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It is the skills of the students when they are able making sounds, words, phrases, and discourse forms that characterize any language so that created the interactive of communication

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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "It is the skills of the students when they are able making sounds, words, phrases, and discourse forms that characterize any language so that created the interactive of communication"


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These are the skills of the students when they are able to make sounds, words, phrases and discourse forms that characterize any language, so that the interactive communication is created. Last but not least, I hope that the result of the research beneficial or contribution in the teaching of learning activity of English Language in SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung.

Background of the Study

So the students feel so difficult to get the material given by the teacher. So, based on the pre-survey data in the ninth grade of SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung, the researcher found that students still face many problems, among the obvious problems in speaking such as speaking slowly, taking a long time to compose sentences , unable to. take an active part in the conversation, spoken English does not sound natural, poor grammar and poor pronunciation.

Limitation of the Research

Problem Formulation

  • Objectives of the Study
  • Benefit of study a. For the student
  • Speaking Performance
  • Reporter Simulation Technique
  • Reporter
  • The Aspect of Public Speaking on Reporter 1. Speaking and Listening
  • Technique

The result of the research is expected to make a positive contribution to students in improving their speaking performance by using the reporter simulation technique in teaching English in the classroom. There are several techniques that can be used by the teacher in the classroom teaching process.

Action Hypothesis

Although this desire is not always feasible, there are other ways. in which the learning environment can be modified to resemble that proposed in the simulation, such as:. This section deals with the research method used in this writing, it explores: operational variable definition, research setting and object, research procedure, data collection technique, research instrument, data analysis technique and indicator of success.

Operational Definition of Variables

Independent Variable

In addition, the indicator of this variable is the students of SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung in the academic year 2018/2019 can think spontaneously and creatively in the simulation.

Dependent Variable

Setting of The Research

Subject of The Research

Research Procedure


Before carrying out the research, the researcher explains what, why, where, who and how to act20.



Meanwhile, the subject of this research is the speaking performance of students at Nine Graders SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung.

Data Collection Technique



The Field Note

Instrument of The Research

Instrument blueprint in this research is an illustration of the test consisting of the indication of each variable. The students must be able to speak spontaneously and creatively in front of the class to complete the report. Participant observation carried out by people who are actively involved in the process of implementing the action.

Observational methods used to collect data through systematic observation and recording of activities. Thus, this method is made by the researchers come to live in the process of implementing learning to teach class IX B SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung. Based on the above statement, it is understood that the documentation method is a method of collecting data by researching objects in the documents such as book legger, ledger and other student's values.

This method is used as a method of investigation to obtain da about the curriculum, standards and basic competencies in the syllabus, the work of student, student worksheet and learning implementation plan. In addition, the method of documentation is also used to document learning activities using the reporter simulation technique in English learning subject class IX B SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung.

Instrument Calibration

In order for the data to be reliable, the instrument being tested must be of good quality. Content validity refers to the relevance of the instrument or averaging strategy to the construct being targeted24. Therefore, the author uses content validity based on the syllabus and materials with the ninth grade students of SMP PGRI Sekampung in the academic year 2018/2019.

Data Analysis Technique

The minimum cycle in CAR (Classroom Research) is two cycles; if all students have been successful since cycle II, the cycle can only be stopped until cycle II.

The Indicator of Success

RESULT OF THE RESEARCH 1. Description of Research Location

Since SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung was established, SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung has been guided by the following principles. SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung realization was that the educational institute under the YPLP PGRI Lampung is a quality to success program of nine years required to study for students to become virtuous. SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung strives to improve the quality of education and human resource development.

The effort to actualize students to be able to adapt to society with some of the basics of taqwa, excellent in sports and skilled in density. Status of Teacher and Official Employers at SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung in the academic year 2018/2019. Sa'azis Antomi, S.Pd Male English Teacher Source: SMP Sekampung 2 Sekampung documentation result on 07 February 2019.

Table  The Students Quantity of SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung in The  Academic Year of 2018/2019
Table The Students Quantity of SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung in The Academic Year of 2018/2019

Description Of The Result

Cycle 1

It was opened by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and introducing the researcher as a new teacher to the students by the lord. asked the condition of the students. During this meeting, the teacher also gave the tips and tricks in speaking activities to help the students' problem that they often faced.

At the end of the meeting, the researcher closed it with motivation and gave the students the spirit to learn and practice more in speaking. In this meeting, it started with prayer together, and then the teacher checked the presence of the students and asked about the condition of the students. Second, after the students understood a little about what the reporter simulation technique is, then the researcher divides them into four groups to discuss their experiences.

Although the researcher had explained and used reporter simulation technique, the students were still not confident and had difficulty speaking up in front of the class. In the second meeting, the students began to be active and interested in speaking and the learning process.

Cycle 2

The students watched seriously, and then the students practice this reporter simulation in a group as a post-test. The second, the researcher asked the students if there was a question about what the students did not understand and there are many students who ask about the trick to make a practice story, then the researcher gave an exercise, make a story reasercher divide them as a small group and each group consists of four students to discuss their experiences. During this meeting, most of the students were able to talk well about the subject, and their self-confidence also increased considerably. This is evident from the result of the post-test II.

The researcher explained the material on reporter simulation and also provided treatment, games, tips and tricks, vocabulary and expressions which can be easily used to improve students' speaking performance. It was expected to help the students to get the different way, method and technique to improve their speaking. In this phase, students are more active and enthusiastic in following the teaching learning process.

The state of the class became better than before, the students listened to the teacher's explanation and did not make noise in learning activities. The students who were more active during discussion took place and the students were confident, the bravest to present and express their idea of ​​speaking English.


  • The Learning Result Cycle 1
  • Action and Learning Result Cycle II
  • Comparison of Score Pre-teat, Post-test I and Post-tst II
  • The Result of Students Learning Activeties in Cycle I and Cycle II The students learning activities data was gotten from the whole

In addition, the researcher analyzed the result of the post-test II and found that 26 students (92.9%) passed the test because they scored  70. From the result of the students in the post-test II, it could be concluded that there was an improvement results. In the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, the total number of students who scored.

Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it was known that there was a positive significant improvement in the students' scores. Based on the data table 22 above, the researcher measured the frequency of pre-test, post-test I, post-test II results as follows. The researcher graphed the results of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II as follows.

The Comparison of The Percentage of the Student Completion Score at Pretest Posttest I and Posttest II. This is supported by the improvement of the score of the students from pre-test to post-test I and post-test I to post-test II.


Based on the result of the learning process over two cycles, the researcher wants to describe the conclusion that the students' speaking performance can be increased by applying reporter simulation technique in learning process. The process in this technique made the students more active and enthusiastic during the teaching learning process so that it made the students easier to tell the reporter in front of the class so that it could improve students' speaking performance. This Classroom Action Research was successfully seen as an indicator of success, as 92.9% or 26 of the total students already passed the criteria with the minimum  70% score at least 70, consequently the cycle could not be completed in the next does not become cycle.


Hayriye Kayi, Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language, Internet TESL Journal, Vol. Natasa Intihar Klancar, Developing Speaking Skills in the Young Learner Classroom, Internet TESL Journal, Vol.


Basic competencies

Competency Achievement Indicators

Learning objectives

Basic material

Learning Methods / Techniques

Learning Strategies

Stimulate the provision of functional verbal short text material in the form of an obituary with a speech act: remembering certain events. Discuss with the class materials (Books: English teaching materials on the speech act: getting acquainted, meeting, and separating. Allow students to communicate orally or present a variety of functional narration with a short form of speech act. Death announcement: remember certain events.

Introduce students to a variety of functional spoken texts with a short form of the speech act Death announcement: remember certain events. Give feedback to students by giving verbal reinforcement in the form of a student who was able to complete the task. Provide students who lack motivation and have not been able to follow the functional form of the text-to-speech speech act in a short matter.

Students have to make a summary of the material in the form of a short functional text uttered by the speech act Death announcement: remember certain events. Students are given a homework assignment (PR) related to a functional verbal short text material in the form of Speech Act Death Notice: Remembering Certain Events.

Table of The Result Score of Student’s Speaking Performance Pre-test
Table of The Result Score of Student’s Speaking Performance Pre-test

The Researcher give explaination how important speaking in daily activities

The Researcher command the students to make some group

The Researcher gives a task to meansure the students skill about materials

The Researcher gives an explaination about Reporter Simulation

The Researcher guided the students to do the task

The research gives chance for students to ask about the material

The students tells in front of class


Table  The Students Quantity of SMP PGRI 2 Sekampung in The  Academic Year of 2018/2019
Table of The Result Score of Student’s Speaking Performance Pre-test
Table of The Students Speaking Performance Post-test 1 Result of Cycle 1
Table of the Result of Students Observation Sheet in Cycle 1


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