Strategy. Gallery Walk Strategy adalah strategi yang dapat di gunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran speaking sebagai brainstorming untuk menghimpun ide–ide siswa berdasarkan background knowledge siswa. Sedangkan Stick Debate Strategy adalah strategi yang juga dapat di gunakan dalam speaking karena dalam Stick Debate Strategy siswa di tuntut untuk mengeluarkan ide-ide atau pendapat mereka berdasarkan topik yang di pelajari. Strategi ini juga dapat menumbuhkan keberanian siswa untuk berbicara, sehingga tujuan dari pembelajaran speaking dapat tercapai.

Key word: Gallery walk Strategy, Stick Debate Strategy and Teaching Speaking.


One of major skills in English is Speaking skill. Speaking includes to productive skills same as writing skill and also becomes an objective in Education. As Luoma (2004: 1) states that Speaking skills are an important part of the curriculum in language teaching and this makes them an important of assessment as well. The statement indicates that speaking becomes very important to reach the goal of teaching English. Teaching English should produce the student that have good

English coprehension in all skills, especially in Speaking.

Mastering speaking skills in a foreign language fluently, especially English will give main contribution to reach success by students both in the school and in their lives later. This statement refers to goal of learning English for Senior High School that state students should be able to speak functionally in their daily communication. All of elements of education such as; students, teachers, schools and goverment must be colaborated to reach the objectives of teaching English.


Increasing speaking abilities of student, teacher and students must be collaborated not only when they are in classroom but also when they are out the class. As teachers, they must have good speaking abilities to guide their students to speaking and can transfer their knowledge to their students. Teachers also should be able to build a good environment in the classroom. As students, they are asked to be able speaking in English actively in daily interaction.

In fact,based on the process of teacher training, the writer have gotten information the problems of the students do not active in speaking class, such as: the firts, students feel bored when they are studying at speaking class, because teacher style in teaching learning process is not interesting or the teacher do not used variaty strategies in teaching learning process. Second, the students can not increase their speaking ability inspeaking class, becouse inspeaking class, the students only given a dialouge script and then students drill the conversation in the script by their pairs. In addition, students is also be asked to make a script of a conversation and then they perform in front of class. Writer thinks that this process is good, but it is not suitable with the student needs. Now, students must have not only ability to drill and make a short conversation script, but also ability to oral communication. They should be able to deliver their ideas and expression directly in daily interaction. The last, the teachers do not use suitable strategy in speaking. If these problem are only allowed continuesly, the

student can not reach of objectives in speaking class.

Based on problem above, writer think there are many aspects that influence the student’s ability in speaking. One of them is teaching strategy in speaking class. Using conventional methods in speaking class is not suitable for students now. Teachers need an appropriate strategy to help students increasing their speaking skill. It can be signed by student’s achieve in speaking class. So, it is a responsibility of teacher to find an appropriate strategy to teach English for their students.

There are some teaching strategies in cooperative learning that teacher can apply in the speaking class such as; Debate, where the students should hold their arguments strongly.

Student Team-achievement Division, it is a strategy that studies the students to work together and getting the solve of problems that be given.Community Circle Strategy, it is a teaching startegy that can build the student’s awareness and social skill all of students in the group. Gallery Walk, it is a strategy that requires students to visually represent their knwoledge to the unit of study and Stick Debate, in this strategy lest pupils give their thoughs, ideas and opinion on an issue and make them carefully about what, precisely, they would like to say and how best to express it These strategies can improve the students ability in speaking. Teacher should master to use strategy in speaking class and have a might to select a suitable strategy for students.


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Speaking is a process delivery information to the listener to get the message in the lifehood in the world. Naturally, people present their ideas, opinion, and expression by using speaking skills. It is be important to master speaking skills. It is supported by Richard and Willy (2002:84) speaking is effective oral communication requires the ability to used the language appopriately in social interaction involves not only verbal communication but also paralinguistic element of speech such as pitch, stress and intonation.

It means that so many elemets in speaking process to make the language effective in oral communication.

Then, teaching speaking is process to

learn obout sound,

grammatical,function,pronounciation and vacabulary by oral language and accurate of word that used to deliver message and the familiar words. According to Kayi (2006) teaching speaking is to teach ESL learners to:

1) Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns. 2) Use work and sentence stress intonation patterns and the rhytem of the second language. 3) Select appropriate word and sentence according to paper social setting, audiance, situation and subject matter.

4) Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

In conclusion, speaking can be compulsory in the social context of the lifehood. When someone wants to deliver ideas or information, they will speak and interact to the listener or participants. Thus, teaching speaking is process learn about the

language and it is one of way that the teacher do to make students have good ability in oral communication and it is so important aspect to interact by the students with other peoples to deliver information in the world.

In this paper the writer used Gallery Walk Strategy in teaching speaking. There are smoe experts who give definition of Gallery Walk strategy.

According to Bowers and Laura (2011:108) gallery walk strategy is strategy that require the students to visually represent their knowledge to the unit of study. This statements indicates that Gallery Walk Strategy could improve the background knowledge of the students about the topic will be learn by visually represent such as a picture.

There are procedure of Gallery Walk Strategy that be defined by experts. It can help the teachers to apply this strategy in Teaching Learning process.

According to Eller and Seila (2009:137) devide several procedure that can be applied in the classroom, such as:

1. Quite reflection identify–

concepts/issue about significant learning from the topic under consideration. It means that the teacher identify the topic based on the background knowledge of the students.

2. Randomly devide group members in to groups. Each groups select an issue/concept to brinstorm. In this step the teacher devide the students into groups and each group should allocate the topic that will be discuss and as a brinstorm.


3. Provide time for discussion and movement. Teacher give time to discuss about the topic and movement.

4. Get the charts marked” application”.

Discussion is start by the chart.

5. Provide time for discussion and movement (again 3 poster, but give at least 7 minutes at each). In this process the teacher give time for discuss.

6. Ask each participant to walk around the room and identify 2 ideas from the charts that they will apply. Teacher give instruction to the students to move to other groups and identify other groups ideas.

Based on Akrill.et al (2004:87) Stick Debate Strategy give an equal chance for the students in the group to talk and share their opinion in dicussion process. It means that the Stick Debate Strategy give the positive environment in teaching learning process and make the students develope their confidence.

Then, Akrill (2004:88) devide several steps to apply the Stick Debate Strategy in the classroom, the steps consist of :

1. Devide the students into some groups.

It means that the teacher devide the students into groups and the students should work together .The groups will consist of three or four. Each groups consist of three or four members.

2. Each pupils must have three stick.

Each member of group have three stick in their hand.

3. Ask two groups stand in facing each other. The teacher give instruction for the two groups to stand and facing each other.

4. Pupils commence a debate on a relevant issue. The students give comment in process of debate that related with the topic.

5. Every time that someone speaks, they must hand in a stick. The rule of this strategy is who want to speak they must hand in a stick.

6. One of three stick have been used the person cannot speak any more. It means that the students cannot speak any more if they have been used three stick.

7. Everyone should be encouraged to used all their stick. In this process, the students have motivation to speak.

8. A teacher lead them to have a good debating activity. The last the teacher should have a part to reach the successful of the debate.


Mastering English speaking skill is a necessary part of curriculum in Indonesian education. Curriculum emphasizes to create students that have ability to communication as universal. Because speaking skill can help students to reach their success both in the school and in the future. Many ways are given and recomended to the teacher in order to increase the students’ speaking skill. One of them is to give appropriate teaching strategy that can help the teacher to deliver their materials.

Thus, the writer will discuss how to apply the combining of Gallery Walk Strategy and stick Debate Strategy in speaking class for descritive text in Senior High School. Where


the student will create a group to discuss about describing of something and try to improve their knowledge into the discussion group.

Before coming to the classroom and begining the lesson, teacher should prepare all of teaching needs. It has purpose to make the lesson can be done and organized well. There are some preparation that should be done by teacher, they are selecting material, selecting teaching aids or media, and time allocation.

Firstly, Preparation that should be done by the teacher before the teacher teaches in the classroom. Good preparation give contribution while the teaching-learning process is running.

It is expected to improve the students’ skill in the learning. The preparation will discuss clearly as following :

1. Selecting material

Each teaching materials that will be given by the teacher must suitable with the curriculum demand. In the other word, the material should rise the students’ interesting while teaching- learning process. Therefore, the teacher is asked to create teaching materials which have appropriate both curriculum demand and students’ intersting. In addition, the teaching materials also related to students’ cultures. Thus, in this discussion, the writer selects descriptive text and its topic is about describing place.

2. Selecting teaching aids

There are many teaching aids that can be applied in the classroom, for example; charts, diagrams, movie, or

picture. Teaching aids have purpose to help teacher and students as long as teaching-learning process. In this case, teacher will use picture. Because they have many benefits wether it is applied in this teaching material and speaking class.

3. Time allocation

In this discussion, the writer just limits the time to teach for once meeting in the classroom. It means that the teacher will apply this discussion for 90 minutes or 2 x 45 minutes. The teacher should have might to manage time of the teacher when the teacher teach in the classroom.

Secondly, In teaching-learning process, teacher devides teaching activities into three phases. It has purpose to make the teaching-learning process can be done clearly and effective. These phases are pre-teaching activities, whilst-teaching activities and post-teaching activities.

The last evaluation. The teacher evaluates the students achievement based on the combination both strategies.

1. Pre-teaching activity

Pre – teaching activities are first process wich wiil done in the classromm. There are several aspect that be done by the teacher:

a. The teacher comes to the classromm and give greeting to students.


b. The teacher check attendence.

2. Whilst – teaching activitie

In whilst-teaching activities devide three phases activities. They are explorasion, elaborasion, and confirmation. In this case the writer tries to applied Gallery Walk Strategy and Stick Debate Strategy.

a. Exploration

In the exploration of the teaching learning process the teacher applied some procedures of Gallery Walk Strategy to improve background knowledge of the students. the procedures are:

a. Randomly the teacher devide students into small groups of three or four.

b. The teacher give branstorming to the studens.

c. The teacher show a pictures about place in West Sumatera.

d. The teacher provide or ask them with a question and students answer orally.

e. The teacher mention the material will be learn based on the students answer.

f. The teacher explain about descriptive text shortly.

b. Elaboration

in this part the teacher continue some procedures of gallery walk stratrgy. The procedures are:

1) The teacher tell to the students to work together to “ show what they know” on this poster.

2) When the students have finish about their outline, post them around the room or mention their outline in front of class.

3) The teacher tell the students as a groups to visit the other outline in the room to make a note related the outline of the other group.

c. Confirmation

In the confirmation, the teacher applied the procedures of stick debate strategy. The procedures of this trategy are:

1) Each pupils must have three stick. The teacher allocated three stick for each pupils.

2) Ask two groups stand in facing each other.

3) The teacher give instruction for studenst to give comments the debate related with the issue.

4) Teacher explain about regulation of this debate.

5) The teacher lead them to have a good debating activity.

6) The teacher give appreciate about the debate process.

3. Post-teaching activity

1) The teacher conclude about the material have been learn.

2) The teacher conclude the conclusion

3) The teacher give homework for th students to describe the picture that the teacher give.



Speaking as a main skill of English should be able to master by students. This skill will give significant contribution for students in their life. Thus, to create the students which have might in this skill need a good collaboration between each aspect of education. There are many aspects which cause this skill can not develop and increase in students’ selve. One of factors is caused by teacher ignore this skill in teaching. So, students become passive in communication and make them be bored to learn English.

Creating an interesting learning in speaking class is a way to help student to increase their ability in the skill. It can be done by using an appropriate teaching strategy as like Gallery Walk Strategy and Stick Debate Strategy in the classroom. This strategy help students to work together in a group and can improve their opinion, argumentation, ideas into the group discussion and then they also learn about social skill in the environment. In addition, this skill also make a good atmosphere in the classroom.

Thus, teaching speaking by using Gallery Walk Strategy and Stick Debate Strategy is a good way to create interesting students to learn Speaking English. Because students become enjoy and comfortable when they are learning in the classroom. When the students comfortable in learning speaking, they will be challenge to do better than before. It will give influence to their ability and achievement. So that, what the curriculum demand will be reached and students can be active in English communication.


Based on description of conclution above, the writer would like to gives some suggestions. First, Gallery Walk can be use as brinstorming in teaching learning process.

Second, the teacher can be used Stick Debate Strategy to improve students ability in speaking class. Thus, in teaching learning process especialy in speaking class the teacher can combine Gallery Walk Strategy with Stick Debate Strategy.


Akrill, Dominique.et al. 2004. Teaching Strategies and Approaches for Pupils with Special Educational Needs: A Scoping Study. Norwich : Queens Printer.

Bowers, Erica and Laura Keisler. 2011.

Building Academic Language through Content-Area Text. Huntington Beach:

Shell Education Publishing.inc.

Eller, John and Seila Eller. 2009. Creative Strategy to Transtform School Culture.

United States of America: Corwin.

Kayi, Hayriye. 2006. Teaching Speaking:

Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second

Language.http://iteslj.org/Article/Kayi- Teaching Speaking.html. Vol. XII.

Retrived on 11 November 2006.

Richards, Jack C and Willy A. Renandya.

Methodology Language Teaching An Anthology of Current Practice.

America: Chambridge University Press.


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